VICTORIA, 3. C. 131 Ju.ii 31-43 yiet Union Is I Aiming To Become '1' World's Greatest Hydro - Electric Producer Uy TON( WHITNEY i AH' jhc last month has seen of hydro-electric power In the Soviet i in first importance for one of the newer Industrial areas of the U.S.S.R. A four power turbine with a capacity of 55,000 kilowatts-has been installed at the Shcherbakov (Rybinsk) power station near Moscow. This is a further step in the realization of the electric power of the Volga which at Rybinskl is damned back into one of the biggest artificial lakes in the world. The current will flow to the industries of Moscow. i The construction of the Dnieper dam and power station is proceeding at full speed. Four complete turbine-generator units now have been installed and put into operation at this largest station In Russia and Europe which was so seriously damaged by the Germans when they occupied the Ukraine. This leaves five power station and dam on the Volga River at the large city of Oorka had begun. The dam will be 11 kilometres (about seven miles) long, and will produce hundreds of millions of kilowatt hours of electricity for the central Industrial region of Russia upon Its completion. The excavation work for this dam alone will be several times as great as that for the Dnieper dam in the Ukraine, the biggest hydro-electric installation in Europe. Another tremendous new dam and power plant are under construction in t he Altai region of pastern Kazakhstan. A Soviet magazine has reported that "the day is not far off" when the first hydro-turbine of the plant using the water-power resources of the Irtysh river will give current. Little information Is available on this dam but it is clear that it is a development of more turbine-generator units to be installed before the plant has surpassed Its pre-war capacity. It has been announced from the Caucasus that construction work is progressing rapidly on a great project for harnessing the power of Lake Sevan in Armenia in a series of cascades and hydro-electric plants. The largest hydro-electric plant in this series is now being built and work is in an advanced stage on lengthy tunnels through mountains which are to bring the water to the turbine blades. These are only some of the more important of dozens of hydroelectric projects in the Soviet Union now in the process of being realized. But they alone are sufficient to show that the U.S.S.R. is determined in the not distant future to become the greatest producer and consumer of hydro-electric power in the world. ntly a1i)(iiiiicod that the immense Farkhard pow-'""ddiim i,''"lral Asia was completed and had be-""curreiit. This Immense development begun during 8'ibe nttlo less than the largest hydro-electric power no op""1"1 in tne Soviet Union. It will, In addl-l0 all immense area of 500,000 hectares (more than ,esi of some of the richest cotton land In the world ailed nunKiy m"-- d that construction of a tremendous new announce' ,isti NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER a vr i mm wm Blue STAR j Cabs (MIES DRUGS Daily Delivery PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 91. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS i 1 ICE GEORGE -ALASKA RAILWAY LINE BEING PROJECTED AFTER GOING THRU ICE UP FRANCOIS LAKE HOSPITALIZATION BILL IS INTRODUCED AT VICTORIA Basic Family Premium To Be $33 Per Year List of Services Provided t Preliminary Work May Commence This Summer Two Hundred Million Dollars To Be Spent If United States and Canada Finance Defence Extension S EATTLE (CP) Civil Engineer Willis T. BULLETINS S'f KIKfc IS AI L OVER VANCOUVER The forty-five day old strike of marine, radio and deck officers on west coast deep-sea ships is now officially ended and vessels which had been tied up here are preparing: to sail. QUEBEC ELECTION C.N.R. IS GLAD ! TOCO-OPERATE I WASHINGTON, D.C. 6. W. Falrweather, vice-president in charge of research and development, Canadian National Railways, testified before the United States Senate commerce sub-committee on modification of restrictions against iXfOIS LAKH (Spocial to Daily News) A ; resciie was made from Francois Lake Thurs-inuoii of Isaac K nelson and Sam John, ran-iho tried to walk across the lake's two-and-a- miles, drawing a sleigh with three cases of in,? through into water of about 600 feet depth VICTORIA (CP) British Columbia's compul- I sory hospitalization act was introduced as a procla-j rr.ation measure in the Legislature yesterday by Hon. George Pearson, minister of health and welfare. It Canadian boats serving south- when about a mile and a quarter out. eastern Alaska, testified that set $33 a year as the rate which may be charged for MllMCTC QUEBEC Ontario's election, fixed for June 7, was taken here today as tign of an early election