business and Professional OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL tJWnre ttupcrt Daflp netos ttu, , Saturday, April 17, 1948 JTcheney DENTIST ..mrf rtt (VIC LADIES: READ THIS! r Unwanted hair removed lnstantty J ' . from face, arms.- legs with Flasij Hair Remover. Actually destroys tha-. t " PHYSICAL PROWESS (Continued from Page 4) ' Rec she attributed credit for the "almost complete, lack of juvenile delinquency in our city. The Civic Centre is the thing for the public good that have." With Principal R. G. Moore of King Edward School as announcer, the program opened with display of group games by entire hair above and below the ekmj ( surface. Hnrmless leaves the akin lr. soft and smooth. You can't los. Money promptly refunded If hair t grows back after third application , ., ., with no questions asked. Price 2.00 postpaid. (COD. 'a Postage extrai "- KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 79) Bo 22. Station B. Montreal. Que r' at Civic Centre SUNDAY Sports p.m. 2:00 Badminton. MONDAY Sports a.m. 9:00-Bo-Me-Hi gym class, p.m. 1 :00-Bo-Me-Hi gym. class. 2:30 -King Edward gym class. Special I: vents 7:30 Little Theatre. 8:00 J.C.C. Public Speaking. Band practice. English League, First Division Arsenal 1, Derby County 2. Bolton Wanderers 2, Grimsby Town 0. Burnley 1, Aston Villa 0. Charlton Athletic 2, Blackpool 0. Liverpool 1, Manchester City 1 (tie. Manchester United 5, Chelsea 0- Mldlesbrough -1, Blackburn Rovers 1 (tie). . Portsmouth 2, Sunderland 2 ( tie t . Preston North End 3, Everton 0. Sheffield United 0, Hudders-field Town 1. Stoke City 2, Wolverhampton Wanderers 3. Second Division Barnsley 2, Nottingham Forest 2 (tiet. Birmingham City 2, Cardiff City 0. minuet in near period costumes, This presentation made an at- tractive display and was direct- ed by Mr. Ross and Miss Slin l with music by staff pianist Miss. Frances Moore, A.T.C.M. ' Grades Five and Six girls King Edward School gave a brief but rhythmic demonstration ut 1 f4 Hi.:."; ' " " Brentford 4, Bury 1. Coventry City 1, Tottenham Hotspurs 1 (tiet. Fulham 1, Millwall 0. Leeds United 3, Chesterfield 0. Leicester City 1, West Ham United 3. Luton Town 0, Southampton 2. . Newcastle United 4, Sheffield Wednesday 2. Plymouth Argyle 2, Doncaster Rovers 2 (tie). West Bromicw Albion 6, Bradford 0.' Scottish Cup Final Morton 1, Rangers 1 (tie-overtimei. Scottish League Division A Dundee 2, Celtic 3. Falkirk 0, Hearts 2. Hibernian 1, Partick Thistle 0.1 Motherwell 2, Aberdeen 1. j jl : You saw it in tn Daily News! at positions of competence where advanced gymnastics are taken in stride and very spectacular they were for tha spectators. The men's and women's groups (joined in tumbling and pyramid displays that to the ordinary mortal could only be considered impossible. They showed trem- went in for aerial gymnastics the parallel bars and flyin:; with a deliberateness that breath-taking. ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER BRKATHKAMY OF CAN AHA Ltd. Vancouver. BC. ' ' 1127 251 3rd West : KAIEN CO OP JUST ARRIVED! Hew Presto Meatmaster $19.95 NATIONAL AND BURPEE COOKERS COPPER BOTTOM STAINLESS STEEL WARE WEAREVER ALUMINUM CO-OP VACUUM CLEANERS . 'am a, j He the Rup-Rec junior boys, direct by Mis Margaret Slinn.then moved on to singing games by the "tiny tots" class, composed more than 100 nre-acho,)! boys and girls. As was the case the year bo-fore, these youngsters threatened to "steal the show" with their unaffected naturalness as they marched and joined In children's games. Co -operation .between the schools and Civic Centre was shown when the Grade Five pirl of King Fdwnrd school and the Rup-Rec junior gins put on two dances, dressed in colorful crepe paper costumes. School physical training classes are as mueTi a part of the Rup-Rec program as are the Rup- Rec classes themselvs. Miss Margaret Slinn directed both groups. ' King Edward boys of Grades Five and Six demonstrated', human ten-pin", a variation of mat tumbling that was done with precision under direction of Neil Ross. Then boys