ii.rv.-.i TODAY SHARK CAUGHT PAt LETTE GODDARD in "UNCOXQL'EIIE SHOWS AT 5.30 - 8:3o pM 19thi UupKi Pailg J2ctof jLtD. Saturday, July 24, 1948 Modern Etiquette By ROBER1A LEE MNGMNET r.rr. Q. What is considered formal wear for 14-year old boys! A. A dark blue suit, starched collar, and plain dark blue tie. Boys of this age are much too Waterfront Whiffs Halibut Boats Changing Gear-Skeena River Salmon Canning Going Strong Excitement t Co-op Fairview Bay Plant Excitement reigned briefly tit the Fishermen's Co-operative SUNDAY M1DNITE AND MO A CIRCl'S CASANOVA TURNING I'ACfn INTO JINGLE GANGSTKRs1' RICH AKI) DENNING SHEILA young to wear tuxedos, unless Fairview Bay plant Thursday they are unusually big lor tneir ace. afternoon when a 1500 pound basking shark literally was hoisted into the limelight by a disgusted salmon fisherman in whose net it had become entangled on the Skeena River. The fisherman named Taylor, towed the fish to the Co-op dock in his gUlnetter Mustang in IN " CAGED FURY Prince Rupert's waterfront has entered a sort of mid-season lull which is accentuated by the activity in nearby areas where salmon fishing is going full blast. Many of the larger boats which have halted the halibut fishing for the year are now changing gear in preparation for other types of fishing. There is still a good deal of 1 ALSO order to extricate it from the web. It was lifted from the net nn the Dower hoist before an A GOOD COMEDY DKAMA RONALD HOWARD and BARBARA audience of practically all the q is it correct to address a wedding Invitation to "Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McDonald and family?" A. No.' Mr. and Mrs. McDonald receive a joint invitation, and every other grown member of the family receives an individual invitation. Q. When writing to a woman, and one does not know whether she is married or single, how should she be addressed? A. Dear Madam. Q. Is it obligatory to tip a servant In a home where one has spent a single night? A. It is customary to do so if the servant has done some special service. BIG DEMAND FOR COTTON Canadian consumption of cotton piece goods reached a new peacetime peak during 1947 of 42.2 yards per capita. IN plant workers, most of whom had never seen such a fish before. According to Ken Harding activity but it is less than in summer stopped at the Yacht past months. Packers are still j Club here Thursday night, north-bringing salmon to the plants bound. She carried 14 passengers ' and beam trawlers are unloading in her luxurious cabins. She I; cargoes of fiatfish across the J under command of Capt. N. C. "WHILE THE SUN SHINES Co-op general manager, the specimen was not particularly large for a basking shark. It was between 10 and 12 feet long wharves, but the urgency of the.Riggs of Seattle. MATINEE MONDAY 2:30 EVENING 7.00 - 8:20 and its liver weighed 134 pounds Mr. Harding said that on a t- r i vitamin-content basis, the liver "Introduce me, Fred you're the host." "would not be worth much." Due to the Many Enquiries Red Mrs. W. S. Cooper, Terrace; Mr. LONG WAY Applications Will be AccepJ Motor vehicle mileage in the Japan is the largest producer United Statts in 1945 was about of coal in eastern Asia. 249,000,000 vehicle miles. A Seatlie family of six, taking a marine vacation, stopped briefly in port here Friday afternoon. They were Dr. J. Gal-braith and family who- were heading south from Ketchikan in their 45-foot cruiser Diana W. Prince Rupert customs and immigration olficials, who visit all incoming and outgoing boats between Canadian and American territory do a steady and often burdensome job with little recognition for the constant tack and wisdom required in dealing successfully with people. A tribute to those officials came Hotel. . Arrivals - Prince Rupert W. Tarbuck, Pacofi; G. B halibut season has died and with its passing, much of the spark has disappeared. Things are different at the Skeena River canneries where for a three-month period vitality is at its greatest. More than 700 gillnetters are making their daily contributions to the salmon wealth of the coast and last week appears to have been as good as the previous week on thu basis of reports received so far. Opening of the Naas River seining area recently has contributed little to the seine fishery on the coast because few fish have been found. However, in the Butedale and Grenville-Principe ateas satisfactory catches were reported. For ANOTHER WEEK FOR THE MISS P.N.E. BEAUTY CON We Have Ten Girls Now and Mrs. R. Miller, Tillimook, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. E. Bernard, Queen Charlotte City; L. Lundrigan, Port Edward; R. Lundigan, Port Edward; W. R. Bonneycastle, Port Edward; B K. Klashinsky, Vancouver; K. Jordan, Vancouver; M. C. Jenkins, Skidegate; Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, Sydney; Mr. and Mrs. R. Robertson, city. SECOND LARGEST Chicago is the second largest city in the United States. Andrews, Vancouver; H. E. Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections WE WANT TEN MORE Whyte, Vancouver; A. Thodi-son, Inverness; R. E. Burns, Victoria; E. Maler, Inverness; J. Yournie, Inverness; Chief Justice and Mrs. W. B. Farris, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown, Vancouver; Mr. and GET YOlR FORMS TODAY AND FILL THi! from an American who is cur Most middle-aged Canadians ride around the next curve with j will agree there is a logical a detachment of the R.C.M.P. j enough affinity between New- singing a chorus from 'Rose fminriland and cod liver oil and Marie.'" He forgot to add, that rently visiting the city and who thinks that he may settle in j. ii. nuuh CAPITOL THE it ucs nnlv after beine obliged, i after "Rose Marie" the detach- . The halibut boat White Hope is prince Rupert. He is Charles ment would do the musical ride, in childhood, to swallow the a feature greatly admired in Chicago, and elsewhere in the U.S. Sale of Ladies Suits, Coats, Dresses reported to be rigging out to go Williams Collins of Oklahoma, , tuna fishing in southern waters. wno drove t0 prince Rupert in a I She is one of the few Prince