18lHinton r28 ? .SWEKT SIXtv... V A. Wrathall 177 J. Shenton 170 127 Low Score 127 97 134 53 794 LUCKIES WIN Prinrc tluprrt f5fUis tto. Saturday, Aprtf 17, 1943 53 Handicap 53 MrK'm,.., 231 ! V. Wrathall w 84 127 225 201 32 810 811 Totals - .. A. Pierce "Tmlmy hu Sports 140 32 843 IS la(l ls7 33 I Handicap Totals 670 Wright Nelson IS? Handicap foul lul 32 801 151 out for four venerable trophies. A meeting of the newly form SCUBY'S Braun 123 L. Thornton 237 M. Rands 134 J. Thornton 103 Van Meer 142 Handicap 60 Totals 799 ed football association held LADIES' FIVE PIN SCORING Lucky Strikes walked off with practically all the scoring honors in this week's session of the 112 LUCKY 150 Boulter Physical Prowess of Riip-Roc. the Canadian Legion Hall Fri 824 STRIKES-. 92 ' ; lis I COASTERS M. Scharlf 112 B. Knutson 142 Gilmour 108 G. Tubb 1(H) E. Anderson 133 Handicap 92 : Totals 687 139 70 73 152 207 65 706 205 121 127 i 130 J 62 796 I day night, received entries fro FOOTBALL PLAN EARLY SEASON Prince Rupert's first organized foolball league .since the ear.y years of the war will trot out on the Roosevelt Park field this summer as four teams battle it Booth Memorial High School 184 182 117 157 131 60 831 212 18i 183 112 192 67 952 Jrauwcs inn us apecmiors MOOSE Me E wen 172 Canadian Legion, Army and 179 123 23 '12 ladies' five-pin league, taking COMETS I Hilton 129 fWiTavlor 140 175 Christopher . ... ... 172 individual high Dougherty 138 both team and no Vuckovich 838 B. Smith A. Smith 153 C- Carrie 159 1 Santl('aD .. 143, Tull ,!9!MIT-LERBAY 67 Roberts 745 Ross ' Aschoff Vincent Six Hundred Attend Second Annual Rup-Rec Display At Civic Centre Navy to compete in the summer j schedule. i At stake during various parti of the season will be the MobU'y Cup, the Stuart Shild. the Do- ' 129 Collins 12U scores among the 20 teams in- ppa",iey V V.'.'.V.V.V.V 142 volved. Team aggregate score i Hart ZZZZZZ. 82 143 Handicap U7 Totals 806 McBetn mi 15? 179 111!) hi 124 131 801 Prince Rupert got a glimpse last night of the wide 131 Handicap front of recreational activity which goes on inside k minion Day uopny and the Oil huly Cup. 91 38 r 165 245 1(19 108 82 131 840 145 l.iO 93 202 181 30 811 H Handirau andica Totals Civic Centre when more than MO spectators packed The league hopes to get in i . . . s . . il.. 1 1 T T" . INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, PRESSURE TANKS, SMOKE STACKS, Etc. 777 155 170 140 156 95 30 746 Totals BANKERS Usick Kenna Acton B. Nelson M. Baxter Handicap Totals several games before May 24 . the gymnasium 10 Witness me swonu animal UUjJ-nec when, if possible, they win play t disnlav with participants totalling :)00. 155 133 158 125 128 30 729 BIG SISTERS B. Gomez 140 B Alexander 142 Dickens 125 Rothwell 172 Hauuan 143 Handicap 61 Totals 783 VARIETY - Ruddeiham 133 Lvkegaard 96 Cloimh 148 Cembella 149 McLean 125 I i. I, .... ! 1 l , I'll 1 for the Mobley Cup and they 'til 11 ! fj!?&imz ,721s, 141 131 3mZZr$k 178 172! TWluTh t A n was 2,644, well above any of the other teams. B. Vuckovich, of Lurkif s, howled the highest score both for the single and three-game totals. Her score for single game was 301 and her three-game total was 674, averaging 225. Watts and Nickerson 3, Coasters 0. Comets 3. Bankers 0. Manson's 2, Cosmos 1. Westview 2, Savoy 1. Rosa Lee 2, Toilers 1. Annettes 2, Blowers 1. For some in the bleachers it was an enlistment : to know that, behind the giant- paring the field lor sports and parous front of basketball, dili-nromised co-operation with tho pent training in physical edu- ANNFTTES 239 154' 11 HiiJlll plan to organize working parties to prepaid the field in the near future. I I 6. : W W . . . - I I 153 91 227 football association. 118 122 i YL 126 1671 r .8 1? K II K . .. 1 II City City Engineer Engineer Stewart Stewart out-II outlined Wi IOJ w I i lined the the city's city's plan plan for for pre- pre- II m CK a 11 Handicap 18 Totals 6ti9 140 j 182 217 125 177 146 145 18 82(1 211 165 Montgomery 151 W indie 127 MoMeekin 194 Ostashower 148 Dickens 140 i Handicap 18 ; Totals 778 I BLOWERS Morrison ISO IKeavs 220 Arrangements still have to he made with the BaskethaU Association and other groups lor playing schedules that will not conflict. 7U4 1 Y 112 112 88 88 k k 172 172 180 180 j M fc. cation has been carried on fo.