r for a MORNING RITES Prince nupcrt Dull? X3cUjsi JLtD. Saturday, July 24, 1948 Lroo job pectfy UNITE COUPLE Lhalt Thick Butt Shingles Miss Violet Cavenaile Becomes Bride of Reginald Slatt Chief Justice Visitor Here . Chief Justice Wendell B. Far-ris of the British Columbia Supreme Court arrived in the city yesterday on the Prince George accompanied by Mrs. Farris, to preside at a series of divorce Valhalla Hall the guests were received by the bride's mother, wearing a charming two-piece ensemble of biege and navy blue printed crepe. Her corsage was of white roses. Under a bridal arch of pink and white streamers, the newly married couple received congratulations from their friends A wedding of wide city Inter-J e(j( Bright ureen na ureen mena y4 $10.75 per square mplfte stock of Roll Roofing, Mineral 'rt Roofing and Insul-Brlc Siding ial Lumber Buildinf Supplies PHONE 116 est took place at the Church of the Annunciation Tuesday morning when Rev. J. A. Carroll Joined Violet Julia Cavenaile, second daughter of Mr. and hearings and chamber matters Toast to the bride, proposed f lv, ,.., t , by Angus McDonald, was fit- Tho . K, fi, . Mrs. E. Cavenaile, Seal Cove, in to the! by marriage to Reginald F. Statt, tingly responded bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Statt I & McCAFFERY LTD. Wednesday, returning south again on the same vessel. Sessions of ' the court opened . Friday afternoon. of Vancouver. The bride, who was given in The couple are spending a few days in the city, after which they will leave to make their home at Vancouver. marriage by her father, looked beautiful In a French ankle- 1948 he was appointed to the fleers Salvation Army Training Col TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! fa Army lege In Toronto, where he shared in the responsibility of training young men for Salvation Army service. In June he' was length gown of imported white taf etta moire with etched hemline over white satin and net, draped sleeves, sweetheart neckline and long white gloves. A small lattice cap of white taffeta with net veiling and white velvet Violets and blos- Neon and Marseland of pending a few and Mrs. E. FIREFIGHTING COSTS UP VICTORIA, B.C., Cost of fighting forest fires has increased. At the beginning of July the cost of this season's firefighting was $21,324, $2,000 above the figure for the same transferred out to Vancouver, FROM RED HUNGARY ARRIVE IN U.S. Among the arrivals on the S.S. Veendam was , ih 8rouP 01 HunBanan exiles, who, it was reported, might explore the possibilities of UP a Hungarian government in the United States. Lett to right are Dezoe Sulyok, ounder and chairman of the Hungarian Liberty party and a member of the Hungarian parliament until he was expelled by the Communists; Mrs. Sulyok and Bela Halter, secretary of the Liberty party. They were greeted by a delegation of prominent Hungarian exiles. salvation Army to take charge of North Vancouver Citadel. Envoy and Mrs. J. Walker . the speakers morrow. jjewton has :e of the Sal- ..o nuuun steamers com-. period of 1947. Only 343 fires pleted the ensemble. She car- were reported to date, against ried a colonial bouquet of pale last year's equivalent figure of missionary teachers of Canyon City will also be assisting in Plan now to oin your friends puis roses as sne entered the, 442. Local News Items.. over 10 years the services at the citadel thl week-end. cnurch to the Wedding March e she has held JANTZEN sweaSrs TOPS IN STYLE AND QUALITY k'jrps appuu'k- Visitors in the city are Dr 0 At present at Divisional and Mrs. R. V. Smalley of Wll Cash for old gold. Bulger's. C. A. Berner, c.N.R. divisional llts, California, who arrived Vancouver. m Marseland EASE neurmc here Friday evening on the Ca- i superintendent, left on last tala to visit Mrs. Smallcy's bro- nleht's train for a trip over the ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and line on official duties. years in Sal Fire Chief and Mrs. H. T. Lock returned Friday from a motor trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Martin Stuart returned Friday afternoon by air from a trip to Vancouver. George Rorie returned to the city on Thursday nij-ht's train on the Moose Public Excursion to ! Terrace on August 1. Tickets sold at Macey's, Star Stylewear, Rupert Men's and Boys' Store and George Hill and Sons. (w,s Lt. Col. and Mrs. R. J. Carson and son, who have been paying a visit here with Mrs. Carson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Heilbroner, left by last evening's train on their return to Halifax. Mrs. George Galbincia and two children arrived in the city this week from Warren, Ohio, for a two month's visit here (eurtjqis PAIN stars, w. m. yvatis. iney expect Canon and Mrs. E V. Bird played by Miss Frances Moore. The bride's only attendant was her sister, Mrs. R. H. Hansen, gowned In an Adrian design of blue crepe with American Beauty crepe facing in the two-tiered skirt and cape sleeves. A tiny lattice cap with white flowers, blue ribbon bows and veiling and long white gloves completed the costume. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations and fern in colonial style. Victor Cavenaile, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Durine the service. Father Lan- to be here for a few days, re turning south by air. Mrs. Smal .ice, serving in ; until the last ceded overseas the Canadian ,.e years overfly theatre of ABPI of Hazelton are sailing on the Camosun tomorrow evening to make the round trip to Alice Arm and Stewart. ley was in t b" Philippines during the war and was a Japanese prisoner of war. from a 10-day business trip to to Canada in OINUINI ASPIRIN It MARKED THIS WAY- Smithers. Jantzen sweaters in the usual Jantzen quality. William Crulckshank, agent, passenger department WW ATTENTION HOMEMAKERS If you think your dollars should purchase more, come to the meeting at the Valhalla Hall, Cor. 8th and 9th East, July 26, 8 p.m. All welcome. (1741 on the North Coast NEW NUMBER with Mrs. Galbincla's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McEwen. tagne sang a beautiful rendi- J for tion of the hvmn ''Panis An- Canadian National Railways, is making the round trip to Alaska aboard the steamer Prince George which sailed for the north yesterday afternoon. by IIIDDEE JINKS 5"Chicken in the Rough' to take, home 5 gelicus" accompanied by Miss Moore at the organ. At an evening reception in TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Provinse, who were for many years in business at Hyder, Alaska, and V CALL RED 705 ' f iCIVIC CENTRES DINING ROOMS who now make their home in Montana, arrived In the city by Sleeveless and long sleeve pullovers Cardigans in pastel shades of light grey, powder blue and fawn. a serious and pleasant feature. She was always there and she played the part with extreme accents. Announcements All advertisement mi thla column will be churned (or a, lull month t 26 ceoU t word motor and will leave tomorrow night on the Camosun to re ild-Ru.sh cele-vwhere in Al-ew and "the ou" make an :act that Dan oefore means An alley cat his chain of ..ber of times a bullet and itches around gown cut low Going Away? ni A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited visit Hyder. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. E. McLean are arriving in the city on the Princess Norah this afternoon from Juneau to take up residence. Mr. McLean is the s i r J, J i., the final A FAULTY SHADE may let the SLN FADE your FABRICS ,akes the poke Loyal Order of Moose public basket picnic excursion to Tcr-ace August 1. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary I O D E. Bazaar, October 20. thi but we have SHADES that will lying stranger new C.P.R. general agent here, succeeding David Scott who has been transferred to Seattle and will be leaving for the south on the Princess Adelaide on Monday night. dies his head keep out those SUMMER Also the new knitted; casual sweater, a new: jacket that is long wearing, smart in appearance and beautifully tailored. RAYS. was chosen Phone 775 327 3rdAve. Rebekah Fall Bazaar, Novem ise red Is bc- is a likeable CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Martin Valder- t. at. her skin live tinge, her ber 3. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. haug and family desire to cx-) fey j$gf il : I biack, her press their heartfelt appreciation to all those friends f- and she Is is. h to be grace- Salvation Army Home League and others who extended sympathy and assistance in their recent sad bereavement. Particularly do they wish to thank Jentoft Leland, Constable Thomas Brue and others of the crew who attempted to effect a rescue. Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. (197) SALT LAKES FERRY SCHKDII.E Daily except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats Wed., Thurs., Fri. 2, 2:30, 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. Saturday E v e r y hour from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from 10 a.m. Last boat returns 10 p.m. Adults 50c. Inder 16, 25c Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi i two children ) fcrl was ill re-iti elbow on her r If id low in' her r d out loud, that kid's i- "Tcmpera- ISAVW unTKi 0 t ird but thnt 4 f course the of Lou was 111 J lulu Be -t On the i Beam9 Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bos (44 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions FURNACES! FURNACES! . . . and all set to 'fly' down the street to Sweet Sixteen on Friday July 30 It's the day the Summer Sale stavts and you will be greeted with 'amazing bargains in a wide assortment of ladies wear Carry Travellers Cheques and you can't lose.?& It's the safe way to carry travel funds. Here's why ; ; ; Before your Travellers Cheques can be cashed, they must be signed twice by you: first, when you buy them and again when you cash them. So if lost, stolen or destroyed, and before you have added your second signature, they are worthless to anyone else . . . and you get your money back. Keep your travel ' funds sufe. Curry Travellers Cheques on all vacation or business trips. Cash them wherever you go, as you need the money. Sold at all branches. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA IA0ES! 1 ysiiii DRESSES SKIRTS UMBRELLAS COATS LINGERIE PURSES HOT AIR AIR CONDITIONING INSTAL NOW THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. FAWC ETT DEALER ; Black 884 IJLOUSES HATS SLACKS SPORTS TOGS Shop at Ease. Use Sweet Sixteen's' Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carry Charges - D. W. G. STEWART, Manager PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH - Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 261 P.O. Bos 19 r best tea kettle lost Was Aon; Available! I J0t 1 on the last 'fishing trip or did Junior pirate J'our favorite saucepan to bail his skiff? Don't worry replace thorn wtih a selection from our stock. It's (h e F rooms." I "at of "iiclleM Hollywood Cafe Peculators Saucepans Cookie Tins Preserving Kettles Bread Boxes Tea Kettles Canister Sets Garbage Pails Rex Caie in Prince Rupert Cafe Newest and Mut Up-To-Datc 'Paper, Open from 3:30 p.m. to j.ju a.m. kalso- ... for Tasty Meals ' Chop Su ;y O Chow Mem mm LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL We .specialize In Chinese Dishes FOR outside orders rhone 133 CHOW MIEN Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7 :00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. Box 1118 SIS 3rd Ave. E. Phone Red 400 CHOP SUEY