13rfncc ttupcrt Daflp rectus UD. Saturday, April 17, 1948 DIRECT wmm An Independent dally newsnaner devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and ill comrr.untUiw comprising northern and central British Columbia. (Authorized ns Second t.uss Mail, Pout Office Department, Ottuwm Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupm. BrttlRh Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Mnrtln? Editor. H. CI. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OK CANADIAN PRFSS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Cathedral Church of St. Andrew Rectory: M2 Eighth Avenue West Blue 7J3 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, lftc; Per Month, flfic: Per Year, 7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4 00. KM. 7"T "ftto) ENGINEERS DUE SOON To Inspect Work Ou Olanrse Project and Line Vp Field Engineering To inspect progress of excavation work on the Port Edward mill site which Is nearing completion and to advance plans for the current year's development on the multi-million dollar cela-nase pulp project, C. II. Klotz, project engineer for the Cela-nese Corporation of America, and S. B. Roberts, chief engineer, are expected in Prince Rupert towards the middle of May, It was learned at Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. local offices today. George Schneider of New York, vice-president of the Cela- Battle of Berlin 11:30 Morning Prayer and I Sermon. 2:00 p.m. -Evensong and Sermon. The centenary of the hymn, "There Is a Green Hill", will be observed at this service.. 4h Avcniw Ewl J ! LETTERBOX SATURDAY SERMON ' l IMv 1 ... THEATRE PRICES """': K. A. Editor, Daily News: THE EMPTY HOUSE Regarding theatre matinee By REV. R. A. WILSON, First United Church 1 1 1.1 - j;o?ll, , J . uu A" Went w: raul A. B prices, i agree with the par- picture a man stunibling through the cold night ents. Why should we have to pay I u e . 11. 1 V 1 1 .1 i- i . u rl. , . searching for shelter and he d. In the distance he icJ Nti.VATUlM ... Liicac putca mi autu a picture " ' ... ,. . . ... . -Henry dimly the dark outline of house. Vith a v" which is as oid.as sees a many Adam, other places go in for a fall and great effort he finds the door and knocks, the same prices whether it is a n0 one answers. Finally, in desperation, he tries r , ' mi need homes as well as hou.ei. A home is more than a house for it offers, not only shelter, but also companionship and love and a reason for living. It is something to find an empty house if it sends us on to find a home. Man's true home is God an.l God as revealed in Jesus Christ. We cannot, by searching find God, but God in His merty has come to us in Christ. He does not call us to an empty house but to an upper room furnished. 8 ,.pif -l1. or renZ 0 the door. He finds it open and calls out hut no one nese Corporation, is also expect- school u children would have liked Hj Hj enters enters and and ed on the coast suun but he may 1 to have seen this lst picture but . 1 vrrFC P A IMT 6th Ave. M lurH.if, Pintor: t. Soln' not come to Prince Rupert on not at the 50c price. . CITY MUSEUM Thanking you for your space. BELINDA BLEINES. Archdeacon E HixiJ Junior Chamber of Commerce volunteer workers plan to paint the interior of the upper storey of the Museum of Northern Bri this occasion. Meantime, consumation of the great project is proceeding according to original plan. The excavation work at Port Edward is expected to take about another month to complete. At I. AI DS MRS. ARNOLD Editor, Daily News: Your editorial, "Woman of the Year" in April 15 issue of to a, banquet and a life of fellowship and love. He calls us now. "Whosoever will may ""lMIT HINDU nast End Hail. 2:30 come. 1 Bridge & DredirW Prince Rupert Dally News be- tish Columbia on Sunday. Mem-, bers, armid with their own I brushes and paint pots, will at-Itack the walls and ceiling in present B.C Co. has eighty men continuously,511" me.wim innate pleasure 10 ;rtihV.ers. gropes about in the darkness but find", nothing. The hou.se is empty. No furniture, no iight. no heat, no one is within. Nothing is there but a lonely man m an empty house. The plight ot man wiilioul God is like that. We hope lor a new society in which there is everything necessary for a high.stan dard of living for everyone. But is this enough? Are '.he people who already have an abanoanee cf possessions either happy or secure in themselves'' Ood Knows we have need of material things but something more Is .required. A suspicion of tiie bankruotiy of our material civilization has crossed the mind of modern man. II? is haunted by fie i vision of an empty house. Men say: in Mans wuria 01 wnicn Prince Rupert's Celanese Cor- DIPLOMATIC BATTLE of Berlin should THE he carried to Moscow. It is one which the Russians would doubtless prefer to see settled as a skirmish, with the advantages of a local victory falling to