and girls of Grades , Five and Six of Borden Street nut on a rhythm drill with Indian clubs and balls. One of the most charming displays of the evening was a demonstration of square daniinj by the Rup-Rec in-terminate girls and the ladies "keep fit" elass. While Miss Slinn called the turn, four groups of girls and young i women went through the dance forms with grace and rhythm. I There was little bashfulness: displayed when the Grades Five Phone 179 Box i Treat Your Car or Truck to a , a skipping drill with music by endous grac3 and physical dis-Miss Eleanor M.jxley at the piano. I cipline that could only have re-Trim figures and well balanc-1 suited from long and diligent ed muscles could not help but training. result from the fundamental In the final number, the Rup -gymnastics routines demonstrat- Rec men left the ground and Lubrication... ed by the ladies' Kt?p Fit class, This demonstration indicated on perhaps as clearly as possible rings how the modern trend in phy-n-(was not just another 'grease-up' It Costs Ho More ! LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. 1DEUCI0US! J SSSpl Serve her os I jfirjUjyTl told in salad Second Avenue, near Civic RUPERT MARINE REALTY ? (J. OLAl'SEN & SON) We Take Listings of ... . and Six boys and girls of Bor- Rec leaders, both men and widen Street danced the French men. Thesa groups have arrived PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning. Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLtJSSt ( Phone RED 739 1301 Overtook Street JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 HELEN'S 1 BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavjig Beauty Culture In all Us branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of an kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 488 Red 894 DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Be Bmartly dressed with hidden expansion features PHONE BLACK 687 84 GEORGE L. RORIE publio Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western , Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 QCAUT REPAIRS For Downtrodden II eels and Warn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bea 774 Second Ave Refutation PucMiant to Section 33 of The Highway Art RefubUlng Traffic on No. . 133 . Terra. Br like The undersigned, being a person authorised by the Minister of Public Works of B.C., lu writing to exercise the powers vested In the said Minuter In Part II of the "Highway Act " aod beUig of the opinion that the' following road will be Impassable due to neceshary construction, hereby makes the following regula-tlon pursuant to Section 33 of the Highway Artr . No 135-Terrace Bridge on Northern Trans Provincial Highway at Terrace to closed to all truffle ' from S a m. on the 19th day of April. 1M. o the 23rd day of April 108. both dates Inclusive. ' DATED at Smtthers. B.C., this 14th day of April. 1948. - , WE. Bottomlcy, ASSISTANT DISTRICT F.NOINEF.rt IN TMR ?CIKEMB ConWT OP BRTTTriil COtt'MBtA IN PROBATE In Hie Maffer f "Anmlnlslratlim ' ,' -.-.iff . and In the Matler of Ibe f.slale r furl ' I Kurt) Morris. Selerwn oe. a-l , TAKE NOTICE thax oy uruer HIh Honor Jucute w. u. ruivon. i- Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 8th day of April, A D. ISMS, appointed Administrator b! the stat of Carl (Karl) MorrlB SeVersnn. late o' wueen liuh-lolte CUV. .. British , Columbia, who died on or' about the lBtb day of December.. t!H7. t Queen cnariour Cltyi British .comrnow. .i"1" La tha .said estate are re- rrulred to pay the amount of their. indebtedness to me fortnwun ano , uu persons havrn clulms against the alt asWti are required to file them with me propeiy vernieo on w -forcthe 15tn day of May. 1M. in wWCh dtevrHutiou win do u"" bvli fegard only to such claims of whir I stall bove bee notified. DAi-BO at prince Huperu B.C. tnl 7th day of Anrll. AO. 1!H OOBptiN FHASER PORBfS. Official Aclrainlstrator., Prince ujiert. BC. (06) IN TUB BCVRPME COtTRT OP BRITlSM COLUMBIA IN PROBATE In the Matief nf the "Administration ACT" And In the Matter of the