LJ8F1ARY provincial lib.ia'.i. 113 "Vs- onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery i l'' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NXWSPAPIR PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strateeie Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 281. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER, 14. 194H PRICE FIVE CENTS 'ransC Highway Parley At fcfca'w a sua a Icity- Winnipeg Man Is Robbed of $1500 i'Twas Drippy Day to Killed winmi-jcu vi iwo men, one j In Life of CPA of them brandishing a revolver, IChoice of Route May be Made at Closed Session i OTTAWA (CP) Efforts to draft plans for a j $3'KMJfJ0,000 hard-surfaced TransCanada Highway I will be made Thursday and Friday at a Dominion- Jews Set Up In Jerusalem JERUSALEM 0 Priine Minister David Ben Gurlon arrived uxiay in Jerusalem to set up his government in the disputed Holy City in defiance of a United Nations plan for internationaliza sion V- f i x Wl last night held up a real estate agent within lffty feet of his BPllt ElJ Willililns. b"''y at lionie and robbed him of $1500, " ln lhc CPA Uckel mcc-cash. E. H. Kocrack said lie was knew 11 was rail,f & outside. In closing his garage doors after fact" he was dclli;lllcd at being placing his automobile inside dry alld warm at hls desk- f,,ob- LIQUOR DELIVERY VANCOUVER All around the clock delivery system will riant Is be set up in Vancouver early . when he wux cnfmnteri h th. : aDlv ciiuer:!ing sadistically at in 1950, aw. Archie Proctor ! pi oviiicial conference of .technical experts. One of said last night. Plans for an .up o nrrhlfms thp rnnfprpnr-P will be. asked t6 At i , city, Iow a pair who pushed him back into f II tion. lhc silver-haired 64-year-old chief of government lor Israel m persons wcie i-su- uie garage. the thought of a certain individual prodding wearily in the deluge. An irritating "drip" split the settle is the route the proposed highway will follow. 1 j . I i - U'J g , 1 i , j 1 Choice of route has been left ,vd and 200 Injured in . . linn in the nul" """ , w, .j hip Swift & Co pack- ; Who s Responsible I- y V ! silence surrounding a man at j j in Sioux cny auoui Settlement arrived just before noon without fanfare or ceremony and drove to a hotel where the flag of Israel was hoisted. lie began an Informal conference with minis-, rs and officials. will be shelved in favor of the delivery system. Proctor said. Delivery eh arte downtown would be 25c and to the suburbs, 50c. "It should cut out the bootleggers from business," said Proctor. BACON, CHEESE CONTRACTS work. He paused at his labors and glanced curiously and somewhat to the provinces and in some of them, including British Columbia, there are as many as three routes the highway could follow. The conference, called by Reconstruction Minister R. H. Winters, -will not be open to press :i LL'i 1 1 Improvements For Streets mysteriously around the office. 1 "Hmm," he mused, rubbing a Expected In I 1? Ciuse I Uio cxpios-M immediately known. jW v.as a five-storey .'jjfturP The south .side , demolished. persons trapped in the could be heard us rcs-:,deavuured to reach Special Edition or public. Power Tie-up stubbled chin. "Must be' my Imagination." He dismissed it from his mind. , Drip, drip T . drip . . . glurp .... whosh." And mat is how It came about OTTAWA Canada and the , United Kingdom have nro- ' tialed 1950 contracts for bacon and cheese and Agriculture ; Mi. raster Gardiner may an- I ! nounce the details shortly, it ; was learned today. Mr. Gard- j I iner is expected to make an i THE MAYOR-ELECT An "ordinary guy" to the core of his democratic heart, Mayor-Elect George Ruddcrham would pose for no fancy portrait but he was induced to have a snapshot taken for the press and the above striking likeness was the result. He takes over January 1 as Prince Rupert's "First Citizen." Ratepayers Present Long List In Kush brook Heights Area The Community Ratepayers Association of Prince Rupert is not sure who owns streeU which were put in by Wartime Housing