Mrs. J. A. tot, Groduat Dietitian, and Mother of a Carnation Baby, knows wry: . ".lore gabies ' are Fed on Carnation Than on Any Other Evaporated Milk Mrs. Ross of Woodbridge, Ont, is the mother of beautiful, Dawn Marie Ross, contented Carnation baby. So she has added practical knowledge of Carnation's value for infant feeding to her horn economics training and teaching. i Mrs. Ross's happy experience wirh Carnation .Milk for infant feeding is duplicated yearly by thousands of Canadian mothers. Ask your doctor about t Carnation formula for you baby. Enjoy Carnation's goodness and convenience for every milk purpose. you re absolutely light, It Is vaca J tion time now . . . but In a few months oold weather will be here again and $3? f i i i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 , n it it LJ L.I 1 1 you want to be prepared with a safe warmth-giving COAL supply. CALL A Preferred Milk for Infent Feeding C51 TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Building: Supplies mmmmmr r X) For almost 50 years. Carnation Milk has maintained highest standards of easy digestibility . . . absolute safety . . . and sound nourishment. Carnation supplies all the food values of pasteurized whole milk, plus 400 Units of vitamin D per pint. You can't buy better milk yet Carnaiioa is so economical. The milk every doctor knows. 'jfl'Vai'i i!vl prime Rupm Eton? ictus Thursday, July 7, 1949 "from A CANADIAN PRODUCT Contented Cows" VIKING SHIP PREPARES TO INVADE ENGLAND This Is an artist's Impression of the Viking ship now being built at Frederdikssund, Denmar k, fur use when the Viking landing on England's coast is re-enacted on July 28. The ship is 24 metres long and weighs IS tons and, since it is also to sail to London, has a mast which can be lowered to permit passage under the Thames bridges. The new "invasion" is being .planned by the British and banish Travel associations to commemorate the 15th centenary of the or iglnal Viking invasion of Britain. DAMAGE AT SALT LAKES KNTAL PLAYS plays are broadly not as Iragedk-s or nit as "civil" or "mlll- ARRETS Soap Blackberry, 4-lb. 77 Soap, face, bar 10! Cherry, 24-oz .54 Laundry, cake 2 for .25 1 Peach 4 lb Su Soap Powders, large 39, Apricot, 4-lb ,.-, .'a Glace tiuit j Soups --r Cherries. V,lb. Dkt 351 Canned Soups 13 to .20 w U In The News. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Meats .39' Fresh Fruit Almond Paste. Chicken, lb. .25 .50 Strawberries, box Coconut, tb. Ham. boned and rolled, lb. Bananas, lb ; .25 Fruit Cake Mix. lb 39 .14! .34 Ham, reg. lb. Annies, cooking, lb. Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt. .75 .) .7i .49 .50 .50 Vandalism at the Salt Lakes has been reported to the Prince Rujxrt Soroptimist Club which is malntalng the services at the! small resort across the harbor. Club members have learned of the theft of two life preservers which were installed at Uie swimming area for the public safety. Ladders on the floats also were tsaid to have been ; broken. .46 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. 1 Umons. Iarie Cal.. doz i Rupert Florist. Berry-time is here. It Is a Joy berries with cream served three Sprinkle light layer of mixture to the horaemaker to have! times a dav while the season on pastry in pie pan. Alternate 32'Balogna, lb .21 Weiners. lb .45 Garlic Sausaae. lb .. ve. 80X616 Tel. 777 Grapelruit. Texas iwruiej. luos. 4 for .25 Oranges (Navel) Dates, 2 lb. .49 strawberries, raspberries, black-, iasw-otd- fashfoned strawberry i layers of fruit and mixture. .47 39 Racon. nk.. V lb i.... Seeded Raisins. 1 lb Shelled Walnuts. Vi lb Shelled Almonds. 6 oz Shelled Brazils. , lb. Jam; Pure ts for All Occasion i 45 Raenn uirle. niece : 90 berries, loganberries and blue nh- I TVif tnr tirt Vl Vinttpr hair Trip cottage Kon. 10. : rvv t t 17 Strawberry. 