Steamship Movement! l?tfnce Rupert DaH? i3ctos Thursday, November 25, 1948 COLORFUL, TUNESOME For Vancouver Sunday ss. Coquitlam, H p.m Tuesday ss. Car den a, 1:30 his Co own LEGION PLANS -CHRISTMAS TREE At a joint meeting of committees of the Canadian Legion L p.m. comtv,.!.,. fd; Thursday ss. Prince Oeoree. -FiesU," With Esther Good Girls Know Good Things For 5 Williams, at Capitol Tl,eaire 1C finri ... -uu0t r - J' i r.:'.) fj) mis neea-end and their Women's 11:15 p.m. Nov. 2S ss. Princess Louise, p.m. December 8 and 19 ss. Prin last night, arrangements were Beautiful Esther wmium. All Age Girls Come From turns from swlmmlnir k..,i made for their annual Christ 1 8red, he 7 " "i and s;,e il cess Norah. ' From Vancouver i fighting In a spectacular new mas Tree, which through heavv lecnnicoior musical "Fiesta" m Sunday ss. Cardena. n.m. bookings for similar event? dur WALLACE'S 5 . ... ine tapitol Theatre hpr .u- Wednesday ss Prince George, low his. Thursday, Friday and Saturdav iu a.m. W,v ,"-" can She plays a feminine mala rnaay ss. Coquitlam, 1 p.m. ing the Christmas week, has had to be arranged lor Sunday afternoon December 19. Gifts are being provided for children of members nf th. isodes of ; who saves the honor of her December 4 and 15 ss. Prin cess Norah, a.m. lamuy wnen a family quarrel causes her twin brother m-,,. XMAS GIFTS FOR GIRLS ! WALLACE'S For Alice Arm and Port Simpson "can grounds. by Rlcardo Montalban, to be Sunday ss. Cardena. 11 n.m. Other in..! termed a coward. from Alice Arm and '"dude aZ? Ricardo's first love is m,in Legion, 12 years of age and under, as well as for the children of deceased veterans who are living in Prince Rupert. As in recent years it has been found Port Simpson Carroll anrt 11 1 i and he wanU to become a concert pianist and comDoser un Tuesday ss Cardena, a.m. : rom Ocean Falls ' i- - i " v ' RA W : ,-. i . ill" r"ai..i.. I tnat the Leeion Hall is tnn Wednesday ss Prince Georee der a great Mexican symphony pnnrlun n tin twuuuw wnen. last ns ho i i v a. . v . I i iu a.m. small to accommodate all recipients, and the parents that - w about to face a ehareinc hn For Ocean Falls For ti r. . 1 he learns, that his ul accompany them, the k Thursday ss. Prince George. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Drill Hall has hppn nioxoi ot 8.00 n.m u:i5 p.m. For Alaska the disposal of the Leeinn hv treacherously sent the conductor away, killing his hopes of a musical career, he leaps from the ring, branded a coward. Es- Wednesday ss Prince Georee Fr the Easu TuesdaVi Th 10.45 Dm the Commanding Officer of H. M. c .s. Chatham for this annual event. tirydock for winter overhaul alter which will do relief duty. Nate i w - L: ' On her final voyage of the season. Canadian Pacific steamer Princess Louise, Capt. Peter fj. Leslie, docked here at 1 o' miamgnt. . , December 4 and 15 ss. Princess Norah, a m. From Alaska i Thursday ss. Prince George, Names, ages and arfrfrpssp f children eligible for nrpsrnt . OM 1HI MM One hundred and fifty sacks are now being sought. clock Wednesday afternoon,! Cartoon p.m. of flour were shipped to Ketchikan yesterday. Of late, there have been unconfirmed renoris M-G.M't H 1 Pm- - November 28 ss. Princess .BIGGEST Trruuirn.