mm mm ""S" !!? t?rfnrc Ilupett Dailr Tit v Wednesday, December I I. ltH9 WEDNESDAY and TmiDcrw Mis. Cdir Is Orange Head - "vnJUftJ 7:00 RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE i t T4 TERRACE TOriCS (Contioued from Pa&e 5" ing of snow which Is likely to ;ieniaiii. The week-end ;is fme though chilly A cold wind, blow- For Men's or Boys' Presents : Officers Installed For Coming Xrxrl In-ivl maw Sai il en. f f 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Oarnett Jackson ing from the nut ih brought snow i jwyed ,,ad a bM 011 Tliiiy, Mr. J. K. Crr .worthy stress. hnmp hpr past nf tMrn In o inn. canci " A lone s'"K" "a" 'bc otncru.c-u,, immjcuuuu verted armv bulldine. In nartnpr- , rendezvous at tne uirpnone wcu.g? ship with Gordon Little, Mr. a uowe, past grand mistress for Jackson has purchased a D 8 office on Sunday afternoons. Last ! Pat" f, .!.. .. , t,c" uiuuiuui, .who was assLS- imWmmmmmmm SU"day ted by Mrs' E' A' coT I Evans' actlnS months wu be used on sZctlon work oiratlons a't succession it .as seen, soon afu, direCtor of ceremonies.. the East KwlnlUa mlU have luneh- trying U) cmss Lakelse i The new olHcers are:- closed for the winter and a Avenue and being frightened ; Worthy Mistress-Mrs. J. R. $16.00 Men's Smoking Jacket A Xmas Gift Men's Wear Special i HO I LL AkKul evening was enjoyed. Members exchanged Christmas gifts and Christmas carols were sung. A raffle was won by Mrs. Vic Menzie. watchman, Jim Ward 4s left in away by a passing motorist. arr. Deputy Mistress Mrs. W. H. charge. Beautifully styled rich wine corduroy. Shawl collar. Full satin lining. All sizes. The Ideal man's gift to make a man's leisure evening's at home extra comfortable. $9.95 1 f'Xi- l!u,.rl WP"; n Delicious refreshments served, the tables beinr decorat n fin ! Mrs. A. M .Greenwood left re' cently to reside with her daugh I ter. Mrs. M. Heise at Prince Ru ! pert . Mrs. M. Squires is substituting j H'1-at the Elementary School during ! Junior Deputy Mistress Mrs. the absence of Mr. H Noakes. jA- Lud. Chaplain Mrs. M. B. Vlereck. Sydney Kaufman leaves on j Recording Secretary Mrs. ' J. Thursday for Vernon where hejWide- uiii make his future home. ! Financial Secretary-Mrs. II. Christmas ,, "a,va,t: ' ed with miniature trees. "hi., oimiUPfj- Mimon ton; Mr and m, Rupert Mens & Boys Store ttgnttii, turns ""W'l hewv u.. WPPHU DDlhorlnn r.f Ik. O.l ...... . . Ml 5 Smith t.mitn jr... lr ' ' "'wimte n-m, tsrnithcr.s' U U A" a,i Runert Rnlarv rinh u-IIl .i, . j The weather remains cold and I seasonal In Terrace with a cover- Treasurer Mrs .M. ' 'B M McLeod. fnrm at XT"' win.S: Guard,an-Mrs. J. Johanen this evening at the Moose Te n- Frank kC"'. ! . u.l,ec,or..0' ceremonies-Mrs. There wll be no rr,h,r " ! fl. s. Hamilton. . : . , "'"i"'-'. rn iiii,T; R Because of 2 Generations of Flavor Experience- First Lectuier Mrs Vic Mor-i .u..viiCun wuiunuw, Vancouver; Mrs. m Fra face; Miss E. Ddbbif oi saw it in tne News! River . rison. . 