24-oz 58 Liver W rHKt fitrawberrv Die "like 15 minutes in a verv hot oven. Celerv. lb. Sausage, lb ..;... an Ribs, lb .E5 lb 19 Rasoberry, 24-oz- a ooare mother used to make", may be MarKKNZIR MTU RE LTD. berries follow in quick success-Ion, making desserts no problem for the next few weeks. Some families are satisfied to have fresh red-ripe straw- Beets, bunch .. -la Pttrulv hunch !& continue 350 degrees F., and xlad's choice while teen-agers nl PLACE TO BCY Soinach 2 lb....... 271 rave about Rasberry Chiffon Advertise In the Lmlly News, baking 35 minutes. Berry Sherbet I- SPECIAL Radishes, duncn Green Onions. 3 bunches . .20 TnrnlnR lh Pie: i.lal Bed. FuU Size, 1 m n aj Horn economists have many k,. av flat ribbon spring. Mushrooms, id -i ! it n Head Lettuce z eggs Vi cup sugar y2 cup light corn syrup 2 cups cereal cream wm Cooking Onions tested recipes using berries in various ways. Plain cake served warm with Ace spring mai- II size $n.eo earpets It'.st arrived 75 327 3rd Avenue CabbaKe, lb. . 'ldmatoes. No. New Potatoes, 5 '4 teaspoon salt 1 lemon, grated a topping or sauce of sweetened crushed berries, is equally rind and Canned Ve&etalles ' ) a4 ' 1-79 if nil! Pirkles. eat :al MONTREAL, July 7th "More homelike " .was the verdict of a women' club member who par-ticipatcd recently in her eh'n taste test . . . com. ; paring Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup with a loading eompetilive brand! Interesting comment io all of us wlio like our soups to bo high in qualUy lopn in taste yet " jiffy-miifk" to pM'arcl And this lady's preference for HrinB 6uup was strongly ; I. .'A Viv her fhih frienils. Hetiii Soup anJ ths good with all types of berries. f A juice l'2 cups crushed berries WW REASON REASON mf il Will Cut Green Beans, icy No 5 Peas, lancy 20 Mixed Vegetables 23 OHU H. Genuine strawberry short cake is not a cake but a baking 3 tabespoons sugar Beat eggs until light and lem- SJtlZZZ M on coloured. Add sugar, blend- Mixed Peas and Carrots ULGER powder biscuit baked in two layers served hot and well buttered, with berries lightly ,25 ins well Combine remainina in-' Pumpkin, 2 lor Baked eBans. 20-ox. tin gredients except the berries , 15-oz.-tin. Va': crashed and sweetened between other brand were identified by numbers only in this society s tasie ictw. 1 Ucim the favoured ct-oce in tins . And. as in five rimilor tests wan case by almost W of the ladies t Comments ranged from perfect to " no improvement could be made "I W hy not ssk vmir grocer for any one of the delieioM HI.INi CONMJKNSt.D Jti b . . .'and , make this taste test in your own home? The result, I'm willing to bet, will be the beginning. ot long frien.lsl.ip i-tween your family junj the , OPTOMETRIST 28-iZ. Fresh Milk and on top. It should be serv-iand sugar; aaa to egg mixture. Tomatoes, ed with rich cream .but not j Freeze at low temperature ln whipped. This masterpiece of ref rigerator tray until Just Vmt .22 I 21 U .27 j 22 .12 .2o 3 ' 1 tint In Bulger Ltd. eookerv is snrtnosed to have or- nrm. Kemove irom tray, wnip.wwia. Sum '' Sond are a wonderful com lginated in the State of Maine untiU "Bnt and add crushed Large cartoned, doz. bination for a berries to which sugar has been .Medium ....i.A.T Third Arena . J.. . 1 . . , HttLrr OUTOF Yostr Gay Summer Clothes wera matte to " compliment" a beuiiti-- ' iullf tanned coin- !, plexion. . That's., why I urge jqu to trv the Tropic : .64 39 holiday not . . . ucli a wonderful oombination fi your eyes! F.yes grow tin d tiinii tlie sun's liriglit glare ... the y aaaea. four mixture Dacs. into F(rst Grade '- freezing tray until firm, about Margarine, lb. ''JZZZ t hours. Yield: Six -servings. wil!lk ' Garnish with whole berries. , igUna. 2 Iiir Any fresh berries may be Case". used Raspberries and blueber- CanadJan;1 ... 