1 U Av.w. ROVINCIAL LIBRAS?, ORMESHDRUGS TO IzAUlW SjICTC.lIA, S. C. L'T 3113 mw- Daily Delivery NOKTHRN AMU CBM IH. . i iHB COLUMBIA 8 KCWSPAPWR voxitViT" MWt ,,-if'"' Port--Prince Unprt. the Key to the Great Northwest." AA.AVlII, NO. 304. . PRIM R1TPKRT O n QlTTTDniV TMwnn vtnts.f.-. it ..v PRICE FIVE CENTS lew V ft l'l' ' As we near the Mid-Point in the Fast-moving Twentieth Century, let us pause to take heed of its significance ... to reflect upon the fifty momentous years that will pass with 1950, and the events that have made them so. Let us resolve to take maximum advantage of the lessons we have learned, so that the next five decades will be recorded in history as an era of Peace, Happiness 'and Prosperity for all the nations of the Earth. m. tee V 1 ' v News IVntiire lie view 11)49 The World Canada Prince Rupert January January January 1 India and Pakistan call io George A. Drew, Progressive 3 - Six year old daughter of Mr, truce after 14-month Kashmir Conservative parly leader, sv, on i and Mis. Mclvin Stephens of ieud. in as member of Commons for Hcaldsburg, about CO miles north 11 Tientsin falls to Chinese Cariclon of San Francisco, died from the 20T!rrvlS 11 Canadian Seamen's Union Hfecu. of burns. The, victim of Trunin U like, in-' ?r":lrLf,: ! ,r.l calls token strike afWi.m lO the tragedy is a grand-Uauehter !" . ,. .... - .... .... . ..f l,,ilf .,, Un M M Sli-. 21 Aelieson becomes V. S. sec snips ana ;wu men 01 uiuuuiitii """" - - : companies in Kngiaud. . jihena. ,22 -Twelve mm rescued by .11. 0. 11 Six inches of .solid ice block; IA.F. after 34 hmirg on ice-floe the head of Portland Cunul. 12t i70 miles souUieast of Cliureliill. miles nortli of Prince ' Rupert, retary of state. February U- "People's ftepublic" pro claimed In Hungary. I i r. t...... n,....nvv k,w,u M:ii . - iinri tli Union Steamshiu Co . t U nvnillll ywt:io wujvwv truck exports to Berlin's Rus- 23 -Fire destroys 80 per cent of coaxal liner Caniosun was nnabk sian .one. Rrgina Street Railway roll int; to reach the Stewart wharf lalt 8 -Cardinal Minilwnty given KlK,k- Monday to make her weekly call life sentence on treason charge. 2G -Fifth session of 2Vth pari ij-' 17 - Two uvea and a woman win ment ones at, Ottawa. charged with breaking, cntcrmg 17-Dr. Cliaiin Weiiinaim elected first president of Israel. and theft tixlay followiiiK the 1 24- Kyypt and Israel sign boi tl- er-figliting nr'iiistiee. ! March ivi.niury b(ma ranuacking of a Sixth 1 1 - Katn Carr, wanted In 11 1-1 Avenue East residence in , the espionage probe, turned over to presence of two small baby sit itov as1 Louis retires as p..c.M.P. at Prescotl, Out, by U.S. ters. um1efitetl heavyweight, box- i,mi8rauon eiffidals. i February '"8 ''la'!'l''"n- 18 Twins of union of Nfwfouiid- 4 Vishinsky succeeds Molo- ,.,,. , . , ' 2Pnnce D.io ij.,ri Rupert ririi,iu residents an ..n itov as Russian foreign mie.ister. 1:lnd w,lh Ca,mda eivm r,,yul keeping anxious eyes on dwindl- iissmt. 1' 9 DanW . Mr&m's : Natituar- '1ng coal piles and at "4 he saint ' i.i ....... r....,,. )A T,-, Hi,, I .... f,..- . . ....... ! i.su party wins ouuui nuiuaii i" - f 'wu; w n ume Hoping lervenuy ioi res-! election.- increased from $1.55 to $1.75 a umution of railway service into 22 Final reading given la New- bushel. the city which will bring carloads tContinued : x-tgc -ji (Continued on Pai;e 5 (Continued cane E HEN the clock's enthusiastic hands wend their way to 12, midnight . . . and the signals intone the New Year . . . resounding throughout your Over Canadian Prime Minister Concerne ituation n, the party you are attending . . . are our best hes for a New Year full of happiness, attainment Is good health! Long Motorized Troop Movement Is Proceeding Towards Arctic ' ! THE WEATHER j Synopsis ' ; The northern