:2 Princr Rnpm Daflp r3rtos 'HOTEL ARRIVALS Ray Reflects ... ... and Reminisces Vahcojj..' Mr s Stee'. p.. ' -aa -Ktep--i4oat 4t4(T at iuw to c u-rtraCiaf of prtte, fc'Jprt a i mwjmot oKKpnamf norrai: ?4 Bntisii Coiuman. i IlKtaM aa oaoooa Csats lioU. Fno Offt3 Drparusem. Ovum ( - . c-u. Rqprt P"' Sm LuS rd Anu. Prim Rupert. Brttlsh CoitmM. O. A. minim. Mmrnrtnf Editor. R O. PERHT. Mt,r,glDg Dtnctor. , STMCRIPTIOS RATES sr-, Ctt CiffHf, Pa l P-t iior.ti. TSc IVr Tnt. M 00. lL? By Mii. P-T UonliL. SOc. Per Tear. 5 90 '.rs Prince Rupert G. D. Ma: son. Winnipeg; G. i Naylor. Vam o uver; S. Birchail. Vancouver; K W. ;Unton, Van- couver; E. T. Simmons, Vancou- ( : ver; J. Harvey, Vancouver; E. W. ; Sheffield. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. F. Allierti, Seattle; J. Martin. Vancouver: H. Ash worth. Vancouver; ' B. C. Gadberry, Aa in'.ervie :lh BJi Eanra-( fcan in Wenfed?'5 XfM described the typical prospector.' few ever hear of this. save through the yearly provincial weather report and then quietly. MeanwhUe, hosanr.aj (or Victoria, not far away, where Canada s most perfect chme beams. It can be that way in this interesting land. j Reading it cheered cm up Sj'.t j seven yr-irs yout. Kanrahan I has shared in aU the booms lor ha!: a cwiturv. Hardy and ad-I venturous. hn optimism lasts i a. Itfin? Uf- Tf ir :.n't couer. Tj'J Sar n a. Clear Ketchlkn: W. E. Terry. Vancouver; 8. L. Simpson. Masset; M. Yarowsfcy, Ocean Falls. wouid not be a nixung aiin. Tae aest would be the jrer but tttr the pneeiess servws oi these rovir.g o'.i gentlemen and :he bis tne "just around the fcraer." Ottawa wjuld have a museum greatest in the whole world, no iea. That's all very weil, hue it should be distinctly un-c-erstood that superior totem poles are highly prized and be-ccrr.ing scarcer all the tun. C. W. P. Fauikuer. Victoria; S. H. GUmour, Victoria; A. Williams, Vancouver; E. -J. Shaw. . Vancouver; D. W. RdeparUi, Smithers; G. Naylor. Vancouver; A S FU-etham, West Van- 1 eouver; Mrs. A Husband. Queen ' Charlotte City; S. S. Letth, rni-thers; P. L. SwaneU. Prince George; J. E. Mathieson, Mam-ming Mills. B C; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Constanniio .Masset; E. P. O Connor, Vancouver; Mrs. A. Lerum, Smithers; Mi.vs E. Tijuaiaa, Vaiacuuitr, A. Rviri. Vancouver; C. N. Shears, Van- t , coutr; Mrs. H W. Magnus-son and children, Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. H. Vincent. Los A-wr leans, aays a periodical, are finding aa attraction in the rramtiandt of islands fringing the shores of British Columbia and Aia&ca. Many are buying. It ts a faet that sonse United I represent the UtUe Whiz Raor sir the beat on the maTtfC" PRICES! BUYlJ States island are thictiy popu Char.gitJS from the crowded stxeeis of Montreal to Saskatoon as the prairie lon looked in the spring of 1906-07 had contrast That much was certain. There might have been 7.200 people, lastead of Frer.ch-Cauadiaas all seemed to have hailed from Ontario and Manitoba. All were married to Saskatoon. . They were born boosters, which may help explain lated. fc"initaiii. Uit rSauipie. Jjnions and Communism YEARS OF HARD and secret work by a handful of Canadian eomiriuiiists -em.s to have paid off manyfold. It is probably no coincidence that the Red-inspired disagreement among Canadian seamen has been iLed to foment trouble in the ;port3 of the world just at a time when the trade and ilollar crisis ha impeded the free interchange of . J?oods and thus imperilled the democracies of the -world. The -world-wide rash of strikes might well fall into a pattern a made-in-Moscow