.oVincjial. i . PROVINCIAL. LI3.1A3Y, 113 VICTORIA, B. C. UAiSil W7 . - ODUES-CjOG'S Daily Delivery tinni-umu mn rtKNTMAl. HklTLIH OOI.TTMRTA'H VIXRPlPn PHOIIE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port'Trincc Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 181. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1949 ' , PRICE FIVE CENTS itawa Aid F or rr orcensioiri P.G E Line j BOOL- I TT ONTARIO DUE FRIDAY MORN BRITISH TEAM IS CONFIDENT NEW YORK i Britain's Walker Cup team, hailed as pos Living Cost Is Up Again OTTAWA Canada's soaring cost-of-living Index Jumped to a new high during June as rising food prices moved It to 162.1 from 160.5 In May, the IEWED EES , ICalrpayrrs Raise $52,000 ruction of sibly the strongest from that Federal Parliament Being Asked For Over Million Dollars, Premier States OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent announced today that Parliament ,will be asked to vote a grant, of $1,200,000 to assist British Columbia in extending the Pacific Great Eastern Railway from Quesnel to Prince George. He said the government will recommend to Parliament at the forthcoming 1 ' eAecInn h ffronf nf Ik subsidy of country in the history of the competition, arrived today for 1U battlo with United Staes forces at the Winged Foot Club August 19 and 20. Said one of the Britishers: .I., which will .vers t approve Dominion Bureau of Statistics The cruiser M.M.C.8. Ontario, southbound from Juneau after a training cruise in Alaskan waters, Is due in port here to morrow morning, according to word received at H M.C.S. Chatham. Exact arrival time was not known at noon today. Carrying 775 officers and, men, Ontario is senior ship of the Pacific Naval command. She carries 63 naval cadets from Royal Roads and 180 newly enlisted seamen. She is commanded by Capt. H. F. Pullcn. "I won't predict that we will win reported today. The advance of 16, points uf $.)2,000 as i $815,030 school the largest in many months due seasonal advances to ' normal ,Jfa in the city , the Prime Ru-huol Board last but I know well we are going to Rive your lads a real fight. This team of ours has been put together with more care than any previous British team and for the first time we trained seriously as a team." of British Columbia for extension of the line. climb In rents, it was explained. CLOSED BY HEAT ,iry Mrs. m. ni. OTTAWA With the mercury climbing to 96.4 degrees employees in various government departments have been sent "This proposed extension of slightly over eighty miles was announced by the provincial government last spring," said PRIEST GETS EIGHT YEARS I he :r.p of two r $407,515 which ill district share nit. The other be made up by home early In the afternoons. Mr. St. Laurent. SUICIDE IS CONFIRMED . ELOQUENCE A LA BRIDGES Harry Bridges, head or the longshoremen's union on the U.S. Pacific coast, can usually be depended upon to have plenty to say. Now that the union strike In Hawaii is under investigation by a U.S. government committee, Biidges has an opportunity to show his eloquence before the committee members. If they don't agree with what he says, It won t be becau se .Bridges does not put enough expression into his speeches. PRAGUE ifi The official LOCAL OFFICERS AT ARMY GAMES rnim-nt trams Some were relieved at two o'clock. Completion of the line will Prague radio announced last night that a village priest of afford connection at Prince George with the Canadian Na The provincial police boat iul construction, inlaw will ask city ratepayers P.M.L. 15, Constable Edward A Prince Rupert officer will be among the 100 reserve army the Roman Catholic Church had been sentenced to eight years' imprisonment for treason. He Ell as their share Anderson, In charge of the de and active force officers who tachment, returned to port yes ASSAULT ALLEGED BY. NATIVE GIRL tional Railways. Mr. 8t. Laurent recalled that mileage subsidies have been a traditional method by which the government of Canada has neelctafl -o 1 1 ttro J nti cf ri m t ir bylaws will be n, takc part ,n fxcr(.lsPS Eagle 1 to replace the Hnd N()rU) n h, . ,h Can Session Date Sept. 15 Set DISPLAY BY DRILL TEAM t. . I L Wdwam element- nrll Armv will iinrtprtaWe this was accused of refusing to administer the last sacrament to a sick oldwoman until she resigned from the Communist party. The priest, Rev. Akois Fajstl, denied the charge. Charged with assault occas the first win? of week. ioning actual bodily harm, I the past. Memorial High terday afltrnoon from Kitimaat following an investigation into