5 SWITCHED TO .33 T.7a .55 ml H.iEfeiDdli3?fle Ed ries are especially gooa. . Flour f . Crumb Berry Puddln? ' Pastry, jflour .7 ,1b and was originally a breakfast dish. Elsewrjere, however, it is usually a dessert.' Berry Pie Filling 4 cups berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries huckleberries) 34 cup sugar 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon, quick t cooking tapioca 1 teaspoon lemon juice , Va teaspoon nutmeg , t tablespoons butter Uncooked pastry shell Mix together all Ingredients except the fruit and , butter. Flour. 24 s ....... 1 89. Tea and Coffee .66, 1.14 Coffee, lb . UeLuxe quality. JU. v. TM. Tan sliade of 'NEW WOOD- ' KL'RY 1'OWUEU . . . Tropio . Tan gives your skin a tawny 1 bronze that looks oompjftely ', natural I Xot powdery ."INe ) Woodbury 1'owtlrr in the ..jfars- ! powtier you'e always tlreaThd of , . . the secret of.iU suecs ft very, exclusive ingredient that gives a smoo-oth-as-sat in j look and feel to your skin.' No wonder an impartial test from , Coast to Coast showed that! the : New AVoodbury Powder is a fo 1 favourite with Amerieair35 women! Try i$ for yourself!;. . . ' it's available in six lovely shades iu uilditioB to Tropic Tan. Two ' convenient, box-sizes plus. on " purse " siie . , . 60c, 37c, lDc. Here's The Quick, easy, sure, way ; smart when the wind blows. That's why if.s pueh a good idea to carry a holiday supply of MUH1NE with you wherever you go, Murine soolhca tired ryes in a jiffy . . . just two drops in e.-ieh eye make eyes feel rested and ro-freshed. For Murine contains 7 ingredients that blend with the natural rye fluids . . . cleansing and soothing delicate tissue gently as a tear, and relieving tiiat weary, used-up feeling! So take my tip and put Murine at the top of your vacation-time shopping lixtl You 11 tind it in drug stores everywhere! jB7ces . , Tomatoes, 20-O. ea 15 28-oz. . - .34. canon ? mmodore Cafe ADDle, 20-oz. tin, 2 for From Some Other Brand .29 .30 .18 15 '2 cup fine dry bread ordmbs Vs cup quick-cooking oiled oats '' ' 1 cup sour muk ',4 cup shortening Vi cup brown sugar V2 cup sifted all-ypurpose flour. 1 Vi teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon soda V teaspoon salt 1 cup berries (strawberries, blueberries or raspberries! Soak crumbs and rolled oats In sotir milk for 1 Vi to 2 hours. "li'ttMr Tlwn Ever" 48-oz. Orange. 20-oz grapefruit, 20-oz. Canned fTuits Pineapple, crushed and pieces, 20-oz Anricots. 20-oz Cherries, fancy. 20-oz. Loganberries, 20-oz. ... Peaches, choice l.t HKtilMTKV ACT Hr: (rrlllliule of Title No. .! 1-1 ti S. KIihIi Hi. Section .1. Uv r Prlnir Kiipert. Map '!:(. WM3REA8 aatlsfactory proof ol loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Reldar D. John- pod ana tservice in vnj' .3Ci .331 .38 i .411 .28 to make tender, 37 for Send-Oot Orders beautifully se t '") ve. David Chow, Mgr. 5 A Happy Thosffht far Summer Wtather Wet or Dry) ... a gooii, hot cup of TK.N-V E U L E A F TKA! On a Rimy dav its " fiuarkle " sen and Lime Marie Johnsen nasi I Lard Pure, lb I Shortening even won nam- -P.i to-iell " fruits fcAl V- "As mi as I heard about Freedam from Punctures, I weal straight to tka naareat B. F. Coojrkh Dealer. It was sometbinc I'd wanted far resrs," sari C. L. Kennedy, of Winnipeg, Man. ( ONLY B. F. GOODRICH GIVES FREEDOM FROM PUNCTURES Join tha swing to B.F. Goodrich - get longer mileaga - . extra blowout protection and Freedom from Punctures. , Cream shortening and sugar. 