it ? 5 7Z, Prince Unpcrt Daflj? I3etojJ Tuesday, November 22, 1949 INSULATE NOW! Basketball Time Table LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE Schedule for the Ladies Bowline Leaeue. First Quar 5J? ter is Announced as Follow 1919 - 50 SEASON Nov. 22 Rosa Lee vs Wrath- Nov. 22 Kinsmen vs. High , alls: Scuby's vs Wallace Phar p? J p jjjj School, Dom's vs. High School, North Star vs. Fashion. Brown- macy; G. & Anderson vs Unl- THE MODERN WAY TO SEAL OUT WINTER COLD and SUMMER HEAT USE FIBERGLAS Building Insulatlo: CALL 651 teers; Brownwoods vs Savoys; Seal Cove vs Annettes; Noble & Wick vs Stars. woods vs. HKsli Schooi. Nov. 26 Sea Cadets vs. Stones HlRh School vs. Boy Scouts, Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op vs Nor 24 Toilers vs Lucky Strikes; Variety vs Pin Heads: nrown woods. Ruoert Radlc vs Lyons; Plun ders vs Belrnont; Commercial Nov. 29 Kinsmen vs. Rupert Hotel, Peoples vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Hteh School vs. Kg vs Black Cats; Big Sisters vs ' r Boosters . .... jr-e- piiivv Thiel Enters Nov. 29 Boosters vs Annet Dec. 2- Ilir.h School vs. Peoples Exhlb,Kay-hl vs. Eo-Me-!Ir. Dec. 3 - Rupert Hotel v. High ih fiii i mini tes; Noble & Wick vs Savoy's; window also was smashed to obtain entry. A negligible amount of silver was tpiRcrj. In. that one. " ""' ' Last night's theft was discovered about 9:45 when Mi- Stars vs O. & Anderson; Ru- Downtown Store School. Exhlb.- Kay-hl vs. Bo- nert Radio vs Wallace Pharm & Co. Ltd. Me-Hl. Dec. 6-- Stones vs. Kinsnift acy; Uniteers vs Wrathans: Sc.ihy's vs Brownwoods. Mr and Mrs jock Bamms. . . ... . A sneak thif. who smashed: iue' bookkeeping a window at the rear of McRae the mezzanine floor was opeh-Bros. store on Third Avenue , ecj for business, dunn? the night, got $30 for) j D. McRae reported to po-v,ia offnrt..: in the second Dettyiiioo that about $15 in pennies Dec. 1 Plungers vs Commer ;,11jik,R.N..SuiW- .. . , . . vs. Fashion, urownwoous vs uign who were recenuy marrieu in School , cial; Big Sisters vs Belmont; 1 h. Ci-orgr V.llfirtf Vtjiti, Vr mi, lit.- iCruss Outpost Hos- the south, are at present visit "Did you put the cat out?" ?an. fil. Dee. 10 Boy Scouts vs. Sea Rosa Lee vs Black Cats; Variety vs Lyons; Toilers vs Seal Cove; Lucky Strikes vs Pin Heads downtown robbery . in little and an equal amount In silver lng the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bunting at Terrace. more than a week. ;was missing. CiideU, HiKh School vs. Stones. (picked up from a Mukden ra A H. Tavkrt"nd ., Terrace recently on :rtisln?c1utiPS. Duniiiww and child-H-.iKTt were gueats w ai Terrace re- Circumstances surrounding Corporal r'tn broadcast veSterdav. th Jack White inime- Dec. 6 Noble & Wick vs Scuby's; Rupert Radio vs Brown- Constables last nisht's and at the Daily Department of State said. Decision In Ward Case News ten days ago when a rear ' diately began an investigation. woods: Variety v s Wallace Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op vs. Biuwis woods. Dc. 13 Boy Scouts vs. Kinsmen, Peoples vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants Hifch School vs Advertise in tne Dally News! you 8aw It in The Newat i r ... There ' has beerr no direct word from Ward himself since he and four members of his Pharmacy; Stars vs wrarnaus; Big Sisters vs Commercial; Annettes vs Belmonts. Dec 8 Lucky StriKes vs Seal Cove: Boosters vs Toilers; Co-op. HARD lUE&UeOtKTO consulate staff at Mukren were Jailed October 24, ostensibly for WASHINGTON IF The United States received an Indirect report today thai the Chinese Dec. 17 Kinsmen vs. Sea Cad a ets, Boy Scouts vs. Rupert Hotel beating up a Chinese- Communist. .... North Star vs. Fashion, Brown- Black Cats vs Uniteers; G. &j Anderson vs Savoy's; Plungers FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 2i 222 Second Ave. woods vs. Bo-Me-Hi. vs Rosa Lee; Pin Heads vs Ly- Communist People's Court expects to reach a flnal decision "in a matter of days" on the ease of Consul General Angus Ward. The report came from a W. C. Osbfirne of Terrace ar I Dc. 20 -Sea Cadets vs. Illtfi School. High School vs. Peoples. ons. rived hi the city this morning by car and sailed on the Coquitlam Merchants vs. North Star, Co-op Charles Lewis of Butedale, Chinese newspaper. It was oh a business trip to Vancouver. vs. ?iovnwoods sailed this afternoon on the Coouitlam for a trip to 'Vancou ver. doq'S to jr$f v On the farm or wherever a SEALED TENDERS Bddresd to tbe undt-rW, and ?Z?Z touh wear-reststlnj Work 1 ' ?V "HUSION Y wit I - CMAACI l0rW Nourish every Inch with GAINES Boot ia needed, Leckiea . h rrfivpl until prove their worth. Theat 3 00 p m . wedndy Oeii a huskv. ru listed boots "tort, Dtay Wand. I at D-x.Be Cove. Black expertly trailt ftlve lonj To win your iloa lirart nourUh erery (ml (.aine! kennel-tested - Liologi-Kime nutrition. Save dollar! B. C . .nnirat end , Oil Grain service lack nothing in rSkookum" Work Bool comfort. If you've Work boot to buy, aee your Leckle dealer fbi CWer Engineer. Department of r pt SSic" Bunding Nw Westmtr . at OfHcw Post B c. and at the Vancouver and Vic- Prmce Rupert. ' ! lrto f- limn any ether lyjte. A 5-Hi. hag Into 12 lb, of realv-1o-oat fl. So eaiy to feed! miv(,ain. willi water oup. milk or gravy), mrtv: Irv C A INKS KIU MHON. uliirli is - Mrjl n.mprriweil into ertinehy Iiie-i.e tor'a- B .rj. .,ti,.n to the Note upon CI",V :t. ,,n -.tsrtf QUALITY WORK BOOT! VHAllTr I Hgppy I ' aum oi "m. tn to the the payable ittfwd .cheque Why his love cidrr or tne -Works. The depoatt w.U ir;e Does a Beautiful Job and SAVES TIME and MONEY by Lasting Longer! Vra. men find Monacal i TOP lAUTV. ir WASHABLE. , alava beautiful longer, hirh mran l r ""' lower cost of ref i n islt i n Monaaeal t.CIVI.RS MOKE . . and col le than ay oinnralile finifh. will never fade! oft Wturn oi t" ", h trn AC Wli dog food oro told 2-lb S-lb. and 55-lb. bag specification wnnm Tenders of V tenders. the date of reception K not returned within that perioa JT 1 umn mm Each pooml contains Protein b in l'2 Hw. TendTrTwiUnot he conaidered un-,el made on prlnW auppUed and in by the Department conditions set forth ance with OP TASTV MEALS AT TH2 Rex Call e Chinese Dishes a Specialty !-f; carbohydrate) a in l'a 1'-rooked oatmeal; U a in 1 oz. butter ; minerals a in 1, ll. cheese ; ion in H. Iteef liver. Each tender must be accompanied idi t hanua ml A Ciltil tC. - Complete Meal for ALL Dogs by a ceruuru vv,. --- - 22 orrier oi .Qu(ll to l0 . ? '.--A I A Product of Gtrwrol foodt P1". .f .tl. .,,t of the ten- CHOP SUEY . j enow MEIN per cenv nf th. rjo- ";r.H nr .f the Can- I . - 7 r-rrzz ZrTthic YOUNG Z llliuu - 7" rr..i-Mnv ndian National k"i , Hnd its constituent; w" "J, ,..,, rrteed as to prln- .1 pNDlE The Last ordin Auioniy. I ..iiiiiiitiiiiiii in imm vmt- 1 ii'inil t llffTTs7! I Becond A.enue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. - Phone 173 for Outside Ordera e p j - v SS5"-rAS -e D j " ..ryi. I- --ii n we 1 THEv'peA i t yO( c-,V S 1 ft e J 1 ,'sv DONT ; L GOOD POP J tCw of Canada, or m- -; certified cheque if required bonds and a to make up an odd amount. By order, J M. SOMER VILLE . Secretary. Department of Public Works, y...u. N..vember 18. 1949. Gordon & Anderson 7 I1-1 1.-. 1.7. iTI 1 MAJT.- I I i. I .'. I i--wt n 1:1 n Ml I fi.4..,. f r fy"1 lajBimif t.-v m Just arrived, shipment of new CUMMINS DIESELS and SIMPLEX GAS engines. Boat owners and parties interested are invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS I I .i i" n liizzara Hizara; : i )l jxr.t r.z7:,zm i !ir Tl i U- mm- n .-.. i ar ... 1 ' twagriiyiMiii mw; Y( -Hr " po. i J ) v- ' ( HOV MUCH v j A AND HOW S ( i'-Y , ' . A ' iaTOmL Siv feTv2fr dosv sail ) ! W j iff H ar -w i i a f it - -f" tv jnHn i; . . - mmmm School for Tomorrow The newspaper boy .... the bcry who delivers your' papers .... is a. typical Canadian boy. He is the business man of tomorrow. And as carrier, ne learns those lessons VANCOUVER VICTORIA which will prepare him for a successful future. ; on a famous PRINCESS STEAMER For nexclld ccommodlio, fin food,courteourvictnd thoroush-y lunutioul trip, ttavtl South by on ol (hat vi-popul PtlnctM Mp. Prince Rupert Sailings Southbound Wednesday, Nov. 30 Saturday, Dec. 10 Wednesday, Dec. 21 For Information and reservations contact II . II. Davies General Agent Carrier Competition -4 .t Your Service ipsirn w in r P n V ' I I PLEASE? H ' V - V (fil-tftJ Starting on October 3 the Dally News is sponsoring a carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many other valuable caih. prizes. The boys will be awarded pota J m i l1.lltt-w AriH TfW SEATTLE Tuesday 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday.' 9 pm., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SFMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. for soirrii queen CnARLOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 18 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prlnee RuDert Agent for obtaining new subscribers xor aepenHj efficiency in collections. So any help that you can give your he in turn will try :arrier will be appreciated by him and to the utmost of his his customer So serve you ' ability. . . . Thtrrt Avenue ' Phone 77"