11 1 I PROVINCIAL LinnAlT, 113 VXCT0F.U..3.C. i: 3i oniMES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NKWSPAPXB tfT"cABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHOME 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 157. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1949 PRICK ITVE CENTS inium Absentee Woke con Watch I If our Hundred Indian (YOUNG FARMER IS CRASH HERO BLOOD STORAGE UNIT HEARING READINESS NOV i Exploration for ilive Ore on Rocher jfe Mountain 1 de Boulc, massive J crag, producer for rs of gold and silver, I in .substantial volume jtucular value, has to-J;e the centre of a hunt Inn, the radioactive ore fused in the production 1 energy. Gdger coun- Votes Could Change Outcome of Election Iff 5 ' k w , WILDWOOD, Alta. & A young farmrr yesterday fought his way through flames Into the wreckage of a crashed airplane to rescue an injured pilot and a woman passenger. , The hero nf this small rnm- ' The blood refrigeration unit Which will permit Prince Rupert General Hospital to store adequate quantities of fresh blood, located the uie ore ore tul- tuf- Is now under construction in Vancouver and will be shipped munl 70 mllcs wefit o( Edraon-e to cause the, forma- Ilucateu company in Vancou- ton' ls Cnarles Soucy- aed 36-... who heard the plane crash after here later this month. STEWART Count of tiie absentee vote, consisting largely of natives from the Naas River who were employed on election day at Skeena River canneries, is proceeding here today. They may affect the result in Atlin provincial riding in the count tb date for which W. D. Smith, Coalition, is leading Meanwhile, the Red Cross 3a syndicate c,iiat in m T-i. rrince committee, which is in charge ffr the purpose of fur-iitation. Vancouver company is "iis Western Uranium It attempted to land in a farmer's field a mile away and hit a bluff. He Immediately rushed to the scene. In a seriouf condition are I I iw Win- ! I . f ft If ' . i l . fines Ltd. which Is opcr ctfthe old Victoria nron-'Nancy Cameron of Anchorage, of the blood donor campaign which will culminate with the arrival her on August 1 of the travelling Red Cross blood donor Unic,,i8 stirring into action. The committee, headed by T. Norton -Youngs, plans a meeting next Tuesday at which final plans for the campaign will be made. . Prince Rupert will be asked to Frank Calder, C.C.F., by 115 majority. There are 427 absentee ballots in all. A heavy preponderance of these going In his favor could conceivably turn the result In favor of Mr. Calder. However, Mr. Smith's supporters consider this unlikely although they are i 1 io local syndicate of P. Alaska, and Pilot Taiho Aho of Ui!-. T. D. Christie and Seattle. Less seriously hurt ls Soyles is working on the Ruth Cameron, Nancy's sister. I Homestake claim, the S feature of which Is an font tunnel, now flooded, HUGE BORROWING BIG BANGOR FIRE BANGOR, Maine A $1,508, , contribute at. least 700 pints of blood to the central provincial hich gold and silver was 1 years ago. The to was located on the not making any confident claims of the Indian vote going preponderantly In his favor. The returning officer stated BY GT. BRITAIN p by means of tha geiger LONDON Chancellor of the 1 ;.i Samples of the ore Evrhpnner Sir Stafford CrinDS Red Cross blood bank. This bank supplies hospitals In British Columbia with their requirements of fresh blood for medical purposes free of charge. The local committee Is work this afternoon that it would probably be this evening before it ti Ottawa assayed 0.14 per- revealed yesterday that Great he is finished counting the absentee votes. t Miium which would give Britain had ' borrowed $1,000,- jjttf $7 per ton plus gold 000,000 from United States since ing through organisations which I sl.-er content. the end of the war. He hoped 000 blaze early today laid waste a quarter of a mile of Bangor's waterfront. Five fuel plants, a bus garage and storehouses of a hardware and plumbing supply firm were levelled. Drums of gasoline and oil caused explosions. Several firemen, overcome by smoke, were the only reported casualties. FIGHT IN LEGISLATURE EDMONTON After a major battle, Int which one member of the Legislature was ejected from the House, the Alberta government's strongest bill on are supplying it with the names of prospective donors. These will be called to make their donations during the three day visit of the travelling clinic. :rt Royles, locator, return- that