Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 18, 1950 Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. Newhouser, Terrace Reporter Ships and Waterfront Several hours late owing tj having had h.ravy freights fo! Alice Arm and Stewart, Unin tp.imir Coquitlam, Capt John Eoden, returned to port from the north at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and sailed at 6 p.m. '.'or Vanicuvcr and waypoints. At the conclusion of thla voyage the Coqultlam Is being withdrawn from service at Vancouver for annual overhaul and will be replaced by the steamer Cam-osun. After completing her overhaul In six weeks' time, the Co-quitlam will go on the Queen Charlotte Island run in place of the Chilcotin. i Terrace Cancer Unif Is Active -In j The evening service at the j Knox United was attended last . Sunday by the Rebekah Lodge ' and the Oddfellows. The occa Mrs. C. Kirkham of Duncan. Vancouver Island, arrived last week to spend the next few week .s with her son-in-law and daugh- STAGE FRIGHT' sion was the commemoration of i ter, Mr. ana Mrs. F. Clifford. the ninety-ninth anniversary of the Rebekah Degree. WED., TIICRS. 7 P.M. . 1:10 New arrivals to Terrace are Mrs. Hopkins and son Haro'd who are staying at the Riverside Cabins. Coming from Vancouver, they plan to make their home here. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE TERRACE The first meetln? of the newly formed Cancer Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, B.C. Division, was held in the nurses' lounp.e of the Outpost Hospital. Present were: President, Dr. K. McPherson, Dr. G. May, Commissioner Emil Haug-land, C. J. Norrington, Mrs. Marj Jones, Mrs. C. R. Newhouser, Mrs. E. S. Laird, Mrs. C. Haugland and Mrs. H. Cote. Mrs. Ffloyd Frank has returned from the south where she had been visiting relatives in Victoria for the past few weeks. : Q -pri 71 RENTALS Mrs. T. Olson has left hospital after a brief period there. PHONE 6 67 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnett and son of North Bulkley have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Spencer of Kalum, driving in for the Thanksgiving week-end. An interesting report of the semi-annual conference of the n 608 Third Ave. W. OVER BROADWAY CAFE Canadian Cancer Society held in ;i Vancouver on September 24 was Mi. and Mrs. David McKay of Prince Rupert spent the Thanksgiving week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Doll, parents of Mrs. McKay. Coming with them from the coast was Doriel Doll of Prince Rupert. Rev. P. M. Mallett drove to Prince Rupert last week to attend the Presbytery meeting there. Feeling much better, Mrs. N. given by Mrs. Laird who was the delegate from Terrace. While! there, the delegate was taken on a tour of the Institute. It was disclosed that more early cases of cancer are reported in Canada RADIO ARTISTS I ALl WESTERN ST' fllir r CklTnr ppi 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI McNabb has returned home from Mrs. Stanley Lang has returned home from Vancouver to which point she recently made a brief trip. man m either Britain or Scan-1 hospital where she several dinavian clinics. The proposal ofj spent lfvallv for Inrnl ""J3 S raising funds Vi f IL L. L il I K r I . I''-wa 1 TAXI 99 Mk ii n. "ii A meeting of the Anelicp.n needs throughout the year was ., wvi, n Mrs. R. W. Thompson is a. Church committee was held in not approved. There Is to be : Buy His "Cowboy Style" i Cloihes at only one call on the public and PatIent in the local hospital. 99 TAXI CALL 99 99 TAXI CALL 99 99 TAXI CALL 99 the Rectory last Friday evening and -it -was decided that the church could not afford to have that will be annual In the month Mr. and Mrs. J. Vl. Smith re- UCI CALL. TAXI 99 OCI CALL TAXI 99 OCI CALL Show starts 8.30? turned home recently from a ; the roof of ,,hp han rpnnlrprt ,,, PRICES: Dance Only ... 