hall of th" piuv- j I incc is extremely cold today. I Prince Rupert overnight report- j Entitled To Self-Defence TOKYO i General Douglas MacArthur told the Japanese pecpie today that they still have tUltc llailu Nnus St. Laurent Deplores Further Inroads Against . Democratic Freedoms OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent said today in a New Year message to the people of Canada that there is still some reason for concern over the international situation. "A year ago I said that the international situation wai very grave, that war ws not inevitable but we would be lacking in the most elementary iealism if we considered war an Imjios-, COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (CP)-What of- f icers described as the longest motorized troop move- south of the Yukon border, smith ment in American military history is under way with River touched 57 below. The cotd Hip Inalienable right of sell- air stalled north of Vancouver Country forces loavinp here for Arctic manoeuvres. last night then- swept through defence against unprovoked at lack" despite their no-war eon United States ski troops and other specialists tne clly tnis , morninrt with winds Crossing Permitted ptitution will join units of the Canadian Army and United up to forty miles pr ikui-. m m j Tin Supreme Alll-.ii Comiv.an nslKh l.camic, First Iiv. der in Japan nevertheless hiyhly iimi-rl ihe Janancse renuncia- 'in Villa 0, Newcastle Unit- hibition against Japanese ar.ned dl ,i., f n,. anH Intimated that forces. Japan was completely the turrencki in 1, Birminnham City 1 there is to be no change in pro- disarmed after iriton Athletic 2. Fulham 1 States forces at Whitenorse m muujuurou'.umui.-, Yukon Territory, more than 2 extreme southern in tono? valleys j thousand air miles north of of the Okanagan and Koett-n jys. i here. Snow there today will end to-1 The combined force will op- night and temperatures will fall J crate against a common ag- sharply. Mostly clear una veryj grrssor in the Artie wasteland. co weather will usher in the The cxcerciscs are being dc- Nc-w Year in most r.ections of the signed to test clothing, equip- province. in'-nt, and tactics under Arctic Furccast j slbility," said Mr. St. Laurent in his message, "The year which is just ending has brought with It new reasons for uneasiness. Human freedom ' has lost more ground In coun-' tries that Ignore the advantages of genuine democracy. In many countries honest people continue to be prosecuted for their religious beliefs or their political affiliations.'? j tea' 2, West Kroinwieh Al- 1 A least one of the obstacles which has been holding up the new fishermen's floats at Fair-view Bay is being cleared up with advice received by E. T. Applewhalte, M. P. for Skcena, from Hon. Alphonsc Fournlcr, public works minister, that Prince Rupert Ushering In New sion 1 niiifrsficld Town 1. Everion I 1 i! Year With Coldest Weather Yet wpiwl 2, Arsenal 0 i conditions. North Coast IterJon - Clear construction of a level crossing 'Whcster City 1, Manchester land extremely eoW today and ... ,p. Sunday. Northerly winds. 20 The ?sew Ye:ir will he ushered in with cold winds and temperatures around the 16 above i 11 .,'11 lwi f-ilTlnrl (lllf m ,,ii,i mm n a 'mouiii 1, A!iii(iies'jo;oi:n Ambrose Reid- 1 Ir.crc.idii'.' to ; jvr hour, tlr.s on today's plane for Dead Tree lll,;f 'f ,hnour; mi iii.mi finer,. rhnrinU i. northerly.,30 leve New iears eve ceieorauunn mn .. City i. h-rlsv f'oiry 3 slt-nal at the Canadian Nation- ; ul Railway tracks has been au- j ihortzed at the point where the proposed road will cross the tracks. j Mr. Fournier explains that it( -vni tiike some lit tle Hine be-1 r.ir ihe sinual is t installed and.j nntil Mich time as it is, the road "'' il.niil 2, r. iltnn WicidiT- e;irly