the borrowing would not be ' to Prince Rupert Tuesday Increased this year. r s; ((nding a month at Alict SCENE OF SLAYING Outside the converted-box-car home of Michael Joseph Hayes in the Edmonton suburb of West Jasper Place, police found the bludgeoned body of 59-year-old W. W. McKay. Hayes, a former Edmonton policeman, was held on a murder charge. Police said-McKay was slugged over the head with a lead pipe, buried alive In a shallow grave in a backyard potato patch, and then hacked to death with an axe. Neighbors are shown examining a hole which Hayes ordered dug the next day. Police said the pit may have been Intended ' as McKay's grave. ' . (C. P. Photo) k fruitless quest for ur Steel Strike In U.S. Looms CASE HINGES ON LUMBERMEN NOT WORRIED British Purchasers Expected to Go Through With Orders VANCOUVER WBrlUsh Col-'umbta lumbermen said today TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 6- D. Johnston. Co. Ltd.) SUNDAY APPEAL jlle Is now heading back (ton to further check the there in the hope of ob- better values.' round is situated at an i of 5000 feet on the .n slope of Rocher de and Is reached by a Rood -rail which leaves the hlgh-vmt ot Booth llavrltoi' Capital To Capital Yacht Race To Pause Here Next Wednesday natural gas export controls WINNIPEG H Chief Justice j E. K. Williams of the Court of King's , Bench said last night Smartest, awl speediest power boats - of Tuget lht-t.hr -are - confident -that Vancouver - vSiayonue . ...,....;. .....;...., Bralorn B. R. Con B. R. X ,.:.06; 9.80 .03 .07 that the deportation of Dim-ltry LeschenkQ, alleged Com Oreat Britain will honor newly made contracts with the West Sound eight of them with one each from Fort-land, Nanaimo and Juneau will converge on Prince Rupert next Wednesday afternoon for an overnight munist spy and former Soviet Cariboo Quartz 1.17 MATURE TEMENT iungrcsa t uo2 stay after completing the second lap of a three-stage international race from 0 1 y m p i a , Washington, Hedley Mascot .22 Coast despite sweeping curbs on United Kingdom purchases. Oreat Britain recently negotiated the purchase of nearly $15,-000,000 In fish and lumber from British Columbia. through Nanaimo and Prince Army offer, hinges on the legality of an appeal dismissal effected on a Sunday. , , The crown contended that the decision of the minister of Immigration to dismiss the appeal was made merely In the course of ministerial duties and, as such, was legal and valid. yrolt Yet of lHIU-.li on Kast Coast i moved into clearer waters today. Arthur Wray, stormy petrel Social Credit member from Banff - Cochrane," was marched under escort from the House after a short, bitter fight with Attorney-General Lucien Maynard. ONLY SYMPiTHY WASHINGTON Great Britain seemea likely today to get United States sympathy and aot much else in her newest financial plight Members of Congress generally reacted coolly to the announcement that Britain is down to her last 406,000,000 ($1,624,000,000) in gold arid dollars and their general observation was that the problem is one Britain will have to solve for herself without increased United States financial aid. Breakdown lui Negotiations : Over Wages, Insurance and Pensions . PITTSBURG 0) The United SUtwi today, faced. threat olita. , first major steel strike since 1946 following the saying of "No" yesterday by the United States Steel Corporation, bell weather of the Industry, to the demands of United Steel Workers (CIO) for a ! fourth-round wage increase and for company-financed pension and Insurance programs. The ' Union Immediately called a meeting for July 13 of Its wage policy committee to consider a possible strike July 16. , Contract negotiations between the steel union and the United States No. 1 steel producer were recessed Indefinitely. Talks had just been resumed after a two-week recess. The Steel Corporation turned down a wage increase. ' . The company told the Union that Its refusal to discuss pen TREAL 9 Threatened '4t British ships In east! Rupert, British ' Columbia, to Juneau, Alaska. ' Feature event of the pause in Prince Rupert will be a dinner dance at the Aero Club, Seal Cove, when presentations will take place of four historic trophies which were originally put up in a former international race from Seattle to Prince Rupert for the reception of which the Prince Rupert Rowing & NO DECISION IMMEDIATELY VANCOUVER No decision will be given by the British Col dock. They will then turn in to the Yacht Club floats to moor for the night. Judge A. P. Crawley and six locally appointed computers will then go Into session at the Civic Centre with visiting officials to make the check-ups necessary to determine the winners, prior to the commencement of the presentation festivities. Departure will be made from here to Juneau on Thursday Pend OrelUe ., 4.50 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 02 Privateer .16 Reeves McDonald '.. 