Mrs. Peggy Thompson, in second BASKETBALL- ; - .A..jtr Mm. Pierce ill Wednesday, December 14, 1949 I. Garner, G. & A 183 M. Postuk, Rosa Lees 181 D. Woods, Rosa Lees 180 J. Shenton, Lyons 179 D. Nelson, Rosa Lees .... 179 More than ever T ;A Kodak Ccmerj 1 5 Wanted" G IS !& PHOTO WRATHALL Silk !Co-ops In Winning1 Form Tops Bowlers spot with 196. The Big Ten for this league to date are: A. Pierce, Lyons 205 P. Thompson, Lyons .... J96 :;5A' LADIES BOWLING STANDING t W I Again, Down High School I Top average scorer in he ladies bowling league for the current season to date is Mrs. Agnes i Webster i Pierce who is away out in the lead with her teammate, B .Dunbar, Lucky Strikes 190 G. Anderson, Belmonts .... 187 A. McMeekin, Annettes .. 180 V .Wrathall, Lyons 185 W L 26 10 Co-Op poured in G? points last night to take Gordon and Anderson Lyons - 25 Rupert Radio 23 Annettes 22 11 1 another Senior Basketball League victory over Bo- ; Me-Hi which also gave a good account of itself with 15 61. It wasn't a Co-op victory all the way as the two Brownwoods 21 Rosa Lees ;. 2i is teams fought on even terms until the end of the third f'i Scuby's 21 period with the lead see-sawing back and forth 7'j in' l frequently. It was in the fourth ; j that the inexperienced team youth and inexperience. The j began to crack and at one time test team won but High School i Co-op held a fifteen point lead gave the fans full value. which High School managed to. Bo-Me-Hi Spring, 19, Carl-j 'whittle down to eight points' son 9, Scherk 13, Webster 9,i before the final whistle. j Moore 2, Bill, 5, RjttchXprd 2 I It was a free-scoring game Kristmanson, Sharpe 2. Total -'fciaf.' i.Ji. IW'-W J- . - J uuilii 1 ! AC, I Wrathall's 20 Plungers 20 Black Cats 20 Noble & Wick 20 Variety 19 Lucky Strikes 19 Savoys 18 T oilers 17 Suus 16 Wallace Pkaxuiaoy 16 Bi Sisters 16 i Davis 16. 21. Mac-1 Marshall,! and at one time in the Uurd oi. period baskets were raining in; C-op. Anry 17, at the rate of four per minute. Holkestad 4, -Scnrli Don Scherk had his shooting phee 6. Morgan 5. ll, I '2- Vndulaied as it 'Scaled t ( 25. duiui f.d Is crr.pi.ti. TfM the rcaoy when t CU. "'n Commercials 16 Boosters 14 Belmont 13 Pinhcads 13 Seal Cove 11 UniU'ers 5 r Ovcrtiwsicm not pwbiiihcd or J.ipiyc by the Liquor Ccirof Btii of by tk Cw.-whctI CHRISTMAS REMITTANCES Any branch of the Royal Bank will arrange your remittances to any part of the world . . . by Mail, Cable or Telegraph. E4E ROYAL BAFJEI OF CANADA YOU CAN BANK ON THE "ROYAL" eye for the first time since his Haugan. ToUu M. J sensational shooting of last j WermeOiaU j year and he scored 21 points.) Merchants won a clear-cut j Ted Arney and Ray Spring were victory over the first place ! both swishing the hoop from Fashion team by a 31 to 20 ( almost impossible angles, Ted score. They trailed Fashion making 17 and Ray topping him ; untli the second half of the with 19. Joe Davis was also hit-! game, half-time score being ing the hoop regularly., garner-: Fashion 14. Merchants 10. But ing lrt, and Sid Scherk for High : from there in it was Merchants School scored 13. It was a good ; ball game and their victory game from the spectators' point was well-earned. The scoring ; INSULATING BOA !4. Make your qonnrucnoa dollar do doubl duty . , , uh Dt Intulating Board. Il build and Iqtulaia at tht Mm tin c. . a n , . 1 I , ... 