rotate of Ihoma ttlnJ Boss, Becensed. InlesuM - . , TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judgf of the Btiprem Court of British Columbia. I was on the 6th day of April, A.O. 1941 appointed Aumin- BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY . " . RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS .. . (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront! Bex 518 Phone Green 975 PIPE-PLEASURE with OLD VIRGINIA Centre PHONE 866 Even in Leap Year gals t don't propose to guys with cars that won't go. So let us rid your car of winter ailments and put it in shape for summer driving at a minimum cost to you. Estimates gladly given. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle 'Subject to change) SATUKDAK P.M. 4:30 Ueie-s to Romance 5:00 Tea Dance we 5: 30 -On the March 5:45 Sports college 6:00CBC News a 6:05 T.B.A. 7:30 Organ Music ed 7:45 This week, Wpg. 8:00 Sat. Night Serenade 8:30 Old Time Rhythm of 9:00 Dancing Party 9:30-Chamber Music 10:00 CBU News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Legislature Reports 10:30 Dance Orch. 10:55 Interlude 11:00 Weather Forecast SUNPAV-A.M. 8:30 Sunday Recital 9:00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Sinpers 9:30 Harmony Harbour, Hal 9:59 Tune in&na'i 19:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30-The Way of the Spirit 11:00 CUO News 11:03 Capitol Reports Ott. 11:30 Religious Period-Tor. F.M 12:00 New 'XorK Ptirrtiarmonla Orch. l :30-Church of the Air 2:00 Musical Program 2:30 CBC News 2:45 Weed -end Review 3:00 Alan and Me 3:30 Weather Forecast 3:35-T.B.A. 4:00 Music in Nature 4:15 Movie Critic 4:30 Concert Hall Orch. 5:00 Everybody's Poetry 5:30 Record Album 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs 6:30 Familiar Musio 7:00 Stage 48 8:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Bach Festival 10:0UM?BC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Canadian Short Stories 10:3U Prelude to isianlght. 11 :00 Wather and sign off ann MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8.15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morninu Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Sianal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Molodles 11:00 Elevenses 11:15 Reminlscen 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Inter'ude 11:45 Ethel and Albeit . P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30-B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 1:00 The coi.eert Hour 1:30 Afternoon Reeita' 1:45 Commentary & "Here's' an Idea." 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast ATTENTION FISHERMEN! INSTALL A Marine Muffler ONiTOUR BOAT ENGINE " AND AVom HARM FIX BACK PRESSURE WE MAKE MUFFLERS TO SUIT YOUR ENGINE THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East Ave. Black 884 I.AMI BIXilSTHV ACT He: rerllfliute or rule mi. mh-i to Lots I'ourteiMi (14). fifteen (l.1) and SKtrcn (IK). Block Two (2). MIl.K.IJ OF STt'WART, Map WIS. WHEBEA8 satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cecil H. F1U- 1 herbert has been filed In this office, 1 notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one mouth from the date of the first publication hereof Issue a Provisional Certificate of Tide Ui lieu of said lost Certificate, ' unless in the meantime valid objec- tlnn be made to me in WTitlng. DATED at the Land Registry Office, i Prince Rupert. B.C., tills 14th day of Apr... 1948. A .D THOMPSOr,, j Deputy Registrar of Titles. (115)1 Uf.5,SMl'" pO BOX M 'l & ELKINS LTD. ,w8nd Heating P.O. Box. 274 ' WORK CALL BLUE 939 , SAUNDKKS Modern Equipment fork Guaranteed hiropractor L BESNER BLOCK ,04 phone Blue 4 ISTORIA'i HT DELIVERY MESSENGER Prompt Service Freiiiht Express , 269 - 322 Sixth SI. ,t Calls Green 832 ,RGE McWIUNNEY INTIXG AND 1 ER HANGING P O. Box 1426 n St. Phone Green 3D4 HEN ERICKSON ho TECHNICIAN IINO AND REPAIRS ' 411 West 7th Ave. SUPERIOR ECORATORS ;G :: PAPER HANGtNO Blue 952 or Black 245 iiins Bill Thornton tbt rbherlea Inflate? Ill (P.R.) Ltd. V Labelling, Welgtolnf