1.85 Reno j. 05 Sheep Creek 1.07 Sllbak Premier . .29 Salmon Gold .13Vi Oils ; Anglo Canadian 3.10 A. P. Con .16 Atlantic '. .64 Calm'ont .30 C. & E 4.50 Central Leduc 65 Home Oil 9.30 Mercury 09 Okalta 1.40 Pacific Pete 2.50 Suited States ports re-I unsettled today follow-! Iirts from two major groups that the an-cnt t was "premature." P. Ryan, -president of ! Arniational Longshorc-i Qnion, said In New York i ;t that he agreed with Tit is.-ued by the Mari-fsidcs Council of New umbia Public Utilities Commis sion for at least two weeks on the application of the British i'; )' morning, the finish there being set for the Saturday afternoon.) Columbia Electric Co. for an Increase In street car and bus fares in Vancouver. .The company announced at the first of the week that "rising deficits" have forced It to U the boycott statement HALIBUT SALES re yesterday by Hal C. Yacht Club went all-out In 1930. The host organization again this time will be the local Yacht Club of which A. P. Crawley Is president and DV. R. G. Large, secretary. The race Is under the sponsorship of the International Power Boat Association whose Dresiclcnt. R. J. Hart of Bremer sions could be arbitrated" and international represcnt- that any insurance program the Seafarers' Interna-; THE WEATHER Synopsis The northern coast of the province, and most of the inter-for is cloudy and cool today. There are showers in the Prince George and Cariboo areas and scattered thunderstorms in the Kootenays. Vancouver Island clear today but will become and the lower mainland are cloudy tonight in advance of a weak storm moving in from the Pacific. Forecast North Coast Region Coudy with a few sunny intervals today. Overcast with occasional light rain tonight and tomorrow. Light winds increasing to southerly (20 mphi tonight. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy 45 and 60, Massett 45 and 58, Prince Rupert 40 and 60. TIIE COMPETING BOATS Here are the competing boats: j Donalle, Bremerton Yacht Club, R. J. Hart, jr. Jeanne. Queen City Yacht Club, Seattle, George Moore. Carmelita, Seattle Yacht Club, Norton Clapp. mon, was "premature. would have to be paid equally by the union and the company. apply for an increase in fares In Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster are not attested. Elimination of a thrce-for- i had told reporters that frott would start at mid-last nlcht. Banks could "5 ." ". .0(1 .13 '2 .13 V2 .15 .50 .21 .16 Royal Canadian South Brazeau ......... Toronto Athona Aumaque Beattie, Bevcourt Bobjo ton, Is the owner and skipper j nf raw of the racing boats I Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jack of pt t ; jvached for comment fol-V iftiie statement by the two American Ketovia, 39,000, Pacific, 22c, 21.7c and 18c. Canadian Viking, 18,000, Black cod, Co-op. SOMETHING TO AVOID On summer vacations learn what poison ivy looks like then avoid It. Duncan, Vancouver Island, ar rived in the city on the Prince bodies that his was premature. quarter fare for a straight 10c ticket Is proposed. The city of Vancouver will not oppose the request but the Public Utilities Commission will make a detailed investigation prior to a public hearing on the question. Rupert yesterday from the south Buffalo Canadian 0934 Consol. Smelters 86.25 Con west 1.05 for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. aboard which Is also coming Milt Benson, secretary of the Association. Staggered from the starts on predicted logs, the racers are scheduled to reach Prince Rupert at 5 o'clock Wednesday af- K.S.1R. Tanrr hns returned IH. M. Wightman. - ti.scity from Winnipeg where Donalda Eldona .50 .67 P I Wit a visit with her son, Conquest, Bremerton Yacht Club,' K. E. Garrett. Klatawa, Bremerton Yacht Club, C. L. Klieves. Nika, Quceri City Yacht Club, Seattle, George Ross. Spunky II, Everett Yacht Club, Dr. J. Wayne Graham. Dec'e-hlr, Portland Yacht Club, J. G. Smith. Donjac, Juneau Yacht Club, J. B. Burford. farvir, Queen