in Quebec, possibly in the railroad would be glad to ; .ir,v one farm v irroun Batcheller said yesterday that he represented an eastern syndicate which was prepared to put up $200,000,000 for the building of a railroad to Alaska. But he added that the United States and Canadian ' governments first must provide $375,000,000 to ex- - i tend the Pacific Great Eastern The scheme will provide pub- I'lumjsj VOTE INCOME TAX co-operate with American shippers if they wished to stop at Prince Rupert and pick up Joseph Hugden, Ronnie Young and Hugh Neave were In the .store at the Landing and saw Vc wa,id, operating and case room facilities, x-ray, laboratory, cli.igno.stic and therapeutic pro to (irrmans ti Vole tlie bobbing heads of the two RUSSIA IS nilitilinn'' men. They ran for ropes and OFFICE HERE Between now and April 30, the deadilne for the filing of returns, income tax payers of - Russian-backed planks and pushed them out In WIDENING Railway as a military defence measure from Sifton Pass ts Fairbanks. Batcheller said that his firm' hopes to obtain within a few weeks from, the Uniied States Congress this financial assistance. He predicted that pre ommunists went over a on Ua, lce wnicn iucklly the same month and coinciding closely. It is believed Premier Drew and Premier Ou-plessis discussed election prospects during a week - end meeting in February. ESPIONAGE CHARGES PRAGUE It was officially announced today that the Czechoslovak government has filed charges of espionage against the former general secretary of the Czech National Socialist party, two cedures, anaesthetics and approved drugs and dressings. Mr. Pearson said that, if a person paying into the fund is stricken outside the province, his bills will be paid. The Act will be run with the onus on the medical profession oi me western power., was handy. cargoes for Alaska. RED SCHOOL I FOUND HERE i But Not "I.itllc Red" One j To Teach Children Communism ' MONTREAL Police today studied text books and other nth a direct appeal Prince Runert are to have the Tones Down Attacks On I'nited States and Eases .Up On War Talk When ten feet lrom the men rmaus to Join their benefit of departmental experts the ice was giving way unde: their feet so the three rescuers if problems arise iD connection with which they feel they desire assistance. In Wrlef, the stepped into the boat but it broke through the ice. A rope was thrown to Isaac mho was pulled Intention, is to give a service in on German unifica-appeal was broadcast Boviel-cuntrolled Ber-3y the pro-communist Pfiplc's Council" is proclaimed lis aim : the Allied Control ,s the governing body ..v. to see that hospitals are not unduly crowded. Christian Scientists, Blue Cross mVmlwrs .will be exempt, aluo persons in remote areas where hospital services are documents seized in a raid la-t FflncTe Rupert similar to that other mirtiiers .of Parliament which is available in over the side into tne ooat Dut night on what tney termed a the men did not know that the well organized communist school two Knclsons had tied them- for children of Ukrainian de-selves together with a ten-foot scent to be taught about Hie liminary work would start ' in midsummer on a line north from Prince George. (In the British Columbia Vjh-islature yesterday John Hart, president' of the Paflc "GreaS"" Eastern Railway, said "a ma a from the south" had recently made new overtures toward the purchase of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway. He said that he had told the man that, until the government had exhausted efforts elsewhere, he could not discuss the matter with him. belonging to (he party and 51 others including high-ranking army and police officials. The National Socialist party was headed by President Benes The experts arrived this morn There will be an advisoiy rope and, as they pulled Knel- in Russia. b u i 1 d 1 n g i inS y alr from Vancouver m council and a fund will be set up towards the 1 the Persons of Assessors Ken- 18 ARE X MONEY provision of extra hospital accommodation which It Is conceded will be needed. MOSCOW A5) The Russian press has toned down its attacks on the United States and Great Britain:' ;-- .-.,V There has been nothing official on this but foreign political observers in a number u Moscow missions nave noticed a change In the tone of the press. The Literary. Zazette, sharpest critic of the West, has be-j come much milder in the past month. ! (The Gazette once compared President Truman to Adolf Hitler). There is a decided lack of war talk in Russian newspapers. