5 . BLOOD CLINIC Continued uom raj- Oae) prfnci Uupctf Daflp J3cto3 Thursday, August 4, 1949 registrar during the clinic. Canvassers who listed names in advance were: Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Ki'scyclei (Subject to Change) here Wednesday afternoon, during which 63 donors gave blood at the Civic Centre. In the evening. It moved to Watson Island, where 48 more pints were Mrs. H. A. Breen, Mrs. James Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. S A. Keil-back, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Mrs. R. 8. Scherk. Municipal Chapter, I.ODX Mrs. J. -Munthe, Mrs. M. J. Keays, Mrs. G. Gillis, Mrs. S. i Giske. I Catholic Women's League reelved. Total contributions' bv rit.v PP. 7j A n A D AMI ';59 Tlcr.e Signal ""' 10:00 Joan Oreenwood 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Strike Up the Band 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period ll:33-Ree. Int. 11:45 Famous Voices p.M. 12:00 Mid -day tte'.Odlea 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12: 55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Summer Symphony .2:00 In a Lighter Mood 2:15 Musical Program 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Commentary Mrs. G. R. Brett. Mrs. J. A. donors was 467 pints. Tribute to rganlaer T. If. Youngs and all the voluntew workers who assisted in the campaign was paid by Col. M. D. Robertson, suoervisor of th Smith. ' ' Orange Ladies Mrs. A. Den- THURSDAT KJO. 4:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Simple Jazz 4:45 Sleepy Hollow Farm 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Canada at Work 8:15-Freddy Martin and Orchestra 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Footloose in Europe 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Tales the People Tell Red Cross blood transfusko' V i ton, Mrs. J. E. Wide, Mrs. E. A. Evans. Kinsmen Club W. R. Long, R. E. Montador. Conrad Street P.T.A. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Stuart, W. D. Griffiths, Mrs. V. Pick, Mrs. servlee and his profession al j staff. These included members i of the local Red Cross society which organized the campaign, You're absolutely right, It is vacation time now . . . but In a lew months col weather will be here again and you want to be prepared with a safe warmth-giving COAL supply. CALL 51 TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Building: Supplies Helen Marchildon, Mrs. H. H. Thorn. COLONY'S PROTECTION J The Citadel in Halifax was the chief military headquarters of Nova Scotia for over J00 years. Ralph Smith, called here on account of the final illness and. death of his mother, the late Mrs. Thomas Smith, la returning on Thursday to Smlthers. ordinaling eouwll which organised volunteer helpers at the clinies, the various organisa I 8:15 Recital Women's Canadian Club Girl Next Door 3:00 Musical Program 3;J5 Serenade 3:30 Divertimento tions which canvassed the cityi 8:30 Prairie Playhouse 9:00 Watcha Know, Joe 9:30 Chamber Music Mrs. T. W. Brown. Sons of Norway Mrs. C. t lor donors a-nd in volunteer 1 Cli .... -l & f r J .. i. RARUY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE APPRECIATED nurses who rendered valuable, ' i rn nnr-Rr- has closed down twenty bee it service In the clinic, women oi uie Moose Mrs. i,A . ' " Percy Welter, Mrs. Alf Ritchie,' -CBC News 10:15 Gay Paree Mrs IT TInrnP Mrs .T ITr-Win! ' vn Its Beds So long as the services of trainee nurses keep getting leos, no other course Is possible says Transportation to Tatsoa Inl Mri Haul Ifilhnrn M,g V MI il . t ' 0 T-B. A and last night was supplied vol 11:00 Weather and Fish untarily by Allan Morgan 'and son. Out. Because increasing and ths nurses etc-creasing, Kaiun Island Stages Ltd. Today, GIG OR Robert Buekner, the business administrator. Advertise in the ixiity News! It Pays w Advertise! Mr. Morgan and Pierre Le Ross of Pliiluott, EvlU Co. transported the clinic staff to Terrace. iiura runs nospuai Volunteer assistants at Wednesday evening's clinic at Watson Island were Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Women's Co-ordinating Council; Mrs. T. N. Youngs, Norton Youngs, chairman of the mniu Women's Canadian Club; Mrs. GE CHEESE j Arrivals FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical CUk-r 8:00 CBC News ' 5:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Mocltnj 8:45 Little Ct ntert 9:00 BBC News and Com't'y 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Coffee Time M. Kullander, SoroptimUt Club; local blood donor committee, ac compatued the group. . HELPERS TIUNKKD ( FINER FlMOREDi Mrs. H. Home, Women of the Moose; and Mrs. D. Parent, Can icd Fresh Mado KTIN DAIRY fair Dally ! dTHER SERVICE h " mftilM MHa i Salad Dressing adian Legion Women's Auxil iary. cerrer wnn Volunteer nurses were Mrs. "The people of Prince Rupert are to be commended on their splendid response to this first appeal from the Red Cross for voluntary blood donors," Col. Robertson said. "The services of the ladies and organizations Walter