PROVINCIAL, F?.37I:13I.L LI3?.-!, l IRRA' I 152 ' vis ;:::!, 3, c. r?IA. B. DISPATCHED . T onr.iF.s DRUGS still Daily Delivery , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAN NEWSPAPER PHONE 81; V CABS Published at Conada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' mi VOL. XXXIX, NO. 167 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS rufifi)B)ln) Asks a n ii c Fair Dig i ,ct Meets Strategy of the North Pacific. . . Ten Billion Dollars Sought For Fight Upon A33ression m May CIA " "TrJ p Korea is ir Lift WASHINGTON, T).C, (CP) President Truman today asked Congress for a ten billion dollar program to provide men and materials for the Korean fighting and to guard against armed aggression elsewhere, i He asked that all limits on the size of the armed ( forces be lifted and for the calling of national guard.s- I , men and reserves if needed.' WII&Wu jyj f. A squadron oi U'iWViX NORTH AMSKIUA iSsJ siUwwMl'feif UisiiMi'ii'l TRUMAN TONIGHT judian Air Force planes umed over to the United !or trans-Pacific air lift ASr5! ii u.$.A.!i i .. ! J i WASHINGTON President rag Korea, It wan incli- i Mr. Truman warned that the ! free nations must guard asnmst the possibility of Communist attacks elsewhere in the world JAPAN iay. il announcement is ex- f O.I. OIKNCI ZONI S j and cautioned against hopes for , Tiiuti. it t V MClflC 1 0CtAH Will Buy In Canada I OTTAWA Kfi Government ! tiade and economic expert were of the opinion . that nl later today following ,ig of the cabinet. He Mpected to announce a quick Korean victory. "The attack upon the Republic of Korea," the President said, "makes It plain beyon.l an douht that the international Communist movement is prepared to use armed Invasion to ming of the Canadian flees. Truman will speak on ihe i Korean crisis and make recom- j mendations for emergency I measures in a radio address ! ton iff ht at 7.30 P.M. His i ' speech will be parried c.-i both I networks of the C.B.C. as well as oh four American network!!. RUSSIANS ADVISING TOKYO Russian officers have been with the Northern . Korea forces since the inva-si' of the south, according to an authoritative report received here. There are between ten and twenty, acting in an advisory way, and not as loyal Canadian Air Force rt squadron to go is No. conquer Independent nations. President Truman's proposed $10,000,000,000 aid - to - Korea program will materially stimu d at Dorval airport, near Along with new military measures, the President proposed a partial home front i It flK eight North m and each can carry I six tons. btaics ;unsciiction. A year ago American troops evacuated South Korea and this area lsnow the scene of civil war, directly threatened by 8oviet-sponsored Communism, which, unless checked, might become a threat to the Japanese Islands. J Should the conflict on parallel 38 develop Into wider hostilities. United States air forces based in Japan could stem at source Soviet sea and air attack on the American continent. But Joss to the United States of an Asiatic foothold would mean withdrawal to Alaska and the Aleutians, thus losing also the advantages of short-range tactics and a possible outflanking movement northwards from Japan. The map shows the strategic importance, both to the United States and the U.S.8 R., of Japan and South Korea. Soviet post-war expansion, at the expense of China. Manchuria, and Japan, has changed the geopolitical and economic aspect of the whole Far East, including the strategic defence of nations bordering the Pacific Ocean. " The coast of Asta, from the Arctic to the Hima-layas Is now Communist-controlled, except tor the Achilles heel of South Korea. The Soviet Far East war potential has been Increaied by air and submarine bases on Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands, naval installations at Port Arthur, and the development of shipbuilding and marine industries on the Amur River. North American defence is based in the Pacific on a line that connects the Philippines. Ryukyu Islands. Japan. Aleutians and Alaska. Other Pacific Islands previously mandated to Japan are also under United kbinet is also understood liderlng plans to hasten Auction. mobilization. There