. i . C:J II- Local News It Vtitut Uuvat Oailp YHtu Saturday, May 7, 1949 PIONEER HERE CANCER FUND 'onial eadr Jiuewdiis with undercourse and nails U Among Vancouver visitors at present in Prince Rupert is H. A. Dunn, to whom this ne city Shirts with color! -' of the north is perhaps of more .,50q- " - $6.55 Objective $1000 y Cedar Shingle Previously acknowledged $377.15; Dunn, was one of the early pio-Annette Mansell 10.00 neers here and was also a mem-Fashion Footwear , 5.00 j ber of the first city council in JeNo. 3, excellent tor sidewalls Miner s LlKar tjUre 5.0U .. " S McNulty Hardware 5.00jed a hardware $5.95 McCAFFERY LTD,, Noble Noble and and Wick Wick 5.00 5.00, Canadian Legion W.A 25.00 i G. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd- .... 5.00 B.C. Messenger 2.00 W. S. Stone 5.00 North Star Bottling Wks. 5.00 Mrs. H. Sheardown 2.00 Moose Ladies' Lodge 5.00 Mrs. R. Armstrong 2.00 D. Heal 2.00 Mrs. J. Simpson 2.00 M. Valderhaug 2.00 Mrs. David Moore 2.00 Mrs. J. Greer 2.00 Mrs. H. Anderson 2.00 Mrs. K. Warren 2.00 F. Johnson 3.00 L. J. North 2.00 R. Strachan 2.00 J. Forman 5.00 C. Currie 2 00 advance. Pleas refrain from WlepbOiUn 1 minimum hM IA tot. w . than average interest. His grandfather,- the late Thomas V.inrnmer Mr rii.nv. cl k!ich ' " ' " ' ' " VObCWl.DU- establishment here Ions before the arrival nf HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHI.EY Q. How can I store linoleum without cracking it? A. Linoleum must be warm when rolling it to prevent It from cracking and breaking. And before unrolling it should be placed In front of a fire and warmed. Q. How can I insure crisp crust on the pie, preventing it from becoming soggy? A. After taking the pie from the oven, place it on a high wire rack to cool, iuolead of on a flat surface such as a table. An inverted dish drainer will serve the purpose. Q. How can I draw out the inflammation from a finger that has been bruised by a hammer? A. Hold the finger In water as hot as can be borne for. a few minutes. Mrs. J. Fumes' 2.00 A. Knutson 2.00 Other donations 55.90 Total to date $598.05 Notlnea, Funeral Notices, UarrUgc DOUBLE PRICK' FOR SALE F0R SALE McClarv Cream F.n amelled Ranne with sleeve Oil' M. E. Van Cooten 2.00 the first train and took an active interest in affairs prior to and after incorporation. It was Mr. Dunn who built the first substantial residence here which was all of 40 years ago. It is still standyig, being located at Second Avenue and Seventh Street. He also built the Exchange, Block at Third' Avenue and Sixth Street. Miss E. Kinnaird of the local social service left on today's plane for a trip to Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties. "I'm popular because I'm a leader of men." "That's nothing, I got my reputation because I'm a follower of women." SPRING spotlights THE HOME and EATON'S spotlights Your Paint-up, Fresh-up , Requirements-Spring cleaning, spring repairs and redecorating your EATON CATALOGUE considers them all. Check your needs against offerings such as: Paints and Enamels Roofing Materials Wallpaper Rugs and Linoleums Drapery Fabrics Curtains You can tail into Summer with the whole house in tip-top ihape: and do it economically at EATON'S thrifty -prieeel T. EATON C ire or I& Lg u payable In , XhtDt Death SPECIAL DISPLAY. NOTICE I Prince .Rupert ul. . Tnuriaay . Pint a III Jonil ot Suite 10. Wal-nts. Prince Ru-nrt vcar. Funcr- r'irsi Presbyterian jay. May . tu. at in ouiuitio : Cemetery. a NOTICE )n Members and men's Auxiliary neral of our late vim J R. Elfert. Presbyterian - Monday May y, ; to 'Tall In" at : Legion Hall at iro ,.;;d M. Ray. :OTUry-Managcr. SALE 5th Wash Well. :j Bacon Strrel. U1UI td trollins boat T. Black ... 2.00 Mrs. Stevens .. 2.00 Mrs. W. Simonson ... 2.00 A. Oswald ... 