81ft together the flour, baking lit., lr.,nlnnln. ' CjJT Altt Ltd TFi (I - 4 ITE mi, VI ovi:1 Y nt lltlL'f anci MA HMP14 nd ESQ' les !l is we 3blem cco- dlle f VER 'SON 3TE 8 Pl nd Av" V AVAILABLE individual , moulds, 25 to 40 40 minutes; cake pan, 40 to 45 been filed tn Uiia office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime - valid objection ' be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry CH flee. Prince Rupert, B C. this 5th day of July. 1949, A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. A7) minutes. Serve cold with sweetened crushed 'berries. Yield: 8 servings. . - powder, soda and salt. Add berries to dry ingredients and add alternately . with crumb mixture to the creamed fat and sugar mixture. Blend thorough-lyt Fill individual moulds two-thirds full. Bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 degreesF., and raspberries. Use CESTO i'ruit I'ectin. For Cerle is tha natural siuVlanee in fruit .that makes jams " jam " and jellies " jell " extracted, concentrated, and oonienicnlly bottled. C-erto recipes use miils at their choicest fully-ripe, full-flavored amj retain lite precious flavor ' and tinipting color ytm lose by the kuig-lxiU niclhod. You canniake thrh'ty use of thul summers Iniite with Certo . ; . and end all the guesswork by following einctly the recipes under the label of each Certo bottle. ' See us today for YOUR SPRING TIRE INSPECTION and vitality will cheer you up in a jiffy . . . and on a sunny day you'll find Teu.ler Le:,f Te 4 truly refreshing! Yes, Tender Leaf Tea gives you full flavour satisfaction rain or shine . . . the year 'round! There's a world of Quick Comfort in this tea that's inado from the little lop leaves! io wlien you're weatlxr-weary or wpik-weary ... relax w th a cup of Tender Ieaf Tea . . . it's rich fragrant and grand-4astiug! That's why I uvire you ta ask your grocer for 'lender Leaf Tea . . . today! Make it a favourite Summeriime " companion '' I BABY'S RASHES are often a slim of upset digestion. Se how auickly tbis type of rsah often disap- Avoid futura trouble and expanse I-OOK FOR TBS IW RED AND Thlt Fret Booklet' will help yo" to give your family delicious Surfimer prs ailer the use or Bauy a uwn laoieu. i'ltsAant to take, easily crushed to a aer if desired, thsee litUe tablfts sweeten 11D babv'a stomai-h and clfar out irritating 1 aiaterial that slso may be causins strb. fe- 1 i.i u ff,.lnaad Hat HuI.v'm Own 1 WHITE fruits all year 'round! The most helpful hnokli't of ite kind that I know . . . I'm iro it will be your viOKl-iuilued guide to truly cunning and freezing! Kvi n if vou've u -ver canned beiore with v,,nr 1'liFP: fHll'Y of " ?7ie Xrw Me thod tor Can-. TaUets tiMisy. Tliy nave twen the standby of auolbcrs for over 0 yesis. Only 2bt. I1D SEAL LABEL tn'im ait I Frrrzir-i Finer I mitt AND won rfnl I 71 mm LI1.V WfUTK COI SYltbl' . . . well you just G33 can't ink-! With Lilv W hile, vou'll cel. truer flavour RUPERT MOTORS LTD. nf (he flesh i'mi. richer voltsur. linniT textuio Plumbing Troubles? 30ADWAY SECOND AVENl'E n. j ?Hi.'c-.'i .-iu . h r! Cumins -r fre-::ing I.ily White is swift and simple. It's fo easy to follow tite LHy Wnte recipes in the Jrem booklet tit J-.tJ yx . . . jut fill your li:.ine and address to uu: liarhaiu i 1 1 1 u. x. i.t., Mirt.J, ) "rck CA,t "sTESaf SsG5 mm r A Ft 3" ai -----...a uuuut to fit every type of Job "Chrysler-Built" in Canada FARGO TRUCKS PICNIC DAYS AHLAU BLUE : SAANICH : -W Plumbing & Heating 1 COMPLETELY j '? W P K REBUILT OR u in? iU RFMODELLED c a. M " PHONE RED 441 FOR YOI R Sl'PPMEH EST FOOD , EST COOKING The following models In stock at Rupert Motors Ltd. for Immediate delivery: 126" W.B. 1-ton Express 152" W.B. 2-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. 170" W.B. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. 1! se Dishes A Specialty t fabrics . Choose your Your living room suite can be ntade to look like new. We bet in at the framework, re-tie springs, and supply new heavy webbing and lining;. I TAKE-HOME ORDERS I from our complete range of sample. Kasy payment terms PHONE 200 ' FREE DELIVERY EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 ?"urs T a.m. to 1 a.m. MATSOBTS PKTIIINO DIFFERENT! ipert "cHi nsT .iith1 TO Trv Ouf MARKET LIMITED Blue 81S ITIIOLSTERIXG v P.O. Box'lsJS PRIZED COMBINATION Rupert Motors STEAK PHONES 66 AND S6 (1B21 ar.o Ave. E. . "i DINNER TODAY '-mWuWuVuS'