n.n -iri.rn.n- i-T-Ti 'i r - TL ILJ J 1 " 1) ' - --"... " JlJl-L?J-f5f l-fr , ; r : I mJ uJfi " ;' Hugo Kraupner is leaving o;vr.iain, tomortow imortow afternoon's planp -i nt(!' vani-ouTer ancourer to w attend aicena the the annual annual ' ay meetlriE of the BrititJi rvM, i v vvmlJlun -4-firx i. it I . III f&0, :f 'ijt RECIES5C0-EDGE ..MrsAxeiPt, ji- fha i 1 lv; STONQDOWD hiRhway cofnmittee of the Aw,-1 on th elation ia to eormider ! 1 "lerc1 later r Where two lengths of other thing, tlle question of Uip reu'wfj1'! 1 Stonebord come together, there e true uniform channel. With a broadknife apply the temons Stonebord oint filler, then a strip oi re-enforcing tape as furnished, then smooth off -with more filler. The result a -strong, -re-enforced invisible joint Stonebord comes end-bundled two -beets taped LI C . - if wt i A L5 f, pa r Me i 7t : V i "wi f : t). F Oi tace-to-iace to keep them clean -and perfect Stonebord is smooth, hard and durable, takes any decor vermin prooi and ureproot because its cere mineral gypsum. mm 1 Made by Western Gypsum TTorlufcts Ltd., "Winnipeg i " PMHLIPOTir.ISV-IT'ir & CO. Ltd. - m m Wk m .1 X)AL - LUMBER ?HOME65l BUILDING SUPPLIES ' i-'m. t WE. Willi! DKC IPI INF MMnBMlPmFIW DEAD END 15108 Known as the Dead "End Kids of the 'Calgary Stampeders ,now training at 'OfrkvlHe, near Toronto, 'for their east-west football final Saturday, are these four young Huskies, members df last year's unofficial junior champion Vancouver Blue -Bombers. All from Vancouver, they are, 'left to right: Jim Mitehener, flying wing; Pete Thodus, half ; Ced. Gayles, half; 'and Rod "Outrageoits" Punt-oges, plunging back. ' (CP. Photo i ' ' " ' ' ' . : 1 : I v v.-.. '4ix Ji" . i'y IDDISCOURAG! AMATEUR BOXf RS: . While boxing bras always 'hart 'amotable-attractioii for Prince -Rupert's sport-loi'ing- public, .'the 'gloves themselves seem to Jiave 'little drawing1 power fol-the: citi'fs .VBifth-ianrt-'ffltde ; who in recent ;vears have either shiinnett -them altogether or hung them back: onlthe wall after a few practice turns in the ring. C. Pilfold returned to the city I II on the "Prinee George yesterday I " ZL "ih. I I A. from a trip to Vancouver. j V s fj&s l I ,S The elty contains a considerable amount, of prospective talent and. some of 4t has hown' up briefly at the arm0r' but mostol what has shown up has abided there only briefly then disappeared. The answer seems to 'be ;thflt they -cati't stand -the discipline necessary to training or 'they cant 'stand the minor 'hurts that are paft of the sport. Despite these setbacks, 'Joe has hopes of providing some local boys to .take part in preliminaries to Jack (The Cat) McLaughlin's wrestling spectacle which is scheduled at the Civic Centre next month. This eituation 'has redounded 'in decent weeks to the puzzks i'Tl OT1 M1 Hlvi.nilnmant .nf T,k I Ward, -who has been giving of f his time And experience to trairv Cieii of trie' Outdoors j tooal fighters 'for a card some BASKETBALL BIG FIVE SENIOR G PG M. Thompson (Brownwoods) , 3 19 R iHolkeatad (Savoy) 3 16 sj. Lindsay (Coop 3 14 D. Schertc (-Bo-Me-Hit 3 16 'A. M-acphee ( Co-op 3 H 1NTEKMEDIATE B .McChesney (Stones) 3 8 H. Marshall (Stones) 3 8 time this winter-It is not 'that there Is ft -com prete luck of amateur fighter There -is still time, he -says, 'for trainees. There are -some, -even nnvnne wpimtsiv intwnH in 2 34 0- 'Matured ' B . Bottled m :0 J. Hebb i Merchant , 3 8 2 18 ! I 1 llf lUIMIIIIr I ungiuuu v. KBf If fhotigh their humberere -smali. 