Smith, Mrs. O. L. Mur-; ray and Mrs. N. A. S. Pett. -Ladles who assisted the after Freshly Churned Finer Natural Flavor ROYAL OTEL noon clinic Wednesday were: Burns I ftNKI IF 1 U. UMTfCI Mrs. E. Pottersen, Rebekah Lodge; Mrs. M. Waksdale, Mrs. W. Yurgensen, Mrs. E. Morris. Salvation Army; Mrs. W. Barbe, Mrs. E. Tatter sail, Rebekah who so ably assiwtei at the clinic have certainly been appreciated." He expressed thanks to Mrs. A. L. Haines and Mrs. T. J. Boulter of the Women's Co-ordinating Council which 1 organized and supervised the voluntary help ay from Home STEEL LANDING MATS Lodge; Mrs. B. Eriokson, Salvation Army Home League; Mrs. C. McF. 8mith. Mrs. C. H. Elk-Ins, Red Cross society; Mrs. A. 3. Hamilton, Women's Co-ordin -Hot and Cold water RUPERT, B.C. ers, to Mrs. Walter Smith who r"oAi!v ' I v A J t N V" organized the volunteer nurses and to Mrs. Q. E. H. Montgom ating Council. P.O. Box 198 Volunteer nurses were Mrs. ery who did the secretarial work I for the canvass and Acted as Walter Smith and Mrs. O. L. Murray. The clinic personnel will re ADWAY 0tm.,.rmrm!Bnm l IHU I . i I lll ll'M W I. Ill I 1. IM M I af O l . . m , J-u-j4.--i. 4- U4- X H--44- 4--'l fc,iMMw-..,T.A. teafcat. Minn turn to Prince Rupert Friday and will lpave fnr V9nimi "CAFE either by plane or on the Catala 1 tomorrow night. -. I : -t 1 . : f i teeth,,!... . L " I . . . 1" thick Sizes 3x12' 1 . and mf CARRY A TUNE WHEREVER YOU GO. ..with this FOOD t COOKING S 't IS' young er ' i, E. LTV Suitable for Fences, Skylight Protectors, Reinforc ingr, Road Building, Cattle Guards, Dyking. Priced to Sell Write for Blue Prints and Full Particulars ATLAS IRON & METALS Ltd. , 250 Prior St., Vancouver WAGNER, STEIN & GREENE CO. . 1832 Store St., Victoria . PRINCE RL'PERT SUPPLY IIUSE 718 2Bd Ave., Prince Rapert 17 "vr1 fishes A Specialty JK-HOME ORDER3 hONE 200 h a m. to 1 a.m. BSC DIFFERENT! V-147 ITry Our II I) COMBINATION Unsurpassed STEAK By CHIC YOUNG A Neat Haul! BLONDIE INNER TODAY for Infant Feeding RCA Vlclor BP-C I Si T. W. Clarke, Red Deer Dietitian and Mother ' "From my' experience I don't think any milk can surpass Carnation Milk for babies' feeding formulas," says Mrs." Clarke, Graduate Dietitian, former Home Economics teacher, and mother of a fine Carnation buby boy. "Carnation eliminates the necessity of boiling the milk its absolute convenience and sterility appeal to me so much." Mothers all across Qnada Home Economists, and women who are not trained Dietitians find their babies thriving on Carnation Evaporated Milk formulas. They find Carnation absolutely safe. VC'ondciTully easy to digest. Completely nourishing with vitamin D increased to 400 Units pet pint, to help build straight bones and.strong, healthy teeth. Ask your . doctor about a Carnation formula for your baby. A CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Confnttd Cow" rcaVictor Portable Intra range and power are yours with the RCA Victor BP-6C amiuing sensitivity, plenty of volume even for outdoor dancing. That handsome case is of plastic and lightweight aluminum with t special, weather-resistant finish. Plays on its self-contained battery the second you lift the dial cover, or on AC-DC house current. It's a star performer with Hie marvelous tone of the famous qjo(J (JQ "Golden Throat" Come In for i Demonstration McRae Bros. C WHO TOOK THE (l FOUND THEM I ALSO FOUND ." . m. TWATS TVie TSOJBIE ) 1 1 STAMPS I HAO WHEN I V.AS THIS TWREE X jfA Wf WITH WIVES M ' (. HIOOEM AWAV, HOUSECLEAHJINcSJlAS DOLUAR5 AcAVi ' V;'J? WHO ARE GOOD A k : IN A BOX (k)Sk W USED THEM Hl V CHANGE HIK36N J sf . WOUSEKeEPePS.' 2 rT-l ;7 ' ' UNDEI? My J, A TO MAILMY AWAV IN A J TV Tr) VOU CAN f HIDE ' j VS) j T BUREAU ?' Vh SILLS J (l&i'bX SHOE IN THE ! M --r ANYTHING ; Sfl . 3 J&t ---rr-. jHj clotscloset) 1 W KJJ Jj H f.- Nice Work If You Can Get lit,! ' . " i'i!jiiih-. T lWiFi : i XvN' i ' I "XTr4 4n ' CAM I BE 1 COOKIE CANT i. , A- loUlET.'J? VJf&f 6VEKV ft-Qi.TN A, OAX I I COME OUT TOCAV--A FxS7,J ' . kW SS) SJ ik .T S MAMAS I 1 SHE'S BEEN NAUGHTY j L PSSST.'f -C Vj! f I . " ' V' " Cay IW Kiw TfrMV r rwJ ' . 1 'I iiii'iiii ilillllll A NEW HOME Deserves the Best WsB; iMiWii: We specialize in high quality , The Mosquito Parade! 1 I m Mm m m mm v Diamond rings. HOW CAN 1 HEAP-'-N 'm. IS ...i4 N r- ' I'VE GOT TO . ( PEOPLE WALKING APOUMD J "fvUN L W CA,lTJrl!v3 ) V PUT A HOOK I .11 1 ' WHEN I'M HOME ALONE ? J &V"iS I jt THS.S3NI i ON THIS 4r" Fined servicemea JK 'ctory.ppr0ved Pl . . . f,-.., Every diamond guaranteed perfect. See our displays of moderately priced rings end get a new illutro.d fold. 1 "thod, ... ,nl Ford Pans . . . VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, July 29 FOR NORTH tUfcEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 5 and 13 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent f can save m rve vou bn, PARKER FOR BUILDING SUPPLIES ANI ESTIMATES PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors ' Friendly Servlse" JONE 83 Ti,irH Avenue Phone 568 unnmiiiiffltlllllil BUM -'i