Sclle' Party u. whose Local News It 3 Prince Uupctt Daily rlcm Thursday, November 25, 1948 Mrs. Barney Turbitt returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancou- A group of nine Mawns irom Ocean Falls arrive , Mrs. 8. D .Johnston returned on the Prince George yesterday from a two months' visit to Victoria. Lieut. M. J. Staplelon of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals left today by air on a trip LITTLE THEATRE DRESS REHEARSAL Wednesday night's dress rehearsal was an indication of the popularity of the Little Theatre Association's presentation for Friday evening. The two-act comedy "Hot Water" is a hilarious farce from beginning to end. A well-to-do football hero and the family's unknown guest, arrives on the scene along with a plumber and there is an immediate case of mistaken identities. The guest playing the part of the plumber and the "vi v uU uie Prince Oeorge yesterday to at- - v. UUviauuu ceremonies lor a number of new mrmWi w uibu Tyee Lodge last night. They wero John Denholme, J. c. Ross, Will-lam Dellar. J oh ' wwvn, ucu Seldelman, Freeman Brown, Milo Fugner, Alfred Harvey and Rev. Charles Lord. After attending a meeting of Tslmpsean Lodge mcy wiu return south tonight. 0 TRY A CUUJSJjttjeaj AD! LEGION (B.E.S.L) CHRISTMAS TREE Dec. 19, Navy Drill Hall -j ..., i . ... . paiu-up memDers or tne Can- veterans resident In Prince aaaresses 01 cnnaren (12 years be advised promptly to: The Legion, Box 473 or Secr'y. 27) P.O. Box 628, City. Saturday, December 4th. plumber in a reverse role brings one complication after another. Local actors taking part in this production, under the direction of W. D. Griffiths, are Helen Marchiidon, Kathline Kerr, Nina Youngman, Harley Lewis, John Jenkins, Mel Shal-merud, Eileen McClintock, Edith A. Black, and Rev. Basil Prock-ter, . The little .Theatre's second production is a musicale based on the deep south and features familiar tunes by Stephen Foster, George Gershwin and many other well - known composers. This is in two parts featuring "Blues" numbers in the first scenes "on the levee" and the gay southern melodies in the second. Players in .the order of their appearance are Elspetn MacKenzie, Joanne Langridge, Jacky Gustavson, Marie Lavigne, Bill Lees, Lois Thompson, Nina Youngman, Pat, Boulter, Reg. Lavigne, Lily Sylvester, Mel Shalmerud, Johnny Bond, Davj Jones. Roy Weiss, Harold Shal merud, John Currie, and Cliff Knutson. vj Vancouver, L. M. Felsenthal left today by air on a business trip to Vancouver. He will be away two weeks and will also attend a college alumnale committee meeting in Seattle. WEST AFRICA EXPERIENCES With some sixty members attending, the Women's Canadian Club met in the Common' Lounge of the Civic Centre Wednesday evening to hear an interesting address by Rev. Charles Lomas of the Anglican Church mission boat Northern Cross. The speaker was introduced by the. vice-president, Mrs. T. J. Boulter, who occupied the chair in the absence of president Mrs. F. N. Eve. Mr. Lomas spoke of his experiences as a missionary in the Cameroons, West Africa, where he.was stationed for twelve year3 and where, during the Second World War, he served as an army padre. Into this very small area are crowded 22 million people whose customs and superstitions are difficult for the white nan to understand. The natives are polygamists, it being customary to have at least four wives. They are of a cruel disposition, especially in their treatment of cattle and beasts of burden. Incidents related, humorous as well as serious, illustrated the extreme range of tempermentof these people. "Whereas we keep a fairly steady average of good or bad," the speaker said- "They go the limit both ways." Transportation is of a primi tive nature and drums, the "jungle telegraph," are still re lied upon for communication between villages in this part of the dark continent known as the "Edge of Beyond." A hearty vote of thanks to the speaker was moved by Mrs, D- McD- Hunter. A short business session, In which routine club matters were discussed, preceded Mr. Lomas' address. Classified Advertising Pays! mlntmmB -- - - .-'... m Notice Funeral oMom, Hnmirt nrkitnr w ni' ' advant. Plemw retrain tax totopbosinc. 1 Queen wuaiwui. ! her seventh P f.h - ! Tuesday name of her grand ad Mrs. Jonn toii-.