Meantime Much of London Is in Darkness Servicemen Called 1 LONDON (Py It was said on 'good authority today that the that two galvanized buckets were ! resting conspicuously on the edge Recalls Memories Having received a copy of the 1 went special International edition of the Prince Rupert Daily Ni?s and Ketchikan Chronicle, John M. James, M. P. for Dur-ii;;m, Ontario and co-publisher of of the ticket counter after 3 p.m. Backing Up Applewhaite City Council and Other Organizations Appeal to Ottawa ' - - till d Tc Death announcement before the Dominion-provincial agricultural ; big electric power strike is about to be settled, terms to be presented at a mass meeting of workers tomorrow. Ir. the Rushbrook Heights area during the war. To clear any doubts raised at a meeting of the newly formed organization held in city council chambers last Slight, the sec. clary was request- conference ends its three-day session here today. SENTENCED TO DEATH SOFIA, Bulgaria Traicho KostuT, former ' Communist Tuesday. It seems the dentist immediately overhead had forgot to turn off the water tap with the result of an overflow. The escaping aqua seeped into the, elcctirical conduit leading Into the C.P.A. oflice and with the help of a crack in the instal u(' jrhiiMm. seven ty-Inrtint j woman, was i-iraiii Tuesday morn-h Indian Reserve at the Bowmanville Statesman was' prompted to write to MayorArn-oidand reminisce on days In Are Busy On Breakwater !!,o(Hazrlton.wh'njed to contact government au- Meantime, Londoners earned councilat the suggestion humble candles to work with ' MayQr Nora Arnold agreed them today in fear that the big Monday nlght tnat E. T. Apple-electric power strike would whalte. Mp should be backed thoritlcs 1 h 1 1 III iii t 1 ' ! 1 ' I 1 1 1 r The qumiui: arooe wnen a lady Prince Rupert by the Midlands Regiment of which Mr. James was an officer. "We members of the Midlands," lames writes, "ifmembrr Prince lation, dropped uninvited in the midst of the en xyees. Wet, wot? ncd the home of Silas hrr .stepson. Early re-jruvinclul pollen headline nave no details of ,jy. Am Inquest U be-Wnlncsday night. Problem of Necessary Materials Receiving Attention Word was received today from K. T. Applewhaite, MP. for Skecna .that the Department of spread to blackout proportions. ! to tne Umlt ln his campaign to Thousands of office and factory nave release Of full Canadian workers set out for their day's I Broadcasting Corporation net-toll with bundles lucked dis- j work programs from station erectly in brief cases or lunch jcFPR Prince Rupert, which, at nieniber described the dangerous condition of a section of sidewalk on Sixth Avenue East explaining that niuny children had received bruises as a result of lulling Into unprotected pits. Two years ago, she said, her ice-Premier -of Bulgaria, was tonight convicted of treason and sentenced 'to death by hanging. The No. 2 defendant, Ivan Slefanov, former mt-ftter of finance, was sentenced to life Imprisonment. They were cbargrd with nine others on charges of plotting with Americans, Britons and Yugoslavs to make Comun'st Bulgaria a puppet t -Marshal Tihi'S Yugoslavia. Rupert as one :.-l the must friend. 1 !,' places in wi.ith we were sta-j ti jiied duiiiig the war and many j Public Works is now actively investigating the availbailify of suitable materials for Falrview packages .Some, of their homes, long last, now seems 10 De not hud bP"it ulreatiy pt mged intol far from a successful culmina-ciuir.iie.N',. Ition. The council will corn- Post Office Busy Place AY'S STOCKS Bay breakwater and, 'as soon as 1 ol "wouid 1:ko to return ui see munlcate with Hon. Lionet had been warned 1 11 .i.ri.n ion (.'c i.tii ijgiaud.son was one of five clilld-wq-rwtfswsssi rcn.owlMj . In a two, week pedud The. peojile i"" UlC IMvCfc - loofcir UkR ill cnevner, minister 01 uauspuiw. in support of Mf. Applewhaite. Vaiii'iiivrr It was moved to this effect by hud sustained eye cuts and oilier injuries. She approached city Clerk II. D. Thain requesting that medical