-- II SAT. -2 Norah, p.m. oound lor Alaska port. Following this trip , the Princess Louise mill be replaced for the winter months by the Princess Norah. The Princess Louise will go into circulating to the effect that a BASKETBALL -rtwiAWlEI ,rrlBf settlement of the United States AIR PASSENGERS WIVES TAKE OVER MESS HALLS FOR TOMMIES Sever-al London women are now spending week-ends in camp with their husbands, father, or sons as the case, may be of the 599 Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment near Epping Forest Eng The idea was that of Capt. A. Williams who couldn't find enough eooks to prepare meals at the camps (counterparts of our reserve army camps) and so he asked the men to invite their w.ves mothers or sisters. The women take over the cookhouse and do the cooking. They must supply their own rations which may or may not match the free rations or their kin It Is a great recruiting idea, too. because many wives of ex-army men were oath to permit any more long separations over week-ends Here ' is a seldom sight. A sergeant is "spud-bashing" with the aid of two ladies of the cookhouse. and Alaska shipping strike wa3 &5 tSIHBBUIIBS IXAUO MONTAIUN at hand. But no confirmation SCHEDULE November 27 Junior Rupert Hotel vs. Kins of the ending of the difficulty has been heard. To Vancouver L. M. Felsen-tbal, Lieut. M. J. Stapleton, J. H. Thompson. From Vancouver J. C. Lois-elle, Inspector F. B. Woods- men. TnfnnH.JI.i. I -"iciuicuune Morgans vs. PUBLIC TOUR MINES WELLINGTON. ' N.Z. it, Rpp 6reetm at Christmas ashion. Johnson, W. James .C. TuDner. D. Candow. uiar sightseeing tours of coal RUPERT RADIO & ELEC Senior Brownwoods vs. Savoy. SECOND BILLIARD mines in his. district have been women Miller Bay vs. High inaugurated by A. B. Baxter TOURNEY OPENS tional-handicaps being awarded to previous winners competition in the new series is expected to be keen. From Sandspit O. R. Leigh-ton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown, Mrs. N. Booth and child, Mrs. present ocnooi. November 30 M.P., who hopes to bring about a better understanding be Entries for the second handi C. Jones. THE tween miners and the rest of cap English billiards tournament at the Canadian Legion the community. DE FORM EDMONTON. Middlesex, Eng., 0 Robert Bonjour, a French are taming in fast and it is expected that the drawing will be -unior Hign School vs. North Star. Women Dom's vs. People's. Intermediate-High School va Stone's. Senior High School vs. Co-op. D December 3 Intermediate-Mcrriianta Uc AUTOMAT! made before the end of this soldier serving in Indo-China, wrote to the Mayor of Edmon week and tha tthe tournament will be under way by Sunday. 1 ton asking If he could find a Several new names appear on Morgan's. "godmother." The mayor is tne entrv list and u-ith shhi. U,V International Scries Rn.M. doing his best. COMBINAT Concertone Speaker 12-Record Automatic Automatic "Shut-Oft High Fidelity Ecprod. Record Stocage space Improved Design . . Supcrhctrodyrif C: ONLY $ljc Hi vs. .Ketchikan. it.; l December 4 Junior u' Kinsm p n v u;, School. b" SavekvonLloals! International Serins R.mi... (Terms Available) Hi vs. Ketchikan December 7 Women Hi eh Schnni Doms. s ; the friendly way ; to remember those near and dear to you": To best express your,'", . . individuality, your thoughtfulness,' x?choose distinctive . 