will be no price controls or rationing now, the President said. He said, however, that a sharp tax increase, together with other economic controls, was necessary to curb late arms purchase commitments In Canada. The i commitment now calls for purchasing by the United States of $25,000,000 worth of Canadian defence supplies. I Sabotage On is reaction to the United ppeal for Korean aid ;ed to be a meagre echo j inflation and help foot military wring American action combatants.. CANADIAN PLANES , OTTAWA - Canadian combat planes would be a welcome addition to the United States air force units in South Korea, it is believed here. About a dozen have been suggested. . tills. . ' "'.' There will be restraint on credit expansion for building. II mean Increased expeh-running into nilllons of Warship Seen Is Resumed j probably higher down payments Battle For Taejon rower ceilings may oe and less time to pay, and tiiere will be curbs put on Inventory LONDON Sabotage is seen u open the way lor a AMPHIBIOUS LANDINGS bv the Admiralty In mechanical ig drive for several thou- WASHINGTON Amohibi- cuticuiues wnicn were encuua- n lor Canada's military BASEBALL SCORES hoarding. .The purpose is to make more goods available for production, at defence materials. us units for the first time i ered .by tfie super-modern ni .thvr9M-ta& Jpf W. Cavendish off W. mi. th! f east of ScotlancT After the coast on the south coast of Korea. all effect, however, or. strengths 'totalling pf all three forces is Thousands Of Americans are Landed Amphibiously They are similar to what were used in the second great war. "foreign Domes were iouna m ' Ihe machinery the warship re-j turned to port for repairs. 4 to be spectacular. in ga first cabinet rrteet- QUICK RESPONSE Responding swiftly to Presit dent -Truman's call for action "without delay," the House of Representatives authorized $1.-222,500,000 of military aid to the free nations to combas communism abroad. Invasion Of Greece Seen .Warning Issued To United Natic.T! By Balkans Committee t LAKE SUCCESS Oi The United Nations committee on the Balkans warned today that the s morning, the Prime would make no n- The possibility of a well-! trained gang: of saboteurs being j active in the British Nary is j not ruled out vnt, but It was thouglu TODAY'S SCORE American League . ? Detroit 9, Boston 5 New York 12, St. Louis 1 Boston 12, Detroit 8 Cleveland 10, Philadelphia 2 Washington 5, Chicago 3 National League Cincinnati 1, New York 0 Boston 11, Pittsburgh 3 Chicago 5, Philadelphia 2 Philadelphia 8, Chicago 3 S. Louis 5, Brooklyn 3 Western International TOKYO (CP) Red artillery shells screamed into Taejon today in resumption of the western battle in the Korea conflict. Both Taejon, former city of 150,000, and an adjacent village were under North fire. Elements of the Korean Communist artillery United States 24th Division, which ought the Keds m n.ndstlll at the Kum River, t np micht be fort.hcomint, wther this afternoon, ibinet has been In con-n with the chlcfe of staffs lows. ! Minister Al iLakelse Lake Russian-led Comlnform may be planning an attack on Greece. Gecietaiy Oeneral Tyrgve Lie LESS STEEL FOR CARS, WASHINGTON The quantities of steel for manufacturing; cars for civilian purposes will be reduced. Just as much will be turned out, but more will be devoted to armament. There will be no reduction in shipments to Canada. BOMBS IN HARBORS SEATTLE The possibility of atomic bombs secreted r-iler water In Facific Coast harbors was suggested at the civilian defence conference in Seattle yesterday... Premier Johnson of B.C. is anions those present. Naval Reserve Head Is Coming 'I'Z In the course of a western in- spection tour. Capt. H. L. Quinn, Ottawa, direcHir of navM 'reserves for Canada, will arrive !n the city on August 5 and will spend five days here, according to word received by Lt. Cmdr. J. D. McRae, officer commanding, H.M.C.S. Chatham Capt Quinn Salmon TERRACE Hon. E. T, minister of lands and xirrived here at the week Victim Assault are still holding the city. Earlier thousands of fresh trnlted States Infantrymen were plunged Into the war on other Iionta. ' Is Siill Slow Spokane 7, Tacoma 2 Wenatchee 