bills be paid by the city but 'was told the city was not responsible foi cast end roads and sidewalk.. Other members added every Th post office rush is working up to the climax. Lines befoiv the two stamp wickets keep lengthening. The staff are busy enough, also, with mail matter, money orders and registration. While the lobby can hardly be said to be crowded jwnple keep rt'iwirts nie received, tender:, will be called. Parliament passed $250,000 for the work. Fishermen's Chamber of Commerce and other organizations have been pressing for an early start on the breakwater which is an urgent necessity for the safely of the fishing fleet moored at the Falrview lloat.s. men at, four power stations ln the Londoif area, Including the biggest at Dorking on the outskirts of the city, might soon lead to the biggest blackout in the uprawling city of 8,200,000 since the drastic fuel economy measure In the whiter of 1946-47, industries being brought to a Passing Dl Bob James Aid. Forman and seconded by Aid. Daggett. Aid. Stone and Aid. Black referred to the complete competence of Mr. Applewhaite tc handle the radio situation 01 which there was none bettei informed. "We should back him peacetime. Fi'in lt.r edition it would appear (hl the luture of vi ud city is looking more promising than it nas for many years.' Mr. James also sent a personal Inter to the editor of the Daily News, offerin? congratulations en the .special edition. In both letters Mr. James told of meeting E. T. Applewhaite, M. P. for Skeena, whom, he said, wo hold in high esteem down here. AIR PASSENGERS .O.T-4 0 3(1 . m or'2 1.30 .01 .3l .07 ror 3.20 .03 Vj 14 2 20 .03 coming and going in increasing numbers throughout, the day. There is the opening and slam 11- E.uli'1 n street and walk In the ea.st end as dangerous "They llv council .want .somebody to get badly hurt be Welt Known Railway Employee, War "Veteran and Legion Member Death took place .suddenly Tuesday evening, a few hours after admission to Prince Rupert General Hospital, of Rob standstill during the periods of to the limit," declared Aid. Rud-power cut, electric fires, cookers, I derham. heaters and lights In hundreds I Last week In Parlaiment Mr of thousands of homes being : Applewhaite appealed to tin ming shut of the ixj.stal boxes 1 -ISeven Years ill- Border and no time is wasted In lelti fore they do anything about It," one member si'ld. "If we pay taxes, then It Is the reading. Most of the precious In Hospital comunications appear to be open MiDiHiald turued off . A special cabinet committee consisting of Home Secretary James Chuter Ede, Labor Minister George Isaacs and Fuel Minister Hugh Gaitskell has been Minister 01 Transport ior a settlement of negotiations between the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Canadian Government Telegraphs which would permit of release through this station of full CBC net Helena Sophie Benson ert Edwin ("Bob") James for many years a resident of this city. Mr. James was for many years In the employ of the Canadian National Railways. A veteran of World War I. lie hospital sufferer for seven 1 PniiiiiT rilyVi responsibility to pay medical bills and have these danger spots done awjy with,"-said another. The matter of fireboxes was taken up by the group. It was iigrccd to press the city council To Vancouver (Today) R. Korgte. Miss June Thornton, E. Moon. D. Ritchie, R. Morell, R. Magnus. L. Georgeson, D. Me ed Immediately and devoured on the spot. Next Friday, ii Is expected will be about the busiest day of Hie whole holiday season although there will be more than average postal activity right up U) the end of the year. j The post office staff is 'larger (lirierrrl Inli dailv emereenr.v work programs which are al- i. nil, hi was a prominent member of sessi0Ui - ready laid down here. the Canadian Legion. Since his years, who passed away at Miller Bay last Saturday evening, was buried in Fairvirw Cemetery this afternoon following a service in the Grcnvillc Court Chapel of B.C.. Undertakers at which Rev. Basil S. Procter, canon of St. Andrew's Anglican Wildcat strikes, unauthorized by Union leaders, ut four elec- The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce,, Junior Chamber lor iii.