prince tUmert Dallp i3rtos Thursday, July 7, 1949 hign Rear, grain growers sweating in Saskatchewan and coast dwellers slightly shivering, sup- l w jsl . V- m a V- m m pose for the next few days impressions and memories culled 1. " fcf ,-;ses!,P'3.-l ' and Rem in is ces An independent newspaper oeyotea o me upbuilding of Prince Rupert M"il' commuotties comprising norrnrn and central British Columbia (Authored u Second Class Mall. Post Offl Department. Ottawa) Published erenr afternoon except Sundae be Prtnoa Rupert Dally Newi Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, Britlab Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. aXMBEK OP CANADIAN PRFSS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES W!a-. UK Carrier, Per Week, 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year, 8 00. ES ir SlE Bf Mail. Per Month. 60c; Per Year, 5 00 Ust at random from far and nesr are placed before you. They will be true that is, mainly. j MEN'S SIIOWebTI While some folks profess to 1 Perhaps it would not be a; V . vC. J ... v. . - ! Sjecii under- tiresome notion to reminiscence regard it as an easily stood and unadorned chore, a bit longer' about newspapers, ; 1 can RUNS LARGEST WOMEN'S SECTION Editor of Canada's largest daily newspaper women's section, that of the London (Ont.) Free Press, Mrs. Marjorie Oliver was in Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon aboard the Princess Norah after making the round trip to Alaska and was a caller at the Dily News office. The London Free Press carries at least seven pages of women's news a day and sometimes more as compared with two or three in the most of the larger metropolitan dailies. So populai are the social pages of the Free Press, said Mrs. Oliver, that there has to be a limit on what is accepted for publication. It is physically MEN'S ALL-WOOL t, JACKETS-AI1 ihfx at MEN'S and y0lNt Sl'ITS-Worsteds, doulile-breastvd; al, els. Special ... MEN'S TROl SHRsJ mere are also tnose wno con- and the life in general, nearly fess to a feeling cf curiosity about fifty years of it spent di iftlii!? this business of helping get out across Canada from the Mari-a paper. They have any num-j times to Skeena. Everywhere, bered of unanswered querifts.khiUes and responsibilities, prob-The y liked to watch the sheet lems aiid people have been "being put to bed" and listen to much alike and, on the whole, me low, regular rumble of the useful and pleasant experiences press. They are not sure pie- vastly outnumbered the dis-tures can be made on the prem- tasteful and unwelcome. One ises. To explain by saying, off ran remember so many incid-hund, that mats are east or cuts ents, anecdotes and happenings used, does jiot enlighten in the ihat can occur only where rec-leust. As ;'or the linotype? urds of day to day develop-Thut's a study in itself. People nients are being chronicled. sometimes inquire where news comes from and ail of this, be . S ow. with e elections it said, is not so simple to an- safely over, school holidays In dines, tweeds, w8rsU(h assortment, lt, Special p miKTi-s dress and i SHIRTS - Latent from impossible to handle many contributions. Mrs. Oliver does not BOYS' T SHIRTS 4 LRS l.atrat styfc,, , j have to send her reporters, of 'which she has a staff of seven J Mvrtment. SM-ei 54, ItnVC wruir ..... swer to the outsider. 1 VANCOCVFR VICTORIA EATTLB Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chlleotin Friday, 5 p.m., CatsU Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, hTEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p m. FOR SOI Til QVi CHARl.OTTK ISLANDS . 