ber, he congratulated the pupil? for their successful work. Molly' Simmons, treasurer, disclosed 2 ; Money Is Raised prfiirf Ruprrt DailP rectos Wednesday. DVcf mber 14. 1949 LETTERBOX "Alaska Naiive Hey Iiet iiet proceed proceed, from from U u sa sale ol An lnd"ondr.t df l'T r.wo-irw r,t-t fn the uph.itinr. of Prlro ?uprt In d s si cf.mT ir..: Pi core sri' ins nonhrm and ccntr.M British Columb:v ware. I 0J f,A B.. V Jl KCO LlUii hot dogs, pyrex, aluminum Choir Coming COUNTING VOTES mu-fli towcis, nosiery, nosierv. piaques olaaues ana " p,,vVhl evflr afterrirmn efpt Sundny by Editor, Daily News. Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd . 3rd Avenue Prmre Rupert. BrttUli Columbia. , 0n the evening 0f the election The Duncan Memorial Church As a result of a Junior Red , planus. i Kids! were t Mtivti, ji-,.,i. i Cross sale held last Friday.! A vote oi manKS, on motion umiiicB np'rininits prfss' .Mmrr burf'au of circulations ! vhen the final results CANADIAN DAILY NFWSPAPFIt ASSOCIATION i $115.70 was raised by the or- of Lonny Patten and Margaret broadcast the number of votes ...ill I l.nnvJ V. . Cl .1 . .. 6CBSCBIPTION RATES ui w 4riu c ri.ujr, Jan-. ,.... ,k tahn. .. nwl In Mrs S " that I had received were an nnunfpH tn hp fiHQ Oltjr Curler. Per Week. 20c: Per Montb. 7Se; Per Tear. 00. By Mai). Pw Won to. 60c: Per Year. 5 00 uary 6. under the sponsorship , ahiph ., hp Aanated ta th? A Cheeseman. Mrs. H. C. Flood Xmas Giiis j Men & Bjj Saving PrJ Men's SUITS I wool worsted. A u 1 gain, perfect f -Men's TOP CC7 Medium Melton smartly tailored bargain jj Men's DRESS SH r and principal J. S The following day when the me cenlre ASSOClatlon I Handicapped and Crippled R. Clark i paper came I noticed that the T choir has become far- chi!dlPrl s Fund of the Red: Wilson. Satisfactory Giving I number had been reduced to "mea since lis successiui tour ; Cross TniS was announced The sale was conducted under 579, ten less.. tTe . f"n StateS andi Tuesday at a regular weekly the management of the joint This change puzzled me natur-i a n m - i assembly In Borden S t r e t executive of grade six student I Bllv as it .is snmpthiner vpi-v un- Tha Mptlalfatla Vficcinr. t : school. Roy SiebeT, Dick Flood. Molly I THE "EE time time of of Christmas Christmas approaches. approaches. Many Many Of of US us j ' usual ; founded by William Duncan, the' n the motion of members! Simmons, Lonny Patten, Mar- anticipate anticipate a a happv happy season season with with Our our friends friends and and I pointed this out to the Daily , 'Apostle of Alaska." The people Dick Flood and Howard Johan- garet Johnson and Howard "TELL YOUR MOM IT'S THE LAST CHANCE TO GET THE CHIMNEY CLEANED FOR SANTA'S ARRIVAL Phone RIack 881 TH OM SHEET METAL LTD. News and was told over the of this Mission originally came i sen. the gathering agreed to jonanaen ana gruae live m,u- tUnt Tlinm V, A . V. r-: Ti L ' rtnota 10 tn IHa X T i 1 1 ft 1- T3-1V fi(nts RiflfV W.1 t.t PiPH HnU'P loved ones with little to mar the joy of the season j ,ph(j Jig selection fr0rr Mi i of festivity and goodwill. In Other words, It Will ; given these figures. migrating from Metlakatla. haspital, $10 to the children's Craig 0(iver and Roberta Reid be possible for many of US to enjoy Christmas in Very well, I ma lost anyhow , B.C to Metlakatla Alaska, un- ward, General hospital and $5 Men s T l P c TRAIN SCHEDULE (gifts. Latest shQ, irrm ,1 so wnais ine use oi arguing. ucl uuucan s leaaersnip. v comfort with the ability to have tor oursehes and , but here ta lhe e x t&k Ja . mas cheer Fund. tVnca orAimrl thp onnrl t. bin PS that have become kind voters who cast their votes !,.V"SeaS, servlee of tne A report of the sale wW ..v.v..... - , . . uanauian uroaacasting corpor delivered by President Roy Sie- Men's SWEATr r or the I'.aat- Monday, Wednesaaj, rnrJaj e:uu p.m. traditional to the occasion. 