'training to et into form nd But there re not enough to pro-jtry'out -for one of the preilmin-mote 'Card, br ven a portion ary 'bouts . or. Mrd. employing city talent.' Also Ment on the re-oe holds orlh in the armory, sponae 0 trainees is the fate of hew he has 4wen leading j a mootetl ,wnWh.the framing sessions tor boxers sinee Canadian iLeglon Atnletic -Club late miner, but the response, nopes to sporBWr, latw ,, iUl0 ii admits fTankiy, has been dls- .tn),. couraginc ge leaas him to doubt Hi the squared circle haa . .v r ... ... ... ... 2 16 W V 4 16 CIGARETTE " JSHi : 5 papers P1WWW 5 37 . v This rjverttsement is not publithed" or dupl-iyrH by tHe .. .,t, 3 23 I Board or by tde Government oi British Cot' O 1 ?V-1 ((i 5 V V y J "Cive le a Quart of That N Frrat S. Youngman (Merchants) 3 7 R. Ohristoff (Stones) "... 3 6 WOMEN C. Carrie (Bo-Me-H!) 3 13 J. Budinich (Peooles) . 3 9 L. Howe (Peoples) 3 8 B. Hamilton (Dom'si 3 7 D. 'Asehoff (Miller Bay) 3 a 1 31'NIOR . i- F. Slmonson (North Stair) ? 16 D. Johnson (North Star) 3 10 D Xetourneau (Kinftmen) 3 10 M. Sedgwick (North Star) 3 7 R. McKay ( Kinsmen 1 3 g H. Blackaby (Kinsmen 1 3 c, ,,, v" "-"- i "Ottawa and lire River" was 'u. .. Uhe subject of a colorful aha in if ou owe ' it to yourselves to have the best in work clothes O PANTS 'I'ractieally any type of work 'trousers you can name we have RAINWEAR Everything for wet weather from rubber boots to rubber hat3 O UNDERWEAR You can rely on us to supply the design and weight you , wantr-we specialize in Stan-Tleld's . . For a very good buy in . . . . BLANKETS See 'Our 401NT WHITNEY'S $35.50 a pair 8-OUNOE GREYS . $14.95 a pair show . up, I T I'- ' with fS' W testing moving picture which fuming eager- was featured yesterday at the ness to get the gloves on. They! reguiar weekly luncheon of tho are in such hurry to 'become j Prince upert Oyro Club, the fighters that they can't even program being arranged by wait to get some -preliminary in- Giant Stewart. President Orme struction. They want to so at 11.. ut,xat UVii v vrciT in iiv cirai UJ1U Then what haDDens? Von there was a good attendance o "V. . ' r m 4- i1 few. tl : .ji and .Never Mind the ( haser! JVLP lust 1 " S ? 1 JSXJ-cSiA v VOvVX VVTr 1 one Important phase or get- '1 --.'l i 4CS$S 'XVXS;S5 ( t'ng your -ear ready for win- 0fb sAfc? 'WHV'iN. J teT- Pcr .lubrlcaUon and yfj-p-- . S ' xv XNSnC- V attention to the battery are M V members with guests In the per-Jons of H. W :Birch and Walter Drew. Rupert Pulton was welcomed as the latest new member It was 'reported that the recent stag .party had netted $130 for club funds. wmwy Gillette Makes It Easy To Shop others. JgV 4tT C Why not come in for one - n Of tMir COMPLETE but fUk if rronomlcal winterizing ser -VCT V i vice Jobs and be safe. - rr-''J FOR MEM ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST! finally put them in the gym ting with somebody of matching weight and equal lack Of experience and 4iope that one or tiie other will learn something. Then somebody gets tapped in the breadbasket or the faee and he is through with boxing." Mr. Ward's bitterness is not quite as deep-seated as it may sound. An old boxer himself (Old Country style), he has a genuine love of the sport and is the only ene in the city who is taking acti6n to promote it. A few of his trainees are coming along nicely and he has hopes that their training will bear fruit in a card. The big lack, however, it to match them fittingly. Obvious difficulties In obtaining outside fighters to match the local boys makes it desirable 'to. -groom city fighters at lleast for the preliminaries. - ACME UUK 1 if A A i A A Thi Th,s. attractively ottroctivly pack pock- ) 'asRfHil' h rtVllirftv aged a9edGillette9iHftmok Gillette gift sets make Q SESZ 3 'JO ;u'tf .J D f mi J L Lw I vlA ,he the ,igh, right P'nt present for for any any i .. ' , Jjj,.'