SHADES - OF YXSTERY EAH..I T$tlnu Rupert Dan? I3cEJ3 Saturday, May 7, 1949 To'dasi in Sports FOOTBALL PLANNING U Start PiiiHiW I was fjjj Leaffae Season On May 24 We are pleased to announce that we can now supply FIRST GAME OF FOOTBALL Preliminary plans for the were discussed at a meet- i ing of the executive of the Prince BASEBALL SCORES THURSDAY Western International teaifBe Yakmia 6, Vancouver 5. Salem 5, Victoria 4. Bremerton 7, Spokane 3. Wenatchee 6, Tacoma 1. Pacific Coast League Portland 4, Seattle 3. Oakland 2, San Francisco 0. BRIQUETTES Clean - - No Slack Rupert Football Association last evening in the Civic Centre. It 19 hoped te start the season on May 24. The City League draw wilt be made at a meeting of the executive on the Sunday preceding. Teams have been notified that all players must At their executive meeting last evening in the Civic Centre the Football Association selected players to take part in tomorrow afternoon's pre-season football opener. According to arrangements there will be unlimited substitutions so that all players will get a chance to pet into the game. This will also Los Angeles 8, Hollywood 4. San Diego 12, Sacramento HO innings). CALL 651 FOR ALL YOUR C OAL NEEDS The famous , Foothills Lump, Eg-g:, Washed Stoker Coal be registered and their names naged by Association Secret-1 submitted om the authorized Nut and Sive u,e pciuui. ary Ralph Smith, wU1 wear the see how. the teams will. line up will Region colors and fur the season. . . . T stnp at the Legin" The The President's Fresiaents team team will wm Presidenfs team: Morgan, forms to the Association secretary by May 21. The registration fee for the team is also to be paid to the treasurer at the meeting May 22. There will be at least four competitions as usual this year, and there is also a possibility wear v., uie u.c o Dauteiy , luiqja aim vwu Things were much better In the Good . or so the Old Timers alwav. .... .. Sharpe. Olsen, D strip atthe Armories. The Vice-1 . anap.r. .Cm . f President's team, which will bei Dunbar, Charlie Currie, Pavll- generation. Yes, time Is klnH . .f.l PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED LUMBER - BUILDING SUPPLIES I kis. Mercer, Owens, veitcn memories ... and when we think of tht J icampagnola, Parkhouse, McKay, that there will be an individual . . I FOR ALL YOUR .3 trophy to be awarded to the v remember only the tnl thj anu in lurger in tntd. most valuable player or to the best sportsman during the Negriff. Vice-President's team: Bro-die, Sunberg, Eby, Yelland, Corn well (captain), Greer, Glen Smith, Stanstead. Pat Wilson, Down through the years, howe,w, New equipment has been . or nave remained ' constat . unchanging ..... they were then -liks Prince, Armstrong. Ward. Ferguson, -tiered, including a set or regu-W y a 1 1, Robinson. Alexander, latlon football goal nets. John Wilson, Bremner. Boulter) Present at the meeting were will be available for either J. S. Wilson, president; S. P. team. Woodside, vice-president. L)ar- Reteree will be Jack March- row Gomez, Glen Olsen and Ken ant. Yelland. ior instance. I'nvaryinj unique quality, mKn, mellowness, Prlncetn favorite today-just u , J ; ; PRINTING Itn REQUIREMENTS t Si! SEE SrBmi '; REGAL PRINTERS -uS-i& : PHONE 21 , ,- J& 222 Seeond Ave. Bo 423 i J I! I I ftUXu S VANCOUVER VANCOUVER VICTORIA VICTORIA ' wnen Grand-dad ai young blade. Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces PRINCETON BRtWIXG t FRMCITON, t The beautifying of Roosevelt a constant reminder of unfin-Park deserves support and en-,ished work. Small wonder an couragement. The job will Uke observant tourist once Inquired a lot of judgment, effort and the reason for the grudge no small sum, but the situation ' against Roosevelt. cannot be left as it is. The mem- orial, already set up there, is WS- II If 'Aia r:.-i 1 1 SEATTLE Seattle i fls 1 1 I '-fftl IPl I Tuesday, Tuesday. 1:30 1:30 p.m., p.m.. Chilcotin ChilcoUiv I 5 i Zijfl til' hr. Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS May 20. This will be the most bitter I election in British Columbia'3 j history, says Harold Winch. What induces Mr. Winch to say so and how does he know? It's fair enough to wonder how far dourness and harshness in poli- tics helps. Sometimes it Impairs ', clear foresight and harms di I ASTHMA I AND HAY FEVER ( HRKATIIK.AsY OF ANAIH 1 Ltd. Tanrouve. BO. This advertisement is not published or di:plvd b- the Liquor Control I gestion. sard or ov ine ucvenwrnt ot British Lolumbn. s.s. Coquitlam, May 6, May According to opinion from the n!MPfMt"'t!!I!rit!ItttiirtrT;rmi.rnnf'r!rtltit,'Ui"r!i(i!M'i,'i,Tf,!til FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . Coquitlam, May 13 and 27. north this will be the last year steamers will be seen on the! DON'T MISS THE FUN AT FOR SALE Large Safe, fire and burglar proof For particulars see B. C. FURNITURE CO. AM I) Yukon River, something the sourdoughs will lament, even FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 thiugh the change will be LIMBERLQ cheaper. - One "does regret it. I 1 -nWSim I A sail to Hazelton, forty years j ago, aboard the Inlander, the, Conveyor or Distributor . was For , 1 -J ah- A BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL something to remember. You travelled some particularly i t FISHING. IJOATING, HUNTING, DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHER Fun for the -Whole Family at LIMll following the fast Skeena on its I way to the coast. Make your repervations early and be n Polling next month will be For Huilding Supplies PHONE 363 FOR FLOORS, LINOLEUM AND WOODWORK Orange E Marn C TlPlf Sage Green J VUllS. I Golden Tai Dutch Rlue i DRYING Dixie Grey Russett Brown Navy Grey t Mahogany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. the third general election in June, in the Dominions' history. Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT 1 LODGE LTD. PHONE 563 OR UNION OFFICES-PHONE 36. Voting was June 23, 1836, and June 11, 1945. Many have con sidered June a fine month in which to cast a ballot. Old Sir Wilfrid certainly thought so. MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors PACIFIC IMPORTANT NOTICE TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East- Stevedoring & Contracting liEil!i:E!l!!S!li!!S!I Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. COMPANY LIMITED CHARACTER Alc'wise folk, the province over, rate Old Dublin as THE ale for perfect hospitality. In , Old Dublin, there are extra "dividends which can best be described as breeding, balance and delicacy of flavor. Where gracious hospitality prevails, Old Dublin stands high in preference. It is a satisfaction to know that this high rating is the achievement of our brew master to whom nothing less than perfection of product is the ever'Constant goal . OLD DUBLIN EXPORT ALE PRINCETON BREWING COMPANY LTD; PRINCETON, B.C. p4s. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liqucr Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. WKATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing; Knlargiris; QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies General Stevedores and Contractors Stevedores for Canadian National Railways " CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. WATERS PROTECTION ACT R.C C. 1027, ChH)t'r 140 COLUMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LIMITED. HEREBY . OWtS NOTICE that It has. under 'Section 7 of the said Act, depontted with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, ,THE REPAIR SHOPS OF RUPERT MOTORS BE CLOSED MAY 10 AND U SO THAT OR ' MAY ATTEND A CHRYSLER SERVICE SCHW ENCY, REPAIRS QNLY WILL BE HANDLED A! FOR YOUR CO-OPERATION. GASOLINE 3 PARTS SERVICE WILL BE MAINTAINED AS 1 Rupert IM Ltd. PHONES 566 and 866 and In the Land Registry Office at Prince Rupert, B.C., a description of the s)te and the plans of dolphins I.AVO KF.Iim-fHV ACT Ite: Cerliriiute nf Title No. i:urM to the North V)tlerlv Five (.11 uTfs, mure or lew of l.nt Hl Thoiiouiiil Two lliinilreil ami Hftv (11.10), Kuiifce live (S) ( oust IM- bobbers and concrete pillars proposed to be driven and placed on Lot. 7387. Range 5. Coast District, Province of British Columbia being a Stilssslafsas1 iriri. WHEREAS satisfactory proor of loss of the above CsrUftcatt of Title, issued in the name of George Wililum Hoult has been filed In this office.' notice is hereby given that I shall, j water lot situate in North SHeena Passage, on the North Side of Smith Island. AND TAKE HOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice Columbia Cellulose Company, Limited will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office In the City of Ottawa for approval of the said site and plans. DATED this 7th day of April. 1049. COLOMBIA CELLULOSE COMPANY, LIMITED By Douglas, Symes b Brissenden. (H) LING the TAIU NOTICE! Clothes remaining in and unclaimed after one year are w sale unless customer advises us to Please give number. LINO, THE TA 220 Sixth Street- me expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof, Ihbuc a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be mads to me in writing. DATKD at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. this 29th day of April, 1949. A D ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (128) A LETTER... . . . from Toronto DEAR CUSTOMERS : Well here I am a long way from home trying to find new and beautiful things for your 1949 gift occasions. I have looked over the samples of over fifty five factories and wholsale houses and when the goods arrive in Rupert during the next few weeks I really hope our customers will think 1 have done a good job. Many of the pieces have never ; been shown anywhere till this year and most of ; the items have been from present stock before the new 10 per cent sales tax. They will Include , china, silver, copper and glass as well as the nev . jewellery and many interesting new things. savoy HOTEL CarlZarelli, Prop. . PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping 'and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Ettielent Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 Property Om "GOV! KW1I T l.lrjfOR ACT"" (Section 28) Notice of Application tor Consent to Transfer of Beer License NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN thlt on the 13th day of Mny AD. 14B, the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer License No. B216, Issued- In respect of premises, HOLLYWOOD cafe Hope to see you soon. JOHN BULGER FOR - - , GENERAL CONSTRUCTION TnM REMODELING and AL1 JM WORK, ROH - CEMENT WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT TOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WIS PAT CASH PHONE 950 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Deing part of the premises known as the 8avoy Hotel situate at 608 to 61 1 Fraser Street ,ln the City of Prince Pupert, Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14) In Block Thirty-three (33). Hectlon One (1), Map 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Carl Zarelll of Prince Rupert to Willis Lloyd Woods of 1013 Robnoa Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, the Transferee. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTIO PHONE 63. COMT FREE ESTIMATES DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. thla ' vi outsiuc U1UC13 X IIU.1 MOO 1 tjfc' AT YOUB on'-- any oi April. A D. 1949. WILLIS LLOYD WOODS. (11B)