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D Johnston Cn. I.Kt. Vancouver . EDMONTON GRAIN FIKK EDMONTON A $100,000 blaze early yesterday gutted the I'nited Grain Growers "South Side" feed plant, destroying valuable machinery and much of 30,000 bushels of stored grain. son in, dragged the son, John, Police said the school wus down. The rope was cut from sponsored by the United Ukran-Knelson and John dragged into lan Canadian Association, the boat but the boat was too Later the police raided a hall, small for so much weight and seizing stacks of communist the water came over the top. literature and propaganda Hugh Neave tried to get out onto which had come direct from the ice but it broke and he fell Russia. ' in and held onto the side of the( boat. Planks were laid from the, LOCAL TIDES nem iecKie ana i nomas neaiy who have already set themselves up In part of the Unemployment Insurance Commission offices where they will now be available for the reciving of returns and payments as well as to give tax information to facilitate the filing of returns. A J- Increased Canu- and freight traffic v TiansCanada Air- U.N. CALLS FOR TRUCE $1,761,000 deficit on mean continental op ine annual report, WIN CHAMPIONSHIP MINNEAPOLIS With Doug .Maher scoring the winning goal with 28 seconds of play, Houston. Thursday night defeated Minneapolis four to three to win the United Slates Hockey League championship three games to two. I Sunday, April 18, 1948 .High 8:48 17.7 feet uuhi, uu wie iue uuu an managed to get to firmer ice one after the other. tie of Common.;, ON EVE OF ELECTION today. Mr. Lcckie and Mr. Healy expressed hope to the Daily News this morning that local people would take full advantage of their availability here. I 22:02 17.7 feet sleigh Low ' 2:39 9.9 feet I 15:30 5.2 feet "aria Atlantic .service, The boat, beer- and floated out In the lake. W a surplus of $136,-1 "iRlU to and from NEW YORK O- The United ' , Nations Scurity Council early today ordered a truce In Palestine, the terms being the same as tHose previously rejected by both Jews and Arabs. There wa3 no indication,' however, that either faction would abide by it. tain, ws suffered in spite Momentous Polling In Italy To Start Tomorrow ROME -On the eve of the momentous general election in which voting starts tomorrow, Prince 1 percent increase in Rupert Wins Senior Hoop i . , Title Russia and the Ukraine ab Bralorne 7.55 B. R. Con 02'i B. R. X OS Caribob Quartz 1.20 Dentonia 02 Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 52 Minto 01 'i lr:ilfic and thirty-t!" jump in volume nd other costs were up. stained when an 11 member council ended a 5'2-hour debate at Lake Success with a 9 to 0 vote. E WEATHER ISLAND LOGGER IS KILLED BY FLYING SNAG oecona oame ocore 48 to 37; All Out Reception Is Planned Italy has assumed some of the aspects of an armed camp as the government has mustered special military and police forces to guard against any possible communist coup. Interior Minister Mario Scel-ga's security forces arc watchful last, as constantly rumored, last minute communist moves materialize, especially In the leftist north. Srelba helrl mil the threat to- Synopsis wry cundi I ions are 10 Persist in several I TRAIN WRECK IN ENGLAND CREWS, Cheshire, England B At least twenty -two persons were killed and 28 injured as a result of a train crash early today on a main London-Scotland line when a mail train from Aberdeen ran ito the rear of a if the province today. A Saskatchewan man, whose wmtss is pxnrtert Pend Oreille 3.85 Pioneer 2.90 Premier Border 03 '2 Privateer -. 20 Reeves McDonald 1.60 Reno '. 08 '2 Salmon Gold 18 Sheep-Creek 1.05 Taylor Bridge 40 Taku River 54 Vananda 15'a Congress 02 Pacific Eastern 05 ,wie day will be mast- cousin resides at Terrace, was killed in a logging accident at Led by the mayor whose enthusiasm and appreciation appears to be matched by that of all citizens, Prince Rupert today planned an "all out" welcome Morgan's camp, Cumshewa In ar'd mild. Forecast ""Pert. Our. rh.,. Glasgow-London passenger ex-jfor jhe conquering local basketball heroes who are let, on Tuesday. His body was day to suspend lhc ratcful el-brought to the city Thursday .,,,, ,. ,lhprtv of the vote press near the village of Winds- 3 wth,i night on the Coquitlam and will should te compromliiCd." due home Morylay afternoon ou the Princess Adelaide from Port Alberni where they captured the ";'trf'l .showers todav. L'We chanpn in he1 V8 mak' Killed by a flying snag as ,Pollw; r vailed among the Port Alberni neaiey Amaig ua'2 ARE MEETING FOR RECOVERY Conference of Marshall Plan Beneficiaries At Oarls PARIS W Western Europe yesterday bound itself to stand united in order to avoid falliiiK divided into deeper poverty and war. It did so in a 3,000-word charter signed In Paris. The charter created the "European Organization of Economic Cooperation," designed to assure efficient use of more than $5,-000.000,000 which the United States has pledged in the European recovery program charter signed