AFRICA MEDICAL 8ERVICE provi-5 ANTIGONISH DOCKS HERE tlnued - - Classified Advertising at ,,,.,.. "' LONDON Britain has appointed 18 specialists as a panel and may " 'T' territories In a north coast cruise, the FOR RE" of medical visitors for Africa FOR SALE destroyer H.M.C.S. Antigonishxne scheme is to be financed ptincc Rupctt Oailj? Ortos tto. Saturday, April 17, 1948 . Waterfront Whiffs docked here at 1:30 this after by the Nuffield Foundation for FOR RENT Furnished suite. Apuly 336 9th Ave. West. (96) Venus, tho . FOR SALE 50 Bundles Used Shingles. Al shape. 760 Alfred Street. (tf) r yC an pxnprimental nprlnrl nt slv oU,,i "'Win " t. ..... 1u,. " " .Uk we same size as years. If after this time it and also has FOR SALE Briggs and Strat- FOR RENT Cabin, partly furnished, for single man only. Apply to 315 6th Ave West. (tf) KOMI M, (W tNN TODAY 7:00 - 9:02 noon under command of Lieut. Commander Charles A. (Tony) Law. She will remain here over Sunday before heading back to her base at Esqulmalt. The vessel visited Port Alberni, and the Queen Charlotte Islands on her northern trip. No special entertainment has been arranged ton power charger for radio and lights. $75. Practically new. Dan's Service Station. (92) Inunder In the Vallc 0 FOR RENT Warm Comfortable room, reasonable. 806 Fraser St. (91) FOR SALE Single bed with SUNDAY MIDNIIE OKI Uncertainly and Pessimism Shrouds Opening of Halibut Season Initial Lumber Shipment From Juneau Is Made for the crew. Antigonlsh last new mattress. Phone Green 712. (tf) FOR RENT Nice, clean, warm visited Prince Rupert last Aug t KAKi STEVENS ust. furnished suite. 1142 Park Ave. Call after five. Green 224. (91) FOR SALE Oh RENT Walk-In 'AVE EMEIISON TEX K ITT Kit DAVE O'BRIEN ' FLAMING BULLETS' Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. (tf) FOR RENT 3 -room furnished ward trend has been In effeet for many weeks. Chicken halibut, once a top-grade delicacy, seems to have lost favor on domestic tables and is reported as retailing for as little as 14 cents a pound. This is only a little more than the fisherman was paid for it and takes no account of handling or shipping costs. However, since the first landings of halibut will be shipped fresh, to market. It is believed that the price scale will take an initial spurt, then level off at a figure probably several cents a pound below the 1947 scale. Another situation that is puzzling, but not particularly worrying local halibut men, Is the attitude of fishermen In some coast ports in regard to the usual division of the fleets for the first trips. Prince Rupert fishermen and owners want to follow the usual routine of dividing the fleet into two sections, one leaving for the grounds before the other. This has the result of allowing the first landings to be divided and not overburdening the shore handling facilities and creating no threat to the price structure by having vast quantities dumped on the wharves at one time. However, certain ports, among them Petersburg and Vancouver, want to go out all at once so as 'SECRET ENEM suite. 1028 2nd. Ave. Blue 270 (98) The 1!M8 halibut fishing season, which will open in less than two weeks, will do so amid an pverture of gloomy predictions that, as well as being the shortest season on record, it will be the most economically hazardous in years. A large carry-over of 1947 halibut, said by some ROOM AND BOARD Train Schedule For the Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. FOR SALE Simple Engines iy2 to 31 H.P. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. , (t) to be as high as 20 percent of WINNER OF TWO ACADEMY AWAR BEST ORIGINAL MOTION I'RITKe ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf) PERSONAL EDMUND GWENN BEST 6l I'l'OHTlNG MACHINERY fOR SALE An FOR SALE Here's a Good Buy. last year's catch, Is depressing the eastern market to a point well under price levels of the 1947 season. What will happen when this is over-layed with the 1948 production is the subject of much unhappy forecasting. TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern MATINEE MON. 2:30 EVES. 7:00 - 9:04 s Used Underwood .Typewriter in first class condition. Room 3 Stone Building. Phone Red 593. (tf) uch real people, and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, BC. (tf) Some predict that prices will be well under the healthy 197 levels and that ine short season, coupled with depressed returns, will create a situation unheard of in Canadian industry since the depression years. Certainly, with their larse carry-overs on which they are now taking a loss, the marketing agencies will be extremely sensitive about bidding the prices of the 1948 fish to any great altitude. Top grades of western halibut are wholesaling on the eastern market for as low as 27 cents a pound and this down- SKIN SUFFERERS! Thousands coast to coast have benefitted from Kleerex's quick healing of Eczema, Psoriasis, Itch, Pimples, etc. Why not you? "Klcerex" medium, strong. Two sizes 59c, $1.09. All Such real romance, Such real and rare humor, it becomes FOR SALE 7,000 feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4,000 feet corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. (tf) The Heart Story Of Our Day! not to risk the loss of a trip REPAIRS to all sewing machines Free estimate on request. Phone 864, Singer Sewing Machine Co. (tf) during the extremely short season that is expected. In a situa FOR SALE 5-room house, full concrete basement, furnace; good location on corner lots. $3750 takes it. Armstrong Agencies, Phone 342. 