jte Woman $ '5S riSTn f'Thedayday morning, December 18. Mn, 1 . ha.d been We" Pron- ! flowers for that service. Wednesday, December 14, 1949 mstoict news .vcuuun was drawn . . ... ifiarv Meet to ' I Mrs. Bob Parker and Bert Cox of . Prince Rupert drove into tpwn on 1 wesl annoncfia e condition of ' the 1 rectorv rectory Phi. chimney ,.,k.u result of the recent canvass of The December "" '"'""y wen cleaned the British and Foreign Bible So- .RACE Ciety. of which shp is the ltvnl , ct Matthew's Church -"i ue euected before oi uu . the new mlnimr . Auxiliary Terrace Mrs. C. Llndstrom .and Mr. and Monday on a business trip. Mrs. Otto Llndstrom drove to j Mr. Atwood arrived last night Prince George last -week-end to from Trail where he has spent visit Marie Lindstrom who is the past few months. He and employed there. ;Mrs. Atwood will be leaving i ed in Jammrtf r, Timely i opws jrom W. W. Mrs. opuriies .-t"wj pjivcb. treasurer, as being $184,36. ! Christmas greetings will be sent, as formerly, to past Hlv afternoon with 'P Gibson s expected in 9uri0 ,-wr A re- Terrace on Saturdav nnri ,n Mrj. C. B. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter tn luc ( T l" . .. nnnunt Ut,. vst : shortly for a family re-union In Winnipeg. , For the latest in IDEAS and modern MATERIALS "' ' SEE ISLAND CITY GUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McBride St. Blue 820 """t"1-" v"Kyj v;omunion ,pa and sale the it' prev- W . a vtn HnH Services , in ,tho nbiimh c.. i Mrs. Giggey ofered her serv- "Curley" Casey and Rawley ;j;iirday SI1" ; ices as Prayer Partnor. (Continued page C; L'nited Church Young People's lor the games. The members de-Party-Christmas cided to order $70 worth of lin- Activities Planned I lng ma,tenal f(jr the room in the (new wing of the Church which The Knqx United Young Peo- , wlU be used . th pi.lmarv d The next meeting, which will be the annual meeting and elec Beecher of thu local fire department have been cleaning jiuite a number of chimnys around town lately. With the proper equipment they arc doing a thorough job on chimneys, some of Florists i tion of officers, will be held at BALAGNO Phone Green 181 the home of Mrs. C.L.M. Giggey Ple.held a Christmas party in the jpartment of the Sunday School Box 119'' on January 12 . rewi umon nau u mm.j as wan as fpr a meeting room lor evening wun za memoera aim me various groups. The secre-guests present. Leading the tary was asked to send a note of which have not been cleaned for years. At the close of the business session, refreshments were served by the hostess. games were Flora Melvin and Joan Atwood. Colored-film slides of the Christmas story were j thanks to H. Smith for bringing jthe kindergarten chairs from i Prince Rupert. Two of the 5? .With two practices a week, the Civic Centre Drama ClUD'i tnree- ' shown and familiar carols were 1 sung. Anita Brue and Herbert jgZFpk PRACTICAL AT members volunteered to help in the Sunday School following an appeal for more teachers. A busy and enjoyable evening was closed with refreshments. ALL act play "Never Say Dye" shows Frandell were each given a small promise of being a rollicking I gift for their help In selling tic-farce which should delight the ' kets for the Drama night. It was audience when it is produced in j decided to .donate $S5 to the January . Mr. R. Cooper Is di- Church Buildine Fund and .to VARIETY THE STORE ,Qf A THOUSAND GIFTS ;recting it and, with one excep-ipay one-half of the .expenses of tion, the caste is made up of ,Oerald Toop's trip to the Bpys' i players whq will be acting for the Parliament .month. The Civic Centre JDramp .CJub held a party at the new home of Jim MacKay On Saturday evening. Quiz games were enoyed and delicious refreshments were j served by the refreshment com-I mittee. - ! fin-t time before a Terrace gath lering. A I i A j i I I a i M M ' ft n A A i A K 6 a A a A A A A A A 5 A A A A The choir of th Knox United Church will present its annual Christmas Carol service next Sunday. The entire offering 9 Dr. and Mrs. K. MacPherson left from this service will be given to- last week for Victoria where they will spend the Christmas season the ,Building Fund. f with the latters parents. EVERYTHING IN TOYS TO MAKE YOUR YOUNGSTER HAPPY IGiftthe Whole Family Will Enjoy HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and .Sold water Duncan de Kergommeaux was a visitor from Prince Rupert at the week-end. A very good meeting, better than usual, of (he Knox Y-Ettes was held at the home of Mrs. J. H. Smith last Friday evening, i Mrs. M McDonald presided. Plans j were made for a Christmas party Mr. H. Noakes, Grade 6 teacher at the Elementary School, had I fpr the. Sunday school children, . I the misfortune to badly sprain the Cradle Roll, and the parents of