-onments. There mUe friends preb- veK piayea mm, 3ents. the cniiarcn t each cmia con-,1k Drueram -with recitations. A ., cwnt bv all and. iCb little guest was ;ied apple, wrapped w take home. CANADIAN ANNUAL 3 p.m., Sunday, . i i e ii' I ;or cniia-ii ut i ion, and deceased Names, ages ana nd under) should jmen 3 Aux y, ianaaian ,dian Legion, (Branch tely Closes Midnight nH n4 III I t il Hi U of Thanks. Death KPRriAI. niRPl.iT ttuine 16 payable la 1LM0KIAM MEMORY of my .ad. Samupl M. Bill, a away November as passed since , . iav. w loved was iv; :um hume, It was .: hearts he liveth Tibercd bv his wife (It) UK SALE First offer over m troller "Pitt." :he office of the .inert Fishermen's ,n . 279l Oil Ranae. Phone or ADDlV 1048 7th 1 D.m 278' Bavs bicvcle $15; it $2000: Coleman We $5.00. Plione (279) Iil health forcing srii industrial Kite Ave. and Cow Bay 120 ft 15 h p. Elec- csrcular saw and im with the sale. Heluerson Ltd. (279) Pmg-pons table nth bats etc. Like e Red K15. (278) New Cups and ncv design. Reeu- soc or 4 for $1.7a. ristmas Gift. B.C. Hi CO. (tf) OCULARS' AND! S THE FOLLOWING' in or phone ROB-! WAPOR .-liiiii Muses on 1st Over-j wise on 10 Hund-1 7th E. 'use on 8th East. I J on bth East. . aoses on Graham ( 'artime with excel-i ana garage. (277) room house, 1381 wet. View Lot. cash. (279) , Best location in Meat and Grocery ullv equipped, on 3 2 large warehouses back, one capable Um of flour and other 75 ton bale C. Morris, Box 81, (285) Sell New and Used nam warp pti -s;l Portable Gra-t Muneu Sets, Va-wers, small fancv "tsinz Boots, Log- New and Used ncm for wood. A Kitchen Chairs, 0 In hps). 'CP Desk nnH r'holt-l! Chest of Drawers! nriush India US lor Vflllf KW- F'R SALE spif-coritaln-? ideally &E.. Excel- fe'ooius. Loto "'kc view. W1 on Second ,, a residential niTp D.a estate ly Management it) ems . . . TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! A very fine assortment of Cruiser Jackets are available at Acme Clothinf. (tf) The offices of Centra Mort-i gage and Housing Corp. (War time Housing Ltd), at 603 Hays Cove Circle, will be closed between 12 and 1:30 daily. (281 S.O.N. Whist, Dance and Refreshments, Friday, 8 p.m. (278) Mrs. James Batt returned to the city yesterday on the Prince George- from a three months' visit In New York. She was there during the election excitement which presented many thrilling scenes. Regular meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers. Carpenters' Hall, Friday, Nov. 26, 8 p.m. ' (278) H. D. Reid ,who has been superintendent of coast logging operations for Columbia. Cellulose Co., arrived in the city today on the Prince George to begin or ganization of logging for the company. W. G .Kelsey, Canadian Na-! tional Railways tax commissioner, and G. F. Keith, general tax agent, both of Winnipeg, &i-rived in the city yesterday on the Princf George on a brief business visit to the local company offices. They will return south tonight. A. H. E. Parkes, newly appoint ed assistant divisional superintendent and master mechanic. Canadian National Railways, of Prince George, arrived in the city ,on Tuesday night's train on his first visit in that capacity. Mr. Parkes replaces George A-Hannon; who has been transferred to Edson as assistant superintendent. CITADEL TEA WELL ATTENDED Fall flowers and Salvation Army colors set the atmosphere for the annual fall tea and sale held by the Salvation Army Home League Tuesdav after I noon in the Citadel and the at- tendance made' it one of the! most successful in years. Handi work of league members netted $238. Convener of the function was Mrs. W. Yurgensen, while Major Mrs. Warrender, wife of the Div isional Commander, opened the sale. Mrs. Warrender and Senior Capt. Mrs. Chambers acted as pourers. . ' '. ' Servlteurs were . Joyce Scherk, Virginia Clark, Joan Ryan and Rose Collison. Mrs. Perry and Mrs. Smith were in chargeof the kUche'n. Gaily decorated stalls were popular and provided . a variety of articles for purchase. The fancy work stall was In charge of Mrs. V., Garten and Miss Connie Patterson while the knitted goods booth was directed by Mrs W. Waksdale and Mrs. A. Scherk. Mrs. Eveligh and Mrs. C. K. Ytreberg were in charge fo the home cooking booth. One of the most attractive stalls was that sponsored by the Native Girls' Hostel which was decorated