pattern. A -seemingly insignificant Canadian labor dispute ties up two ships in the Thames, brings out on strike the thousands of dockworkers in the world's largest port, and the eommunist-controlled World Federation of Trade Unions does its best to put the London strike on a world-wide basis. Then the Red-led Australian dockmen refuse Jo unload a strikebound Canadian ship loaded with coal, and Red-led miners strike in the hope of bringing Australia to apoint of industrial collapse. In the meantime, Moscow's old and faithful friend, Harry Bridges, holds Pacific island trade crippled for months with his insane demand for a wage increase in Honolulu that would give a stevedore a higher income than a skilled mechanic. It is fortunate for Canada and for the world that many Canadian union leaders have had the 'SAW CHANGE IN CALGARY Jimmy Langrklge j Farewell Party Robert Brenerton vaa host Monday evening at a surprise party at the home of his par- MEN'S MORI,, T Siis MEN'S Irttf SS To n.taSi, MEN S CABiiK A mirjcg eamp has to be pretty poorly nourished before it raa be said to be a ghost, tteriy. The Premier mine ' Mr. and Mr. Wuliam Roth ' ell of Sherbrooke Avenue, pbn-jcer residents of Prince Rupert, slumbered so. ay fui; a year and.! today's university, the towering ents, Mr. an Mrs L. Brevrer-ton, for Jimmy Langrldge who will shortly be leaving Prince while that did not cause Stewart to wear a aruiie. conditions could have been mW aermu TOl'NG MOit" Rupert with his parent. Mr. and SLACKS Tt $h Now Besaoorough Hotel and a hustling city of perhaps 50.000. Saskatoon, forty years ago was jut another town but with driving force and united effort There were a few naurai advantages, tut nothing to shout about. I are home from a visit to Albert;, j nere the former had the pleas- ure of a reunion witk an elder (brother. They had not met for many years. 1 The Herald. Calgary's first daily, : prinu an interview y with port-raita of each. It reads a. loi- MEN'S SPORT t I "BCILD BC PAYROLLS" I j PERFECT PaCIF K I FOR ' .p j BAKING Mrs. J. T. Langridge. The eve- j Stewart worried alone, serene ning was happily spent In the(m lne belief of a coming resjr-playing ot games and refresn-1 rection. and the hunch was menu were served- The farewell r'?ht- Even now. with the mine gift was a camera. Those pres- m the PTp of re'irrninf produc- ent were Fred Kxistmanson, 1 !tion- nce Rupert can feel the .hblf Ii Nw ME.VS SPOKfJ i Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. m. in the Portland Canal region. Melvin, Raymond and Harold j lows: 1 " Calgary has certainly changed a lot since I was last here," William Roth well, M, a longshoreman from Prince Rupert lis town to viilt his brother, James, 62, 1108 Fourth Street Eajt, a Pauisen, Chris Erickson, Alf H ode kin ion and Jack Fie win. There Is a place on the coast line of Vancouver Lsland within handy distance of Victoria where the annual rainfall 1 usually hundreds of inches. But Now MEN S GAB !)'. O B, Latest ttr-T H9 'A-Sn ME.VS WOKSTU D B, AU-Wwlf. T M7 MEN'S S0X-fg work. From, fu moral courage to openly attack the Communists jfire chief and maintenance Cet Mew Pep. Vim, Vigor wit t ttrim "y ttaBM ett t. boHe mi w iM4 mtwm fcu4y mm btf- '-''l '.y be- f.w ftk Tfiou..1 f fc. nw. ait. woo ww mM I a mm prvu4 pcir wm 14 . - 1 lust tM w?ni t.-cu. &v4. teA-fcVtjg.e -. trc.r. i.ftrtx. it ua:t multaii. ta tfjran;f, ! boa.. Titaiti M hi. raJcwMU tr-a um1. im t--t &ad c0 aa pm m f m nfr!.ii tm tas. r hh4 t k It llm ts m4 tor bou.i : i. mut miUL r " um im.