PROVINCIAL DISPATCHED cabs llJ SUPPORT GYRO 7 APPLES " SUV And Help NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published Ot Canada's An D:: . "Prinr Dunr fha V-u M L kJiL. 4." YOUR Playgrounds AAAIX, No. 243 PRINCE RUPERT RC . WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18.1950 Pbtpf mire nrMTC U .. ""N ""N ""N ui r ii urn JL, ES. TRUMAN HITS FROM SHOULDER Coasts Fleeing North - t 1 ms Responsibility Mine Sweepers 3ink Oil Korea Threat of War On ulders of Russia WASHINGTON. D.C. to The Navy reported yesterday that two more United States mines; Tbe bocies or iuar::ia Joseph and Sampson Young, found asphyxiated near Pella Bella on the boat that was taking them to their wedding, were , brought to Prince Rupert today on the Prince George. The body of Miss Joseph will be sent from B.C. Undertaker's mortuary to Haxelton and that of Young to Skldegate. GETS THREE YEARS VANCOUVER Alexander Would Reduce Public Works TORONTO The Canadian Construction Association today urged the governments federal. sweepers had been sunk by Fall of Pyongyang Imminent With U.N. Forces on Outskirts TOKYO (CP) Communist forces are fleeing everywhere today before the many-geared Alli' juggernaut. Even the 'RANCISCO (CP) President Truman mines In Korean waters off Wonsang with one crew member dead and 11 missing. One other mine sweeper and two destroyers had been damaged earlier. merit boldly and directly warned Russia j i provincial and municipal to cut their civilian projects by half. United States will not hesitate about going The association urged this so L resist aggression and defend "our liberties." Cameron, commercial traveler, ) wan n. -...J 1 t aw that the Canadian defence pro-, North Korean capital city Stum inaj uc v. V4 uuv . . , n i Truman challenged the Soviet government e"iron curtain" and take other steps toward J - f llv ohanHnnaH Military com would Mounted Get Their Bear - jects estimated at one billion dollars to half a billion. e war but we love our j manders have fled to hide-outs on the Manchurian frontier, possibly to direct the final phases of guerrUla warfare. -In their flight, the Commu The C.C.A., with 800 member firms across the country, mdae its recommendation in a state he chief executive ue-e will not sec them We wanl pea-.'! but it ) - khwiivcu tu inrec years "imprisonment for attempted murder of Mrs. C. Ryan in a west end apartment. TRUMAN IS HOME WASHINGTON President Trtfman returned to Washington today from his rendezvous in the Pacific with General Douglas MacArthur. The plane ran into a storm and had to land at an Air Force field twelve miles from the city. The slick black bear which has been roaming the hillsides round Morse Creek and wan nists have abandoned huge piles of supplies and ammunition. Red troops have surrendered by V pea:.e lowmea upon i hat American policy ment from Robert Drummond of Toronto, its president, following a day-long meeting hei-e yesterday of its management committee. dering into the streets and yards during recent days and which ' Xi if our republic and it n i,4iy than ever before fory." V'.v .man pledged Unitcr. the hundreds. Organized Red Korean, resist- ance appears to have been virtually shattered and the war seems to be swinging into a great clean-up campaign. United Nations forces were on lirt to the support of L cf'ill Asia to help gave Sergeant Lance Potterton, chief of city police, the slip yesterday, did not live much longer. Police kept up tracking yesterday afternoon and further appearance of bruin were reported and about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the Mounted got their JUSTICE RICHARDS DIES WINNIPEG Mr. Justice S. E. Richards, 72, Manitoba Court of Appeal, died at his ho...e Quebec Fire "Deliberate" ASSUMES NEW POST Dr. Hugh; Keenleyside, left, former Canadian deputy minister of mines and resources and newly-appointed director-general of the United Nations Technical Assistance Administration, is congratulated by Trygve Lie, secretary general of the U.N., as ht takes his new post. David A. K. Owen, centre, In this United Nations photo," assistant secretary general in charge of economic affairs, previously administered the technical assistance program. Mr. Owen will continue as chairman of the Technical Assistance Board. I (CP PHOTO) the outskirts of Pyongyang to i defend their incir-if they asked for ( it plain that I ho ales, white wanting nst hesitate to CO bear. The, dispatch occurred on day and the complete capture of the city Is, apparently, not far off. South Koreans said tonight that their troops have fought their wav into Pyongyang but Second Avenue Just beyond the Garon Apartments where the QUEBEC Charles Hazen, veteran fire Investigator, testified today that he believes the the Far East or else-uch were necessary. 