7, Victoria 6 Yakima 12, Salem 4 Vancouver-Trl-Clty, rain Pacific Coast L03 Angeles 2, Sacramento 1 (ten innings. advised member countries tnai tiie United Nations Balkans committee, with events in Korea a; an example, reported Communist propasanda attacks on npn-Communust Greek government might well be a Cover-up for invasion plans. . . end and is spending a few days al his summer home at Lakelse Lake before proceeding Friday) or, o trin . tn the Feaf.e River i r Trine Riiprrt Man Salmon fishing in local waters remains slow with catches on the Skeena yesterday averaging 33. No aven;es for the Naas Tainful Assault wiu accompanied by the as-agaln country. He will be back here i before leaving about thesistant airtor ot naval reserves. f .,Cf w o Mn tn Capt. Quinn is no utrangerito Oakland 7, Portland t ' H'i)jwood 10, Seattle 2 ; t San Dieo 7, San Francisco 1 : He lived her' as tho TTnitpH Kineriom and Scan- rrmce Kupert. BACK GOVERNMENT FOREIGN POLICY matter of fact. Mo,Hr, nnntriM with c. D. ' a boy and, as General MacArthur s head- ; auart"-s aleo announced that ; the 25th (lightning t division has gone to the battle area I First information did not make V, Hear whether it was put j for:e.l ashore by an amphibious One of the new divisions j presumably the 25th-was known to have hit the Com-, ' munisU already. , J i The, force was assembled anil : . Orchard, deputy minister cf first became identified with Th.e forests, and H. R. MacMillan, navy as a r?tlnc with the old, pioneer of Trlncc siid fnr several years rest Snnhnmlsh. returned ri,y at the end of the ,r rev-citation but met I unexprrKt and painful 'n He Is suffering from lf,ure In two places, one 1 -n "mpmmqsm 1 Ihe prominent British Columbia oyai uansaiar wavai voiunteei have been received. However, ! Smiths Inlet, with 120 to th? boat, and Rivers Inlet, with 77., make a better showing. ) Meanwhile, selncra In Whaloj Channel are averaging only ISO tc the boat with 100 of them j pinks. . ' Keserve nere 501 REDS ARRESTED BERLIN-yWest Berlin police last night arrested about 500 Communists who came Into Berlin Irom the Russian see-tor to collect signatures for a so-mllei' Stockholm "peace resolution." timber operator. ' Occasion of Mr. Kenney's Donald McLeod sails this after- battle lone ; r"ln and the other near transported to the !Jsit was taken for the holdin3noon on the princess Louis- tee j of a Masonic picnic at his place Vancouver on the first leg of a nl'!e. as a result, of nn In only ten days. ort Sunday xind there were about ' n aftrr his arrival He 1 The aaiphibious landing came l-avc this afternoon as Allied p'.aneg struck far and "me of his fripnrti Mr wide, heaping heavy damage on journey to Oreat Britain. He sails from Montreal July 28 on the Empress of France. s;xty visitors out. Mrs. Kenney and son, Ed ' ward, are at Lakelse for th' I season. TODAY'S STOCKS : rS A. o. Johnson, Seventh the North Korean supply hnes. ' East, after havlnc be-r. Pack anima,s .Were ?H (I'mii-tesv f JiihiiRton Co. Ltfl.) Pi'al Since RatnrHnv Pn.f S WlWS.' .ma""Z " th- occurred. that alr. T Commune gaso , .- Mr,. Johmmrl h9f imt IHE WhATHLR Synopsis Cloudy skies and rain showers are general over all but thu coastal regions of British Columbia today. This unsettled weather is an aftermath of the disturbance which rushed over the pro- Vancouver Bavonne P-a'orne - Cnrlboo Qi; irU Herilev Mascot - T ,T1 haV,'n,! opposed .jrt Pohang. a little port h th h"ir friends wher , Jh flmUe8 north of Pusan, Wled to tell him thu! i ......j .,,nnlv BFatile .y Bcvcor.rt Bo'ojo - Buffalo Canadian ...... Consol. Smelters .02Mj 700 1.07 .29 r i noriani uiuieu uuft"j r hflcl b"en broken Into by Nehru Again Admission . Of China Sought base on the southeast coast. nm? of a window. Mr ' , ill , t n I It was the first amphlbto-u nm-rniinn nf the conflict and Pend Oreille 6-50 2 35 Pioneer Prrmlpr Border 02'2 h Immediately went out jvhnce yesterday causing thunder (storms in all sections. The .showers will continue in the in-i terior most of the day but clear- 9 COLDWELL ; DREW SASKATOON Speaking here ""ssed a man whd was "K nearby with his (Mr. "nsi Mat in his hands and OTTAWA 0 U. J. Coldwell. national