1 t Scttc - ART SHOW AT CENTRE iContinuqd from Page li practically ,ihe rest of his Interesting career. This title- conuneno-d with Part) Prince jCVupcrt Pal!? JT5rto5 Thursday. November 25. 1M3 If ERSOS All TIES uslv from an the ?'1UW I. Cfrl l,rd 1 UvHig iori rayal Qf a .night street srepe toi which white light ar,fi the ruddy glow of neon are giv- en warm simulation . 'Jktomlng in Marpole s the to ht 1 l Tiiesd: Aa lndvridnt dull? rtwppr ievrtd to Use upbuilding -of rtoce itupert "n(t ' all communities comprising northern -and atntnl British Columbia - -t Authorized as 6wcd Cues Mall. Poet ,-Olfiw Dopartjiutat. Ouw) Published ever afternoon enotpt Sunday by frltioe Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Jlupwt, British Columbia. a. A- HUNTER. Managing Editor. H O. PERRY. Managing Director. UEMBRK OF CANADIAN PREbfi APOn BUREAU -Of OUtCULATKNS CANADIAN DA1L.Y NEWSPAPER BfeOClAXKW 11 futur. .1 I. --, nf ma cont:.i., m i nun"- - outstanding water color. Aback- northern yard sew. Jt has a .trWn. .o;.l I Apartm :n 1,1 I ,!.,( f: BT1BSOR1PTJOK KATKK . City -Carrier. Per R'k. JMk-: .ter Month. -7&r: Pr Tear. 8 00. By -Mail, Per Month. SOc. vPr ,,Y-ar. ,.00 " Were I t'-i, ,asspen Hie each Pf ALEX Yl'LE Alex Yule, Prince Rupert's firt ltiksmith, did business in a shack built on a rocky bluff along the harbor, front, handy to where, AubsequehUy, a building for naval purposes was established. This was dismantled following the war. Alex's exterior was rough but, actually, he was exceptionally good-hearted. He had a deep voice; Trained, there might have been more money n that than wielding the .hammer, poking the coals and. niaking the iron glow. . I Alex was In t rince Rupert earlier than 1900 but this was ,pot the first time he rhad experienced something akin t-; pioneering. He could fell yo 1 i " ) 1 1 I II I IB I V Neiiber&er on P..G.E. .Pacific .Gwat pastern .comes "into .its .ovvn jn 7.HE the .January toe ,f iRatfLoad .Magazine when '" " Richard -L' iuberger, &im M V,r.i(r ,of the Portland .Qreganjan .discuses t,be .tmention, 'Will British -Calumbia iGiat jEpe ftp&V the western .hQmwphei;?' Alaska ibaJirjcade?" Neuberjer, .also ;a Saturday jEvening jKoat .author .and .well .known ,in frnce iRupaiit nd. Alaska, .describe the .derceJoprnent ,f -the JP1G4E. ,wd rthe ..territory through ,v1iich ;it runs. Ale fallow jthe 468-mile ;i:.ight-itf;ay from &ncou,w -rto Jriee George while .explaining ;the .development ,of Juch towns as Squami.h and iiillooet. The P:G.E.'s pro-igi-esg has come .about largely , beqaue .qf jRrjtish .Columbia'.? vast sources .of untapped .wealth as wtll as its natural beauty. ' American politicks believe tthey know the ,an-; 5,wer to the pacific ,Gre,at astern'i; -future. -Both Canadian and American statesmen '.have seen the need for a link between Alaska .and the .United States. Most probably the P.GE. is the answer, fJCeuberger suggests. ,tbout Montana, when life ii: ' , ., lie treasure state (or terri- .iaspeotor of Poligf.,6. Wood.4-piy .as .it might have been 'jojlUs011 rtunie.- to Uie cUy Ijeni was anjthina but dull 'ednwday alVwoon .by ar ciicumsieet. He could spin from victoria, where he attend- ",WHATS THIS .KIEV' TELtfcR' GOT THAT WE AWT, yytf ' ''men's t. I am i Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections One is liable to hear anything in the newspaper business-reven the .lowdown .about the .fallow i a UK bf ME ,.:'.a. S a r.is 0 lav, we lo i.