1 . . 1 1 Z,"y -u"'"c' ation has expressed a desire to a a des rable person so, as a mat- record their sacred coneert punover and h,. sryies, wools, Q In the anticipation of our own personal enjoyment, it might be well that some thought be given to others among us who may not be so fortunate, l0r bradcaSt Pupert" ' have the mauer clarified the If WOr'd fr0m the Arrangements for this con-! suspicion mmarise that other ?Ut,thf TueJdjiyi TnufsaM. Saturaa. mistakes mig'ht have occurea in " madeJ?V W:15 p.m. : i mm Men's TRO'JSER the homeless, the needy and those whose station, compiling the results of the "ctaV 11 ""UeTth Z'ZZ : nress, all wool w j Perfect gift, cood I ment from You snw it in The Npws. in the uany Newi l(k I I v r' I I n - I . Sometimes through 110 fault of their own Or through , endeavoring to make arrange- mond D. Haldane, son of the cimtancs ,-hid, they found it ImpwM. to : tfX?S&&g 5 M!" """ : control,, face the Yuletide season with little, if any, J. ; prospect of enjoyment. There are these unfortunate among us this ! Movinir, Packing, ( rating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones 60 and f.H w.)u, g I heavv SHIRT-JQ f qood shades. Ff "hnrnnjn i r Mn SOX I Rovs' SHIRTS -4 shades, from . Boys' SWEATERS. assortment from i Boys' SUITS in SPECIALIZING in Designing and Remodelling "Russ" Galzke CONTRACTING Box 1538 Phone Black 279 dine c.-oth, dojj breasted smartly DOES NOT SHOW IN OUR BALANCE SHEET winter, such authorities as the Salvation Army say, in greater numbers than for some years. For some of them the need is dire and the prospect dismal. They should not be forgotten. There is some way in which everyone of us could help those less blessed than ourselves and, by so doing, we could make our own happiness and satisfaction the more complete. One of these ways is to be generous with the familiar Salvation Army kettle which will lie making its appearance within the next day or so. Those who wish to make substantial subscriptions can transmit them to the Army direct or through the medium of the Daily News which, in keeping with an-old custom of ours, has agreed to receive such subscriptions and turn them over to the Army authorities. It gives us pleasure to once again render this small service to the Army in its great work not .only of dispensing good Christmas Cheer but of -providing winter relief to those who. really need it and who thw Army is able to reach. ed, bargain tor Boys' PANTS, worsted, all wool -smartly tailored from Boys' and Girls' T INGS and SOCKS from ig family the B of M staff . . . close to ten thousand men and women servine well over a million and a half Canadians in every walk of life from toast to coast. These are the people who make the B of M they are our "greatest asset" which' no balance sheet can show. EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMOOEI.L1NG FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 8R3 Boi 586 ff," said c$lfirfe under way, who car carry amid,t the din of "I am very proud of our sta r.,.r,t.n b : v.:. on with a smile trip-hammers, and . 1 1 nt ,113 icjivii a Genera! ucucrai - i Manaeer to harehnlHi-r nf REAL EST AJ INSURANCE with carpenters, plasterers and others working at their trades. the B of M. "The ) ear has been a heavy one in all sections of our business, and our staff have discharged their duties with untiring RETURNS I'RHl'A "I refer to the men on the lonely outskirts of Labrador who have unfurled the banner of our institution in territories still undeveloped . . . u. e. moutiv energy and efficiency . . . Hi 324 2nd Avt .N. :ir "But mere facts and figures do not, I CHIROPRACTOR K. L. Hushes, D C, Ph.C ai-2 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HIM KS 10:30 a m. to 