Prince neper! DaR?f HtSJ Saturday, May 7, 1&43 ECTORY CKttrcHi I II a.m. Steamship, Movementi UNITED CHURCH TEA AND SALE I to her alone. And she can't ful t a. fil her obligations to her iam- For Vancouvw Sunday ss. I SATURDAY SERMON ;oqulUam, 10 J (Blue 73S p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m. Attractive Affair Thursday Afternoon Draws Crowd ily without herself finding tne true centre of the Christian home, even our Lord Jesus Christ. It la He who by the In 1 l"'". St MOTHER'S DAY (By Rev. George E. Sendall, First Presbyterian Church) "As for me and my houe, we wiU serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15 It was in a mother's arms that'a new and heavu wniLcu isiiuii'ii , n rn tea and sale on Thursday at' ' the Churrh hall w attended 'm fluence of His Holy Spirit In our lives guides us into the qualities of personality that trans M1 f, . y; y hv a Bmirtlv nnmVwr nf nermlJ Sunday-SS. Catala, 11pm. j..-:.. , , ...... 1 Wednesdav ss Prinee Runert race was cradled. When God wished to make Him. despite the inclement weather form our human relationships Into a nobler pattern. The one 10 a.m. self more fully known, He entrusted Ilia revelation to TrvlTF.O . thing we do need today more Christian mothers. the care of a mother. Ever since, motherhood has w .,zrz ma l ,t)ftn ! been Diessea. witn tne coming of Jesus there enters l-i.; v f a i t i . . Rev. R. A. Wilson officially opened the sale with a short address. Mrs. Andrew Thompson, president of the auxiliary, and Mrs. R. A. Wii.son welcomed the guests. The tea room, which was con- Friday ss. Coquitlain l p.m For Alice Arm and Stewart . Sunday sa. Catala, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss Catala, a. m. a new reiauonsnip in me iamiiy circle. Women are Christian Science Society L Aft. 1 . . Harhpf Second Avenue West Prlnr Runert. B.C. to love and to pray, Mother who guides us in play and learning. . vened by ' Mrs. R. Webber, was Branch of - The First l Church t, of. . . purity and fellowship. No longer are they the chattels of society except where the new paganism seeks to destroy the home. gay with daffodils and yellow assisted by Mrs. Marineau and '....-J J OH P She turns a household Into a home if she is a wise and understanding woman. Most mothers know that molding a family Is a difficult and important under- ChrUt Scientist, In Boston, Mass. Subject of Lesson Sermon; "Adam and Fallen Man." streamers and vases of daffo- Mr- un Barclay, dils. The serving table was cen-' Mrs. A. S. Nickerson and Mrs. tred with a lovely spring bou- F. Wright were in charge of ouet of nlnk carnations, daffo- novelty and children's table (Black ! . The Christian home has been called the bulwark of western . . u & v civilization. Attacks upon our From the fint tep in Lcckie Shoes, you Instantly recognize the unmistakable, "feel" of their natural fit and smooth comfort. With thir high-quality specially selected leather, these well-built shoes stand up to wear and weatthr. ... ) taking-may she know that God Services Every Sunday at 11 a.m ,t MrBrldf St. . r Ki:llund " way of life always aim to oVs r (Black 610) troy the influence of the home. is nearby to help her in the' Sunday School convenes at task If she will but ask Him! -m- The kind of politicians we! Wednesday Evening Meeting When the home fails our whole dils and blue jonquils flanked while Mrs. C. F. Young and Mrs. with tall green tapers in silver Whittaker had the apron booth, scdnces. Assisting Mrs. Web- The home cooking section ber were Mrs. W.- Faught, Mrs. was in chargeaf Mrs. Clapp, as- Logan and Mrs. Henry. Servi- sisted by Mrs. G. Peters and teurs were Mrs. Ciccone, Mrs. O. Mrs. Forman while Mrs. Sea- social order gets out of joint around i have wi" d6!011 UP the kind j Second Wednesday of each Our home revolves 'n . -E Hxln huul H uo nv n r (blue Ml oi nomea we nave. The kind or month at 8 p.m. Illustrated is the smart "U" tip brogue in grained leather . . . a good-looking addition to your wardrobe, '. mother. It Is mother who teaches us businesamen, j'ill be the kind Reading Room Open Wednesday K. Faught, Mrs. A. jfDominato, man, Mrs. J. MacDonald and of mothers we have The kind I and Frklav from 2 to 4 p.m. ! Mrs. Hay. Mrs. H. MacDonald, Mrs. MacAra assisted at the del- and Mrs. J. Chell. , icatessen counter. of churches, and schools, and Institutions, will depend upon QUALITY SHOES