ptituc Htipttt DnUp lochia Ltrj. Saturday, April 17, IMS "" " . r a LIFE 'n ,s r'nce upert by UWDEE JINKS crease in Goal Prices Joe doesn't know just where, but he's out to find it. And when summer has gone, there is winter and his kalsomine brush It would seem that spring ffcctivc April 15, prices on all grades of both -waiting for his return. time, by itself, would be enough to take a prospector into far OLD PROFESSION Acrobats were well known away places. But Joe says It is never forms. It is said to be one of the hottest places on the earth and, after the first day, Joe agreed with statistics. Everyone, including the burros, kept their eyes wide open but nary a speck of gold was cual vj l)f increased 2;c per ton. IS INCREASE IS TO MEET HIGHER FREIGHT RATES NOW IN EFFECT not. He says many ingredients among the Romans and Greeks especially for their feats on go into the call that comes to draw you away from tight and slack ropes. With winter gone and every living thing waving her glad CANNIBALISTIC COBRA The king cobra is one of the longest and most venemous of snakes, has a fierce disposition and preys on other snakes. farewell there Is bound to be. the found. It was the first of three trips and the project was abandoned only after Joe learned that he was very young, that the sand in Death Valley moves so that land marks are buried forever while men go crazy UERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. MEN'S SLIPPERS for I his ivrt'U only pull of springtime, he says. But there is more. There is the contentment that comes to a man who goes through a day hunting for their lost treasure. FUNERAL NOTICES Announcements All advertisements .i this coluiau will be charged for a full munlh at 25 cents a word He learned to respect a don and a world of his own, at his own speed. There is a quiet HAtyxS 1 yu know Daily News is the most milium of advertising .,' No one holding the softness of hush; the moment when you turn a key. That a crystal clear pool of water might be deadly with copper poisoning; that a man, swollen from thirst may -dive head first into a spring to drink and die, but a burro will die rock and watch a big black BROOKS In the city, Thursday April 15, 1948, Charle3 Brooks, age 61 years, beloved brother of Mrs. Mary Tschida of St. Paul, Minnesota. Services will be conducted In Grenvllle Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Monday, April 19, Inter beetle scurry away, frightened, , thc News. ..ii mc ,0ient way of putting but knowing exactly where he is Lutheran Ladies Aid Tea and Home Cooking, Saturday, Apr. 17. Orange Tea, April 21. Women of tiie Muose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings April 22 and 23. Chil- oesicte tne water, yet never drink. "WINNIE" ADMIRES HIS GRANDCHILD Winston Churchill (right), leader of the British Conservative party in England and former prlpe minister, beams with delight as he admires his fifth grandchild, the month-old son of Mrs. Christopher Soames, during the child's christening at Westerham parish church, Eng ment to follow in Falrview So you offer your burro the first drink. If he refuses, you running. And after sitting a bit, you too move off, unlike the beetle, knowing not where but confident you are following something that holds at Its end a pail of gold glittering with Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers sip a few drops from your near- land. The boy was named Arthur Nicholas Winston. The and keep the'dren's matinee April 24. empty water-bag In charge of arrangements. The funeral of the late Com mother is Churchill's youngest daughter, Mary. small pebble in your mouth Duchess of Edinburgh Clup- ter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, April 24. your name. Joe is the little man who .showed me the easy way to clean walls. He is a quiet man. He is quiet all through, his speech, his eyes, and the way he Local News Items . . . rade Charles Brooks, M.M. will take place from B.C. Undertakers, Monday April 19, at 2:30 p.m. Legion Members Card Party, Catholic School Hall, April 29. while you hunt further for water. Sometimes it is not necessary to test a spring. If one of your own kind has been along the trail before you he may have thrown a bean tin into the water. Providing it was more bolstering 25 PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS ! with zipper. Reg. $6.00 TO CLEAR jg (JfJ Hi PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS with zipper. Reg. Price $4.75 TO CLEAR $95 , 20. PAIRS I lard Sole SLIPPERS with elastic insert. Reg. Price $5.25 TO CLEAR 2 45 32 PAIRS Romeo SLIPPERS with clastic sides. Rpg Price $6.00 TO CLEAR jJ tjfj 3(1 PAIRS Soft Sole Everett SLIPPERS Reg. Price $2.95 TO CLEAR $2.15 move) easy-line, yet getting a iold. Bulger's. Canadian Club Nomination.