1 Second Lecturer Mrs. L. Tra-' ;oiair. J Pianist-Mrs. W. J. Richards. I Inner Guard Mrs. Wm. Field. Outer Guard Mrs .David Mur- j ray. j .Second Committee Mrs. F. El- j lison. I You Never Regret DELICIdUSlY L FRESH XI mm ISeutg Prepared Fi This advertisement is not mtb-i lished or clisolaved bv the Liauor , Control Board or bv the Gov-i ernnient of British Columbia. nurd Committee Mrs. Vic Mrn.ies. ; Fourth Committee-Mrs. E. Mul-j der. Fifth Committee Mrs. J. t Feasby. i Auditors Mrs. E. A. Evans. I Mrs. F. Barber, Mrs. J. O. And- ' crson. Sick Committee Mrs. M. Vier- I Oilorful, crystal-clear and tcmptins, Jell-O des serts have sucli wonderfully fresh, fruity flavor you'll rate them tops for even your most important guest occasion. Yet Jcll-O is so easy to fix ... so very economical . . . that you can enjoy its man clous"locked-in "flavor any day in the year. "JLLL-O' has been a household word for 2 generations. When you buy Jcll-O Jelly Powders you enjoy the advantages of over 50 years' experience in making better jelly desserts. Seven glorious flavors. Get several packages tomorrow. Try This Beautiful JELL-O Dessert I I "f'k. Mrs. A. Thompson. Mr. H. j Smith, jr. and Mrs. H. Erlckson. i Immediate Past Mistress I Mrs. H. Paulsen. ' At the Installation meeting 1 ina! plans were made for the Christmas Tree December 22. j After the meeting a social i IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IV PHOIIATE , IN THF MATTER OP 1 UK "ADMFV. IHTFil'nON ACT" ANI1 IN THE ' MATTER OK THF ESTATE OP, MALCOLM MrtlONALD. DE-! EASED INTESTATK. ' - A riedutf of Gnrol Foods 1 pockoc Chvrry Jet-0 2 cvp hot wolff (or wotn mnd yrvp lfm fruit) Dissolve Jcll-O in hot thill unril slightly thi LcncO. titcn fohl in fruits. Oiiii in Uncy muulJ. L'n-moali ami carnish wirh ptar s2 ' . " ' - A ij 25 mm asmZr. i cvp droiw4i tan4 pi"i4 rd cfr- or canuloupc. lmh hit been cut in halls iih a ball 1 cvp hH f ct.Mrfi pf, frK MAcs to h icrv- Gaiety SAFES PROVEN QUAU1V .M00tN Strung wolded lel angle Iramei. une-pioc steal body sheet; inicr locking door llanges. time-Uisled insulation; interior adaptabl to your needs. Bank quality com binalion lock with nearly Uv hundred thou band combination, alt thb features give you the utmoftt in convenience, sirenyih protection. , Avotd loss through fire and thefl Ask auout sues, prices, terms ol IKiyment. Taylor Safes are made in Canada - since l8iS. J 6f J.TAYLOR LIMITLD TORONTO SAFE WORKS Hi f iual Slroul tan ". Torunto VAM'Ol'VKIt liKA.VCII SAI.KS AM) SKKVICE 310 West Cordova St. ancuuver, IS. C. ' h, ' I wmm mm mmt wm mm TAKE NOTICE .Imt by Orelc or Ills llotioiir Jurti j W 6 Pul on : tK-ul Juclire of the Supreme C urt 1 tt British CcilunihlH. 1 was on thr 1st diiy of December. AD 1949, n)U.ilntel AdmlnistrKUir of the Es 3 itfe 'irrr,. . ."'"....I if d Jil O ii o haSm mark owittd by 0nrat faodi, t-'mtfo tate of Malcolm McDiHiBld. drcrascd. ! ! late of Lower Pfxst. Brltltih Colum- bin. who died on or nbout the 13th j day of September. 1949, nt the i Columbia. All persons Imiebtd to i I .