Ru- car tnat was completely fitted j pert vessels to turn to that type for outdoor living and who has of fishing. Most of the local f0und immense enjoyment in the boats which have not tied up for trip. He says that many other I the season will be making a few De0nie in the southern part of latter, that they first began to think seriously of the former. These, no doubt, are included among Prince Rupert citizens. The rugged island off Canada's Fishermen! A Vancouver landlady, find ing an axe under the pillow of front door is in the news today. NOW ON AT trips for black cod during tne tne continent share his belief coming weeks. tnat the north is destined lor BE SURE Have your Radio I by Expert Servicemen at . . . and somehow, when it comes to mind, something else does, also. It's a trademark, and a good one. It's a toiler of the sea, with a cod as long as himself, hanging down his powerful back. The 120-foot Tacoma yacht a lodger, told the police. The; axe-owner, a logger, said it was 1 part of his outfit. He valued it and expected to be in town a few weeKs. ca'.m yourself, O landlady! You might have dis-1 covered an old battleaxe. That would have been worse. ! Principia, which has been mak ing charter trips to Alaska this Rupert Peoples Store Including Peoples Famous 2 for 1 Dress Sale Gourmets say port should be RUPERT RADIO & ELE that he would like to take pari in it. The courteous treatment he received from Canadian officials at the border and in Prince Rupert added to the pleasure of his trip and his liking for Canada. The Kelly Logging Co. tug S. D. Brooks, which hauls tows of drunk with Roquefort cheese. We're inclined vo agree with Mr. Gourmet and pass it along Box 13ZI t should you feel at all uncertain PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Still under the spell of the i i north, a Chicaco motorist on "Instead of telling one another four or five times daily that the weather is glorious, it might be more to the point to picture this coast next November or February when shipping trembles and skies are dark. A vigilant coast guard is needed then, anl all the time. Thundering waves, ragged reefs and baffling fogs have never been known to accept excuses. the Alaska Highway writes: 'It all so downright majestic that we half expected to see Nelson Eddy and Jeanette McDonald Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding logs from Cumshewa to Powell River, docked here briefly this week taking supplies over to the camp. She sailed again Thursday for the Islands. With a capacity list of Alaska tourists, C.N.R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Ernest Caldwell, arrived in port at noon yesterday from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and sailed at 3 p.m. in con- New Stock of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils has just arrived. A fine graduation or going-away gift. DIBB PRINTING COMPANY SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY tinuation of her voyage to Skag-way and other Alaska points whence she is due back here next Wednesday evening southbound. COSMOPOLITAN COMPOSER Victor Herbert was an Irishman by birth, a German by THIRD AVENUE BESNER BLOCK The final fade-out for D. W. Griffiths who, in some ways, might be called the founder of , Hollywood, is . announced. If what he accomplished is success in life, he surely achieved it. Mr. Griffiths "discovered" many stars. But some of us, per- Your Host Fx Fl'IX ('Ol'E 11 am tr IiantjUf' for Lunchiu' education, a Bohemian by tern- j haps, would not have cared a perament and an American by straw if they had remained un-adoption. I discovered. and M Dominion - Provincial Board of Engineers Studying Strait of Canso Facilities Chint'.' Get those outdoor repairs done while the nun tihinrg. Avoid racing against time and weather. Don't be left at the post! Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors BROW CM j j 608 3rd Ave W ' RUPERT MARINE RE Cape Breton Island ) Mainland of Nova Scotia 2800 Fee! wide at narrowest (J. CLAl'SEN & SOX) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHA BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING W TRY RUPERT MARINE REAL 1 FOB QUICK SALES OR CHABTEKS (Just East of Llpsett's. Waterlrontl - "" III Box 64S Thont 4 rrrniti, i r FAMOUS SINCE 1750 4 We can supply all your needs in . Distributed In Conodo by CalVfTt Dittillart (Conodo) limited This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia BUILDING SUFPLI including WALIJJOARDS, FINISH Ll'MBE11 .t it WOODS, SASH AM) DOOR, m AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH ... a pound of cure. Our regular servicing of your cur keeps it in A-l condition assures you safe, smooth, carefree drivin. l t t r i mm L . Let us service your car every 1,000 miles! It's the wise thing I to do! Call 83 for pick-up service I PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT& CO "Serrlnj the North Since W2" Phone 631 fi"'2 COAL LUMBER Pictured u it appeared recently when clampers dotted the shores snd brownish ice delayed only communication between the mainland of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island, the Strait of Canso is shown above. A bridge, causeway or tunnel has been advocated for years as a means of providing a continuous trans-continental railway and highway route, to promote frr inw-Provincial trade, bring iucreased revenue traffic to the C. N. R. aud improve economic, industrial and social conditions in the la-laud where one-third of Canada 'a eoal and one-quarter of Canada's steel is produced. An independent three man Board of Engineers, consisting of Lt. Col. Oouirlas S. Ellis, D.S.O., M.C., M.A., B.S.C., D. L. 8.. O L 8 , H E.I.C., l-aii of Engineering .1 Qwna Vniveraity, Dr. P. L. Pratley, M. E., Consulting Eng., M.E.l.C, Montreal and Lr. Arthur Surveyor, B.A., B.A.8c., C. K, D. Eng., Montreal, has been appointed by the Federal Government and the Government of Nova Scotia to recommend improved traua-' porlstion Jacilities for the Strait of Canso and is now making investigations necessary to the preparation of their report 1Mb imika? n,