2.00 G. Philippson 2.00 Mrs T. Priest 2.00 Mrs. A. Martinusen 2.00 K. F. Harding 5.00 C. Klatz 3.00 W. R. McAfee 2.00. Mrs. E. Dockendorf 2.00 Mary Adcock 2.00 Leon and Geo. Wright 2.00 O. Wingham 2.00iOsland donations - 16.00 A. Bendiksen 2.00! uurner. i'none ureen 284 (112) FOR SALE Gramaphone and records, Morris Chair. Dining Room Table (oak). Pictures, Pots and Pans, Dishes, Tubs, Ice-box. Green 165. UQ9 FOR SALE 28 ft. Gas Boat, 5 H P. Easthope engine. $450.00. Suitable for Gillnetter or Troller. Phone Hutton. Black 225 or Write Box 1820. Prince Rupert. (ID HEAL E STAT IS COUNTRY HOME for Sale, partly furnished, also Rood work shop, store room and chickens. Good opportunity for work. Wiil consider trading for good trolling boat. Write Box 512 Daily News. (109) FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909. tf FOR SALE 4 room Wartime House, furnished or' unfurnished. Second Overlook. Re decorated inside and out. Fenced in lawn. Phone Red au until 7:30 p.m. (110) SALE Wartime 4 with some furniture. Full " price $2500. $1500 down Autnmo. uiic wuuiu ue Riven generous consideration on down pay-, ment. R. E. Montador Ltd. (107). Fully equipped. fqR FOR SALE A beautiful resid-'at Jobs Needed . . . for several hundred university graduates and undergraduates. FOR THE GRADUATES openings for , permanent careers. FOR THE UNDERGRADUATES summer employment, preferably along lines which will increase their professional training.. Many are war veterans with family responsibilities. These keen young men and women are ready to throw the full weight of their training and talents into building a still greater British Columbia. If you can employ a graduate or can offer summer employment to an undergraduate,-please 'phone or write the Executive and Professional Liaison Officer at your nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE office NOW. . Shirts with character I by ARROW Warm up your wardrobe with color. We have some of tli- neatest Stripes and hand-omest colors that have come our way in quite a while. And they're all Arrows ... neat-fitting, SANFORIZED Arrows ... in a variety , of collar styles. Sec 'eml You'll want 'eml lillill lliiili! I'iliili Builders and Contractors NOTE New Roofing Paper, Red, Mineralized, 3-ply special, roll $4 B.C. FURNITURE CO. (121) SMITH & ELKINS HAVE HAD YEARS OF f EXPERIENCE PLUMBING HEATING AND If PHONE 174 Box 214 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Free Delivery Sixth Ave. E. N. R. YOUNG . d22) from GOODYEAR GOODYEAR FILL-POWER STORAGE BATTERIES Price Reduction due to lower material costs now in effect Factory Fresh GOODYEAR Batteries at - Ave. Phone 632 III'"1' ' I II i ,t Vood' Weigh! wear s and $1.25 h i S1.50 C "t or )i't Let, it P.D.Q! it lations Short t , tt s Fine ts Litrht pe. ht "-m. . in i.irs : ? 5 721 I i G .4i 4 ems . . . Moose Whist Drive and dance Saturday night 8:30. (107) Mrs. Nigel Sherwood and Mrs. Vic Giraud of Terrace will sail i Sunday on trie Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver. The P.M.L. 15, Skipper Reg - 1 1 1 1 . f I uuuu, reuuriit-u iusu iuBnu wum j a routine inp to Alice Arm. R. G. Van der sluys left on j today '8 plane for a trip to Van couver. Football game, Sunday, May 8, Presidents Team vs.' Vice-Presidents, at 2:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. The Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners and Deane's Quality Cleaners, Prince Rupert, are 'the only two plants holding signed agreements with the Laundry Workers International Union No. 336. (It) Mrs. Joseph Chelf will sail on the Coquitlam Sunday night for Vancouver where she and her husband plan to be present at the graduation of their sn.'J. Richard (Dick), from the Uni versity of British Columbia J'. M. Alderson, general agent, British Columbia Coast Steamships, Canadian Pacific Railway, arrived in the city on the Coquitlam yesterday . afternoon from Vancouver for a brief business visit. He is sailing by the Princess Louise this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. it. A. Wilson and children will leave on the Coquitlam tomorrow night for Vancouver. Mr. Wilson will attend the British Columbia conference of United Churches being held in Vancouver next week. Mrs. Wilson and children will visit with Mrs. Wilson's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. G. McCammon of Burnaby, until the end of June when she will be Joined by her husband. Fol lowing Mr. Wilson's arrival in Vancouver