't i here last night from a heart attack. His services had often been used as a mediator in labor disputes. FORD PLANT HELD UP WINDSOR The assembly line of the Ford auto manufacturing plant has been closed for two days because too many cars are failing to pass final animal was felled with a rifle bullet. ; I fire aboard the cruise ship Que-i nan laid responsibility treat to pear: in both r.d Asia upon Russian Early reports were that It was reports to this effect may be premature, it is thought. Pusan radio reported , that hard-driving RepubUc of Korea bee which cost seven lives, was "set wilfully." Hazen, a Montreal chemist Florida Is WlKiMMI J in i I because of their vast Terrace Has Hospital Day a three-year-old, bear which had been frequenting, the area. The one that was shot yesterday was with thirty years' experience in ag used to intimidate First Division troops had swarm- fire InvesUgation work told a! pyongpyang alr fieUl inspection. The management FORTHRIGHT President Truman flatly blames Russia for world situation. i control. i must be opposed with no more than a pearling cub. So there is speculation If there ot ln1u1 at ne came court. sayt that some of the faulty ...... 1 (kU AnnnltiCM.-ki n after ft or a series DDflDC Wind Svept not only by the Unite:.' finishing has been deliberate, TERRACE The second annual by all free nation.', to- may be still another bear : at large in that part of the clty.t "Hospital Day" was held in Ter- this conclusion a of experiments that the fire on the ship August 12 was deliberately set. ' '''W The witness said that these ana men siormeu across iuc Taedong River into the capital. -The thrust which is betas made climaxes a brlllnnL r'&h-. day -march of nearly ninety' miles. rc on Saturday last the results Five Million Dollars Damage On Death Many A ont(tbte';.irti -shot- was Im1w.I - called . ttfmr of. which were very gratifying, over $200 being the total of the Gas-Fumes Are Cause of Death BELLA BELLA h Carbon monoxide" poisoning; was the fpuse of the deaths of Samson aay s proceeds. experiments established it was virtually Impossible for fire originating in the ship's linen room The affair was held In the Three thousand workers are laid ott.:, . .,, " THREE ARRESTS MADE VANCOUVER Three youths have been arrested in connection with the Royal Bank of Canada robbery October 4 when $2200 was taken. "Grand Old Man" Injured and Homeless MIAMI, Florida m One person Is known dead and hundreds are homeless with National Guardsmen called out to guard hard-hit districts in a aid in the cause of 'ins up to the terms of the United Nations 'ining in the call to a to lay down amis Conspiraio! to have been caused by a care Orange Hall which had been beautifully decorated for the oc al lthat was needed. The carcass was taken to the police station where It was skinned by a couple of natives. It would 'not be surprising if quite a few bear could be found on the mountains back of the city. They have been seen, in fact, wandering around in various parts of the city. casion with fall leaves, branches of leayes and colorful paper cur lessly discarded cigarette butt or a burning match. Hazen was called as a witness by Canada Steamship Lines, Escapes Death NEW YORK Daviti Green- South Florida hurricane area Young of Skldegate and Martha Johnson of Hazclton whose "in the Iron Curtain. tains .It was a very attractive owners of the Quebec. He added sight for patrons entering the hall. A lot of work had gone into glass, 28-year-old former Army i-op.erating in a sys-lectivp security, iman had no elabor-make on his recent that the rapidity of the spread bodies were discovered in the cabin of the fishing boat White River in which they were sailing tcward Comox wp.?re they were Of Rowing Dies the decorating, with the committee working the previous day of. the fire Indicated that inflammable material was placed in the linen room and that some ith General Doiulas TORONTO tOWJoe Wright sr., on It. On this committee were Connie Mack to bo married. An inquest into the double fatality was conduct on the Far Eastern ely after delivering body had deliberately set fire to it. v . ed here. where damage Is offciiaUy estimated at $5,000,000. The storm was losing force today as it travelled overlanJ and moved on toward the central Florida citrus belt, leaving destruction In Its wake from 125-mile winds. Hardest hit were the com-1 munities of Davies, West Hollywood and West Hallandale. In those towns at least 40 homes were destroyed. Seventy-nine trailers were wrecked and many homes damaged. An undetermined number of persons were p here, President Tru- Mrs. George