-,LiJlatin,of red llhU over ecry fire box. I fUght new pctitioiio drawn up 1.1ft 3.l I 4 5.) .22 1 20 .45 8 25 1 37 12.75 1 70 4 00 .34 .00 0 25 thod, F. Ogilvie. From Vancouver (Tuesday) R. Foi gie, R. E. Gladding, J. Trusky. From Sandsplt (Tuesday) Mr. and Mrs. Monaghan. In order to cope with the retirement from the railway service he had been employed as night clerk at the Savoy Hotel. "Bob" James saw World War I. service ln France with the 2nd Pioneer Battalion of the bihir trical power stations last night of Commerce and Prince Rupert plunged great areas of London I Liberal Association are sending into total- darkness and set similar messages to Mr. Chev-Christnias candles flickering rier. twelve days early. J Oil Cuthedral, officiated. Many native friends of deceased and her family attended. Twentv-six years of age, Pflc British sailors and Air Force ! Canadian Expeditionary Force Helena Benson was born in. In City Hospitol and was one of the original, men manned the boilers at Eur- Nora Going Home Mayor Plans Canail'un .... ope's largest power station, just Ford Company : Pension Oiler Kli.eolit.il on the Naa.s River. "(; I After Cliff Drop daughter of the late Joseph; Benson, who died fourteen years! Sllppin off the edge of a cliff members of the local Branch of the Canadian Legion. He was a native of England. by the city .ouncil relating to .a rifts In tlic Ku.shbrook Heights area were presented to the new organization. The petitions call for widening, extending and improving various suects in that section of the city. The .streets arc as follows: 1. Parmcnter Avenue from Tlg-ott Avenue to Overlook Street. 2. PI;?olt Mace from Parincnlor Avenue to Pigutt Avenue. .3. Sixth Avenue to Parmentcr Vvenue. 1 1. Piggott Avenue from Sixth Av- Turoiilo outside of London, and restored power to many parts of the capital which hao oeen darkened by of Ben's Newsstand at uio, and Mrs. Christine (James back Third Ave. and McBrlde Street, B.) Stewart, now 01 mis city ui... u- crviupfi hv one sister. William Mason, assistant man- .IIJV2 .13' .52 .. .20 England Trip With her civic responsibilities ended following her retirement the strike .Service men look WINDSOR (W) Ford Motor Co. of Canada has offered its over a station at Barking, Essex, 1 pfinr emnmvees had walked out i H'.OOO auto worker employees Mrs Sarah Wilson of this city,1 ager for Dominion Catering Co and two stepbrothers James at Watson Island, was rushed to and William Stewart and threff General Hospital by city am-stepsisters-Victoria, Gloria and bulance at 6.30 p.m. Tuesday. Molly Stewart of Prince Rupert. S u f f e ri n g lacerations , and 1 - -: t. 1 n iilUviH Iao in the unofficial strike. The unauthorized strikes over pay dispute involve 2,600 men. and 68 year of age. A sister Is Miss Nellie G. James, "Iiidasra" Chalkwell Esplanade, Wcstcliff, Essex, England. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, copy for same must be In the, Smi'llrcs a cousin, came Druises, nospuai umun. to attend the stated his condition is favor-1 able. Jeffrey Benson, from Kincollth funeral. a company-financed pension of $55 per month at age of sixty-five after thirty years of service. However, the employees, members of the United Automobile Workers (CIO), are asking for $100 a month,v the full amount achieved by the United States union last fall from the parent Ford company In Detroit. A company representative said they would have counter- ! tnue Ui a westerly extremity of Lot 21. block "F". S. Emmanuel Street from Sixth ; Avenue to Fifth Avenue. f). Filth Avenue from Immanuel Street to Herman Street. I 7. Herman Street from Sixth Av .14 .; i 100.0(1 1 17 .55 V2 .42 Vi 5.15 0 30 .35 .22 .001 . .10 as mayor and her business affairs under control, Nora Arnold Is planning a trip to her native England next spring. She will also visit with friends in Ontario and make calls at other points in Canada while away. Mrs. Arnold will make the Atlantic crossing by air. The boat trip might be pleasant and com !il!iv;in . Vcllowknife THE WEATHER Synopsis Cloudy mild weather prevails over British Columbia. Five to seven Indies of snow fell during the last 24 hours ln the Prince riivirire nnri Bulklev Valley enue to a northerly boundary or Lot 3. Block "K" Map 1020. 