a reported sicide case. The dead man was Andrew Walker, 24-year-old Kitimaat 'native, who was found aboard a gillnet boat with a gunshot wound In his head. A .30-.30 rifle had Charlie Lee, Chinese proprietor OTTAWA T Prime Minister St. Laurent announced today' Preview Demonstration to Be Staged for Local Public Tomorrow Night of the Eagle Rooms, . appeared In city. police court before Mag Premier Byron Johnson of British Columbia, now in Ottawa, 4 provide 87.44 c district shan: Capt. Lee M. Gordon of the 120th Heavy Antiaircraft Battery left for Edmonton this week to Join the manoeuvres rear Grand Pralrre, Alberta' and that the first session of the istrate W, D. Vance this morn wiU expressed gratincatlon over the THANKSGIVING DAY'nANNOUNCED f on page 4) Ina and was remanded until Twenty-First Parliament w open Thursday, September 15. Tomorrow evening on Third Avenue in front of the Post Of announcement, ne reiierateu the plan, for extension of the Saturday afternoon. The com-1 OTTAWA- Monday, October plainant was Alice Brown, a' Mr. St. Laurent " alsc wi- been used at close range. Coroner George M. tirahan' of Butedale conducted an Inquiry which resulted in a suicide finding. line Into the Peace River country and mentioned that this was fice Jf weather Is fine and in the drill hall of H.M.C.S. Chatham if it Is unfavorable local r.ounced that William Ross. Mac- native girl, at whom Lee is al- 10, was" proclaimed Thansglv-leaed to have, thrown a waste ing Day for this year In a special Clinic donald, member for Brantford, expected to develop grain hand- Whitehor.se. The exercises" will test out the newly acquired airborne techniques of the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry. Exerrl.se Eagle will be held near Grand Prairie and Exer-clw Nurth III. north of Whlte- paper basket early 8unday mor-' Issue yesterday of the Canada Un over the Canadian National Job's Daughters will put on a full dress preview of the colorful nins. She was struck on the , oazette. into the port of Prince Rupert. drill routines with which they "oreiirad and stitches were re- Ontario, who was deputy speak; er'Of last Parliament, will be nominated ait Speaker ol the next House." . ' ' "' -lb-. . 1 w ' TODAY'S STOCKS irrace nutirwi muiung .Mh.t; THE" W t-ATHER. " ' (Counear a. D. Jobiustcn Co. Ltd.) horse. The laitct army manoeuvres since the end of the war, more than 1,400 men will Synopsis Hod cross blood The weak disturbance which : ivod to Terrace crossed the southern coast dur be Involved. ANOTHER MINISTER GOES TO EUROPE U.S. Told Need Of North Flank irce-ciay visit toi bono-, to .wlii- n inlrwtti contest at Spokane two weeks hence. The 33-girl drill team will be leaving here on Friday nigrit of next week for Vancouver whence they will proceed by chartered bus to Spokane. The contest will be part of "the proceedings of an international Job's Daughters STRIKE END IS' BEING SOUGHT ing thff night is, continuing its slow eastward ' motion and is mil Port Edward LONDON Another British expected to move into western p!S pints of blood STAFF GAPS Alberta by this evening. r processing and the central blood cabinet minister has 'gone to Europe for his health. He is Cloudy showery weather In Uie wake of this disturbance BEING FILLED SYDNEY, Australia fli Australia's generat coal strike, now in its sixth week, may be called off next Monday. Officials of the miners' lodges Minister of State Philip Noel-Baker who has left for Norway to convalesce from a recent persists over the coastal and iver. blood has been plane and boat LONDON Military commanders of Norway and Denmark told United States joint chiefs of staff today what help they need to hold the northern flank of the Atlantic countries' j central Interior sections of the Incidental to the display to Seven more teachers are 11 iin.v iii;uuur . , . .... ,,..,i 1 l morrow evening mere win oe province but slow improvement in the weather in these areas is , ,, . . ,, . nceuea to mi me district stihjim Vancouver Bayonne -051a Bralorne 10.00 B. R. Con 03 ,.t Cariboo Quartz i. .. 1.10 Congress ." 