-: . Cash lor old lot done. attending should "fall In" at the Canadian Legion Hall at 2:10 p.m. Philip M. Ray, Secretary-Manager. VKMTUUE He arrived that morning with all the paraphernalia necessary than a year before, the tin will REPAIR United Church Spring Sale, April 29. Mother's Day Tea, Salvation Army Native Girl's Home, May 4, 3-6 p.m. Prince Ruicrt District Music and Drama Festival, Civic Centre, May 5 and G, ailcrnoon.'? Ski Films, Civic Centre 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 20. Free. (93) Moose Dhi.stDri've and dance Meeting and Tea, Civic Centre, Tuesday, April 20 at 2:45 p.m. (92) For your Furniture requirements buy at Eelio's. The prices no longer be tin, but copper. It ( K AM) AUTO for the job at hand but there was no fuss. Watching him, I thought wonderingly : "He's is an omen of death and you curse, it bitterly. In the north it is unusual to every Saturday night 8:30. You saw it in tne Daily News! Advertise in tne uaily News! ITSI1 ION'S HOVERED Ask for of the entire stock are greatly New Baby Carriages. Price and evenings. reduced for quick selling, (tf) greatly reduced for quick sell find bad water, and these many years the northland has been the haunts of Joe. He still is never spilled a bucket of kalso-mine in his life." There was something different about Joe an air of satis- St. Peter's spring sale, May C. Sfor i LASTA1IIDK ing. Buy at Elio's. (tf) Gyro Klondyke Nite, May 7. not rich, but he's still looking. Mother's Day Tea, Home Cook ailable NOW! ! town orders given accial attention Mrs. Willa M. Ray sailed Thursday night on the Prince Rupert on a business trip to Vancouver. Tricycles, KidKars, Childs' Once, many years ago, he found a rich vein', and thought he'd found his fortune. It lasted Constable Alex Davidson of the city police detachment left Thursday night on prisoner escort duty for Vancouver. ing, Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall UO.D.E.) 5th iaction and patience and waiting that explained itself when he said he was a prospector. Redecorating was but a winter's j.Chicken in the Rough' TO TAKE HOME J?Call the ? CIVIC CENTRE $ DINING ROOM PHONE 231 only a few days . . . but 'twas PVIN'S Ave. East, 2 p.m. Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Rockers, Doll Cribs, Doll Carriages. Prices reduced for quick i sideline that bought shoe-laces good gold C 1 U D for u 1 j mi i - i . Women's Canadian high boots and filled a knap There is more of it somewhere. HUi t emu selling. Buy at Elio's. (tf) hlOVE Bl.l'K 818 nominations meeting, Civic Centre, Tuesday, April 20, 2:45 Tea. (93) sack, come spring. It is in his blood now, but Joe i wonders why when his intro- Piano Concert by John Joseph Franky, sponsored by Job's Daughters, Civic Centre, May 19. Steamship Movements Prices I Auction to the game was so New Baby Carriages. For Vancouver ' Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 10 p.m. St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin, greatly reduced for quick selling. It will pay you to buy at ompliment Your SUIT cruelly gruelling. He was but sixteen when he went into Death Valley with an old prospector who had staked (tf) Tuesday ss. Car den a, 1:30 Elio's WW asm 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea, June 3. With a soft and frilly BLOUSE a Gibson Girl or Due to a snuvvslide ioui miles west of Red Pass Junction, tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, was reported this a rich claim and could find it with, his eyes shut only ho didn't have the wherewithal to get to it. So . . . Joe made his v. ., i a Tailored Style We have lovely creations in ' Two sailings per week for VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam morning to be 13 hours late first investment in lieu of nug-which would bring it in atiil:45 gets. He bought three burros tomorrow morning. and all they could carry and . . . . . . , himself went with them. Assistant District Forester M. : ... ,.i Going into Death ,7,, Valley is i- O Kullander saHed on the exSplorlng an oven. It Ues Prince Rupert ihur ay night sealeye K V i p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. Fridayj-ss. Catala, 12 midnight. April 27 ss. Princess Louise, ,.