Sunday morning in temperatures expected to i il ,,K-,, iiTirli- or Inwer. lands! where they will spend afternoon. Lows tonight nrt the New Year week-end as the WE"s tomorrow Port Hardy. , . , ... ..., . t n on. -in RMiiflinll 1 r-"(l I'rince Hh- i A liiWil !l If 1 1 1 I II I . i'l'll. nil. i - .i . nncii:iu fir rvir nun ivirM t it. u-wu, mm,,,,,,,.,., Port Simpson leader Dies 1 1 V' V v i !c:-ei dieted this morning tliat M WUhumSi ' , pert, io-is. Th." weatherman pre outlduk lor Hie "tt 24 !!i'-;:)im., () ''llliMll II;, "''"id V 1 1 1 j : i f extrcnie- ciililiot !" iMieneu. I, , m,e will tw 4 l.i.i.l I I 11 Mil ,1 ' Mr. Applcwlwiic has Miils dottinp tin' s. ly cold win! i ...i..i i ... i,. iiin ivn of cross J J. IViirl:!,,,,.,, U, ,,-, : II mivi.--o ti.-i ii' i . ,.,. ml there.' Very com , .... , i. ti f hi. n - i " " inu siirnal that is to DC "il-rri.-ld I, tiheifiehl We('- Is niovlil!! (town in' -t with cold noi-theily winds air eua: led. The citys roau ,.u , ,i.v ,.r hour. nniMiy Tnv.ii r, I.ut-i'.i To'- i I ry-y- the ran- , ,, r with the roiul ac 1 I The last mormiiB i" - , way tracks has long since been iimpleted. wl"r fily 1, Urentlorri 1 i NKW YliAR MESSAOE rrime Minister Kt. Laurent concerned uver international situation. educated hi Victoria.' On tin death of his uncle. Chief lleruer Wallace in 1U2U, lie succeeded as Chief Nee-Oesh-Yaga-Haad but owing to liis activities In trails union work in Vancouver, he wa. unable to come home to fulfi his duties with the tribe unti IK)2. In the meantime. Joiluu McKay was given the title a; Chief Nees-Claumma-Laa in ID".!;, i (continued page 3) j One of Port Simpson's best known residents and fur many; 'years u leader in the affairs of his own community us well us of iflie natives generally. Chief Am-Ibrosi' Ueid passed nwuy on ! Christmas Day, according to 'word brought to the cily today. The funeral tok place on Tliurs-day with the whole village Vy-ing tribute. Mr. Relet, who had been in failing health for some time, was ! born in 1874 and was raioecl and 3ti)H North liiui o, .Sou! - j i MM') in Prince Kiipen, was .u jso ihe coldest. People hustled , to work today. j j if niey -.viill.nl. th'-y moved, I'ark llanKers 2. 0- v- ! unci no one p.iu&cu s than ;i lew words. l.isl.. inure ionr auovc I "I hear it was "'Of ''H.v I) i ;lv'tl'kl Uiiii,., i, iiarnsle" 1 ! "llisl''l':i f, Lcctls Uni; -ri ; 1 t i l!ttkl .,:i ll'.v A i f . " i man : ,,,.,,,11,(1 six o'clock'" m i line for the post I making a bee Sundiiy, Jan. 1, 1UW 11:13 19.8 feet what tle AIR BRAKE FOR JET PLANES The U.S. air force has just permuted re-it.iDi PARACHUTE . . n-vw .iivfv ,. novef Darachute braking technique on lUs office lobby to sec inch Low 10.4 feet! posl office box had for him anu. .Hibernian i h-a.se of tins ' phoiORrapn. ..' "'": ....wi ", uimmii-t. .., , bomber. The hr h,inlh,.r bomber made , Us first tirs, test test Hie flight oil 5:07 I8:u( 4.9 feel, to wanil nis nam'-.. , Celtic 2 I plane has a ondeinone several otter test fliglrU since. For landings, the The official mercury ai uiB-. by Island dropped to nine above . In takeoff s Eugene High School Band Return Engagement ' CONCERT and DA.NCE WED., JANUARY 4 ut 10 . . ..... . r,uh mnv be released at the pilot's discretion for faster stops. wtrwei 4, Third Lunar'; o; was ol thc SmlLh 3i pariick ; HOCKEY SCORES 7 o'clock tins inu"'"b at inisile 1 low mai-K ior u" C'bomber i equipped to use jet-assisted featur -s giving the bomber greater versatility in operu-tlonsrand Neither feature is regularly used horn smaller combat area fields or landing strips. for normal operations. , ting a new 'crs C, Filkli-U 4 present winter. (Continued Pacific Coast Vancouver 7, Tacoma 3 New V.'estminste: 2. Vlc.totni - 8"s 2, Dundee 2 Page 2) Stirlln Albion 1, St. MhTe - 3 V