12 JO p m n1 1 to 1 f.Tl M'KMMi Mmiday and Pnl. 7;30 p.m. tor unable to come durluK the day RECEPTIONIST In attendant afternoons. CHANDLEI and perhaps cannot, convey to you the spirit and warmth of the services rendered day by day throughout the year, sometimes under most trying circumstances. Vri . i "I could go on recounting other tales of a spirit .4 , in our institution that cannot be measured PORTRAIT STL'j Film Finisliiiis I n Hash PhoU; r.iki : a Phone Green 3K'J 'i-i prince rupi:p.t. in dollars and cents, but which is, nevertheless, our grtatest asset . . . I am ery proud of our 'staff." "I refer to the staff in many offices where alterations are SAFER CHRISTMAS TREES PRINCE Rupert may have never had the tragedy . of a Christmas Tree fire but many other places have had. It is, therefore, not inappropriate to emphasize the desirability of the utmost caution against flash fires from this cause. A method for the fireproofing of evergreen trees is being recommended.' Use of a chemical solution has proven that Christmas trees may be made fire-resistant if treated as soon as possible after being cut down. Freshly-cut trees have a water-absorbing power which permits the introduction of either calcium chloride or ammonium sulphate into the tree in solution form. : ... Stem of. the tree should be sawed on an oblique angle, or in 'V" shape, placed in a receptacle containing the solution, and left standing in a cold place until the tree is to be used. The chemical used should equal one-quarter of the weight of the tree.' Dissolve the chemical in water at the rate of one pound ; chemical in pints water. Bank of Montreal 1 1.4 fel V m WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN (VERY W A I K OF LIFE N C F. FOR HER Cosmetic Sets, Perfumes end ognes, Dresser Sets, Compacts and Manicure Sets AMD?) Sheriff's Sale ' FOR HIM Shaving Sets, Shaving Crushes, THE GIFT :jt in Tin: mi'Iiimi, roller oi iiiutimi roiiMiti VZ c v. umIted. Piamtitt cJTll. e above lets, Pen and Pencil Sets, Konson Lighters WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPrlNti Fred B. t he .r::" " ,a c. aeremumt. , unit im ih-m ,mJl. 1 """ "Jnn sawmill complete with power i L 2, r,rPUJ m"!!s and elr content, tool, and ce8- i Hlallarr Pmnmmi "7 " Ha80" at Kaati. Good, and Vhtte is mav hp n the December 1 17, n .bov "Mbc-d location, on Thursday &n&JTiZiL":t 'V-0?.. '1 " '""noon at the I'h' Sixth St. & Third Ave. at Dublin ,.,,,; Jn ; . '." ""P"1-.1 ' otter lor sale the kbovP lnler,,sl OI th" defendant In Stationery ranging from 90c to $3.50- Leather Writing Cases in both Letter and Note sizes $4.50 up Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charge ; Munl7pa0fd8Tax.l'aSh' '8 '" to the purity and : The highest or (my bid not necessarily accepted pated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 0th day of December 1949 ioau L- M M- STEPHENS. l1-. . v w, bheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. B.C. ryZ, , ' 0 SPECIAL S .; l;HJLJ 2 P'ece match- f.k. $32.75 . ) tZfjUr CompleUi j Buy With Confidence J GEORGE COOK, Jeweller Remember the 25 tax is off all Jewellery i 1 MAKE IT TOBACCO X H ; A i i SI L BESNER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. PHONE 234 Xmas Rccords'p ELIGHTFUL ESSERT ELICACIES The Gift a Smoker Always Appreciates AIX SMOKER'S SUPPLIES Candy and Many Other Lines 13 i fTfTOf f Cnlnnl nn n GIVE RECORDS l" or ALBUMS A GIFT THAT'S Si TO PLEASE TOYS In TOWN MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL J51JRNERS . IRON FIREMAN STOKERS . Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. 1 That's What People Bay About Oui Cake? and Pastries Baked Fresh Dally GROTTO CIGAR STORE IMftaMvs. RUPERT BAKERY LTD. PHONE 174 BOX 274 619 3rd Ave. Pbone (43 r S.ll)lS,,J.lS.s,,s.19.j,ilij,,Slfcji-,SjS,S,S;SiS,3.5.S.