91) Meet llie man tion like this, all that is re A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE Limited "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Inlaid Linoleum with Burlap Back and Printed Floor Covering Table Oil Cloth, all colors Carpets Phone 775 327 SrdAve. quired is for one group to re oenina ine miracle! AGENTS WANTED fuse to abide by the custom and FOR SALE Bed Phone 54. chesterfield. (91) t is destroyed. That, Incident ally, is why many thoughtful HERE'S A NATURAL New patented tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. Needed by autoists, farmers, lumbermen, fishermen are 'urging that the International Fisheries Commis FOR SALE Studebaker sedan, '30; work trailer and decking 2x12" and 3x12". Apply 1401 Frederick St., Highway entrance. (92) sion take steps to bring In con 1 : smzm trols for the good of the in - dustry. Voluntary controls, they builders, garagemen, transports, public works. Immediate deliveries. Attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co. Ltd. Cornwall, Ont. With say, have not, and apparently cannot, be effective. Like the fishing business FYRFOE flame proofs clothing, BUSINESS PROPERTIES 2 lots on corner 1st Ave. and 2nd St.. 115'x50'; lane. Ideal apartment or warehouse site. Sacrifice for quick sale. 1 lotion 2nd Ave. near 9th St., selling at assessed value. 1 lot on Second near Civic Centre. ARM itself, any embarrassment that might be caused by the fleets going out all at once is depen 'IV lua? 'i dent on the weather. If the fabrics, upholstery. New, guaranteed. Reduces fire hazards, saves lives, property. Attractive sales proposition. Fyrfoe division, Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ont. month of May is a fine one. millions of pounds of halibut STRONG AGENCIES, Phone may be unloaded in a short 342. 194) space of time and may Justify WORK WANTED the fears of the fishermen. How HOUSES FOR SALE ever, if it is bad, fishing will 'As Low As $35.25 None Over $58.95' BOND SUITS S MADE TO YOUR MEASURE J Sold In Kupcrt At I RUPERT MENS 5 OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETELY RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE 71 Section 2 6 room bungalow MLUDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonf Green 588. (tf) be held up to such an extent that it will not make any dif nit EDMUND GWENN . gim iochat . ntuiJ P0Tlf NAIL WllllAM HIAWUY . KBOMl C0WN . m'.4 style house; sun porch; view; very attractive; reasonable. Seal Cove 5 room house on WANTED K ference whether or not the ves sels left all together or in sec tions. Whether or not they have good or bad season, Prlsce Ru WANTED 12 ft. or 14-ft. clinker built rowboat in sound condition. Please reply giving price and particulars to Box 780, Prince Rupert. (tf) & BOYS STORE pert halibut men are going to employ the latest devices in 1 llll Seventh; two corner lots; part basement; sun room; good family home; moderately priced. 5 room house with view; two lots; good condition; priced to sell only $2400. Close In 5 room house 'ith furnace near Valhalla Hall; reasonable terms. 6 room house with basement near High School. Also others priced from $850 to $9000. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 (93) WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-roomed house; urgently needed. Phone 865. 91i COMING WEDNESDAY 4 DAYJ Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 Flowers Fur All Occasions their search for fish. In the past few weeks, almost a score of them have Installed electronic depth sounders to find halibut. More are planning to hav; the devices Installed. Some are going first class and CKOSKY LA.MOl'K - IKH'K IN WANTED Old copper, brass, aluminum, tin, zinc, babbit, lead and old storage batteries Northern Eenterprizes next to Enterprlze Grocery, 144 3rd West, one block from McBride. Phone 343. (91) "ROAD TO RIO" Installing machines with paper recording devices that show the bottom of the sea and anything how Available! For Sale in the way of fish that may be FOR SALE Wartime house, 6 near it. Others are settling fori rooms. Near Booth School on the indicator type which flashes! choice double corner. Terms Long established furniture. ELECTROUJX arranged. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (tf) METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roofing. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) FLOOR WA store business on Third Ave. The price for the stuck and business is very reasonable. Bee the owner today, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. GREEN 504. FOR SALE 14' boat, 2'4 HP. Lauson. Recently overhauled. Black 887. (95) BRUSHES FILTERS DUST BAGS CRYTALS SHAMPOO SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES instantaneous signals, but which does not record on paper. However, the latter type can be fitted with recorders later If the owners wish. Vessels which in recent weeks have been fitted with depth sounders are the Pride (formerly Stalin), Anker A.. Dovre B., Signal, Selma H., Strafen, Tramp, Parma, Helen II, Myrtte B., Tak-la, Henry Wahl, Skeena Maid, Endvoud and Advance. The Morris H. and Oldfield are to be fitted later this year, perhaps in the fall. -AT THE "I'm 'fixin" to build me a fence." INCOME TAX RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL RETURNS PREPARED SEE pi i.i PHONE 644 11. E. MORTIMER 324 find Ave. (Near CFPR) CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring examinations. Write M. C. C. Civil Service School, 301 En-derton Bldg., Winipeg, Manitoba. WRISTS ARE STRONG Owing to the strength of the wrist, dislocations of that joint are comparatively common. CHENILLE BEDSPREADS 4.99 EACH AT wholesale Price, Beautiful Chenille Spreads In double or single bed sizes. In all Pastel colors, fast dye, $4.99 each. Chenille Spreads full 90x100, with contrasting basket design in centre, $7.98 each. Also Habitant Hand Hooked Rugs, tightly made, 18x36 Three for $4.00. These articles are worth much more. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money , immediately refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke Street West, Mont A good supply of PICKETS, POSTS and TWO-BY-FOURS is available at Mitchell & Currle Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractors mw M Union steamer Coquitlam, which has been proudly sailing the coast in a coat of while paint on her hull, . underwent a . transformation during her latest overhaul. The ship, now relieving the Cassiar on the YOUR BEST real Que. Queen Charlotte Islands run. now has a black hull with white EATING PLA Fl IX-COl USE MW 11 a.m. U P" HANQUET IIALL F1 superstructure. Her red and black funnel is unchanged. The FOR SALE 14' boat. 2V4 H.P. Lauson. Recently overhauled. Black 887. (95) Coquitlam is making her fort Hollywood Cate ritlNCE RtPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday, 5 p.m. to X p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE OROEIIS PHONE 133 nightly voyage to Massett Inlet TENDERS today and is due back here to AND PARTIES morrow morning to sail at mid CHINESE DIS ii you wish to talk : WATCHES : Come Here ! The world's leading makes are what we have In show you. We bought a large stock some time ago and can show you values. And our watch testing machine tells how the watch will run. Have a Look! US AMTICO for Durability and Lasting Bcauly THIS RUBBER TILE IS IDEALLY SUITED FOR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM OR ANY FLOOR THAT TAKES THE IMPACT OF MANY FEET. Saanich Plumbing and Heating Cor. 4th and McBride-Bluc B4 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to Friday, April 23rd, for the purchase of Lot 2, Block 25, Section 1. night tomorrow night on hsr return to Vancouver via south Queen Charlotte points. BROAD'' Having discharged at the pier The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. H. D. Thatn, City Clery. (It) CAFE of the local dry dock 631,000 board feet of spruce and hemlock lumber from Juneau which , ... W. P11 TENDERS WANTED bllo .ir is to be transshipped on order TENDERS will be received by the to the Eastern United States over the Canadian National Railway, tug Santrina and barge SPECIAL ! ! $1 Eversharp Schick Injector Razor 13 Eversharp Schick Blades 1 Colgatcs Shave Cleam ALL . for only 98c OUR STOCK INCLUDES RAZORS BRUSHES SHAVING CREAM TALC AFTER-SHAVE LOTIONS . BLADES AUTO STROP THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVK'E left during Thursday night for undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, May 5th, for the purchase of Lot 17, Block 2, S. D. of D.L. 468, Plan 905, Cassiar District, Stewart Townsite, to FOR the Alaska capital to pick up Bee Your the next similar consignment DEALER gether with 3 roomed house for Prince Rupert. Considering GENERAL MOTORS Truck' TTtkJ (i.MC Chevrolet B"uk d it.. OMsmiiliil" and contents situate thereon. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not nec essarily accepted. ...u,Mir WORK A snSClALT ..TV lt i yi i ' ' it was the initial shipment, the lumber was handled with dispatch here In just about twenty-four hours. Next shipments, it is anticipated, will take less time to handle. The discharging was concluded at 11 p.m. There were about twenty-five carloads in all. Terrace Machine Shop & Gordon F. Forbes, OHiclal Administrator of the Estate of Grace Alice McMillan, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (100 TERRACE, B.C