City Yacht Club, Stuart J. Viggers. Aileen, Nanaimo Yacht Club, George H. Patton. Thorp is no important nutrl- i Tii per, who ls a professor East Sullivan 2.07 Giant Ycllowknlfc 6.00 line being i irrn,-o hni.wwn suear tcrnoon, the finish t Co. siaii oi tne universuy uuihi v.... - t,,..,i nil OH i(u !h hnnv abreast the Impeilal OFFICIAL COUNT OF PROVINCIAL VOTE BEGUN IN RIDING TODAY .20 .09 V4 .05 .07 16 .05i4 .33 God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Hosco r. Jacknife Jolict Quebec : : f N v Vi H mj : k 1 Official count of ballots cast at the regular polls In the June 15 ejection today left the ma- jority of J. D. McRae, Coalition candidate, unchanged. Candidates and their agents accepted a check of the preliminary counts, neither calling for a re Lake Rowan 07 .07 Lapaska Little Long Lac 64 BASEBALL SCORES National Chicago 4, Cincinnati 23 Brooklyn 5, Boston 7 St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 4 Philadelphia-New York postponed. . American Boston 5, Washington 0 New York at Philadelphia postponed Cleveland 6, Chicago 9 Detroit 5, St. Louis 6 Western International Yakima 7, Spokane 5 Vancouver 12, acoma 1 ' Victoria 5, Bremerton 1 Salem 18, Wenatchee 5 Pacific Coast .14 Lynx count of any of the votes. Count-1 BUCK BOUCHER NAMED COACH BOSTON (Pi Appointment of George (Buck) Boucher of Mountain, Ontario, as bench coach of the Boston Bruins National Hockey League Club under a one-year contract was announced by President Weston W. Adams. Boucher, aged 53, is a member of the famed Canadian hockey family and one of four brothers who played In the Brown. The count will reveal for the first time the result of the absentee vote which was cast outside and within the riding for the two candidates, John D. McRae, Coalition member-elect, and W. H. -Brett, defeated C.C.F. candidate. Counting of the absentee ballots will be a time-consuming process which may not be finished today, Mr. Brown said. The absentee vote Includes ballots cast by voters at polling stations within the riding and by voters qualified to vote here but who were at other parts of the province on election day. Official count of the regular votes took little time because the affidavit of the Deputy Returning Officers In each case were accepted without. question. If the returns from any par- Ing of the absentee ballots Is now proceeding. The official count gives McRae a ajorlty of 587. The Coalition candidate received 2,627 votes, W. H. Brett, 2,040 votes. There were 36 spoiled ballots. Madsen Red Lake 2 85 McKenzle Red Lake 50 Mpncta ;.. ,04'i McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.01 Negus 2.25 Noranda 54.25 Louvlcourt 10 Pickle Crow 2.01 . ' Regcourt . .04 San Antonio 4.25 Senator Rouyn 38 Sherrit Gordon 1.75 Steep Rock 1.35 Sturgeon River " ' .20 Silver Miller 34 Total vote was 4,703. IT Sacramento 3, Seattle 3 San Diego 3, Portland 2 Hollywood 12, San Francisco 0 Oakland 17, Los Angeles 3 1 'Present during the vote count were the two candidates, and their official agents, Robert Mc National Hockey Legaue last t ISH INVENTOR MAKES ALL-METAL CO NVERTIBLE COUPE-This all-metal convertible I "Pens in 55 seconds by means of four Simple locks. One minute tt is a normal coupe, ine t It Is a slPPif nnnvortiKio ,Hi, mnf in slit ht. It is the invention of 42-year-old Col. John Kay, representing Mr. McRae, seasoa. He coached the Ottawa Senators of the Quebec Senior Hockey. League to the Allan Cup. ; f Wn, inventor of the one-man submarine and of the paratroopers' folding motorcycle (now LOCAL TIDES and George Hills, representing Mr. Brett. Official count of ballots cast YOUNG COMMANDER 1949 EARLY PLAYHOUSE :"H-gi. He calls his patent the ".Dolphin swinging num j. - -- !ar in under the hinged boot cover. Col. Dolphin has a gentle curve, and lies out of sight Friday, July 8, High 12:26 Sir Francis Drake, the famous During the Middle Ages in r 12,000 not squeak anywhere, his nexi step is miles with a nrntntvne car and there is a 17.9, feet 2.6'feet J5 in the provincial election of j tlcular polling station had been June 15 was begun this orning questioned, the ballots would by Returning Officer A. Bruc have had to bs recounted. English sailor, commanded his France, plays and dramas were Low 6:03 Dolphin lifts the steel hood into He it power-operated and mass produced. Here Col. 8.4 feet performed in churches. 18:01 first ship at the age of 17. v.un one hand. r