with two totem poles and provided candy and a large variety of items. Mrs. Chambers was In charge 'and was assisted by Dolores Jones, Gloria Moran and Norah Enockson. Cashier was Mrs. C. Carlsen. Members of the committee included Mrs. G .Marshall, Mrs. Rudolph, Mrs. Tenner, Mrs. Timms and Mrs. A. Van Pykstra. Advertise in tht Dally News! Enjoy Fine 1 with FLEETWOOD Exclusive Features: Shock-Troof Pick-Up. Scrati'hless Record Reproduction. English , Speakers. Twelve-Record Automatic Changer at Amazing Low l'rice of $149.95 FOOD PARCELS MEAN MUCH Among the brightest spots hi the drab life of the English people today are the-food parcels which Canadians are fending to the Old Country, according to Harry W. Birch, retired secretary of Prince Rupert General Hospital, who is back in the city after 18 months in his native country. "Things are grim, there . The food situation is terrible," he said. "All you hear is 'export, export, export. Everybody is sick of hearing the word." Inability of thj? English people to purchase their own products was illustrated by Mr. Birch when he told of an attempt to purchase .some tea biscuits. "They were absolutely unobtainable, until I decided to write a friend in Victoria. He arranged to buy them aa a food gill and they were readily delivered by the Huntley and Palmer people. "The purchase had to be mady through someone in Canada,. Englishmen oan't buy them" Mr. Birch, who was secretary of the Prince Rupert General Hospital for more than 20 years, is visiting here prior to settling somewhere in the south. Just where he will make his future home, he has not yet decided. a home remedy for .-2 relieving miseries o: fS children colds. JLJuVlcito growth and rich blood." "Using two grains instead of owe in making Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes is a pair that really pays off in double breakfast enjoyment and rosy-cheek nourishment." "Fellahs I think I'll' pop over to the grocer's right now and buy up enough Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes for a full house." Phone Red 400 Moose Legion meeting Thursday 8 p.m. (277) Henry Wahl and Edward Waht of Dlgby Island, left yesterday by air on a trip to Vancouver. Acme Clothing store. To our Customers we have Just received a complete range of Ladles' Croydon Coats. (279) Mrs. George Eales returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a trip to Vancou ver. : Special meeting of International Union of Operating Engineers will be held In the Carpenters' Hall at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 25. Represen tee war will be present. Members please attend. (277) W. H .Murray of the provincial oresiry department staff in Prince Rupert .has been named second vice -president at the annual convention of the Provincial Government Employees' Assoc! ation. Mr .Murray and Graham Alexander, of the liquor store staff were local delegates to the convention. . - Mr. and Mrs.-Douglas Frizzell, who were married; recently hi Winnipeg and have since been on an extended hnnfvmmn motor trip around the United States, arrived In the city last night This afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell are hosts at a reception, Fifth Avenue West, In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frizzell. Mr. Frizzell is Mrs. Mitchell's brother. Mr. and Mrs: F. N. Feero are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Seattle whence they will proceed to Richland, Washington, for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Madill. Later they will visit Cali- lorma, expecting to be away about .three" months. Mr. Feero is recuperating from a recent major operation. Announcement ail !vertiec-iji n tnia column wiu be charged tor a tuU montn M U cento a wot Cambrai Chapter, I.OJ3X Sale November 25th. St. Andrew's Cathedral bazaar, November 27. ; range Ladies' ' Bazaar, December. 1st. ... , . . "United Church Bazaar, December 2. ' ( v Bridge," Wtdst 'and , Crib, Dec. t Catholic School, Hall. . ' . 1 Social Service , W.O.T.M. , Tea, December 3. .