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardena, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. Ar-rtl 22 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. For Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson Sunday ss. Cardena, mid-! light. iFrom Alice Arm, Stewart, Friday, 12 midnight, Catala on a ousiness tup iu utcmi Falls. but 150 miles long by 20 miles wide and protected from any STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundavs. 12 midnight OUF.KN CHARI.OTTKS FOR MASSKTT AND POUT CLEMENTS Aprii 16 and 30 Know where "you Are with the FISHER kadi Pilot It lake tlx' giH'sMvtirk out ! navl-K:ilHil, h-H. vll '" MtHioii e-iuIIv. mi maltiT li llilck till" ui'iillicr. II nirans mure flsll In ynlir luihl. RiraU'r sjilt'l) ami rimslaiit conlait ullll I lif 'lift. nsllliK means I lie lii-sl In twi-wav radio m ii ii i . I Ion anil (llrectloii-fiml-iiiK iiiiiii'iit. Ellison Queale Radio Supply Ltd. rique, Lawn, Sheer, Crepe, and Rayon Jersey. about Our Personalized For your Furniture require- small breeze by mountains incuts, the following: Dinette standing 11,000 feet high. These' Suites, Kitchen Ranges for guardians also hold in the heat, burning Coal or Wood. Dressers, so the temperature is often 125 Beds, Chairs, and many other j degrees in the shade for days, useful articles. Prices on entire Clouds may form high over this stock greatly reduced for quick valley of dried heat but they selling. Buy at Elio's. (tf) .seldom drop rain. And dew FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 18 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Runert Aent Third Ave. Phone 568 mlM Ask. . if1-1 "L WW Port Simpson PUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges Tuesday ss. Cardena, a.m. I From Ocean Falls j Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, p.m. : Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, j 10 a.m. j Friday ss. Catala, p.m. VICTORIA. B.C. mill Mips ami HchIit al For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, I.aphani COTTAGE CnEESE VWI'IH'VKK II. K Hiivey Mil. l( Tiill Hailm MUrlc ami suU. Kailln Appliance I n. SVIIM V M A M Kudio. I III II tr 1, r. .VIU l lllsiill Ifin'ale Railiii Mippl Mil. I'OKT lllltKM IliillwaVs Hadio Wrviii'. (l AI.II I .M Hl;. II (imiK'lllll Kailio ter i-l KIM K III I'l-.lti Willoril MrrtrU' Murks. New Creamed Fresh Made ' VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE SOOTLKSS LUMP FOOTHILLS 0 STOKER COAL i:;; nut i,,r f, . We Have Taken Over Considerable Stock ' UStOmerS: from a Pioneer Local Electrical Firm. Bl'I.KI.F.Y VALLEY LUMP WAR SUEUPLU5 SALE Ocean Dock Warehouse - Prince Rupert, B.C. The entire War Surplus stock has been moved to Ocean Dock Warehouse, and before loading for shipment to Vancouver we are making further reductions for your opportunity to buy. Prewar quality goods below manufacturing cost. We have a large quantity of the following items and many more, too numerous to mention. KITCHEN TA ISLES $2.00 SINCLE COTS $:i.00 SINGLE MATTRESSES -. mm WINDOW BLINDS r0c GALVANIZED WATER PAILS 50c EE AT HER PILLOWS $1.0(1 "MATTRESS COVERS each $1.00 KALSOMINE pkt.25c CARLE ROUND NOSE SHOVELS ' CARGO NETS' MINERS' PICKS AHLE LAERNS KITCHEN RANGES JT o LAM 1AILI,S KITCHEN CHAIRS FLOOD LIGHTS 0FFICE cnAIRS TURN RUCKLES FILING CARINETS SHACKLES WALL SHELVING Army & Navy Kept. Stores , WAR SURPLUS DEPT. We Offer Many Quality Articles at Attractive Prices. SEE OUR WINDOWS While They Last : PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Coal Lumber Ruildinjr Supplies PHONES 651 -652 JE BURNER HOT PLATES S 3.45 LE BURNER HOT PLATES 8.50 SRS .595 HEATING PADS 6.45 ARftC 1R0NS - M5 AIR HEATERS 7.95 ETTE LIGHTERS 1.9a FLASHLIGHTS 1.95 jp, DCH LANTERNS ' 3.25 ROOM FIXTURES 4.95 "ROOM FIXTURES 1.45 hp? LAMPS, complete .' - 19.95 TABLE LAMP .. 13.45 HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES Typewriters (Portables and Standard) Staplers Rox Files Ledgers , RlaiiU Piks Favorite Files File Folders Carbon Paper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS . SEE lie i et or z . LLAMPS 2.95 UKTED LAMP cu Anrc 95 to 5.95 SO , ' Ji iriULj U S sockets ; .35 E t a Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping anil General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient. Service, eUl Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Parle Avenues Established 1910 I'liones CO and 68 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. TWrd ATenue DEVELOPING PKlNTIMi ENLARGING SUPEKPAN PKESS KOOAl llltOMi: and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. uox 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 'o TWO-WAY SULNLio ,tj RTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER Jm LtK PHONE 2W