,.i freighter . Tort Ross, which Is near 4m .old cannery linlr Mf-flnn Prince Rupert Daily News' Wednesday, July 19, 1950 site on Turks Inlpt TV, pill "Bill Owen, called In i ti.k' tnnrrilnir Z Ray Reflects ot be a calm somewhere on the taiu t - crest and, within . lt, .the name 11., It. hor and Reminisces of a party of rpioneers and th .(Guest Speaker Lerrnwn before going on date. It may be sUll there, but the chances are slim. The gales gkecna River to picic up ', or Her return trip to ,jier. and storms of. forty years can .do 1 A halibut vessel .with four .h us Terrace. Board of Trade lias -Ann rial .Strawberry JDinnrr bands .and lour wles put out ,a lot of wearing And tearing lrom s Prince , Runert for trip " .north, VWbafs the itg idea back ! Ut8t Ilom -8twart suggests a TRBAC-.;.D. McRae, M.L.A. .of it: all? 'Business pleasure ' state of Badness in thla redoubt-! Jor Prince Huprt,as theguest 1 last Friday night at the sight-seeing, picture-taking, Mi- aWe eair'P hut ihere's vnothlng . ..u.i . -u- ,i , ! sumrkine in '-this. 'Times ae .annual strawberry .aoclal dinner if.- -V- , - 4 i A -te i Hudson Bay i Blankets ! Vorld Famous for Appearance and Durability. In Plain and Pastel Shades. . " Stocked by teser and Payne ting, siFjUuuiB 'W wiinv. iittfr yuu ' " ' i - . , v , , . , , , : ;Ys. there .must be something 1 always pretty fair in Atewart.and theTerraee.and District Bcrd , this eea auv alter .all. 1 ; -r" :v v roruana uanai. i Disappoint f " v""p ,and 1 review of the menta do not sour or discourage. -interesting Dan Mann's railway just an tlast of the ; Legislature nd da,t lWlta mny ma"s f incident. There used to be news- ' President iTruman has been jnntual interest between Skeena asuea w.rjijue.B. uuuuii uuuurs , h - w.il . W CRACKLE.' ifOP- nd plan a century campaign stewart was never Jtncwrn to feel And hla n "ng of Prince Ru gamst communism, Oh, well- blue but .to -ex- -The dinner .was , presided over .in mis swage . ,oi wur.u juIHcy, 'pialn.any number .of times VJust (anything -beyond a billion doesn't .. . walt m fQU m nexi year niatler .much one way or the in . ,ilT by C.iJ. Norrirmton, president of the .Terrace and. District Board ocal Reservists A. K. Johnston. . The trio will leave here August 14 for Halifax where they will jcin a group of vessels Including H.M.C.S. aircraft carried Magnif- To Visit Europe -u'"r' J (ineKcaUavjte.oktiiBmf t-e-f:Tcaac'-a,d-tJlcrc -as-a4arse : big hotel dining room inrPriuee W.endance. ' Whatever patch of snow that Rupert. 'Onee, .a -former United Mr -McRae eomphmented the managed to stay late on Mount States : President -addressed .a Jocal board on their Active asso-Morse across the harbor should luncheon here. Mr.;TafU'was .hi jclation and -expressed his re-have by this time vanished. It's excellent form. and in cloae.toiu-h 'erets at the .absence' of E. ;T. melted, or been washed away, with current .affairs. He was, he Applewhail, M.P., who would -about , - .otherwise have been the aptkker. How many newcomers to Prince concluded, to return to Rupert go to the exertion of seal- shed Ahe.JUght.f hU JnteUigci.ee proceeded 4o give Web- mm Three naval reservists of H.M. icent and accompany?: des-; C.S. CUiatham here have been t,c- royers. Britain, Scalmavim (countries, Gibraltar art amona cepted for a three months' cruise ater's deiiuUlun of .a strawberry nig the peak? It's an easy climb on his 4uUow, countrymen. The anti- which sounded like anything but if you start at the right point, to United Klnrdom and western e,; cruise wiU European waters, including the submarine tactics. ' Baltic and Mediterranean, it is - Alter ,aU, although the Duke luscious red berry that had ten .and -enjoyed. I of JKarlborough owns .palace -n v J rrq 1 5i and all that, he Is human and inen louowen a ipw surusncs Just tlie same as anyone else. He of Terrace such as its 200 feet loaned the mansion of. Blenheim elevation, its 40-inch yearly pre- McRae, oilieer commanding H.M. C.S. Chatham . a 'for a charity dance a.id nearly clpitatlon and 32 days of frost. They are Able Seaman Archie McLeod, Ordinary Seaman S. A. 2fl00 attended. Next day he found stating it snouici Je economicauy costly hall carpets all but rumed und to produce fruit and veg-, Hamilton and Ordinary Seaman fANl? DISH... vViTVl i MORALS I by burning cigarettes, stains eiaDies lor vr.e mint nui. from spilled drinks all over th?imarket. which -last year, took in fruit -and W 04)00 in place and more damage e.se-110,000 u,h-r H fPlt snmcthina lii;e ! vegetables from this district. v y i cltnca ' i HAULED FROM BARREL Major Llpyd Hill, 31-year-old. Niagara j Falls riverman, is' hauled f com the steel barrel in which he i planned to go over the Horseshoe Falls on Sunday. Hill Was the occupant of a $50 flat who, " Mr. McRae detailed the rise of I throwing a party, is disappointed forestry operations with the i ll removed from the barrel and prevented from continuing over the cataract .alter it .was trapped in the under current-ot a small dam above the falls. ;The barrel continued the trip and was recovered in a battered condition. Hill plans to anake the trip at a later date. . .GP Photo) In her friends. coming of the coiumDia ueuuiose J which has already 300 or 400 em- jployees in fhis area. UMIVERHAL; FRANCHISE J The B. C. government was Voting Is compulsory in Vene- keeping in step with this prog- kiiuiu.. th. iiui nf 91 and. rps.i. Forest, manaeement for 1 la: miJ8 4o'nd above . 