McAdams, Mrs. Gir-aud, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. W. Cooper, Mrs. Norrington, Mrs. D. Kerr with Marilyn de Kergom-meaux, Marlene Michiel, Ethel Loveless and Liane Labelle as Gives It Up sergeant, pleaded guilty today In federal court to a charge of conspiracy in time of war to convey secret government defence information to Russia. , The chunky defendants wlw worked on the atom bomb project at Los Alamos, pleaded guilty to the charge in a firm voice before Federal Judge William Bondy. . Because of his plea, it is expected Greenglass will turn a government witness and-thereb' escape the death penalty. French Yield Another Post Resigns as Manager of A's Jimmy Dykes His Successor sisting. ' ! No Stenographer As Court Opens NANAIMO -When the fall assizes opened here, rt was found no court stenographer was present. Hts Lordship, Justice J. plane for Wash 1 rig - probabiy the strongest "at President Trumai delivered. " it Truman's speech !'I an hour. The nrs- "Grand Old Man" of Canadian rowing and one of the Dominion's all-time great athletes, died today. He was eighty-six years of age. From his teens until he .was fifty, Wright was the iron man of Canadian sport, He won more events in a wider field of ath letic endeavor than any other Canadian athlete. Aluminum In A centre table covered with a lace cloth and crystal candle-holders and flowers was used for PHILADELPHIA H Connie Mack, popularized as the "Grand SAIGON, Indo-Chlna Old Man of Baseball," retiredfinjured. France today announced aban O. Wilson, called the Incident an p in San Francisco, in Sheriff Amos Hall of Broward today as manager of the Phila DuilditiR where ttv the powers' table, the pourers being Mrs. A. Brooks, Mrs. A. Klrkaldy, Mrs. S. Mills and Mrs. W. Osborne. donment of the Indo-China frontier post of Dong Dang, re- inexcusable and unfortunate piece of neglect. County made a tour of the three on of the United Na- communities and called out 40 m pl'ce five years a?o. men of the Florida National A rummage counter in charge in 65 years of her control or tne main invasion route from China. Guard. LOCAL TIDES Thursday, October 19, 1950 of Mrs. Giraud held some very delphia Athletics, a post he has held since 1901 wnen the American League was organized. Mack will be succeeded as field boss of the A's by Jimmy Dykes, colorful ex-thlrd baseman for the Athletics and one time manager of the Chicago White Sox. 1 Aid Davie, town of about 2000, "looks as though a tornado went through it." said Hall- "Substan High 8:48 17.1 feet 20:27 17.5 feet Hew Zealand By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent Low 1:57 6.3 feet tial homes were destroyed and A French military spokesman said the Dong Dang garrison withdrew yesterday. It was the fifth post the French have given up within a month along the mountainous frontier stronghold to Ho Chi Minh's Nationalist Vietminh guerrillas. ranee 14:36 10.4 feet there is not an undamaged house In the town." HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST . Vancouver 2, Victoria 0. Tacoma 4, New Westminster 3. WEATHER Synopsis Light rain fell throughout the night over most of southern British Columbia while somr now has been reported abovn the 3000-foot level. The northern sections tf the province are relatively clear and, as a re-suit, overnight temperatures dropped well below freezing in WELLINGTON, N.Z. 0) Pro good bargains, especially in shoes and hats and did a very good business all afternoon. Others helpine on this stall wers Mrs. G. McAdams, Mrs. McPher-son, Mrs. R. Elklns and Mrs. Mills. A novelty counter was presided over by Mrs. Norrington with Mrs. C. Martin assisting. Plant slips and bulbs were also sold at this stall. finUTON, DC. '0) The v A- J posals for Canadian Interests to West Hollywood, a town -if 2000 population, was hit even harder. Twenty-five Injured States promised yester- inaugurate a large aluminum in TODAY'S STOCKS "wne SI unn em rw fn dustry in New Zealand appear to were sent to hospital. Five hun 4 have been side-tracked for the ".000 in money and arms "h forces in Europe and ""a. H will be provided 'he end of 1951. (Courtesy 8. U. Johnston Co. Ltd.) dred ire homeless. Thirty or 40 homes were demolished and 200 others partly or wholly Labor Gov't Loses Member GLASGOW David Kirkwood, time being. Hon. C. M. Bowden, minister of industries and commerce ,says however that the project "will not be lost sight of." Beattie : -50 Bevcourt 40 The city of Miami had a 100- The home cooking table was filled with tempting things to eat and was, as usual, very well patronized with everything sold BoDio - Juva mile blow and light and power House were off for a time but it sui- aged 78, Labor Party member of the House of Commons, announc VANCOUVER Bayonne 02 ' Bralorne 6.90 B. R Con 02V2 B. R. X 04 Cariboo Quartz 1.30 Hedley Mascot -38 Pend Oreille 8.20 Pioneer 2.30 Premier Border :. .0494 ;! Damaged interior regions- With an extensive area of low pressure persisting off the Washington coast there is no indication of any marked change in conditions during the next 36 hours. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy-vicinity northern Vancouver Is fered no great damage. Judge Named ed today ha. intends to retire from Parliament at the end of this month. This will cut . the Labor government's narrow margin to eight votes. Representatives of a large Canadian aluminum syndicate made exploratory surveys in Otago in 1947, following a visit to Canada by New Zealand's former finance minister, Walter Nash. The site generally favored is Lake Manapouri, a high altitude lake with a vast potential1 Five damacp u-ac rlovin at an early hour. In charge of this were Mrs. Glen and Mrs. McKay. The kitchen was looked after by Mrs. Skaarland, Mrs. Valderhaug, Mrs. G. Perry, Mrs. L. Casey, Mrs. Wold and Mrs. H. Cote, In charge of Mrs. L. Johnstone, high school girls served tea and Buffalo Canadian .324 Cons. Smelters 122.65 Con west 1-93 Donalda -58 .. Eldona , -27 East Sullivan 8.50 Giant Yellowknife 7.10 God's Lake ' -33 Hardrock -34 Harrlcana 08 Heva 09Mi Hosco 07 fJ morning n the resl-L m Mrs. Bernard Privateer : 084 Reeves McDonald 3.75 y Herman Place, by pertain origin which Arbitrator OTTAWA P -Mr. Justice R. L. Keno ui"4 land, elsewhere clear today ana Thursday. Little change in temperature. Light northeast winds. Lows tonight and highs tomor- Oliver Santurbane, . who returned to the city frq.m and Texas in greatly improved health, is sailing tomor- pined these were Ann Tumilson, Sele considerable head- of untapped hydro power. Shortly after the surveys there Mm h. -i i . - -He aiarm was inm. Jackknife -064 At Port Hardy, 35 and ; Kellock of the Supreme Court nf rnnada will lav down final nltrhf. nn the Prlno Georse i TOW- I Wch the fire depart- Jollet Quebec - 8 Lake Rowan -H for Vancouver where he plans Sandspit, 38 and 48; Prince Ru-on locating- I pert, 35 and 55. , 1 ! 1 - were reports that British and Canadian Interests had opened negotiations with the New Zealand government for establishment of a "gigantic aluminum Ingot production plant," and the U"7 u" we scene. terms of settlement in the long railway wage dispute following decision of the cabinet Tuesday Lapaska 064 na Farquam, Claudia King, Delia Dobie, Maureen Kennedy, Phyllis Lofeudo, Dell Kofoed, Shirley Reynolds, Diane Kofoed, Joan Gillanders, Sadie McDonald and Dorothy Buschman. Cashier was Mrs. E. Head. The affair was opened by Mrs. D. G. Little, president' of the Hospital Auxiliary and, during Little Lona Lac u Lynx .. 164 Whin, preaa Int0 the fckea water VARIETY CONCERT Sheep Creek 1 20 Silbak Premier 31 Taku River 104 Vananda "9 Salmon Gold .03 Spud Valley 05 Silver Standard 2.12 Western Uranium -76 Oils . Anglo Canadian 5.10 A. P. Con 44 Calmont - 100 C & E ...v- 8.00 Central Leduc 2.85 Home Oil 15.00 Mercury 14 Okalta 8.10 Pacific Pete -59 Princess -H uuered extn- In aid of Canadian National Institute for the Blind. to ask the 57-year-old justice to undertake compulsory arbitration. It is the " second Important government commission Mr. Justice Kellock has had within a year. The other was the investigation following the burning of the steamer Noronic In September 1949. strategic location of southern New Zealand was stressed as a centre for production for the commercial and defence requirements of the South Pacific. Labor is believed one of the main problems holding up the project. The government is having difficulty in providfng enough 'Ce 'nSUrance of $2000 the afternoon she presented corsages to Mrs. Kirkaldy and Mrs. Brooks ,two of Terrace's popular pioneer ladies who are always wiUlng to grace any tea with their presence at the pourers' table. In the evening a card and Madsen Red Lake m McKenzie Red Lake 444 McLeod Cockshutt 2.40 Moneta , -30 -14 Negus i 1 Noranda 74.00 Louvlcourt -25 Pickle Crow 1-99 Reglcourt 05 San Antonio 2.60 Sherritt Gordon 2 58 Steep Rock 4.45 Sturgeon River .16 Silver Miller 91 Upper Canada - 2.02 Sponsored by the Rotary Club Sundoy, Oct. 22 - 9 p.m. Capitol Theatre A$KETBALL Al Manson returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday manpower for current Hydroelectric construction and is inviting overseas contractors to tender for the two major plants. Including provision of labor. Royal Canadian 13.75 TORONTO (246) Admission 50c bingo party was held In the hall, but, due to other events in town, was not well attended. Entri Athona 08 from a brief business trip io I Vancouver. , , Received Aumaque 32. f