1tHci" cards. Come in and see our large '1 . display. ' V Columbia Hit of the Week CU46 "Bui ton and Bows" Dina Shore "Daddy-O" Intermediate-Fashion vs High School. Senior Savov vs Rn.vro.ui I '-' ... v. - ii . December 11 V fVm Ar fess rf Vr" Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 363 BUILDERS and . CONTRACTORS vs. Intermediate-Fashion Merchants. Junior Ruiwrt Hnti uiu School. McRae Bros Senior BrownwixKix u;v. I t , ' XII I . LIMITED School. "'b" Women-Miller Bay vs. Dom's December 14 Junior -Kinsmen .vs. North star. lit i Where else could you get such a nourishing dish for so little money? Serve Aunt Jemimas often! r AMCAKii M mat. WHEATS, vfco S.n m t Ik. ECONOMY tmg. , The women Hi2h Rfh,.,i VS. People's. Intermediate M nm a r,:. -.r- I VHUbiWJl Villi VS O. . C, O ):1 owjne 8. x ; .... Scnlor-Savoy vs. Co-op. Junior North Ktnr r . Hotel. "upu,t Christmas Famous Name Chocolates and Candy for Christmas MOIRS CHOCOLATES $180 and $1.50 Women Peonips ..... SUSPICION Six-year old Bernhard Pflster had never seen white bread in his short life. H ewas born during the war when black bread was the only bread. He was reared on Chimes of Westminst Here are the words ol the tune played quarter hour on our Westminster chime clock " All through this hour Lord be my guide And through thy power No foot shall slide." Part of the tune is played each quarter i and the whole tune, at the end ol the hour then the clock strikes the hour. The clocks are beautifully cased in real nut and run about fourteen days with one win The price Is $55.00-pi us tax and it is the -price as the clock is sold at in the east and w the freight all the way to B C. Senior-Savoy vs. Bo-Mc-Hi. SHOPPING NEWS FROM :;. it - WRATH AIT 'o it and believed it was the only J Hn V. : .. . j 1 yes LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES $1.50 and $3.00 PHOTO FINISHING Developing Printing tnlareirn - QUICK SKKVICE ",u mat i-Ai&ueu. ao you can't biame him for being a little suspicious when he gets the first white bread made Irom flour sent from the U.S. ... Annette s WLlcSShATSTN Shi,)ment of beautiful y ude,sin- At mo(lera te prices. All A newest shades. Sizes from 10 to Pmfssional SunpHiM, SMILES and CHUCKLES Chocolates , $1.10 to $2.75 . SELECT. NOW WHILE STOCK IS muir.m I McCUTCHEON PHARMACY HOUSE COATSKv m,?l!fi.. ... , 5 parWl cofiJ M"'7tci,y Ut'SlgneU Dl'O- 2 TK.A .... .. .Z. nrciiue ana sutb St. in- I I Dtlnoiriozen dM- f id A A A O ASIC THP MAM Tun pl eluding ui u black. i o F , ' wuuT-au colors Sizes from 14 to 44. quaTv'S" T XmAS shPP'ng where quality and service are supreme." ANNETTE MANSELL'S U Fruits & Vegetables WgjgtA 1 "M. BUYS ONE - QUALITY K A A H A It A A WELL FOLKS, HERE I AM AG DRESS SAl.nv 525 Third Avenue West .AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN WHEN YOUR TANK IS MADE I K. V-V w PHONE 150 MAM,Mtfc,M,M,It.1.l,j THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Electric Ranges THE AUCTIONEER :WITH ONE OF THE LARGEST SM It's the iVKK HELD IN PRINCE KUlxi Ken (Dalle The entire stock of the ENTERPRISE sold by AUCTION every Saturday i . tt Tasty Meals Chow Mein LATEST IMPROVED QUALITY MODELS We are Pieced to announce to our customers that we have received a small shipment of electric ranges. ONLY A FEW ARE AVAILABLE' While they ,ast. .lmediate delivfry The Northern B.C. Povfir fin Chop Suey 2 p.m, starting Nov. 27. ' Chinese Dishes a Specialty . This is your chance to buy what you n Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel :7:00 aJn. to V ?:30 an. Phone 173 for Outside Orders ' Prince Rupert Distributor ' H. SWAFFIELD 1 at your prices No Reserves. 'EVERYTHING must he sold! PHONE 343 x nunc mm i.i mil i b'ii a. -va i " w rnone 210 i : .