all the children to be held in his wrist and dislocate his elbow I V V RUPERT, B.C. P.O. Box 198 ) PRINCE Eho.ie 281 the Oddfellows CHRISTMAS CARDS The Widest Assortment of Xmes -Cards in Town XMAS DECORATIONS Hall on Decern- j when his bicycle skidded on the ice on Thursday morning, throw "li w. Ui'l win uc the Christmas tree, games, carol ing him off. He is, at present, a 5 A A A A A A A A A X0iW)oOtl. The Radio-Phonogroph of the Year 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automat ic Record Changers Priced from $119.50 to $239.50 A.sk about our Time Payment Plan with life Insurance at no extra cast singing and a showing of colored patient in the local hospital and slides of the Xmas Story. Mrs. Is not expected back to schopl O. Haugland. Mrs. W. Martin and until after the Christmas holi-Mrs. P. Malle,tt wi)l be responsible days. JOHN H. BULGER FOR XMAS 5HEAFFER3 "TRIUMPH" Xmas Lights, Wreaths Candles, Wrapping OPTOMETRIST 9 Paper, Ribbon, etc. 0 John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue NOBLE & WICK Exclusive Dealers Phono KM DON'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW SEE IT TODAY AT HSril Ave. W ic msma . H,:'i -n.!i;r; l.llXllVf STEAMER The Store of a Thousand Gifts PRINCE GEORGE Paper towels paper cuPi iuwtL GIVE THE GIFT THAT PLEASES "ALL-WAYS" Shaffr'i "TRIUMPH" P.m ond matching Finelin Pncili are a gift-choic that ii built to pleai i Yry way . . . alwayi. DIBB PRIHTIHO Company LABI NETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENS- ! M i ' ; i K-DISINFECTANTS DEODORANTS and "IXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID - SAU.S FOR ' ' (1 Attractive, easy-to-use jSr" jr 11 j I it iiAAiuirrk 1 I Ham Gift Bonds available f. ' : VANCOUVER Voryour convenience Vffj J j I and Intermedial Ports tesa $.JL,j r$k rSS WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL Red 400 . .... nv 1118 Phone 234 Each Thursday ! tLgfiW 3 - mBr Y .t 11:13 pm. ! i t r. . Hi. 1 Industrial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Prices Manufacturer's Representative Give Your Friends A Gill Thai Will Be Appreciated For KETCHIKAN j (j-, j j ' IVKHNKSDAY MIDNIGHT VJiKMjvSLi U f ' ' For Reservation. yOllOG i'y 1 1 1 Write or Call ; roit MEN - ' &v I CITY OK DEPOT . . ' , y I nn'irv is V I PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phnne 632 P.O. Box 772 nl Second Ave. W ASSURE DELIVERY - i princeuper FAMILY SHOESnmij 3rd Ave. Box 638 Phone 357 ALALe) HAMBURGERsllI J NOW BST ! i ! ! A A A A : ! A j x i A A A A A A A A A A A A a A A A : A A A I i A A A A A A A A A Si A A A A A A s A A A A A A A A A A A a A A A a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Order your SAY0Y 10 Pound Box . . $3.95 20 Pound Box ..$7. 50 30 Pound Box . . $11.50 PROCESSED IN THE PACIFIC COAST'S MOST MODERN SMOKEHOUSE Prepaid to any points served by C.N.R. Rail in B.C.. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Freight extra to other points. MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAMS MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS BACON end MAPLE LEAF GRADE A TURKEYS DUCKS and GEESE hrom your dealer NOW! 0T11 IN TOWN I )"lf your wife can't cookA ) Keep her for a pet" i g t) (And eat at ... . K It I Br W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 F.O. BOX 1391 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Use Coupon Below 4 Canada Packers Limited t 1 I 7 Send to t .... . - - ' SNACK BAR ) J ! PEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY 1 Just off Third Avenue I g LOOK FOR THE MEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEl I Name JllaiRGthSt. Ph. Orders Blue 921 g Address At The SPORT Sho p's Toylown, It's I Sent by A Xmas Card Will be Enclosed With Each Shipment Name n AM .??: Address FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE ;21 222 Second Ave. lo Indicate by X in circles below . O Cheque O Money Order $3.95 O $7.50 O $11.50 J Cash O us, si l IOI3R0ADWAY CAFE Fisherman's Co-operative l?Ofll Proclucer ancl Processors yWave Brand Fresh l HIl CA AHf 11 J. Itllyl. Frozen & Smoked Fish also Mild Cured Salmon . Canners of Challenger Brand FIRST QUALITY CANNED SEA FOODS Processed at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Plant ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. P.O. BOX 1580 Best Food 3 Do't Miss This Terrific Selection. A Toy For Every Boy ond Every Girl Trikes, Wagons. Pedal Cars.' Sleighs, Kiddy Cars, Trucks, Scoters, and Hundreds of Dolls and Thousands of Other Toys to Choose from. THE Br1 Finest Cooking 3T 'H , Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. '.0. SPOUTS SHOP IN TOYS EVERYTHING THE STORE THAT HAS AT THE PRICE YOU LIKE TO PAY Blue 69 For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 6 3rl Ave. Box K!)3