5 1 ' rln nupnT DafT? rus FRENCHMAN r SUPER-SHAVES GET Ti-.-i-'jrtay. 4 IHi FASTIR, August Sport Shots BEAT GRECO w i MONTREAL O Laurent Dau'-huille of France scored a I Gorwous Guaeic's lace pan- filth-round knock-out over Mon- '' ; the ties. ho, livelien leather publicity sports stunt wa."i. of REP FOOTBALL CARDS irreal's jolting Johnny Greco In t WITH 10 CIlllTTE HUE HADES I la sceduied ten-round non-titiej ; are crtAUDf a furor ui ten- : ris circles You'U rem-rr.oer CHOSEN : OVER BRAYES ibout at Montreal ba6a'.l par i ia: Mj Gertrude Maraa c ; TEAM !lat night before an estimated: I i . "7n Turn ! crowd of 10.000 persons. i Sarr'a Monica. Calif-. eaiiseJ Junior Basebaliers The Prince P., pert Foothi ! joar.e--.inf of a Jasfesan. s w, CmhmI Gasae 7!. cardinals took a close ;D Your?, 3b S ' Trr w blc-don . tennis . . - - tournament j , -r.i . f-oTi the Braves in ;l Knstmanson. p v Js ) i V o i e1 1 0 fl Ot Yo ckaane kWdea preiio... ,k V " " o4 ahiikert ilitk at a kiui with rtin 2 1 0 new Gillette One-Hiece Kaior Set. fray s f'S. (21 51 oot NO , iut aira abating comfort, sji N ??y,Z.-tTJ?V CS Ontario een on WV ,rftWt tie- h. rorn. II 0 0 i ' "1 ""V'a'r.i?- The omrrjuee fw.?en wth. they were U'ickersan. 2b 3 1 ; par.ue uiaaw u ti at th? team, capt-ined by DBJ mh 'eir opWB-)f. Krtstmson. cf 4 0 ' UTe' Oon. uld gtre a ood a,- un,rned run In j H. Webber, rf 3 0 ,c"-y P"--r-pnea 111 ,. ft-.: atamst the Kavy . ,H ir-n. I H Webber, ss 4 1 i ru.- rri ,-,-.t::t bat wai,--- fl -r sitf? ( The Cards seored two runs in .the rr.atch by rttocea A I SPfOAUOW-fRICl 0FTU 'SSS TiTT are as Io'.:o: i the second Pt-yers cr.-wen hf firs, tw three in O ii! M rfin .Battery, t. an k-ad. Jones. ABRHO .4211 Brave Laurie, 3b rtc . -t 1 PuUbaeks Duntmr 4B4yi c dJ flrn jxjsemaa. slam- Sedgeick, as, cf Now Andy ana r. 'irt', 1 i rned a tr:pie in i"e " i vm.ti tlwvtr.i Rihun iO i . : - .v- .nr4 t -i 11 ri aQ OBren finis lvat Gs Plat, cf, i Becker, cf V.cscJ;. s I 0 3' iuUH. A.iy .ept-K '""terv: Forwards-Baxw -Baxter .Leg- Le?- it.-,,. holriinz holdinz the the Cards Cards itoi:mu. c . . n ,. , i . . . . i . 2 2 2 3 2 3 . 0 . 2 . 3 . 3 26 ,kfH, .n. r-. r- iB the next lour inn-'R Yoang. II come from, Kr, win the ieaga : the money 0 4 2 1 0 0'j 0 0 0 0 2 3! ; -UI irced at the Er,gluh ten War Leck, and retJ--Jle of distance, you tfride along la eat? comfurr, .Kt-freh. lhroothi, I erfcw ftim lwth quality the good tjlinj that othra admire and ou enjoy. Snovn here the popular fcrained leather inj tip brogu fahkned in the lmooi Ltckie manner. iUku .Baimts', Arm-:rorMt 'L- Brave procoed grad- j An tun. rf oa and Ward 'Bttry. Uaiiy io rut down their opptin- HacIXmaid. 2d Reserve -Wilson. J. "OM'.( ill- tead " Th Braves acored ; . McAfee, lb ; ni ajdience and the Eng!ih ; prf-ss for 'undue Mrea on a At the preata J f0 Sk . , nu.-. ..Tit m t, - "rtli- 0 13 0 0 0. 'tressed a sniUve ' rjfe-maa.1 ,fUind -LegKMi. ami lnsWt0M ta flrt. second waters, rf. If i . . w,'l-oa'- 'and fiwrth innlnita. Wesch. the iio so many poned. in the o! u'.e continav tember. 4 21 15 Itf.,! . j Ttie team will piay in General; Eraws- pusher, tied up the ball Summary: E-B. Sedgewick 2.' QUALlTy SHOES Baseball League President j "Frafikly. the Canadian Lefiao rooms o:s ;wo mn with Clean I weseft. Letourneaa, MCAiee; ZD An Murray nas aiiupuiitru uiiiw jj th tf. J ! ...4- I'Ln lHa an-rr.n " ... ,lv. imo fr.r for an r, aUDL !ihi " s-.i i- s-.ra!r.ir.a . - i""1" V ."'i- ""'.""" The team for Sunday' lay's The pitfhins for both teams .SbD. Young 3, Brown 2; Nick-; will be awarded to the winning menl ihouJ(J earrse , very ?.vxl- both pitchers erson 4. R. Webber, Laurie 4.,T.j team of the