5 s. Coquitlam, July 15 and 29 fftIK NORTH v(N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS u. Cofjuitlarn, July 8 and 22 FRANK. J. SKINNER I PANTS Semi-dres, surtmelit. Special $2. BOYS' SCHOOL si.l NAVY ASSISTS LEPER BABY Enroute to naval hospital in the South Pacific, a baby boy, known only as Jose, a native of the Yap race, is held by a U. S. navy man, Just two hours after his birth to leper parents. The mother and father are members of Hansen's leper colony on Tln-ian island in the Marianas. The child appeared to be normal in every respect. I What is news, anyway? .There are occasions when a good story j is instantly spotted by one man and not even noticed by an-j Blue and khaki J Special iu -wraauigs. i ne people oring ( them In and do it promptly too. Recently ,the Free Press pub-j lished a notable one hundredth anniversary number. It was the ' largest single issue of a news-j paper ever published in Canada' nd toak a whole year to pre-j pare with three months of con- i centrated effort by the whole ; i) ; WassanHn 4-WAY j I other. News is being created everywhere all the time. What ' to some is all important is to others of trifling concern.. Sum- j ming it all up, news is Life, and : staff before it was finally iss-! Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 ued. '1 wonder h nur wo ova1 Prince Albert got a iQb ln U can come from any part oI accomplished it" said Mrs Oil-! "It a new&PaPer tnere and Uted the ; the earth. Speaking of relative ver was a great 10b of journalistic organization." I work t0. which aPPlied her-j news values, if your home ln . f t. - iem 1 1 Mrs Oliver was nor rn the tVio Bea 0,11Benuy &"a progressea . nuperi Durnea aown mis aner Britain's Position THIS IS NO TIME for gloating with anything in the way of political satisfaction over the critical economic situation in which Great Britain finds itself. Possibly, other than a Socialist government might have been making a better job of things. However, that is quite a hypothetical supposition. It is equally possible that no other government could have done better. Indeed, it might even have h&& more serious industrial troubles than those which the present government has had to deal with. ;What we are all hoping for, of course, is that Britain may soon be finding a solution of her troubles and an easier row to hoe. Her position is d difficult one and, in some ways, seemingly unnatural but there it is! Sometimes, it seems that tye monetary and fiscal ajigles are somewhat rigid rpid that there might be a little more give and take. However, there is also the rest of the world to contend with a grim economic struggle for survival ever to be considered. fn international, like in other business, senti-nfient is often lacking. Now and during the next few weeks it will be Tell for Americans, Canadian and Britons to keep firmly in mind the political as well as the economic aspects of their mutual relations. These weeks promise to be trying ones, testing patience and wis-(fom among the western nations. The test will come in the field of economics and international politics, fi-will be fought out in terms like "dollar scarcity," ""Sterling area," "transferability of credits," "con-ertability of currencies." It will concern imports, axports, employment, prices. r It would be well, though, that we do not become so fascinated with the entangled trees that we lose s$ght of what Stalin, Molotov, Vishinsky and their friends will be watching namely the forest. As in the war so in the postwar conflict, the strength of the west has been built around the key-sjtone of co-operation. The global dyke against communism is of paramount importance. Trading positions of the nations are, of course, to be con-iidered but the political solidarity of the West is t5ie first consideration of all. SMITH & m$o i newspaper business born or REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED FOOD SAVINGS WITH A well. "Yes, we have to work noon, the tidings, to you would night and day," she said, "but' be more vital and startling than I wouldn't do any other kind of word of a fightful earthquake work for the world." . I In the South Sea Islands. trained. When she became widowed several years ago in Westinghouse "TRUE-TEMP" REFRIGERATOR I' tTZZTZTT v" 7 r r- 'A 1 K. E. MOKTIMKR 124 Jnd Ave. (Near CFPR, HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMfilNa AND HEATINO EXPERIENCE fllONE 174 BALAGNO Flori.ts Phone Green 587 Box 119S Food in jrour Weitinjihousc Re-friKerator if like money in the bank! It's wfe, protected, rttiif when you need it . . . and . . . t't inghouse cuts food costs jour wiysi 1. hjr eliminating waste and spoil. Ke. 2. by keeping leftovers fresh and tempting. 