at a meeting of representatives of sixteen Marshall plan countries and occupied western Germany. Among the delegates were many , foreign ministers. ln- Lows tonisrhr. nnH British Columbia Senior "B" championship last night. They Spud Valley 13 was bucking sawlogs in the ' ul DL V . nhy-AL P,.t u uenirai eDanos uua woods was Henry Emde, of j'ord. The dead Include at least nine men, ten women and two babies. Survivors said a passenger had stopped the express by pulling an emergency cord. The crew was investigating and placing warning detonators when the crash occurred. Massctt 35 .,a a Silbak Premier 33 are ,turnlng out the band and expectation Is that citizens hi Jptrt 35 and 48. fans ' in their enthusiasm as the championship cup was presented to Angus MacPhce hy Harry Chapman, secretary of the British Columbia Basketball Association. Beynon and Dominato were tions to demonstrats they are ready to keep order. As Italy wound up the final hours of the crucial Parliamentary campaign, communists scrambled to regain lost support. Campaigning ended at mid-ninht last niaht and the voting large number will be on hand to cheer as the boys come homo. Prince Rupert Basketball Asso Oils Calinont 51 C. & E 5.25 Home .". 7.50 White Fox, Saskatchewan. His skull was fractured as he tried to step clear of the hurtling piece of wood. His cousin, Ralph Emde, was working at the same camp at the time. He accompanied the "sh Ltlim.... banished for personal fouls as 118 Province ciation dinner welcome and a big dance In the evening at the Civic Centre whan 4he officials well as one Alberni player. Don Fitch, about whose appearance body here. starts Sunday morning at 8 NON-CONFIDENCE Deceased is survived by his welcome and felicitations will take place are on the program. parents and a brother at White o'clock TALK NEXT WEEK i,h Support of Columbia Legisia-to abolish capi-fe'U be soult winch C.C.P.-Bur- Betting odds have dropped to The meeting was called to order by Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin of Great Britain. CANUCKS TAKE CHAMPIONSHIP VANCOUVER fl - Vancouver Canucks last night captured the Pacific, Coast Hockey League championship. By defeating the San Diego Sky Hawks four games to one they took the best A seven series four games to one. Bsrnie Bathgate, Canucks' centre, topped the scoring with two there had been some doubt, olayed after all. Scoring : Prince Rupert Lindsay 12, Davis 7, Holkestad, Morgan 6, MacPhee 5. R. Holkestad 8, Beynon 2, Forman 6, Dominato 2, Filch 0.. , It was a touch and go series and the Prince Rupert boys evidently made a fine impression on the Alberni fans. RuM'it had 72 shots and made 18 good. Alberni had 89 shots Fox, Saskatchewan. He was unmarried and had worked at the Queen Charlotte Islands camp for the last five months. ONTARIO 10 VOTE IIINF 7 five to 1 against the con'imu- OTTAWA Protracted de-nlsls winning. bate on the freight rates Issue The election tomorrow and has been delayed until next Monday will test whether Italy week. Opposition motions of is to line up with Russia or the non-confidence in the govern-West. ment are coining up. Fifteen he Popular Front, led by i speakers participated in the de-eommunists, has striven to oust bate yesterday but ther are still the moderate coalition govern J about ten to be hearofrom. the death for The locals capture the title two games straight and by an aggregate margin of eighteen points. They took the second game last night by a score of 48 to 37 after having won the opener Thursday night 62 to 55. The Important thing is that it is the first time that Prince Rupert has ever had a senior championship basketball team. The total series count was 110 to 92 for Prince Rupert. nillrrir,.. ,. , FOUNDED BY PIONEERS Winnipeg, at the junction of the Red and Assinboine rivers, was founded as Selkirk's colony by Lord Selkirk in 1812. hi. '"' n8- goals and one assist. uieni under the Christian Dcmo- TORONTO Kt) The Evening crats. Telegram said yesterday that it Public security forces are had learned there would be a ' variously announced and bc- and made 12 pay. Rupert shot 18 penalties and made 10 while Alberni scored on 11 out of 29. ILDAMCE P. R. FISHERMEN'S CO-OR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING ODDFELLOWS' HALL, 2 P.M., SUNDAY, APRIL 19 provinciai election in Ontario , tween 3(K),ouo ana uu,uuu. t "A huge crowd was at the game and the cheering was deafening," Herbie Morgan advised the Daily News today. Rood sportsmanship pre- There was guarded election eve peace ovr the country ll:CEXTBC!.Rupcrt' victorious B.C. All-Stars ine Doys are in Vancouver next June 7. Later there was an today and will be sailing from official announcement from the there for home tonight. government. - ' "NDAY. 10 P.M. Admission 50c 1