the family will leave immediately for New York where Mr. Wilson will enter the United Theological College. MENS UNDERWEAR Combinations, all sizes SPECIAL $2.25 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS AM) SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL S4.75 to $5.75 MEN'S SOCKS For dress & work SPECIAL 40c to $1.25 .MEN'S WORK PANTS Bi? selection SPECIAL $2.95 to $1.75 MEN'S RAINCOATS' Good style, all sizes SPECIAL $9.00 MEN'S DRESS AM) SEMI-DRESS PANTS Good fit and well-made SPECIAL $4.25 to $10.75 .MEN'S SHOES For wok and dress, well-made SPECIAL SG.45 to $8.75 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS New styles SPECIAL $1.30 to $3.95 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS Shower-poof, all sizes SPECIAL $3.25 BOYS' PANTS Tweed, all-wool and cotton, all sizes, well-made SPECIAL $2.75 'to $4.75 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFFR) CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. HuRhes, DC, Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 st.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. KVEMNUH Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. tin those urmble to come during the day. RECEITIONIST tn, attendance afternoons. Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO ' Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Cash for old gold. Bulger's Kemcmber Mothers Day Balagno Florists. (107) Order your ke now, while we have ample supplies. Phone 657, Valentin Dairy. i09) Ma,rtin F. Stuart returned to the city Thursday afternoon by plane from a brlcl business trip to Vancouver. Moose Lodge Regular Meeting May 10. (108) O. T. Sundal of Terrace arrived In the city from the interior on Thursday night's train and sailed last night on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. L. C. Johnston of Smlthers arrived in the city on Thursday night's train from the interior and sailed last night on the Catala for Vancouver, Mr. Johnston, who Is United Church pastor at Smlthers, Is going south to attend confer ence. Announcements 411 dveroaeiMuia a ftna column will b chargwl for loll month t as eaatf urd Kinsmen's Auction Sale, Sat urday, May 7. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. ' Music and Drama Festival, May 12 and 13. St. Peter's W.A. Bazaar, May 12. S.O.N. Smorgasbord, May 17 Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergln. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, May 19, 8 p.m. H.M.C.S. Halda Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. May 24 Is Kinsmen Day-Queens, Parade, Sports, Dance, Grand Prizes.' Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 26, Mrs rs' W w' S &- ls-er6ln-. Kereln Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. TTntfn '"huroh Tn Tnn 8 the home of Mrs. Nickerso.i, , R Duruc" ou-eei. Rtrept - Lutheran Tea and Home ....... i,i June 11. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Summer Examinations, write School. 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. (h) LOST "ANlT FOUND LOST Two-strand Pearl Necklace. Green 896. (112) METAL WOttK. PLUMB1NO Installations and Repairs. SHEET MET A I. WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, ,629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) STAMP COLLECTORS We have a very fine selection in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE This might happen to us . . . but the customer never loses when he deals at DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workingman Gels a Break." IMcBRIDE STREET Commodore Cafe COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever"' Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. jV.VAWlWWW,WJW.VAVrt,WiVW,V.WW j; e ANNOUNCEMENT jj J (Formerly O. D. Hauyen Grocery) . is now in position to offer prompt, The N.E.S. is a Community Service Use Your Local Office Department of Labour j; efficient service to its customers. I GROCERIES FRESH MEATS ' PRODUCE price. ux i iu. i Ave. E. U07I Goins business, income, suitable XJjie. Larse liv-Apply Seal Cove 109) SALE 1941 Ford mine 1!M6. ran A talcs. Plione .i uu at 704 5t h itf) - BeiMom Suite '.mrif