- v-,;- CCTTlazKrr, .Sons lot. JNorwy HatT December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. St. Peter's Fa Bazaar, December 9. St. Peter's Y.PA. show "Fan-tasy,' St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 and, 11, 8 p.m. Concert at Lutheran Church, Friday, December 17, 8 p.m. Moose Christmas Tree, Saturday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic Centre, January 10. Moving, Packing,.' Crating Shipping and , General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 an 68 Commodore Cale t . . . - k COMPLETELY . RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" Best Food and, Service in City Phone 17 for Send-out Orders Third Ave. j David Chow, Mgr. COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made: VALENTIN DAIRY j TDour Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE DONT FORGET . . , Buy Him a for Christmas The Ideal Solution to Your Chrisamas Problem . . . Buy a Stetson Hat Certificate TheStet son Hat Certificate is suitably worded for Christmas presentation and is accompanied by a miniature Hat and 'Gift Box. , Priced from $7.50 to $16.50. The Stetson Hat is smart, practical and dependable. MORE PEOPLE WEAR STETSON THAN ANY OTHER BRAND. FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOxM A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE i LTD. A Good Place to Buy ' j BED MATTRESSES Ask for them -by name. Bcautyrcst, Deepsleep, Slumber King, Lady Beaty and many others for your Fall requirements. ; Phone 775 ;327 3rd Avenue VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Sunday, 11 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM AND PORT SIMPSON . (Stewart - Fortnightly) ' Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS' s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 3, 17 and 31, 10 p.m., FOR JSORTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Dec. 10 and 24, 10 p.m. jg FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave." Phone 568 NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL (mi j FOR (WMV TOR EXT FOR RENT Sleeping room, close to town. 221 5th Ave. East. ' Red 807. (282) FOR RENT Furnished 2 room Apt. 801 Borden St. - . tfi FOR RENT Housekeeping, room with hot and cold water, in town. 613 3rd Ave. Green 780. - tfl WANTED W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; Da vine eood prices See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. HELP WANTED pIRL Wanted for Ueht office work. Apply Grant & Newton. 712 Second Ave. (217) WANTED Experienced seamstress will take in (sewing. Phone Black 990. 140 9th E. (279) WORK WANTED MIDDLE-Aeed Woman will look after children evenings. Phone ureen ana. (tl) LOST AND FOUND . i i i i LOST Brown Zipper Case on Sunday 5:30 p.m. Please return to Daily News glasses and key ring, finder keep monev-(277) FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Own-4 er may have same bv calling at the Daily News and paving tor this advertisement. (tf) PERSONAL V There Is no sounder Investment than a FIRST MORT IS GAlJBiQ-e.,J&jioikka IUUI VKDKw Vvlll 1 ivjivo- ented in Prince Rupert, this office is continuously being asked to assist in the financing of house sales. If you are, interested in a sound Investment and a SIX per cent return on your money please phone or call on ROBERT E. MONTADOR LIMITED. . i277) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letourneau St Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) MAC'HINtltY FOH SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and uo-to-date tvpe National Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions PETER PAN GIFT SHOPPE NOVELTIES and GUTS Greeting Cards , HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Pollen 229 Third Avenue West UJU ' in 3v I " raise with a package of super-delicious Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes" t)K, pal. That's a blue chip if I tver saw one speaking delici-usly, of course." "And these malty-rich, honey-folders Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes are a whole Btack of good nourishment."- "A spadeful of carbohydrates for enorgy." "Ana minerals for muscle and Reproduction CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS For Your Home and Tree BELLS WREATHS TREE BALLS . TREE TOP STARS RED AND GREEN ROP1NG SNOW ICICLES Full Range of Christmas Tree Lights - "al moulding for home-craft use. Simple an ,r uu easy to mstal. Supplied in eigut 'l .shapes to suit every home need. No required. J 'Wick PHONE 100 WON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 201 THIRD AVENUE WEST 518 3rd Ave. VV.