-av: jm 1 Fur Kuper-Strrnflh. Flexibility. Wtalhrr rJ arid Light Wilit. the New GOQJIViR.AR JKBAIDED CORD AIR hea Stand Out and Stands l p '.many a jftot- and narrate it. with .matter-pf-fact realism. ,vir. yuie came to uie new ,?ly afly, and stayed late. That is, he remained here, for thousand years and will continue to do so until the battle flags are furled. Yes, coming back to I remain permanently. JFor, on earth .peace and goodwill to. men must and shall prevail. Every day, as never before, signs mul- FV """" "" lao ",,l"u "' TWO ' CASH PRiZJL WINNERS in PRINCE KUPEKT ,Area MR. FRANK MITZEMBERG Box 1451, City JVISS W,IL,MA IJIU Port Essington, B.C. Every week there are two cash prize winners in the JPrince Rupert area on Malkin's Melody Money Time listen jn CFPR 6:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY YOt'R SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES GOODYEAR BHtr guilt ,HOSE is Setting Net R Permanence on the Jc BRITAIN UNDER .SOCIALISM CURRENT ISSUE of the .Qmjneca Herald THE .prints t,he concluding .instalment .of ,a .series .of articles by a western .Canadian .news writer, descriptive of a sojourn in England. (Following .are a 'few excerpts concerning: administration under Socialism: "I was jstru;k by xhejuat that the government is more .interested in trying to prevent anyone from making profit and ,n taking .way money .from rthose Aho have .it than .n .imprp.ving conditions. It seemed to(me, that Socialism .there, Is bound to fail-The peqple doziot act as they should n. theory. They are chiefly lr!ere,sted in getting miie money .for doing Jess. The way ,in which tliey are wording Ls astonishing to a Canadian. None of thejn seem to be pntUng.any heart into their efforts. J4ary .firms Itnd industries are cpmpelled not only to give tiine for afterpoon u.i tea but .uLso to furnish the tea for .svhich they are given special ru" rations. v"r '. .Employers have little, gr pp control over employees and would ' not dare .reprimand them fPr even flagrant carefc'ssness. As one f pr all jour ,tfOH nl JKANS.Mis.SKtx m.Ti consult: PRINCE MPERT 5UPPIY H wno a&Kea a question, at jseepis he .Inquired, hp started the loose leaf system and was told , (Vint AHnrh anri .Kim mioVit Irnniu ( something about it. Winnipeg was :p.!a'ed 75' years ago tills mcith when about all the city had vtas an invigorating day and a few scattered, ,.h timbre --buildings. Pause, and consider what's de-1 veloped gince. Proud .centre ,ol government; commerce 'an J transportation! Hub of all ,ths sunlit, thriving prairie provinces! Salute Winnipeg, greatest pf bread-baskets. But .on the level now. Do you really want to live in Winnipeg? The nerve of the. man! A'wut a year ago a stulfy strangei-, made "on purpose to give pfhers pain, was going the founds try -i ing to tell children there was no such man as Santa .Claus and Christmas largely nonsense. ' ,, . . ' . ., VVell. both 4. .are again pn thl comeback as they have for a 112 Second Avenue BUSINESS AND PROFESSION Firs' I'S f ioeri Oil or HO. -Bov it S vt HELEi BEAUTY Permanent W B'auiy Cults all its brar-. 204 4t,h Street HANDY.V HOME SEi: OBP-RAL COST BuildinR and repair Chimneys - the statement that he was Ku lu-it s fir.it' blacksmith, ,but it was not sworn . There might have been another, ,At . any rate, if he was not No. 1. he-Whatever was close to it. U-anxp'f taUun th(W'f was in town furty yeacs Ago. was horse drawn. The automoone age, of course, had arrived but the townsite of Prince Rupert was a shade raw for, motor service. . .rfis moustache matched his voice theavy and dark and of the handle-bar vintage. His home was in small dwelling plce on McBrlde Street, opposite thf corner of ,Fourtn Avenue. Here, ,in his )aur eats, lived at peace with world incidental cultivating one of his hobbies such as tiKiiing out trivets puide pf ti'k, iiM'f'i as well as attractive. ed ap annivtsary -gathering ot htad.s of the provincial -force. Classified advertising alwaj-i brings results. ; J -STARTS t work Sfl I 2 seionis .A mm H bl "M THIS WAV , Of OANNE'5 J I; Home-Made Candy -210 Phone J. Fourth Street Blue 389 1 Don't let yourself