present Senior boost to the fV the match : turrung in outstanding per- i sdgewick, Wesch, Letourneau,! Leagua jchedule. FoUoln8 j Merchanu ht !. . . wili be seiec.ea ai.er i ny sjch t as g:ven her by a pic-I "n Friday night. that, a play-off mill be held and. R. Young. MacDonald 2: DP ; fmances. Hit hard at times. night. Ail the Jones and Niekerson, Macdm up a pik of h. J ! Wesch pitched himself out of i v-;ik tough spots. KrLst man- FIRST SCHOOL BYLAW Continued from Paae 1 tceir.g ciitraught oer beooraiiif j ;he pin-up girl of EataruL Cr-I aid. Wetch and Laurie; BS j mind for that too. the purse woukf toward payinj fe HAMILTON AND NORTH SHORE ; taa-.ly. too. she can understand Soccer Schedule iral areas 1ZI and tr.t r Per ixirjd'jn being thrilled in a stem, The Savoy team (a In a favored position to cop the title. However neither of the other teams Is so far behind that a sustained winning streak would i austerity era which has left the cent. L. Krtstmanson 3, Wesch 7; BO L. Kristmanson 12, Wesch 6, Earned runs Cards 1, Braves 2. R H E Cards 230 000 16 8 3 Braves 110 120 05 4 5 TRAFFIC i Actual amount of the rural supply of scanties even scantier area's ihare U be 531.181. j than Gussie's . . ." The Yanjta son worked well ahead of the hitters at all times, striking out twelve while walking only three. The fielding was very good, considering the ages of some of the players. There were only eight errors on both teams. Box Score Cardinals AB F. H O A not put it on top Asked where ' is the longe fc the money for the prize wouUt 1 navigable for $ (Hanson Cap) Aug. 5 HMCS. Ontario i Prince Rupert. Aug. 7 HAICS. OnUrto l Prince Rupert. Olobley Cup) Aug. 8 General Motors t j ' Koever, to this has been addtd S3I5 to cover bylaw and tiebent-i ure expertse, brinfins h total V IN N I P G G Hamilton. Eastern Canada rhampions. Ut night defeated Winnipeg Scottish 4 to 2 and earned the right to meet Vancouver Nrth Shore Saturday in the Dominion soccer finals at Calgary. The 'DAILY DOUBLE ! Repayment of the deoentu.-ei' A T AMrn!!FD til IHItUVU I klV Professional and Bim will be on a 20-year basis, to-; B. Sedgewick, e 4 1 0 10 3 a bet-if-;hree firiitl will be tame aeries. THE Heavy Battery. j Aug. 12 Canadian Letion vs General Motors. Aug. 15 Canadian Legion vs j Heavy Battery. Ana 19-Heavr Battery vs.: I - , VANCOUVER a-VThe largest land interest dur;ng tnat tune. of the r Pald Interer. curir 20-year per- Jlod will amount to $24,500. An-: at Exhibition Park yesterday a: Adveru la tr.e UaUy Sews. WRATIIALLS PnOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlarrinr QUICK SERVICE ! r.aal piymtnt on principal and two long shots paid $1106 60 to' DR. GARNi MONTGii $3-00. ill ,be about rr.t j General Motors. DR. P. J. CHENEY DEYTTST 8OTTE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 levies four ticket holder Winner of Uie lut race Aug. 22 General Motors vs. This iil be raised by dik: Amateur ana was; Professional Supplies Canadian Legion. Suite 7, 525 Y The tvlaw which will author- o c-ru r.a7 A 26Heavy Eattery ... l-r.Er-h Rnn n half nvpr ft' 3ie tte b.rroTing o: tr.e citys wcanaa:an Lesion ten-horse field to return $36 10 share haa cot yet been prepared. Ho?ver. it ili be ready in EBY & SONS , Contractors REPAIRS - BFM0DIXI4SG FOIWD ATIOXS Let us help you plan that new home under the X.JLA. Phone Green 883 Box 586 ,'BS: CFRTIUCATE OP TITLE SO,, to win. Western Comet won his lirst ml Mtlirtl m V ItllKl . j . 