03 y2 Hedley Mascot 24 'z Pend Oreille 4.85 Pioneer 3.35 Premier Border 03 Vi Privateer 17 Reeves McDonald 2.35 Reno .06 Sheep Creek 1.18 Sllbak Premier 40 Taku River 30 Vananda .15 Salmon Gold 12 Spud Valley 03 Oils today Passcd a resolution call an adjudication of .points by 'iiru to patients teaching staff following chan- expected today and tomorrow ing on tne central council oi defence line in Europe. i ges at the end of the 1948-49 fusions. tied its session I on Page 5) forecast i TO EDUCATE The Scandinavian delegations met American officers In sep term, the school board learned at Hs monthly meeting last night. panel of local judges who will carry out their marking under the international contest ruie.s. There will actually be two demonstrations one of military the Miners' Federation to hold mass meetings Monday to vote on ending the strike. The communist - controlled northern miners' management arate conferences at United States naval headquarters in London. Required are one teacher for 1he High School, three for city UP rHT elementary schools, two ior uic The conferences were con precision under command of board later passed 'a resolution Drill Captain Edith Jordan, the objecting to the decision of the other an exhibition display of moderates, loutine formations. Each dem-J onstiation takes about fifteen , ducted under the same (closed door1) conditions as yesterday's North Coast Region Today and Friday cloudy with a few sunny Intervals, scattered rain showers. Continuing cool winds, westerly (20 mph) exposed areas, otherwise light. Lows tonight and highs Friday at Port Hardy and Prince Rupert, 50 and 63, Masset, 48 and 60. Northern B. C. Region Sunny and warm today and Friday. Winds light. Lows tonight and highs Friday at Telegraph Creek, 48 and 68, Prince George, S7 and 75. meeting with British military minutes. t'l.n nirlL. n illtlt t Tim IN I Port Esslngton school and one1 I relieving teacher for the city In the Prince schools, v district during Latest resignations received (I the level set by the Board prior to the July 'tit whs some 9,-' 31 deadline set by the Public ' eet less than for Schools Aft were those of Mar-cording to the tin Gra.stlul, from the staff of :in issued todav Rju.iVi Hioh Kclvxil and Miss SOAP PRICE leaders. Armed guards made certain that only actual participants platoons. with Misses Alma Kinase n and Donna McArthur lead BORDER FOLK "Highway Sixteen," th; British Columbia Travel B ireau's colorful travelogue of th central Interior country bt tween Prince Rupert and Prince G ;orge, Is to be used as an Instrument of education for immigration, customs and service station people along the international border who are taking a long time to learn that there Is a highway to Prince Rupert and who ar still giving misinformation to motor tourists toncernini, the road. At the suggestion of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, special screenings are to be made at border points for the par Anglo Canadian 3.15 A. P. Con 18 Atlantic .67 Calmont 30 C. & E 4.25 Central Leduc 72 Home Oil 9 50 Mercury 10 Okalta 135 Pacific Pete 2.38 entered the conference room. GOING DOWN ing each. Under general leadership ot TORONTO W1 Two Canadian Hilda House, from the staff of Conrad Street elementary. Mr. The United States chief of naval staff predicted- that ar-' rangements for Atlantic conference defence arrangements would be finalized by the end of the year. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell, the manufact.uters yesterday cut the entire Spokane party will num-jrptaU lre o some types of Grasdal has accepted a post at Mission and Mls3 House at ber about 42 persons. 'soaps. One of them reduced the, .20 Forester M. V. i'tst month was ii feet bringing 'K cut so far this I544. July pro-18 whs 32,123,251 Princess BREAKING UP JAP COMBINES TOKYO Oeneral Douglas Langley. , New appointnents to the ,1i.umuv. ''""""6. price of shortening ior nouse-the precision routines of the team ho,d use and raised tne price have won commendation on'tQ covnmereial users. earlier appearances here and. wmlam E, Williams, general Toronto Alhona - 12 Aumaque 16 elementary sclnol staff are Miss f-nionUi total was Jacqueline Trotter, Miss Yvonne now are approaching peak form1 . . prockter & Gamble MacArthur's controversial pro. Truman Wings Larson. Miss Annette Rogers ticular benefit of such peop.e under direction of Alex Mitchell. Co announced cuts of from one gram for breaking up Japan's .nd Mrs. T. Nickerson. The Who contact the travelling pub to two i cents on a box ot soap economm sui u flakes and ic to 2r. on bar day. The Allied occupation I nninmanHor caiH . XII HI "nrPntTl- to be Trimmed Beattie 63 j Brvcourt 25 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 10'3 Consol, Smelters 99.00 Conwest 105 Donalda -60 Eldona 70 Enst Sullivan 2.27 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 6.65 is 1 .769.211 lniLiil wi with 1,718,282 st'vm months- of '"Hi. 244,383 lln-prijduccd fti com- soaps. lirst three are