25 ' I- of view although the majority was poor with very sloppy shoot- of them were Bo-Me-Hi rooters ing on foul tries, Fashion mak- and they went home disap- 1 of 10 and Merchants 7 of 19 pointed. It was a case of age The play was rugged with some and experience winning over e7 heavy body checks and COil. A Donnacona-iniuana oom u mora comionable vrintar, cooler in lummar and tare on iuel comumptiot about tha many uia ol Donaacona . . . at an aiteriot thuH, at a plsjtar baa . . . aa attia and looi iojulaiioa . , ) Intattor iinUh. i CALL 651 I PIIILPOTT EUITT & Co. Ltd. I LUMBER ond BUILDERS' SUPPLIES 4 k RHEUMATISM! ARTHRITIS! there are some badly bruised ball players walking around town today. It was not a good game for this division the spectators seemed to think. Jim Intermela played well making 13 of his team's 20 points. Derek Letourneau of the Junior league played for Merchants and showed that he was of the calibre of the higher division topping the Merchants score with nine points. Fashion Gill 3. Hebb 4, In-termela 13, Housaa, Hill, lien, Brew. ToUiI 20. Merchants Dumas 7, Cufrle 1, Youngman, Marshall 3, Boulter 5, Anderson 1, Christoff Walsh, Davidson 5, Letourneau Mail Order Special H U We pay postage anywhere in B.C. 1 If H H on a pound or more of our fS i - r Professional ami Businc: Their terrible pain is often needless To brine quick relief from pain due to rheumatism, arthrtus. sciatica, lumbago and neurit, fet a bottle of DOLCIN tablet today! Moat people who have suffered from stabbmg. throbbing, muscular acrtea and paina due to these conditional cannot know what joy and j comfort may be in store for them until they try DOIXIN. Pro6t by the eiperience of, thousand who have been helped by DOLCIN. j heaults are what count. Try DOLCIN for prompt and prolonged relief from these aches and paina. DOLCIN tablets are easy to take. Instructions come with each package. Let I rXJLCIN show you how fast it may help you and prove to be the very medicine you need. It has relieved the anguish of many thousands of your fellow -sufferer with long-stand ine; canes accompanied by extreme pain. 1 his ikiltfuUy-compounded product rosU very little. Grt your DOLriN today 100 precious tablets cost onlv $2.39 and the large, econoroy-1 size 50) t-Uhtet bottle costa only $10.00. Youf ; druccut haa DOIXIN Cor yosu : If you cannot obtaia DOLCIN from your druggist, write to: Dolcin Limited, Toronto 10, Ontario. ffl HANDYMA? HOME SERVI GENERAL CONTRC. QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heel and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Afe. 0. Total aa Ladies' league Building and Repatjii c II f3 This lvfrti5Hnent not published of displayed by the Liquor Control BoarJ "" fey ille ( uf bntith Columbia- ' Basket abll In this division is improving rapidly. - Last night the shooting was excellent and kind I ROOFS - CHI OIL BURN;. 1:1 1! Parly Mix... $1.25 lb. A Choice Selection of Nut House Nuts ' Cashews Pecans Almonds Brazils Filberts Raisins ; O Send in your order now for yourself, for your friends and your family. We gift wrap, pack and mail for you. -3 TmGIVE... the girls Tert playing a smart i Pp passing and fast breaking ' S game. Dom's nosed out People's j ffl by a 22 to Is score. Rusty Thain i ij of People's topped the field j 3 with 10. Here again too many i gj points are being missed, on foul 1 10 5, (TO Pi mmmmim. :. nVH 'i lSTTK ,. ' 7WVn I PHONES I Black S34 P.O.) P.O. Box iit r B & w TRArls: Cord Wood, Ccdars, WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are Invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS m is shots, People's getting only 2 ol il 10, and Dom's 4 of 12. . ! IS Kindling wood 50c PHONE RED THE NUT HOUSE