-.iyf kM m . MASSET TO GET PLANE LANDING mechanic with Burns & Co.'Ltd., who have led the seamen's strike and who have ' who he has not seen in 31 yeais. j-ecreuy lmmraiea mxo oiner unions, it is not lm- ! declared Friday. Farm-fresh Fraser Vailey milk will add goutiness 4o your fara- i iiies' favorite recipes. U.-e it for baking, cookaig. as well as drinking . . . it's ideal for all kitchen purposes. Try some j today! PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed popsioie tnat the country s most effective defense I " When i ra a boy the only 1 ry U -j (mrn loce lidwi M Mr I IT AH. At Ml - If 1 Masset, one of the Queen Charlotte Island points. wtilrt now BOYS' SCHOOM agamst the Red Trojan horse will come from cour- JfCh01 - Calgary a em centre t 11 ;i-s ageous union leadership. r " v BOTS' SPORT P f m wr a j 1 af i i , aireet oetween Fourth" and Fifth has a daily seaplane service out; 'Avenue and the only bridge over of Prince Rupert, is to be pro-j the, Bow was a wooden structure vided with adequate seaplane (that was nearly Jailing dowu. landing facilities In the near' .The CPU. station! was just a future. With that end In view.' '. A: MacKK.VZIE To $iJJi-X0 BOYS' ANKUs T 5c Not I i BOYS' PANTS-l M'RN'ITURK LTD.- ' A GOOD PLACE TC BtY SPECIAL ' Continental Bed. Full Siie. Restmere flat ribbon mmac, full site. Ace sprint fill mattress, fall siie . $7 1 jM Fee our carpets Jvst arried Phone 775 327 3rd Ave nil e little shack in the same place an immediate survey of the as the station is toaay.' situation has been authorized by "The Roth well family first came the Department of Public Works., to Calgary from Yorkshire, Eng- Seaplanes at present land at the: land hi 1W2. They lived fn "The Masset wharf but with some dlf- chone fur vhm Good fit nt n From u LADIES' ANKli Bow Cottage" in what is now ficulty owing to Ha natare. -HJilhnrst district. At that Urn'.-1 : To 50e Now, fn JOHN H. BULGER 5PTOMETRLST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue this area was ail raieh(lapd belonging to Aif Riley arid $fte two boys helped Mr. Riley. .with his LADIES' STWL To Sm St . CHILD'S ANKtr Voice of the Peep : in f i To Now ISLANDS RECOGNIZED THE THOUSANDS of islands scattered along I , the eoast of British Columbia and Alaska' are given a resounding hxjoet in a recent ksue of Sat-rrurday Evening Post. Says the article, in part: . "Just across the international boundary begins an archipelago of thousands pf magnificent inlands -most of which are still vacant and under owner- -ship of the provincial government of British Col-fc umbra. They are available to Americans and Canadians at prices beginning at $10 an acre. Mostly scattered through the 4fX miles of the Strait of "Georgia and Queen Charlotte Sound, the islands recently have been discovered by Americans in droves and the more southerly ones are going fast. The climate of the whole area is quite ecruable the year round and thre are thousands more to the north. Southern Alaska has another couple of thousand vacant, and quite habitable which are a good bet if you want to "crawl up and pull the ladder after you" a? the islanders say. "Remarked an Ohio business man, who owns an island: THE FIRST UNDERWATER SOUND FILM EVER MADE Hi "THE ARMOURIES SIXTH AVENUE WEST Half Block ofl McBride BALAGNO Florist, Pbone Green "87 Bo 1 193 I I j farming and rode his horses. TTiere y.ii a Church of England and a few 'nouses. That's about all,' they said. "The last time the brothers saw each other was in 1918 in Calgary when Bill was discharged from the army. That was the last time Jim saw his sister, too, Katie, 5s, ;rom Victoria was passing through Calgary on her way to