-age groups ranging from preschool youngsters to creaking adults. The mass display showed a crass section of the work which has been led D' tne Civic Centre staff aided by volunteer workers both in co-operation ! Moose 2, Scuby's 1. 106 154 I Jvmk 811 ! ORANGE - Anderson 132 . ' Johansen 191 J,?7. A. Wide 138 21 Gardner 83 O. Newton 115 12!i Handicap 81 9S Totals 740 2? m issz mm WATTS it NICKERSON -Moxlev 116 141 Big Sisters 2, Variety 1. Sweet Sixteen 2, Orange 1. Lucky Strikes 2, Miller Bay 1. Calderonl 14 with the city schools and as in COSMOS pro- Holkestad 175 dependent Civic Centre grams. I Dial R im 148 Lindseth . "I had no idea that so many .Morrison 97 McChesnev 16) 78 798 BARBARA TO BECOME PRO OTTAWA CP Barbara Ann Scott, Ottawa's Olympio figure skating queen, said, today that she had made no, definite decision to turn professional. Questioned concerning a Pres. cott, Ontario, report which quoted Herbert Caldwell, wealthy manufacturer and ' friend of Miss Scott, as saying she expected to turn professional at the end of a series of benefit ex- 131 143 103 79 138 78 672 137 128 151 160 117 37 730 133 ; 126 153 99 171 j 78 760 31 ! 131 192 ' 188 183 37 ! 762! Handicap Totals MANSONS- Dell ' Christensen Cowuill -jcdA Going Steady " WESTERN BRIDGE j&ffiiS&S . , . S!tEL FABRICATORS UO. prfi HdBV VANCOUVER, BC. ft.?rW W Margaret McLeod jf Vf V . OPTOMETRIST V VOK,. -1 IN NEW OFFICES I VVy ' STONE ,. i GUpnEM: , BUJE .j'J tejpiJ 157 85 115 used the Civic Centre," was the surprised oominent of one spectator. "It must keep them going day and night to provide classes for all those people." No attempt wai made by instructors Neil Ross and Margaret Slinn or their volunteer helpers to "dress up" the classes for the benefit of the spectators. Routines were carried out Didorak 137 Rudderham 203 Handicap m 37 Totals 734 SAVOY SWINGERS V.; KHir.no nrwxi nnrtAf WAV Rill ba lnr said there is n. Just as,tholh the trainee wer Kellett 88 152 McLeod 75 88 Erickson 213 218 Mecallum 140 226 Menzies 118 202 Handicap 34 34 Totals 606 920 WESTVIEW McDonald 150 182 Thuin 1111 101 1 in ordinary training periods si ' that an honest impression "change in the situation; She is still considering offers hut has not definitely decided to turn 151 ! 140 ; 206 180 165 ! 34 i 885. 165 : 169 179 ; 204 j 8li i 92 ; 895 ! would he given. The show lost nothing in spec "Ytt Mam! Sweet Caps art letter than Ever I" Yes, Sweet Caps r better tkaa ever because of the exclusive process tator interest because of tn Parker Z..ZL Z 128 58 Ckeik y"' the process that checks ft I "Perfection . Hart wig 105 156 policy professional, she said. Caldwell made the "announcement," ostensibly on behalf of the comely 19-year old women's figure skating champion, that she had decided to turn pro each Sweet Cap you smoke to ensure yon cigarette perfection . . . i freshness ... in smoothness ... in taste. L k-h The show was opened by: HancUcaD 102 92 Mayor Nora E Arnold who re- Totals 691 821 celled that last year's display TOILERS mcci... Cieciy fessional and would probably enter moving pictures. Caldwell said he was directing Mte3 Scott's business affairs. She had had, he said, good offers had given her "a great sur-1 Ellison 79 prise" because she had no'Hill.. 135 idea of the gymnastic ability wide ..146 and physical prowess of Prince j. Menzies 164 Rupert's young people" I Totn,c1sCao 679 "I feel certain that with an- rora I ff.S - GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alteration ' Floor Sanding a Specialty ,,-a 118 137 ! 240 100 159 62 825 I 193 1 16o 114 111 i 183 30 793 128 111 185 209 150 62 845. 240 167 148 176 109 30 870 other vear of training behind Postuk 158 from two movie producers from Hollywood who wish to star her in pictures. He added that a Basso-Bert 143 them, they will do even better S. Ramsay 123 G(Kr30GOOG leading United States ice show she said., E. Morse 145 hlrlrlttxT fnr Tr ths rvn f in ro anrt Run- I. rutlll.sav IOJ 1',. ckiavs I ... v. ...... . 1 UonHiii-in HI P.O. Box 721 hrttLr lllllllllbUJ .- .- uu Pfce-rtED56l net " - t A u . i6t mem TCK OUR ENTIRE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM! OFF I I .".i Men' Women's L,liii(irvu t t WE MUST REDUCE OUR STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW SPRING SHIP-MENTS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS AND BUY THE SHOE OF YOUR CHOICE LESS THAN THE REGULAR ) AT 25 NO EXCHANGES NO REFUNDS Sale Commences Monday, April 19th SHOP NOW AND SAVE!! ALL SALES FINAL