S.x 913 af-TJiuraday after-(108) 3tf Chevrolet Se- rood condition, led. Can be seen Mrs. ttf) 'Hi Dodce Special w bectan. can be : Rupert Motors roller Osuml, 40 water cooled. At i'none Blue 852 enable. HU7) if sinzlc bed. 3-"nil table and o desks and f carpet pad. 3 5 and $10 thous- irs. iardlnlcrs, Borden Street. (tft Metric Rane, . Suite. Radio. We Mahogany f 6th West, side 1 108) It. boat, rigged Mllbut urar anrl St Floats. Owner (107) ;vice Station and lots, includes Pt hand tools, storace tank. .;" In downtown -bailee tn Hieh- jnay be arranged. Bellamy at 1093 , ;j nox 1047 Stn. Black 152. (108) N and UspM TPur. and Office ntierwood Type-'"s. Bedroom New Floor Cov-3 Rues, Dln-!ts. Cups and co pE LTD. lPlaito Buv" t!BE H'SIC AND FRIDAY and 13 'none 773 HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour ence on rourm Avenue wnn very modem convenience. The . price is $10,000 on terms. P. 1 h, Linzey. prince Ruoert Realty I 1(17 I . Co. IllIf FOR SALE-4 Room Bungalow near McBrlde. Basement, rental property at rear, immediate i occupancy. Priced for quick sale. 4 small wartime houses in Rood condition. I six room house on 6th E. including oil stove and heater. 3 lots, immediate occupancy, very low priced. Kor tnese and other property see ARMSTRONG AGENCIES at 307 3rd W. or Phone 342. (tft TOR KEN-I FOR RENT Sleeping Room. 801 Borden Street. (tr FOR RENT- Furnished Rooms, 843 9 Ave. West. , (118) I'KKSONAL UNWANTED HAIR ERADICAT ED from the human body witn Saco-Pelo Ointment, tbe remarkable discovery of the age. Saco-Pelo kills tne roots of anv hair Lor-Beer Laboratories. 679 Granville Street Vancouver. B.C. (Hh PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES! (rubber goods) twelve samples j for 50c postpaid In plain seal-i prl wraoner. catalogue in-1 eluded. General Novelty Co., Dept. 'PR,' 71 Major St.. Toronto. Out. (107) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced wait-(110) rcss, Broadway Cafe. HELP WANTED General clerk for credit office Ladies' Ready to Wear. Box 513 Daily News. ( 1 1 ) hf'.i.p wanted Stock depart ment clerk required by auto dealer. . Please reply in own handwriting stating qualiti-cations and salary expected . to P.O. Box 38, City. (107) HELP WANTED Young man for lubrication work in gar-ace. Anplv main office Bob Parker Limited, 170 3rd Ave East. 107' WANTED Woman for general housework. Blue 163. (107) MACtllNErtY NATIONALLY-"KTNOWN NAME'S --We offer complete line of equipment for Sawmills, Re-manuracturlnR, Contractors, Link-Belt Speeder, Adams Littlcford. Owen. T. L. Smith. Clark, National, etc. Full information from National Ma chinery Co. Ltd., Vancouver B.C. (tf) Phone Red 111 I N. P. BAKER 8G9 : Good News I H ome Appliances A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister B.C. Ad 2 !i!Si jilliiiiiliilillilllilllillilnJ -.$12.00. $16.95. $23.50 $9.1)5 to $12.50 . .' $8.95 S9.95 to $11.95 $6.95 to $11.00 $11,110 to $18.00 Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK W STEWART, B. C. H WAFFLE IRONS TWIN WAFFLE IRONS ... SILEX STEAM IRONS . . . . G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS . G.E. HEATING PADS G.E. TOASTERS ELECTRIC CLOCKS PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE STEAM RADIATORS Northern B.C. H f HONE 210 M PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 1IDI i.Uliilllllilllilinil Only Part of our Service DRIVE IN FOR GAS, MISTER, ONLY THE BEGINNING! MMii:iM;!:lll'llll":it'i'!i I'ilil lliilMlt: tt!I l!l 1 1 1 11 '!!! Ill)11Mlll!'M I'l 'II' f 1 llmillt. iiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiira 713 Second That's WHEN YOU THAT'S We check tires . . . a clean only for rest is on BOB your oil, battery and Gi your windshield face, besides you pay what you buy the us. Alteration. Repair krtV AHMMivrvrkl OF TASTY MEALS AT THE ex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Ml C h m& bKIPUtN .WI0IIS AND BUILDERS i PARKER'S or - PHONE 791 UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 aon. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 Xor Outside Orders Fl4' ? Sanding a Specialty V P.O. Box 721 J Second and McBride V