. i . j . ""j r it easy for you to select man. Every one Is a gift that will be treasured for months to come. km, aiFW RflYAI RUPERT MARINE REAL!1 w '-. -mm 'iliiit him GIFT SETS Are Sure To Please Any Man D9T71GD (J. CLAUSEN & SON) tlUIti BOATS FOR, SALE OR CHA tJ. m w 9 A Home Away From fioriw IBBBDi BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING W TTiV I RUPERT MARINE REAL! 60 Rooms, Jlot and Cold - Water V- PRINCB RUPERT, B.C. Phbr Ml P.O. B01 m FOR QUICK SALES OR CHAKiti" "OOVrRfIF.T IiIQI OK ACT" (Swttoft 28) NoMre f AfHcntlon F.ir Convnt tn Tnm.rrr or nnr l liemr NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 27th day of November next, the underfttKned intends to pply to the Liquor Control Bourn for eonnerit to transfer of Beer Licence Nn hsii k,rf i (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterirom Phone 654 Phoitf Box 648 . FISHERMEN J5c Pti doitn ptid lot tmpliti Ubtitd by tnr B.C. Br.ty " A ThU .dv.rtii.rn.nt is not publUhcd o. ipl.yd by . Liquor Conltol Bo.td or Goytrrrmmt tl British Columbi.. Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENC.lNEj GILLETTE Attention Please! All, BAWUINTON PLAYERS If Your Itaicl Needs x; s ew N'fi s , . . , nuipe'e '; '" A. B. HODGES North Pacific Cannery : and ship your racquets to " INVERNESS P.O., B.C. Prices S4.dblO,"$5.0 SG.00 BLADE DISPENSER GIFT SET respect of premises being part of a building known s Caledonia Hote( situate at Front Street, -Port Essington. British Columbia, upon the lauds described as Lots 2 and 3, Block I, Townstte of Port EsslnR-ton. Map 637, Prince Rupert Lai id Registration District, in the Prov-ince of British Columbia, from Alfred Henry ) Perkins. Licensee, to Janet Ross Brown, of Port Essine-ton, British Oblumbla. the transferee. DATED at prince Rupert, BC. this 27th day of October, 1948 JANET ROSS BROWN. Applicant and Transferee. (380) specialty. We have the latest in mo chiiwry and specially TRAINED MMJ to handle this class of work. Lei us M u .infU iho last rn" GILLETTE TECH RAZOR SET Latest thing for shaving convenience makes Hade chnnging a cinch. Contains 3 of the handy new Gillette Blade Dispensers, each holding 20 Gillette Blue Blades 60 blades in all. For use with any Gillette razor ? 3.00 Contains an all-metal Gillette 98c raior and 1 5 Gillette Blue Blade. that bVerhaul. If you are thinking of J haul, we will he fjlad to look your njoj una mane our recommenaaiiun. j i better still DROP IN and talk it overH Shop Foreman. RUPERT MOTORS I LET'ER Your Best Ratrng Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.mv to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners and Parties Chinese Dishes WANTED ' Enpty Boar Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL 'COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR j CARTONED OR LOOSE ' WE PAY CASH ' Gillette shaving kit Hollywood Caf' Includes a Gillette Tech Ror, -14 Gillette Elue Blades, and a tube of nrwesi ana MOSt up-lU""41"- w"- Open from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Gillette Shaving Cream GILLETTE ONE-PIECE MILORD RAZOR With 5 Gillette Blue Blades. $1.32 GILLETTE ONE-PIECE ARISTOCRAT RAZOR Complete with 10 Gillette Blue Blades. Rich Texol covered travelling case.f 6.00 0 . . . right for a strike! flit or miss, you'll enjoy bowliitg with your friends on our alleys. Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public; Saturday and Sunday f after-noons -and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. uuraoie case in m- ya gat or -grain covering. FOR rdeH PHONE 950 We specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CAFE 3rd Ave W. -Phone 200 ch4 (281)