65, the perpetuity of the timbet was ,also the B- C. Power Commis- it is optional. touched upon 'by the speaker s'on, hospital insurance, the Al- 'Teen Age Star Back To Stage iVBSBaSWBMBaillM Ti juminum company and the highways. He spoke of the future I devplnnmnt. r.f fhp Ponpa Riur I R. W. COLLINS ! Authoriird Dealer for '; ELECTROLUX I r ' i and natural gas, the production1 LONDON W Sally Ann J 11 fin , Howes, 'teen-age British film ;of which, he said, snould be en- star, Is going back to Repertory luu,a6CU " u,e Klyer ana Theatreto start all over again. VUl be residinc permanrntH ' in Prince - Kupert - Contact the above for all - Service requited and for tarts and Supplies snouia oe brougnt B into central i . ,. , , tv, ! After only one year's run, the B c .... .. Rank organization allowed tSi .. It was the fifth annual straw- QPtion on her 50,000 ($i55,t)00, berry social and was held in the seven-year contract to lapse, I.O.O.F. Hall. Attending were al- due to a financial crisis in the mcst 100 people several of whom , jiim industry, were from cut of town. , with ony one week.s stage Luscious strawberries from the r xperience, Sally hit the head- PHONE 451 riione today for a Free Dem natratiiin..of the .1350 .Model , farms Of Hamlin and Thomson lines as child star of "Thursday's ' and W. Appledorne were served, Child." Later she played hi j topped with quantities of whip- "Pink String and Sealing Wax" jped cream, -cake and cookies, and "The History of Mr. Polly.! This was the wtrk of the refresh- ; Aiter making "Honeymoon jment committee headed by E. S. Deferred" for an independent iEaraent a-nd .Dr.. K. JMcPhen-on company, Sally has no further 1 Skeli PH&MIL'M GoMlUel tbc mcMt powerful gasoline ' yor t caa Mae. It's Adialed -PHONE ,79 PHONE 79 'and assisted by 'Mrs. C J. Nor- Immediate film commitments.; i rington, JUrs. : H. Spencer, Mrs. ! "So I decided to start Jearnin j ! Osborne, Mrs. H. King, Mrs. Mc-'m" Job and the Dest wav to do fAdants, Mrs. Newhouser, Mrs. J. that seemed to be to start in fetevenson..MrGiraud,Mrs.Sar- ReP" said Sallv- the daughter !ot stae star Bobby Howes- gent, Mrs D. Kerr. . . , ... . .. I It's a long step down, but The strawberries followed the j downhearted. , Liquor Control Board or by the government This advertisement is nut publifvhet. or displiyed "by the of British Columbia ' i ' uvV ui a auum uuauieaa iiierimg .. o peop,e afe m the i 'iPresldent C.J.: Norrlngton in sanie boat," she says. "Yqu can't RIDE WITH PEiHEDS just sit and look sad." jtioducad each guest. and thanked I all who iiad made the evening , such a social success. SAY "I LOVE YOU FOREVER" THE. MOST BEAUTIFUL WAY with a DIAMOND RING SEE OlRt LOVELY SELECTION NOW! Goorce tGcok, JEWELLER . Bux U88 Classified Advertising Pays I a Letters of regret at their in-1 -nhihtv to. be present were read from E. T. Applwhalte' and dist ;.J-' Fenders Straightened By Experts!; Dontcd, crumpled fenders straighten up liket new, under the deft haiids of our technicians. ; DRIVE IN TOD.W rict engineer W. E.Bottomley. MAYONNAISE ' GIVES A 1 Classified ads bring results. HOURS Weekdays ...... -..'....i. ,9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays .. .12 Noon to 2 p.m. .7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THiRD AVENUI aigt flavour to SAD. ADS II Into well-beatrn rolkl of 2 M Kir 2 teaspoons of Oilman I mustara. I tpaspouo of salt. 1 waspooa or mgr. Add I tablespoons tuwAwed -moo juice. Add 1 to 2 nips salad oil gradually, beatinl coostantlr. 1 too thick to beat, add a little more lemon juice, then the remainder of oil. For free recipe book, "Culinary Art ". write to Reckitl Colman (Canada) Ltd., Station T., Montreal. YEDDIHG CAKES To guarantee the perfect finish -lug touch to the wedding, ordre 7$tZstJ3& :$m StoTams "V.O." $cagram;s "8V ' ' S tamtam's Crown Royal ta$TXnl$ .King's Plate .StagTCtrtJpceiai Old life your wedding cake from Made ta Order How is fh'e Time to Biiy K1DDIE5' RECORDS Rupert Bakery Ltd. l i This idvertisemtnt is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ByCHIC YOUNG LBLONDfFS PR03LHM CHILD BLONDIE GILL SCUBY A LARGE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S 7" PLASTIC RECORDS ! nu '. - i tiiimAUiimiiiiiruiiAiiii-. i ',iiiiiininiin- hiotl I "C I I III I i 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 L'"''""U 25c ond up Nursery Rhymes O Picture Records O Stories , Albums: O o 'fYm ) I fff HEAR THESE UNBREAKABLE RECORDS NOW AT 3tor .Eurs Now , i .Don't put off - sending furs to us. Each warm iday weakens your furs . . . makes' them prey to destructive moths. Call us now! . Low cost! I bx ia PHONE "974 S08 . SRD AVE.