them. But the local victory would have ramifications anything but local. The Russian effort to squeeze the western occupying forces out of Berlin is being felt all over Europe. In a shooting war the Western Powers could hardly hold their position in Berlin. In the "cold war" they can hardly afford to give it up. Soviet intentions are plain. They are, in fact, so thinly disguised as ,to indicate that Russian leadership wants all the world to recognize them. They need to be dealt with at the top level. the Russian reasons for blocking roads and insisting on inspection of trains like the alleged overloading of highways and charges of looting by the Western Powers only add insult to injury. What the Russians are trying to do in Germany is to create something that looks like a showdown under conditions in which the Western Powers have to seem to back down. As the Russians would have the world read it, the significance.of these very limited tests would seem to be this: that when confronted by Soviet action the Western Powers will hesitate to reply in kind. What the Western Powers now need to tell Moscow the Politburo rather than the Soviet occupation authorities in Berlin is that the war nobody wants could come over just some such heavy-footed management of inter-Allied relations as this in Berlin. Certainly peace cannot be got by Russian pushing there, nor by Western Powers retreating. NEUBERGER ON P.G.E. the morning, hoping to be finished by early afternoon. Paint for the work is being supplied "INSTANT POVJEI employed on this work. During the coming season there will be much field engineering work to be carried out leading up to the actual construction for which engineering and designing is in progress in I by the Museum Board and scaf-1 folding by Fred Scadden. porailon of America and Prince Rupert's Gold Strike vied valiantly in headline news it has been "Woman," one woman. Mayor Nora E. Arnold, who has j for Auto, Ti Tractor, Bu Montreal The field egineer has constantly, steadily and honor- 1 for outsiders who come to town, kept Prince Rupert in the what is the minister of health to do with the water line con-iably struction between Port Erd' limelight. In other words, might doing? When television gets-go- as well 11 n niung to say mat 11 is.mg, watcn tneatre admission and Prudhomme Lake sne, wno is Keeping mis pan 01 1 prices drop. Marine arf Diesel Enpi as on the actual mill site itself. Timber cruising parties will HAINSWOHTH. 1 I mans world from being "no man's" by honoring it for man? VIOLET INGALLS. be operating out of Terrace and AUo Marii Prince Rupert during the season but there will be no active log Home and F Lighting ging this summer, it is stated. TOPSY-TURVY ICEBERG When an iceberg floats into REGULAR BAPTIST I.O.I) I-, llall. Mh and Mrltride SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1948 "I will give you ret" Matt. 12:28 IMPRESSIONS Editor, Dally News: Your streets, roads and sidewalks in Prince Rupert seem badly in need of repair. Backyards and slums are a disgrace. Surely it is not very attractive Batteries If i J5!H3V warmer waters it melts and often overturns. A 100 B.C. Product. Sold by IMlrs FTfrywImJ DC. DISTRIBUTORS: -Himdiiy School. Uo.-.pel Service. 'HE WORLD CRISIS has brought Canada's McLennan, McFeely & Prior 12:15 p ni.-.7:30 p in. Topic: T Reminiscences By w.i. and Reflections Pacific Great Eastern Railway to the atten First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan Ivt. McCoU', Minister Mrs. J. E. Smith, Organist Vancouver and Prince Uupert Head Office and Factory. COYLE BATTERIES LIMITED If the late Arthur Little, who arrival of a new proof reader, sold the first copy of a daily , that his name was Veal and that VANCOl'VER, B.C. re paper in Prince Rupert over he was English, Dr. Scott "COMIC I NTO ME" PRAYER PRAISE TEST I'M O N Y Wed , 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Fri., 3:30 p.m. Mission Band 7:00 p.m. Junior Young Peoples. WF. I'ltKACII THK OLD I ASIIIONKII (iOSPK.L 40 years ago, could take a look at his old news stand on Second marked he was not at all surprised, seeing he was a son of John Bull. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Junior Choir Sermon: "The House of God and the Gate of Heaven." . Sunday School 12:15 p.m. Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Senior Choir Sermon: "Wanted a Man." Avenue today, he would square off. stick his hat to one side, take another squint at all that When tourists stroll up town fine green and white paint and this summer they will thank you say "Well, by Judas." when you start the conversa- tion first. They are all pnmen When a man resolves to mr" to ask questions. They talk with north it will take more than one another which tells them DKI'AItTMKNT OF NATIONAL UK V I'M Shingoleen TAXATION DIVISION NOTICE TO f A X P AYE scare stories to stop him. Some- notmng. Local roik, Knowin? how, the trend from the Uni- what it is about, having plenty ted States to Alaska continues of timely pamphlets and making full tide. Some profess to be- them feel they are glad to be lieve that, when discourage- here meet and mingle, with ment Is broadcasted, It's done them can do a lot when they Shingoleen gives thorough protection to shingles from ever-changing weather conditions and at the same time binds the color pigments firmly. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue " Phone 101 From APHIL l'Jth to AI'KIL Snh. reprw.'" tion of important people in Canada and the United States, according to Richard L. Neuberp;er, writing- in this week's Saturday Evening Post. The article, interestingly illustrated by Ray Ac-teson, publicizes in a big way another section of Central British Columbia. Recalling plans made by the U.S. in 1943 to extend the P.G.E. to Fairbanks, Alaska, when the -laps were in the Aleutian Islands, Mr. Neuberger tays the War Department is studying survey maps which thrust the P.G.E. on through the '"'Rocky Mountain Trench" to the headwaters of the Yukon River. "At Bering Strait only 55 miles of water separate the headlands of Alaska and the Soviet Union," the Post author points out. "American commanders in the north will not feel secure until Alaskan garrisons and outposts are joined to the United States by a railroad. The P.G.E. is the pin to anchor the coupling. The P.G.E. is called the loneliest, most spectacular railroad system on the North American continent in the Post article, "North Country Limited." It goes places that would be shunned by a prudent bighorn sheep, according to the author, and it is the biggest headacheantMmghtest hope of Canada's vast western seaboard. American and Canadian railroad systems have shown considerable interest in acquiring control of P.G.E., Mr. .Neuberger declares. "This attention undoubtedly stems from the fact that should the United States lay a railroad to Alaska along the hospitable grade between the Rockies and the Coastal Range, any outfit in control of the P.G.E. would enjoy squatter's rights to an annual trade worth at 'least $150,000,000. And were the P.G.E. to tap the Peace River coal lands on its way to Alaska, one of the continent's biggest fields of semi-anthracite would be potential cargo." for a purpose or to hide some- Bet right down to It. Any other thing. And that will make the way Is the wrong way. Strangers migration stronger than ever, out to see new scenes and places like the personal touch. " While it does not necessarily lollow it always happens in Prince Rupert, nevertheless its being said most automobile mishaps occur Saturday, and Sunday, thus proving it is a great I'rom the Vancouver Ji.cor.ie Tax Oflne win I'rince Itupcrt for tho ptrrrH'. of : ( 1 ) kwciviniir Tax Returns w (2 ItPceiviiiR Payments of Income Tax dm only those in the form -of rhrques. ' oi'dors- ek). - -(3) diving t ax information to taxpayer?! enaWe retuniH to le ifilwl. These rrpreMentatives will o local e,l in the! ployrnent Insurance Commission offices in the Kit In & Ohrisfophfr Rids. I2 W. 3rd Ave; , '.';;!'. m E ' (PlortfW usf ilv entrance) life" if you do not week-end. It has become a matter of re cord that, during the past year, Canadians consumed more beef than in any other form of meat eating. Which reminds one of the late Dr. S. D. Scott, for many years editor of a Martime morning daily. Being Informed of the It's Here Now! THE NEW 5-QUART PRESTO Meat - Master PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Prcssurp CuoUor Recruits are being accepted for the - f ir j o Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding 1 cook an WVs w V lakili'1.' 1 519.95 SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY .. . - . . M,... T What All the Ladies Have Been Asking For . . . Are Here At Last! NIGHT GOWNS SATIN-STRIPED AND RAYON SPECIAL While They Last FOR THE LARGER WOMEN NIGHT GOWNS in Printed and Plain Silk Sizes 42, 44 and 4(i SLIPS Choose rayon crepe, choose satin . . choose a slip cut straight or on the bias . . . with a slim or flare skirt, tailored or lace trimmed. You're sure of quality because these slips are proudly made in Canada. Sizes 32 to 50. ANNETTE mansell : WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING I FIGURE SKATING SAVOY ROLLER HOCKEY Dust-Proof Floor HOTEL Schedule: 7-11 1 Every Every Night Night Wednesday Night ; j-f JU& Beginners Only sl$J -4:30 p.m. W gt'ja- 4:30, 7-11:30 fJT Carl Zarelli, Prop. Thursday 1 Royal Canadian Mounted Police Applicants must be single between the ages of 18 and 30 years. For further information apply to the nearest R.C.M. Police Detachment or the Commissioner, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Ottawa Saturday rday Phone 37 P.O. Boi M4 0-12 a.m., t- FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Rupert Kupert Roller Kouer iui Rink