LTD. 791 (Jranville St., Vancouver, B. C. MArine G738 r 4 f ,.vaw tWtr ;:- People's. Dumas, Howe 5, Budinich 3, Wuidle, Bill, Poltle Thain Iff. Total 18. Dora' Hamilton 8, Young-man 2, Kildal 5, Carrie 7, Hail ton 2, Paul, Sliier, Youngman Total 22. Junior Kinsmen took ih, couts by a decisive 27 to 13 score. Henry Blackaby and Ronald McKay getting 11 and 8 for the Kin t MATTS0N HOLLYWOOD uTfe UPHOLSTERII Phone Blue 818 p4 S30 Second Avflj Pr!nc Rupert, MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY team, ine junior games are crowd pleasers and more and i SIDNEY CONICK .OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. , 23 tt 24 Besner Block ' Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment more fans are coming early to l-rVl V AW - vttc OPEN FROM J:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dlsbej FOR YOUJ ROCK & CONCRETt , CALL BLUE f see the fine ball being played In i this division. These boys take their basketball very seriously,! and for a junior to miss a sched- j uled practice is just about un-l M -T SAIJN0 CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 New, Modern Equ All Work OuaraUt heard of at the Civic Centre gym. ! A. P. CARDNES CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 667 Days G'een 412 Evgs. CHARTERED ACC0U1 t ' 1118 Melville 6( Line-ups Scouts Webber' 4, Scherk Hodgkinson 2, Becker 4, Eriksen. Webber, Findlay, Clccone 1 Kristmanson 2. Total 13. Kinsmen H. Blackaby 11, Penneff, W. Blackaby, R. McKay 8, A. Blackaby 3, Letourneau 3, Macintosh 2, MacFee, White 1-Total 27. GIFT SHOPPERS VANCOUVEHj MARGARET Jtt OPTOMETRIf- CHOOSE HOLIDAY WEARABLES THAT ARE FIT FOR A QUEEN Room 10 DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Butte 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 STONE BUllI PHONE This Year Give Nylons ' TL '-- i What-neglect my health? ... not with today's living costs! "These are no timet fur that 'sliuk-ofT feeling to make my pay heal lodaft price . . . that meant keep on the iumo . . . tlay fit." if cjr ie u pratricai it's Gold Sfrioe. Phon. BLUE 5! P.O. BOX Hf I om, Supersilk, or Harvey Woods g We have them in the color and weight you want PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East may we suggest- Keep YOUR JR 'I 4 I . -ft". I m '" ' ' 331 , , j , 1 GEORGE R0RI5 pay envelope full by protecting y "irregularity" often caused by lack of our health, bulk in the STANFIFLD'S Guard against food you eat. Public Accountants Income Tax J toty compiled I V V y NOVASILK LINGERIE Gowns Briefs Panties Slips STYLED TO SUIT EVERY WOMAN Post's -the Letter Flukes contain sufficient bran to set aa a gentle, natural laxative . . . along willi other parts of wheat to provide good, sound wheat nourishment not always found in a bran cereal. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone B55 Q. L. RORIE, V S. B LAIRD, B. 0) Besner Block Pj A Product of Central foodt You'll go for the oriep, sweet-aa-a-nut flavor of PoBt's Bran Flakes. Today, get your large or regular ize package. Make jure they're AND REASONABLY PRICED y Always delighted to show you our Yule Fashion Inspirations S Do come in soon at . . I ANNETTE MAHSELL DR. P. J. Cflf rosi tne better Brao t lakes. Tosfs 525 Sure ho needs LADIES WEAR 3rd Ave. Phone 150 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Wbalen, Manager ,Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 518 DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH Phone 765 p 0 Advertise irTtne r BRAN FLAKES ifcei 'em fool WITH OTHII f AITS Of WHI AT