Mrs. J. A. Irvint and Mrs. C. Moore acted as cashiers. In charge of the fancy work tabla was Mrs. D. Santurbane, uie muuence oi inai ciiauei oi Advertise In the Oaliy News! our lives tne nome ana trie place of mother there. It is in the home that faith is instilled In the life ef the child. The notion that all religious teaching can be left to the Sunday School Is a fallacy which Is already sapping our strength. The church can't do for the mother what God has entrusted COSMETIC'SET MM MTI a Hi ! -: $20,010 EOT M k I 0 UMES and COLOGNES REGULAR IiAPTIST CHURCH - (FunCameni,tit 629 6th E Near High School hocolates - Stationery Phone 3G9 SUNDAY, MAY I. 1949 12:13 p.m. Sunday School Classes for All Come!) 7:30 f m. -Gospel Service. PHONJ! 19 D AVE. AT SIXTH ST. Speaker: MR. BERT EWALI Special Mother's Day Message- "MOTHERS" (Special Music) Come and Hear This Timely SINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Message. " HUNDEIDE Wed., '8 p.m. Prayer Meeting - HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS O S DEALER nth Avenue West A'.1L8M - --Bok 20f NOTE Due to Musical Festival, there will be no Mission Band or Young Peoples this week. HE BEllaVE ANil PREACH TIIK OLD-TIME GOSPEL Building and repairs of all ktndk P. J. CHENEY . Roof, Chimneys Oil Burners DlffTIST J, SMITH BLOCK PHONES P O. Box 1401 Black fl87 Red 894 evenings " in P.O. Box 1870 ROW CABS Hour Service BRYDGES and McLEAN PHONE 648 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS id Courteous Service f(J TECHNICIAN Income Tax Returns Compiled Voicing and Repairs Bcsner Block E C0LUSSI Room 31 phone ouu M BLACK 758 First Presbyterian Church Minister: Rev. O. E. Sendall B A., B.D. Director of Music: Mra. E. J. Smith ' n 10th East MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING XDLING WOOD Sack Delivered Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 52" to and Operator 530 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. liable for Hire SUNDAY, MAY 8 11:00 Mother's Day Service. Sunday School will attend church with the parents. 7:30 Christian Women. Monday, 8 p.m. YP. B & W TRANSFER Green 188 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MACHINE WORKS BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 lot SIMPLEX GAS and 475 Howe. St., Vancouver, B.C. '3 Diesel engines COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made MARGARET McLEOD fvlce and Parts "i and users of In- MSlnes are invited to VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BTJILDItJQ m to view our varl- ts and talk over equip- COVfRITTC ITrti r 'R YOTTW PHONE' BLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 f U- BLUK 939 'SAUNDERS ra Equipment J Guaranteed risk that it amounts to more than $20,000 for each employee on the iob. So each miner, . you might say, carries a $20,000 kit of tools. In the pulp and paper industry the cost of making jobs is higher still - more than $30,000 a job. We in B. C. need more and more venture capital-money willing to wait years for its return. But risk money will only come if it is confident that British Columbia is going to continue to be a well-governed province giving investors a square deal as it has done in the past British Columbia is unusual. So many of its jobs are in "heavy industry". This means someone musl spend money on heavy, expensive tools of production. A carpenter pr mechanic going on the job" provides his own kit of tools. But no one says to the logger "Bring 'along your own railway locomotive and steam shovel-" or to the miner "don't forget your diesel compressor and pneumatic rock drill, Joe!" ... ... Jhe savings of thousands of investors provide such tools. Take the case of the miner. In many a B. C. mine so much in savings is at T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT GEORGE L. RORIE f',0R DEmRnnvn Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. tncome Tax Returns Compiled PER HANGING 0H PAINTING Besner Block Phone 387 ilAHMER BLUE 838 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches For Reservations Write or Call CITY OH DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. piO CLINIC ""slactory service. . CALL 53 ' jnue West 204 4th Street Pno8 655 D. C. FEDERATION OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY ; WPAIB8 WelU Cartage Ltd. Complete Movtor Service Doiea OF IMCDrrii Cratlnf - racking - Cartaf mwmm tn Ave. BLUE 188 BED 518