8. Herman Place from Herman fortable, she agreed "but it's too legion, wnile moderate falls of , prupubais. rain were reported along the central and northern coast. Al Tightening Up On Street to the westerly extiemity He . office of the Daily News by 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. HOCKEY SCORES PACIFIC COAST Vancouver 7. Victoria 2. Portland 3, Fresno 0 Oakland 3, San Diego 2. Thursday, December 15, 1943 II SI '0 un4 YoIi 0"4 fc4 Quebec few snow mimes occured occureo. In m Crw; -1 iljll, slow for me. I want to spend my time visiting - not travelling." ' It will be her worships first trip home since she arrived many years ago for six months' visit with her broilier. remaining to Rwan the southern interior and a few ralnshoweis along the southern coast. Cloudy skies will con- There is to be a tightening up in connection with the serving of ef IK-rman Place. The mentioned improvements will includs removal of existing planks to make way for rock and gravel Secretary Herman Thorstein-son was requested to approach h Lac 11 Rl Lake . become school teacner, 01m.. business wonni'.. alderman may timiei ln niost regions today and-miik as a beverage in Prince Thursday but some clearing islRUpert. City council last night expected over the north coast 1 accepl3d a recommendation from region tomorrow. There will be ; tne heaUh commlttee that milk !1 Cuckslmll, LOCAL TIDES the noard of Works in regards or and Canada's "Woman of the Year." tittle change In temperature. High shall be served In restaurants from the original bottle and shall ',Vf... Forecasts Mrs. Arnold discounted any nnssibllltv ol' pgnln entering pub .14 .. .00 .73 .O.V'j .05. ... .40 Vi .11 3.00 . 1.7 1 .3: ... ic: ... 00.0 ) .... 1.D0 .Ct ... 3.RQ 32 .... 213 .... 2.14 r.i 50 3 30 4a 20.5 feet 17.8 feet 7.5 feet 5.6 feet fl.15 22:07 2:53 15:50 . North Coast Reglou Cloudy .-II- 1 1t,.t.i ..nt. rtf Low be opened In the presence anc n 1 I to the new dlcsel pumping plant to be acquired in the near future. The organization feels that a heavy duly engine would be more suitable for the Job. Due to Inclement weather and iittlne of seven or more other "'Jiirl. ' Crow Willi UCCa-MiHiai UgUU 11U ... . rnctnino. lic Hie but close friends would not be surprised If. after her trip and with health better, she may be back in the field again, particularly since she is imbued with the good citizenship of pub I b Christmas Carol Sing drizzle tod-ay, tonight and, Us ol Thursday morning, clearing' . Thursday afternoon. Continu- milk pumps ; .dipper, a fauU are prohibited as is the refilling ing mild. Wind south-easterly , of milk botles on the premises and 115 mph) lows tonight highs, Thursday at Port Hardy, Sand- The city bylaw relating to public spit and Prince Rupert 40 and, health will be amended accord-45. intt'y meetings, attendance was small MERIT REWARDED Judge W. O. Fulton and Corp. A. IL (Curly) Taylor smiled pleasantly last week when His Honor presented the second-in-command of Prince Rupert's police force with a twenty-year good service medal at a ceremony In the Judge's chambers. Taylor proudly wears the medal which had been pinned upon him and th picture shows the judge clinching it with a hearty 0 IVIV. VCMIIV ft but, nevertheless, the group I Sunday 9:15 p.m. 8 .. takmio Ru"yn Z. ;it Gordon 'Rork Rivor 'Miner "Canada ... w-s lic service. "And, anyway, wkj say "we do not, think Nora will be' satisfied for long with humdrum seml-re'.tement. , four! and discussed many nceas by Uie city and wlU endeavor to press city council until most if not all these needs are fulfilled-