in for a disappointment. Order cards ,now have them in time fin Christmas mailing. Printing " BESNgR .BLOCK s i;w tL u xv i' i' s T,r. AiyiEft . PRINCE GEORGE ' SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND .INTERMEDIATE -PORTS EACH THURSDAY . .t 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR .DEPOT OFFICE PRjINCE RUPERT, B.C, HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. P.O. rJox 541 ER STREET Monday afternpon was an un- rivalled time to enjoy a rain- proof dwelling along with an ppen lire that cracKiea. iivi i night wore along, 'with sundry splashing, gurgling, far how!:; . and Irritating drips. Dawn prousjht peace. The final pioan, the last sigh had been silenced. Such stillness! A clean-washed city lay In pale moonlight under a clearing j$ky. But a lpt has happened pn the weather front since then. iRupert is ;hargpd I with plenty, but never monotony. ' I More new and untried candi- dates for aldermanic honors, i need of "fresh bipod" and .riec- essity of action, studying. pf civic I problems and no aiesitancy .in ! criticism where it is thought deserved! By jingo, this .lpo'is like a brisk December, spf'akins municipally. Well, it will ,do no one the slightest harm.. Hi 1 I SEALED TENDERS addressed to the underEisnel, and endorsed "Tender lor south jetty No .2. Suveston. B C", mill be received until 3:00 p.m.. Wednesday, Dec- nitaer 15. ltt-18. for the construction ol South Jetty No. 2. Fraser River, bt veston. s. C. Plans, form of contract and apecl-licatiun can be seen and forms of under obiatuetl jit tni' wliice of the Chief Englnoer, Department of Public Worm, vtt.iv.-a. at ine otil'-.- of the District Engineer. Post Office .EuUdiiig. .New Westminster, b. v., and at the Post OH ices, at Vancouver and Victoria ,B. C. I Uutc Upon application to the undersigned, the Department will supply blue-prints and specifica tion ol the work on deposit of a bum pi 5O 00 in the loua o. a cer-i tilled bank cheque payable to the order of the Minister of Public Vorks. The deposit will be released on the return of the blue-prints :.nd apecll ication wiUlin iuonth j lrom the date of reception ot tenders . jr not returned within , that period the deposit will be loucilud. Tenders will not be cynsid-ered unless made on printed forms supplied by the Department aiid in accordance with conditions set forth therein. Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered bank, in Canada, payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works: equal to 111 per man expressed it workers .Iqymerly had two incentives first, to improve themselves; second, to avoid beinfe dismissed. At pres- ent both incentives are gqne. All initiative or aggressiveness is f stifled. It is against the law to make any profit on real estate., Result is, the business has dried up. . ."To my mind, the most serious result of the Socialistic experi- ment will be the deterioration of the moral fibre of the people, v The English people were always .the most conscientious in the " world, but. all this socialism will breed a people with less respect -for the law. This may.be seen in the growth of the black market and the fact pf shop, lifting having Increased 40 per cent in 1947. There is a teeling that somehow, .England will muddle through. t I am confident the people have too much common sense to al- low the government to remain long in office. The country is all right to vlsit.but no place to May .in: To sum.it all up this is the i opinion -of a great many people .who are aruipus -to move to " 'Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa or the .United , .States. -Why they are not already away :is because they cannot -take money out of the country." ,r MATTSON'S- ' 'UPHOLSTERERS AVD FURKfTURE REPAIRS Plastic Materials Dunlopilio