1 .00 Show Only 75c Show & Dance 1.25 Children 50c of April. A hearty vote of thanks was given Mrs. Laird for her fine report. A report of the work of the Dancing starts motor trip in the south which ; possibly next Spring. The hall took them as far as California is used so very seldom that the 8 Piece OrcheJ I Terrace Cancer Unit in sending tho p.n ' were invited to be honorary vice- expense would not be Justified. Payment of church cleaning will be undertaken by the church a patient south to RUPERT MEN'S and BOYS' STORE presidents of the Unit. Institute for Pxaminntinn nn th BrinK the whule family to the Slae 8tw md J CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI CALL 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI 99 TAXI i eAi, muiiuis meeting will oe ana not. DV me auxu arv as hr-re- 0.iipenin(r good time at the Dnce recommendation of her doctor, was given by the secretary who the quarterly public meeting and tofore. Mrs. Hodson served re-will be ue held utm in m the tne Tillicum freshments at the close of the read correspondence reeardine this rase Th lnr-ai unit nit was ,o. theatre on November 9, . meeting. ' ' i congratulated by headquarters! on the speed In which this case had been handled. Air passage, had been provided for the child ! Preparedness is the surest Prevention of Aggression ill I - V Ml, DCPAI DDimri REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED re -7 ... and its mother. Since her return on Sunday the mother stated that ,on their arrival at the Vancouver airport, a taxi was waiting to take her and the child to a private home in Shaughnessy Heights where they were treated as members of the household and Phone 24 ' $22 Secor R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) P 4 everything possible done to make f them comfortable. Several doc-tors examined the child at the Institute and, when It was learn-d there was no cancer, arrange -1 AERO ENGINE TECHNICIAN ments were immediately made for the return trip by air. Courtesy and sympathy were extended to her all the way through. Dr. S. G. Mills and Dr. G. May 05 - AltHAMC TECHNICIAN INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN V NC U YEH VICTORIA Sunday. 9 p.m.. Camosun Tuesday. 1:30 p.m. $rm The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 CoqtittJam I 'V I AMCE ARM. STEWART AND THfc BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD BCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldf.) omLiDn7LiiLv ) See the PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOIt NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Cdmosun Oct. 13 and 27 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . ss. Camosun, Oct. 6 and 20 : FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5b8 fiT ' 'rr ""V ew gh mo Wash General Electric MOCCASIN SLIPPERS With Pump Control On'y: $15 SEW Yourself - and SAVE ! BUY A WHITE 7. Don odhv mie (7 ODdqco SCJDILiLEE) 1TKA2)L1S''' NORTHERN B. C. POWER BTIWABT. . PRJNCE RUPKRT PHONE 210 ' - H'hiI BROADWAY G $1.75 A Pre -Christmas SPECIAL 4 FAMILY SHOE STORE ". LTD. Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 chill RADAR TECHNICIAN COMMUNICATIONS OfERATO Hours: 7 200 C1ERK OPERATIONS (FIGHTER) For take' home orders Phone OIL HEATING .; ai ils Best Here is an opportunity to fulfill your duty to ' You must be between 18 and 30, and in good phyii. your country, and acquire a valuable training at cal condition. Educational requirement! depend on the same time. the trade category concerned. Do our part to help Canada do her parti ' MARCHAND , SPACE HEATERS j Convenient, a:fm COMBINATItJ x Worm, Liberal trade-in allowance O De Luxe head with reversible action O Complete with attachments $209.50 Hemstitcher $5.95 extra Buttonholer $11.75 extra McRae Bros, 'tam-M3 Economical ' High mechanical ' efficiency, , VORTEX Automatic Burners 30 saving in heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smith & Elkins RCAF Recruiting Unit, Wallace Bldg., 9921 101A Ave, Edmonton, Alta. Phone 42658 Pltmu mill mt, witbt Migtlnm, (mil pmrtitmlwt nimjimg twlmt-mini wirtMiwfl mmj tftmmgi mw mtmiUklt im ikt JLCilA 2 to 5 yc: 6toi0years; i2to I6yea Now"' ACT HOW-CONSULT THE CAREER COUNSELLOR NAME (Pleii. Prim) STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE. EDUCATION (br gnit nd product) . ....AGE.. AT YOUR NEAREST R.CA.F. RECRUITING CENTRE or mail thU coupon The Sporf LIMITED Plumbing and Heating Phone 174 P.O. Box 274