J BLUEIM li 3CVREME COURT OP IT1SH COLUMBIA It ig the -imllltslrlll)ll Act" litl m of Hie Istiite ol Soren iw. UniM.rtl. Ittlettat. ones that by order of wr w. o riituin. Itfal f Supreme Court ol Brl . I was on tlx 6th luy u mi, appointed Axl-ol the estate of Soren of Prime Hupert. Brl- . hu (lieu on of about W nf January. l4rl. ut ITIlire Rupert, Ilrnlth All persons Indebted 14 suie are rutred to pay ro tneir Indebtedness to and all persons hav- fainsi the said Estat are li" Uiera with me pro wl in or before the 15th "H, falling which ftt-I be made havlna ee ls such rbilins ol whlcb " ln notified. "Inee Hn, BC tMs April. A n iiur WDON FRASWl FORBES, uniriai Administrator, Prince Rupert, BO. TISM C'OI.UMKt " "I Hie "AilmlnMratlnn in-tnii rwnftl,, yAtntr nt Hs,m -"c. iiereaed. iWTICE that by Order of w w. o. Flllton. lw-al Supreme Court of Brl- i was on the 1st rtn sppoliitea AflmUit- ' EnUlte nf Wllltftffi n Cohimhln ..k. .111 6,h of Jnnu ..e ul( o, prlce Rui ColumbiA 111 V"" "tat ire' re. "mount of tUel " having claim, against re required to tile Pmnerly verified on " ' l.lh day nf Muy )048 "hlrh I shall have beerj Off, i rvnoiB. ""'clnl Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. (03) rKiSME ro"Ri op r knimri as Hnr Mtn. n.i ' nf (he 'A'linlnUtrallein (!' JudKe 'tat by Order of ' w O. Pulton, made April, I ""litilnki... ' UH8, 1",D' I 1 was was r , therwisc h'f"of the Estate known M Hoy r hn.l- .... ireh T18 Klnst ' name Z,iTby '"luu-ed "C,Lm T.r " v"ll to "tw ;h :in ?ay 01 May, He. paw d" clalnw It, Ige. . llch I then then had had (o the an Id U to HRV l.K eblcdness to ma & 01 """a Ru- 'taJM,r iu of British day nf a,,.., hPll. ' Bob Parker Ltd. FORD-MONARCH DEALERS ''The Home of Friendly Service" Prince Rupert, B.C. i' i H in I! a i i t: r i! fi J! I 1 I: li . v 1 i cal training has departed fo-u the "physical jerks" and has embraced the principle of rhythmic movement. This class, too, was directed by Miss Slinn. Wearing colorful red-and-1 whita costumes, the Rup Rec In- termediate girls then gave a demonstration of marching drills. Climax of the show were tne final two displays by the Ruo-j tic youk Consult us for your needs in all types of printing work. Everything in high-class . stationery. Cards for every occasion. Fountain Pens. Printing BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE 23 TRY Rex Cafte FOR TASTY MEALS ; Phnn Siipv Chnw Mfin 1 ' OPEN 6 A.M. TO 2 A M. CHINESE DISHES OVR SPECIALTY SECOND 'AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL ftfte NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home ( 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 231 P.O. Boz 198 The Popular! LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wal. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street DRUGS Ormes Drugs lstralor of the Estate of Thomas PRINCESS LINE to VANCOUVER , and way port Every Monday 10 p.m. to A L A S K A Ketchikan, Wnnjtll, Juneau, and Sltafway April 22 and May 2 to ALERT BAY and Vancouver April 27 and May 7 iWlnslow Boss. lat of Terrace, o.. s.s. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT F"r Information call or writ City or Depot Ticket Office PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 P.M., 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. tlsb Columbia, who died on or amiu; the 14tb day of November. 1947. at Vancouver, Britisn voiuuiu-person Indebted to the aald estate are retrulred to pay the amount tbelr ludebtexlnesa to roe fortnwiip. and all persona having claims against the said estate are recruirea to n them with me Dronerly verined on or before lb" 15'b day of May. low. folllnj which . distribution win mada bavlng regard only to sucn claims of which I shall have beeo notuW DATtD at PrUice Rupert. B.C. tnia 7tb day of April. A D !. flOKDON FRABEB PORBEB. Official AdralulKtrator. prUice uiwrt. BC. Adrartli m tfio Daily News! Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. i and Sunday Daily car delivery service from 9 a m. till 6 p.m. PHONE 81 ''Administrator "'nee Rupert. B.C. (1)