1 8042-1 TO LOT TWWTTroiU SPENCE4B time to be put to the ratepayers PAINTERS t aUx-ie wi'.h the rural bylaw late tart lhUs ?r in lh ond in September. canter. B xh bylaws will 'require a- GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AVD BITLDERS Brash CH QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second At. i24j, BLOCK TWKMV-m.ie hECTION SIX (6 1. CITY OF H?IiCE RCPEKT. WAP ! WHEREAS iattsiaetory proof of J of the arjove CertiSicate of Title J uoui In ue name of Neil MacLean ( f has been fried In this office, notice ? us herettjf givi-n that I shall at the J expiration of one month from the j f date of the first publication hereof, i Free fcx. Phone 215 5 ( three-fifths majority in order, 4Hu.rfi m. ri,. x-.t I ui oe psea Lue a Provisional Certificate of PIANO TC Tula in lieu o! said lost Certificate. uniFa In the raeaaUme valid ob-1 Tuning. Voifin(4 lection be made to me in wmir.f! DATED at the Laxia neistry MIKE CO (XI ice. Pririce Rupert. B C, thiaf CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Phonr Ibth day of July 1M. A D ANDREW THOMPSON, 71 M Deputy Reiflstrar of Titles. ii runv ijuiTi i for. your rljlJiliUx 11lUl j ROCK Si CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 This advert.menti, not rxbl.ihf.J M J SAUNDERS or dispiyd by the Liqjor Lontrcl ... , Bord or by the Government of I ' New, Modern Equipment British Coiiimbia. All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co. fMITll O CI lIUf I CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ! SMITH & ELKINS ) muM.tumt PLLMBING AND 1 VANCOUVER - BC. HEATING I , HELL BEAUT! Perrr.tneail i FLOOR SANDINO ' J J A SPECIALTY RED 5C1 tJa. BOX $21 Beauty Ca'-'-i 2fM 4lh Street 4 Ss3 feJ WELLS Ci Prince Rupert Florist Phone 171 P.O. But 271 fiOOSrdAve Box 516 TeLTTJ H. & Whi Flowera for All Occasions MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST , Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ Complet r-Crating - Pack BLUE 780 NOW AVAILABLE DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuewliy Leave Cow Bay HANW- PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 NOME SE GENERAL COSt Building kin - $ ROOFS OIL BUI' $5c pat doi paid (of cmptltt labeled by any B.C B'cwcry Floats 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, S, 7 and 8 pm Saturday Every hour starting at 11 ax. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone . GREEN 391 or BLACK $26 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phons 387 PHO! aji a iji P.O.B3'5 Taii advtftiMmcfit h not pwiUiad or diipUytd by th Llquot Cexikol Botti ot t th GaoamiMnl al Britiia Calaabia. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL MATTSC t'WWA'rVWrVAVWWrVi B. & W, TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 Phone Blue H J CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photor Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ik A 0G3f i f Prlnce nVTOWN H' HOLLYWOOD cafe KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue, West PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY i MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Agenurorj' CUMMINS W Sales Seri Boat ownen aia(rr Commodore Cafe "Bettk;r Th-n Ever" OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. To 3:33 A.M. : We Specialize In Chinese Dishes SAVOY HOTEL W. L WOODS, Prop. ' PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 , FRASER STREET PRINCB RUPERT Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phone 6 and 68 dustrial s-" J .hour'! i OPEN DAILY FROM 3:38 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 769 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdaj 10:30 p.m. . CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN ." For OuWde Orders PHONE 133 , jBest Food and Service In Cltjlrj Phone 17 for Send-Out Ordervt JThird Ave. David Chow, Mgr J vanoua .... equipment Pr0P WWWWIIWIafMiMH 1