England with her husband who was in the Canadian Army Postal Corps. "Bin, accompanied by his wrte, arrived in Calgary Thursday from Edmonton. " 'We wanted to be here in time for the Stampede,' they said "But we Just couldn't make It I like what I ve seen of Calgary very much.' Mrs. Rothwell 1 HURSDAY, AUG. 4 at 8 p.m. Don't miss this trip Into an uncharted world of sound and color and mysterious beauty. Hear Fish that Whistle, Screech, Scream, and even cluck like barnyard chickens. Gripping, Scientific, Inspirational Sound . Films in Full Natural Color IS TIME TO By MOODY MULE INSTITI TE FREEWILL OFFERING FOR MOODY BIBI.fc INSTITUTE CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair nd clean ADMISSION FREE The Shintymen's Christian Association of North America Missionaries. fr B.C. Mainland Cecil J. Carter and Manville A. Bedford declared." I your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair of j (utters, down pipe and rofing. INTERCITY CHIMNEY Free Estimates Phone Red 241 ReaMr,jt Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. AllW. See the NEW 111" Wheelbase Lpiynioilill COMPLETELY REBUILT OR REMODELLED V i ,: III T)je 3-Passenger Coupe 2-Door Sedan 5-Passenger Suburban The minute I step ashore well, a feeling of ' calm and contentment comes over me. It's like ! magic, as if being surrounded by water euts off my usual worries. If everyone in the world had an iVland he could get away to once in a while, I w ouldn't be surprised to find most of our problems sojved.'" SAFETY IN STRENGTH QR0TECTI0N of the growing generation against war can best be served by providing now more -than a billion dollars wherewith to arm united nations in Western-Europe. President Truman utters an appeal that eomes close home. Should Washington not feel disposed to aid the United Nations in such a vast way, the ultimate consequences might be very grave. Aggressives . could and would grow because there , would be nothing to stop them. It is too much to expect that the present trend, from the standpoint of the Soviet with all that such implies, would moderate in the slightest degree. Again would it be shown how weakness invites invasion. vuauify surniES for " STATIONKRV F0f PBINTINC Your liTint room suite can be made to look like new. We begin at the framework, re-tie springs, and supply ChWMe jour tturU tri "l our rompff-lc ' of nmrir. puTmciit trrnx GREETING t1 urw neary weDhlng and liniug. PENS AXI) W MATSON'S The first shipment of these models has - just arrived, and can be seen at ... Rupert Motors Ltd. Blue 818 IPHOLSTF.R1NG DIBB PRINTING P.O. Box 528 (182) BESNER BLOCK I- T, ' i i iT, jrrr Dry Lumber Planed as required EVERYONE Doesn't Get OR DRVC DRUGS 'Two Week. With Pay' No. 1 Si 2 4,000 FBM 4" Shiplap or Boards Del'd Rupert ORDER A BONDED ROOF TODAY! PRESCRIP1ION CHEMISTS $43.06 48.00 50 00 . 55 00 rjut you can give your wife a "once -a-week holiday" by arranging for regular dinner dates at the ... RTnpB! Hniroo iiwrv riAVR 9 A M f ' i. We are Bonded Agenta for Alexander Murray Roofing Fifteen and Twenty Tear Bonds Tar nf Gravel or -Avphalt Rnfn Any Type of Roof Repair Ask lor Estimates BUT? DAYS AND HOLITYS-lJ NOOK TO'' 12,000 FBM 8- - , 4,000 FBM 8 "xIO" , " " 8,000 FBM 12 - - Length 8' to 20' Heavy 18s Copper River Mills TERRACE, BjC. 7 tM. TO 8 P1 THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED S ? V 153 FIRST AVENl'E BLACK 881 Emergence rrom 7 P and Su"w Dally ear delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Civic Centre Dining Room Tor Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Vhone Red 704 (J821 rffrrn ,