C.C.F. leader, said last inmttxs mff snou'd take place overnight. throws thousands of f r cus h U-oops into the Korean battle zone. The cavalry division plied ashore unopposed yesterday in the seaborne landing on enemy ioct ntnht. Prncressive-Canserv- WASHINGTON f I me exception win De the north night his .party fully supports ; - ""v. going throuch pnpeis Prime Minister Nehru today re the action taken by the United ' - " wra ,ftr He saw an early resumption of a bi- nremonsuatlng. Mr. John- territory. The new United States div could be ada on which OpposlUon said his party's position stated. "It Is full partisan foreign policy in Can very ' simply !l!lT: m t.akP hv and the government would work r.ewed his proposal to bring l"- wuM ra Communist China into the expected to develop overnight ! United Nations as a step toward i "is region comes under the. in-rolvlng the Korean crisis. ifluence of another disturbance j In a new note to State Secre-1 approaching from Alaska. Tem-' tary Acheson, the Indian leader iperafures will be much cooler In j . v. . nmfcsinM ev9 rpfrlntia tnrlav hut. thpre ,s "uek on the Jaw He lately assisted back louse. Privateer 13 Reeves McDonald ...... 2.80 3 Reno Sheep Creek - Silbak Premier 30 Taku River 05 Vananda -13 Salmon Gold 04 Silver Standard, 1 65 Western Uranium 86 Oils Anglo Canadian 4-o Aon A. P. Con , -3(i Atlantic 2A Calmont -43 together. ision will lift some of the fight-in; burden from the American 2Hh Division. At Pohang cavalry roared inland seven miles or more with P. police hnrf Wn there was al- Mr. Drew said evidence of the govern-; ready demanded by snould a general hlgh tomor. Sr SSd l paPr-H"fsia. would not be en-; row as the sunny weather pre- Conwest . ..:v.. L14 Donaldi - v -- -41 Eldona - -24 Vi East Sullivan 8.45 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 6.65 God's Lake -23 Hardrock ... v -34 Harricana 07V2 Hosco : 08 jacknlfe -n( Joliet Quebec 43 Lake Rowan 08 Lynx 25 Mariseh Red Lake . 2.15 McKenzle Red Lake . .40 McLeod Cockshutt... 2.30 Moneta 2G Negus , 100 Nonnda 65.00 Louvlcourt -14 Pickle Crow .. 1-89 Resrcourt 05 San Antonio 2.45 Senator Rouyn 22 ; Shcrrit Oordon 1-80 Steep Rock - 3.00 Silver Miller 77 Upper Canada 2.00 out meettns the Communists. Number of men landed was a military secret. anl tmk into custody a ';no " to have been ilant, llso" Purges Dixon appear-tv Po'lee court charged ' nJ and was remanded Johnson Is sufficients ready to give the fullest possible , cooperation in defence matters and against Communism. said that In making this ap-1 Forecast preach to the United States and , North Coast Region Cloudy Russia, India was seeking to j With sunny Intervals today. Central Leduc ,J 1350 Home Oil the United Nations, full support tor the principle of collective security, and our readiness to carry our support of that principle into all lt may involve." ANOTHER CLOSE ONE LONDON The tovermment yesterday survived another motion of censure by the Conservatives this time by nine votes. The vote came on the Conservative challenge to the government's 35,000,000 pound East African peanut growing scheme. , "strengthen the United Nations cloudy with showers overnight .10V4 Mercury lh resisting aggression." uc aoie to appear land tomorrow. Little change in OkalU . '- i-4 irt as a Witness. 5.85 1 M NEW FRASER BRIDGE VICTORIA An order-in-council, passed today, author-lied the construction of a new Sl.500.000 toll bridge across ... ' Nehru's second note was hi ! temperature. Winds light west-I response to Acheson's rejection jerly today and southerly (15 of the idea of seating Com- m.p.h.) tomorrow. Lows tonight "uer. nhn v.. k i .52 . .07 11.00 ouVer Thursday, July 20, 1950 n vacation, arrived the Prinnn O A. on munist China now as a pre- ana nigns tomorrow t Pacific Pete ......... Princess Royal Canadian ... Koyuiltc. Toronto Athona Aumaqtie " the somm he visited w'ier at iv . .09 the Fraser River between ! jlminary to possible settlement J Hardy 52 and 62, sanctspu ana Rosedale and Agassi. J through the security council. ! Prince Rupert, 48 and 58. High 4:26 , IH. iee 17:08 191 feet Low ! 10:49 - 4.0 feet 23:19 6.1 feet .16 m i"4uuie sani-