Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 18, 1950 A new 10-mile highway between . COUilCLS 1-OPUlvAlX un. Cuiu.y Caracas and La Guaira, School Inspector Talks HALIFAX (h More than 375 high school for three-year courses Venezuela, will Include a tunnel students have enrolled at the in 11 Industrial trades, home II If U-'.n ,1 7000 feet long. r'"miS worn ,;, About Modern Teaching "''M At Borden Street School Parent-Teacher Association monthly meeting last evening, the speaker was School Inspector S. Graham who talked informally on present-day methods and teachers. There always had been criticism of the kind of pupils the schools turn out. Every generation took its turn be w wailing the poor grade of Instruction but a realistic, survey Frao rnlniirpr! riit.nnt rnrtonc thof make 'V method. The discussion was lively and informative. The Interchange of ideas was beneficial. big trains or make-believe modern kitchens Terrace Disaster TERRACE The Red Cros. local Disaster Committee was showed that pupils of twenty years ago could not spell perfectly, he said, and Indeed were not better taught than they are today. In any case the most important factor . was the teacher and in every case the teacher was one who did his or her work with all ' sincerity and honesty of purpose. Most of the, critics are not members of the parent-teacher association, he said, and therefore, speak with a limited and one-sided view. The value of the parent-teacher organization was indeed very real and the movement . an asset In. every school where it functions. Other items in the program were violin solos by Jeanette Informed by wire on Friday af- I ternoon that the main business-spction and Red Cross Outpost Hospital in Terrace had been J destroyed by flie and five thousand people were homeless. 1 This was the message that had been awaited to start "Operation i Merc y." Disaster committee , chairman, Morris Wlghtman, cal-1 led his committee chairmen to, headquarters at the police sta-1 Sparks, pupil .of Mrs. C. Anderson, who accompanied the young Hon and "Operation Mercy" be- gan In theory with Constable Wilson doing the practical work In sending messages south in code. ; ' ! In theory, people were transported to the Civic Centre where the bowling alleys, being heated, were used as a hospital. Tho An rifCWIC RANK n.Vne performer. . Mrs. P, Logan, pro-, gram convener,, read- two. Inter esting poems and also conducted contests which added to the.en-joyment of the evening. ' . 'I Mrs. A.' J. Dominato was in the chair. Reports were given of the parent-teacrjer couhcU, the film council, the . music and drama committee and other aspects of the association's work. -Membership will be renewed In trie city film council. J. 8. Wilson referred to the meeting the principals had had with representatives of the Kinsmen Club relative ' to Hallowe'en observance. Tickets would be handled through the schools. Mr, Wilson said he felt transportation was in charge of . a taxi service. A list of supplies was sent to Vancouver head-i quarters by wireless by Constable 1 Wilson. ,The committee were.' working on the assumption that 500 people had to be cared , for m umm v mvanavaa ji w YOU more leisure fmel More time for other thin km Imthiim- you cook niilmiialic ally hen you have an rlrrlrie raiife. You have rxartly , the heat you require, aiitoniHtirally cimlrnll.'d . . .anil it" all kept in the ranpe . . . none to heat up tln kildwn. , It gives yu better ook-r, more luitritioiiH, mure damur- fill fiMMl. Then, too, your range, your jmiIh and aiiK,are ' no easy to clean . . . drop in and iiiH'ct the l;itt-M iixhIcU, frtP Have Mel PeekeVout was in charge! dertaking a big Job that was Jamas, while Dr. Mills and Dr.' May gave the list of medical i supplies and disinfectants, whole I blood and plasma needed. Every-1 thing went smoothly and "Oper- really the responsibility of, the parents. It was up to the parents to see that their children celebrated Hallowe'en, sensibly. The club was entitltd to the full support of all parents and citizens. 8. A. Cheeseman was named as a member of the P.T-A. council safety committee. r Wo Scope, fi gg SSSlS l !,-out carton, n,w. jg nSl iSll IfiV 1 MM H. J. HEINZ COMPANY Of CANADA ITO. j yg d Vl Pta Mnd FREE, th foHowmg mpry cut-eut eortoni, for which I MtleM ( I ' Hcint Soup lcbla. S4 4 labH from any vorttty of Hmt Soup for toert carton COnClCilSCd Glocomotlv and FroiaM Cor C Rat Cor and CabooM - I D$tov and Sink Unit r Kef tigt atr and Cupboard i'ftA) cfc whltlt carton or cortont yow wiih. OOrS rHzEEEErEzzzz::: I auon Mercy was successfully concluded in Terrace. BRONCHITIS An interesting discussion tooki place regarding the teaching of Ur .. . . . , , ., . , . z... a your bronchial (ubrn an- full of reading in primary grades. Dif- tnnmt phirgm, tamci imi.i-ton'. ferent views were expressed Raz maii will ivr wi comkoki ino . ne wl" convince mn..(i connection with ,iv, the sound jo, tr'"'' tempicton'. raz-mah .mhWc you. by method or the "look and 'say", thound. of .ufiereri. I til. HHf" ;' Z : ; MWm , tvJV Nor for Foil s,oc$ fr Mcn! ( 1 1 w 'Will . rK Tiirie to Siifeiiard! Yes, be pTepared with good-looking sure-protection Storm Boots, Rubbers and Galoshes. See our handsome group today! Smartness ot Your ft !j Feet This " -Jsk i A Foil end Winter! & : i Inky black surrle . . . , V ' tESw ij v'"r v smart always with every 1 1-., S? i-l Vi one of your favored Fall zEeDXJ?' t&H I 4 !:! , and Winter ensemhe's. l0. . W jj " Hrre !n a wid0- thriftily . - ; 1 j V jv priced selection of jj. VV. ' pumps, sandals, heel ' hniphts. Sec and choo- 1 : W?k ." , ill il V 0 STEAMER TRUNKS Yoii Must Sea Tlws:! '?l :J ",' ;;;; Hew... I MATCHED SETS Fall Handbais l!VMV ' SUEDES S . fV . , ae-nce- p ' U PLASTICS : ) jj ; J " ' O LEATHERS' ; O I Strong j ; ; AllfheNew jZ V f j rsz?-- " You Win ' I 't ' I be set ,flT k Travrlllnj . I . ' i vne of L''"' These Trunks Here are values in ' - Luggage to help you get off to a handsome start and then accompany you in good tasfc for many years o come. A New Shipment Rupert s Largest (Not exactly as ill usUated) . , , LIGHT ON YOUR POCKETBOOK TOO! ... FOR THESE ARE PRICED TO SELL Jus! In! . ,1 t FREE X-RAY FITTIHW . ir i COME IN TODAY !