3. Hy making Hesserti for yov at 4. liy allowing you to fcuy food at . quantity prices. And ALL your foods are protected y exclusive Wesunferoue "lfu. Temp".()iutam (Jold. See this mooey-saving, beaunlul V esting. bouse today at oor store. ANYTIME 13 TIME TO CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialise In repair of tulters, down pipe and roofinj. v.. Ci 0 MeBrtde 8tirt Phone 311 Mill INTERCITY CHIMNEY SERVICE rree estimates Phone Red 241 Reasonable R. j A" Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All Work Guars: ! STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE' PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT v. S Ial ill Type n 1 wuaiuty c srrri-iEs for oinffcr: STATIONERY I "OK Ud OREITING CARDS For Reservations Write or Call CITV OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FENS AM) PENTIIJ " H 1) DIBB PRINTING COl BESNEK BLOCK 1. n Will TV SEWINGS Iptr MACHINES PRICED FROM $189.50 to $204.5 (W'ir Heady for Simiiiicr MG RESPONSIBILITY "THE NATIONAL electoral decision removes one J major worry that has been hanging over the Country since the campaign started, observes the financial Post. There is no question of an ample -forking majority for the new government. Had either of the major political parties been forced to depend on a minority group for parliamentary support, there would have been no hope ' of stability at a time when a strong, stable government is of the utmost importance, j But the present top-heavy majority was neither necessary nor desirable. Not only did it mean the Joss to the' country of many promising young jnembers of other parties who had much to contribute to Canada, but it is potentially hazardous for the country. A one-sided House increases the risk of the government extravagance" and of the Cabinet jgnoring parliament, i Lack of a more powerful opposition means still greater responsibility for Mr. St. Laurent. In any democracy the party out of power is only second in importance to the one that is in. In constructive criticism, in keeping the government on its toes nod in fighting for economy in the spending of public money the Opposition has a vital contribution to make. But Canadians generally can be thankful that the election was decisive and that at the head of the new government is a man. who commands of all universal respect. ? : - Classified advertising in the daily news pays! AO rtdlli THESE FEATURES S' t E Beautiful Cabinet , Backward and Forward Action Tension and Switch Regulators Glare-Proof Sewing Lifiht Vou may he ready for wonderful vacation and week-end travel this summer .... BUT IS VOIR CAR READY? Drive in today for a bumper to bumper inspection and assure yourself of a trouble-free motor trip. THE ; Skeena Construction & Cabinet Coi Builders and General Contractors FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING House built under the N.H.A. Plan-20 down payments balance in ear monthly payments over a period ol 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION :. i PHONE BLACK 224 P.O. BOX 1678 There Is Nothing Finer Than a WHITE Ri "At fire TERMS ARRANGED TO YOUR CONVENIENCE be A Culinary Failure DON'T MISS THE FUN AT . ORMFJ Limlicrlost ' IS ONE THING OUR Far DRUGS DRUGS FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING, DANCING .... AND MANY OTHER SPORTS HOUSEHOLD NEEDS STEP LADDERS CLOTHES LINES CLOTHES DRYERS IRONING BOARDS KITCHEN UTENSILS GALVANIZED WARES CHEF IS IGNORANT ABOUT ... Our Luncheons -Dinners and Chicken -in-the-Rough e Family at LIMBERLOST. Hnt. Fun for the Whol reservations reservations early early and be sure ot your Happy Holiday In the Bermudas of the North. SATIN-GLO VARNISHES i Take-Home Orders are mighty fine ! ENAMELS PAINTS PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOWS-WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M.' TO 9 pM: SUNDAYS AND HOUDAYS12 NOON TO 2 7 PJ4. TO S WM. Dally oar delivery service Emergency Wryfil 6e from from o mi . ' from 7 p.m. till 11 9 o a nl m. till pm. gn flunday Civic Centre Dining Room For Reservations add Chicken in The Rough Phone Red I 70S N HARDWARE CO. LTD. LODGE LTD. PHONK 583 OR UNION STEAMSHIPH i.AMSHIP8. OFFICES FHONE 568. j