now attending ;ummer school and the latter Is low at Port Edward. Appointments to the Hl?h School staff, confirmed by the plished effectively AIR PASSENGERS , t'.P.A. To 'Vancouver W. M. Martin A. E. Lawson, W. Richardson lic, E. G. Rowebottom, deputy minister of trade and industry, has informed E. T.vApplewhaite secretary of the local Chamber and himself a member ot the provincial tourist council. Eleven big corporations were "' C:) m Ju,y Illsl meeting.' were those of Ray-1 QUEEN ELIZABETH IS FORTY-NINE Miss Edna McCullough. tagged for de-concentratlon by the five-man review board. BASEBALL SCORES ""t last month mond Slade and Miss Ethne Mills, both of Vancouver. Miss Mills will teach home economics. Pieces, while- rnrri . LONDON m Queen Elizabeth is 49 today. She spent her bii'thday quietly at Buckingham Palace. No official en LIGHTNING HITS WEDNESDAY American St. Louis 3, Boston 9 Will Not Get Full Amount v For Arms Aid Program, " Conceded WASHINGTON D. C. OK Figures on Russian military strength failed today to shake the determination of members of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee to trim President Truman's arms-aid program. After a full day of closed-door sessions with Army and State To Sandspit Mrs. A. Husband, R. Husband. From VancouverMrs. K. Harding, J. Harvey, W. E. Terry, M. McMahod, J. L. Green, Miss P. Mooney, A. J. Tait. From Sandspit Mrs. P. Turner. q.c.A. gagements were arranged to celebrate the day which was regarded as a family occasion. PRINCE GEORGE PRINCE GEORGE A sudden and violent electrical storm POTENTATE, WIFE ROBBED God's Lake 43 Hiirdrock 21 Harricana O6V4 Heva 08 Hosco 17 Jacknife r. .07, Joliet Quebec 48 Lake Rowan 06 Lapaska 06'3 Little Long Lac 60 Lynx 12 Madsen Red Lake . ...... 3.00 McKenzie Red Lake 49 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.14 Moneta ,- .41 Detroit 5, New York 7 Chicago 2, Philadelphia 3 Cleveland and Washington postponed, rain. National Brooklyn 10, Pittsburgh 5 New York 4, Chicago 1 was 357 cord . !'"n ' by varieties i i ''""ws: Figures a i ,5784.4 1 0 f'47,0,-,3 'P8,945 ls. 145,099. V WruUiall is mll- R. struck the fit? yesterday. A number of 'homes were struck To Masset L. D. Curtis, Brown. To Stewart G. C. Naylor. CANNES, r.:.ee (P'-Tlie Aga Khan's wife yesterday said lour REDS HIT AT SOUTH KOREA Power and light service was out of commission for a time. bandits robbed her and tor husband of Jewels and money Department experts who helped to draft the $1,450,000,000 program to rearm friendly countries, Democrats and Republicans agreed that the President worth $150,000. The theft oc SEOUL, Korea if A' force of Communist border guards,' re cuired at noon as Aga Khan and the Bemim. with a maid Tn the Prince Ku- ported to number 6000 men and chauffeur, left their Rlvl j will not get what he wants. There is a heavy sentiment to I curb broad grants of Presidential authority such as is pro struck across the border at r Philadelphia 0, Cincinnati 2 Boston 0, St. Louis 7. Western International Yakima 3, Vancouver 1 Wenatchee 8, Tacoma 1 Salem 4, Victoria 1 Bremerton at Spokane "double header tonight. Pacific Coast Oakland 10-8, Portland 5-7 San Francisco 4-8, Sacramento 3-6 three points today into South Korea. First reports said that nor era villa to visit their son the, Aly and daughter-in-law Rita Hayworth at Deauvllle. The Begum said that four shabbily-dressed men speaking Negus .N. - 2.37 ' Noranda .57.00 Louivcourt 12V2 Pickle Crow 2.09 Regcourt 04 Vi Sari Antonio . 4.40 Senator Rouyn " ' .40 Vi Sherrit Gordon 2.27 Steep Rock -1-68 Sturgeon River 20 r'x'iim- enroute to I she will spend the s holidaying. BASEBAir IV ELT PARK N P.M. CANADA FILLS ITS WHEAT CONTRACT OTTAWA Canada has just filled its third year's contract for supply of wheat to Britain. The year expired July 31 by which time 140,000',000 bushels had been shipped. Another 140,000,000 bushels is to be sent during the coming year at $2 per bushel. thern forces overwhelmed two Korean Republic infantry Companies and shelled their regi posed and to spell out, as closely as possible, the amount of assistance to be given, the countries to receive it and the conditions under which it shall be provided. Friday, August 5, 1949 High 11:23 16.6 feet 23:52 20.2 feet Low 5:55 3.5 feet 17:58 8.8 feet with Spanish or Italian accents I Coot fin in UnllvwnnH 0 ' and carrying tommy guns got mental headquarters on Ong jin Peninsula. , away with one 25-carat diam San Diego 8, Los Angeles 5. vs- Merchar's Silver Miller .34 2 ond worth 25,000,000 francs. J