Mattresses Drapes Curtains Bed Spreads Cushions, etc ':' Second-Hand Furniture Phone Blue 818 '. P.O. Box 330 Second Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, BX. GEORGE L. RORJ.E Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Besrr Blptrk Phone 387 ; . PAPER HANOINO AND WOOD FINISHINO us warn 0fli PHONIi vv-tia Atiii CostsN -rtrfA . Less Than Y Latest Shades, Styles and Colons' J. P. MOLLER PboneLUE455 .DR. P. J. CHENEY PENJIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 arm fttff&j mw cent f the amount ol -the .tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway .Company and Its constituent . companies. uncomlltlouaUv ( guaranteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada,': or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque If required to make up an odd junount. i " - By order. . BANISH ATE IN POLITICS GEORGE ARE W:S P.LEA that we banish preju-' dice and hate -from politics, is something than can and . should-r-be supported by all our ; parties. AH Qf us rnay, hold to our convictions, have 1 -4-Ke privilege of believing in them passionately and ! fighting for them vigorously, but there can be no i ?3i&ir in lnakin: a difference of opinion a cause .for ' niatix:d. jhatort of -thing rancor and malice is ; the antithesis of rfvor.tsinanahip, alien to .our ,, way. J jd-o fiuqh hatred .existed .among our ons when, in -glorious comradeship, they marched against a com- mori enemy. 1 " No one asked then whether the companion by ', his ide.on battlefield or .-bomber .was .a ;Potes-' tant or Catholic, a Jew qr & Gentile, a Conserya- tive or a Liberal of ;F,rench .or nglbh. They were ; brothers in ,arrns, which was all -that mattered. ;Jt .is all that ,rn.atters ;in peace. We inay believe what 5 we ibeJlieve ; -why should the right ,pf .that, .a ,prjce- Jieritage be -made a cause tor barren .hate and sterile prejudice ? ; It was Michael .Clark. -r--(' Red Michael" who tnce stirred ', the .House by -telling it how, despite : Htis temndovts .philipic against his old leader .over ; consci-iption, .'the first and noblejt letter I ,re-, . ceived when my son 'fell ,in r'lnce.came from YV.il-' frid Laurier." Ottawa Journal. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Jqiclng .and .RfcpalM MIKE CO.liUSSI : Phone BLACK 756 572 10th .Sast . PRINCE JUJPERT BOTTLE" COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER 'Beer, Sod' find. Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS .AND CONTRACTORS Repairs . Con&tryction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specialty Blark f87 M P O. Box 1 for yo ROCK and CO S 7 ' 1 VVUKM CALL BLUE M. J. SAUNI New, Modern F All Work Canrl MARGARET ,OPT0METri I L ROOM 10. STONE PHONE r.LUE P.O. Box 11 m OUALITT r..r Downtroddt mnd Worn MAC SHOE I si JtlOX ,774 vrinji hone REDSei P.O. Box Til I IV M P I P M U JVelU Cartage ' M. Complete Moving Seevice ! UrU Al. A A. J 4aj jut. & L r 1 - . I A , J .M. SOMERVILLE. Secretary .Department of Public Works. Ottawa. November 1.8. 1948. (HI ".BUILD p. C. PAYROLLS" We .Capture the Sun for You ! ,lvl)tF 0... Irradiation is like . taking a bit of the sun's health-giving rays and sealing it in a can. Pacific Milk, irradiate and vacuum packed for greater quality .gives you Vitamin D -to help you keep healthy and strong! PACIflCMllK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed J A ' W 'Ujj ' E?WUtS. PREPARED I 1 Ljs " ' i lri K. ;MQRTIMER I f 324 2nd Vve. (Near CFPR jf yi jL TKJ A SAVOY Cratine -Packlm Cartage I .BLUE 780 BLUE 980 f - - SPONSORED BY YOUR.CIVIC CENTRE PRINCE RUTOtX.JJmE XHEATRE i;ki.m:mk ... 'HOT WATER' A I tMUV,l TIVO .!,! 'SiBEPyTJME DOWN SOUTH' CIVJC CENTRE AUDITORIUM - TOMORROW MIT I Adrnissitm 50i- - Students 25c .Curtain 8 ,15 p.m. llTfe BROWHWOODS , ; tl . PHONE 37 PRINCE R4JPEBT