-"ttirnrnt of Dawsnn Credit. British' Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay I I the amount, of thi?ir indebtedness to, itk1 forthwith and all persons having; t clalma against the said estate are . required to file them with me pro-i I p rly verified on or before the 15th : i day of January. IBM falling which : Gifts For Motorists! distribution will be made having , reard only to such claims of which , I shall have been notified. j DATED at Telegraph Creek. B.C. j this 1st day of December, 1949. j ERNEST EARL ALLEN. j Official Admlnistraror. i 294 Telegraph Creek. BC Tlw Pi 'ince Aulhoriud bottlM af Coc.-l ol. u...U ronlrai t Willi Coc-C.I I 'j NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORK Phone 132 Prince Rupf Credit Note for Gasoline Lubrication Contract Book Seat Covers Radio Heater Spot Lamp Fog Lamps Bumper Guards Fire Extinguisher Cigarette Lighter Skid Chains Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs and numerous other auto accessories. 1 Of Ch nstmas Presents Motors LIMITED BF.'Gocdricii PHONE 363 1 For Estimates H VANCOLVIR VICVORIA ! SEATTLE j Sunday. 9 p m., Camosun 1 Tue.ymy, 1:33 p.m . Coquitlam : I.ICK Alt.Vl, M'KWAKl A.NO ! TOUT S'MPSON oumlay, il p.m. i nn siu rn t;i CIIAKMITTR ISI.VNIS ss. Canioiiim Dec. Hi and 0 : 10. p.m. ! I OIC NKTI ?i m:n ClllltMlTTf; ISI AMIS ! s;i. I'uuioi.nn, Iiec j um i'S and 23 PKANK J. SHINM K Prince Rupert Anent, j Third Avenue Phone !'HS 1 i Fir RUPERT MOTORS Second Avenue rcu fun 10 1 IM1'9a.! andSuppiiosI Mitchell & Currie Lid. I Builders and Contractors - W IPiTWHIIM n 1 in- mum .H'll..' Pyrex Ware 1 W m IS STILL A BEAUTIFUL WATCH. We have them in endless variety. The famous Gruen and Bulova makes from $33.75 up. Walt ham and Elgins from $42.50 to $75.00 Hamiltons from $60 up. Pierce, Balco, Westfield etc. $22.50 up. 1 ADVERTlciE IN THE DAILT NEWS FOR CEST KtSL'l. EARLY ADVER1 ISiNU COPY IS Al'l'KECIATt V. 'vx' V5 A V fm mi TEAPOTS PERCOLATORS PIE PLATES DOUBLE BOILERS BREAD PANS CASSEROLES CUSTARD CUPS UTILITY DISHES McClory Refrigerators THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SHORT OF MONEY? Government Has Helped Your Xmas Budget and tlecrric Stoves, Westinghouse Radios, Wcstinghouse Washing Machines. 9 Trilite and Table Lamps, Toasters, Irons and Woffle Makers, Hcatinn Pads. Sold on Easy Budget Terms A A 4 A H A 4 4 H 4 4 4 buy now ,nnl pny I"1' Manfii ill's Jewel Ins. Pay linir now. mul III" i''-1 iveekiv nr niiillllllV l'.V" OF TASTY MEALS AT THff Rex Gate Chinese Dishes Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN st al l iiiir Fehi uai y lsl. Pnr fh-il, friendly S'1 With Uir removal of (lie twenty-five percent luxury tax from jewellery the novei n-ment has made It possible for Christmas shoppers to buy more gifts for less money. Fur the first time since before tin war you can j -wcllriy free of this nuisance lax. So make tnis a Jewellery Xmas, that she will appreciate ahd he will value. Remember also that jou can ! V ! Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 4:30 a.m. PJaone 173 for Outside Order where- value and quality first.. Sec - MAHSON'S Your Friendly Jcwr 21 v M, Bride Street Phone 311 1 iaiMlMlilMlMlMll,lia,;