APPLEWHAITE TO ptintt Rupert lafl 13etoi' Monday, November 29, 1948 as a Bug in a Rug.' J I 'Snug Baby . . . Peoples partment thing Can't Say 'Thanks BUT Mother Knows jj ' Store Infant De- 2 f " . v v 1 Y Sf sw-" twites' $ A AM Has It. Every- LI C . r , A L5 , pa , It wi , ; ? Y' Oi 6 i Rupert Peoples Store j -di .jar. U P II n a m Ktttnti a aitlut h . . emmiscences KATHARINE PAUL p V- rnniinu n ninrin in..:.:! FUND FOR QUADS OPENS IN EDMONTON ENO Big news in Edmonton these days Is the birth of quadruplets. But hold on, it's nol the Edmonton familiar to Canadians we're talking about but a community in England North Middlesex county. The mayor of Edmonton has launched an appeal fund for the quads and states that trustees will be appointed to administer the fund. The quads have left their oxygen tents and are now quartered in a special nursery. Here Sister Dorothy Dean of Liverpool feeds Annette with a Belroy Feeder, which holds eight teaspoon fuls of milk, while, left to right, Paul, Robert and Kevin await their turn. Steamship Movementi tot Vancouver Sunday ss. Coquitlam, 11 p.m. Tuesday s. Cardcna, 1:30 X f I MINE EXPECTED IN PRODUCTION NEXT JANUARY Production at Torbrit Silver Mine. 18 miles up the Kitsault River from Alice Arm. Is not ex 1 i hi i inn: far, TfcNDIilt Vfc.MtS "BELLE STUt" Dl IOCDT n A rl- pi For Babies! Reflections the touch of freshness and novelty. Of him, numerous talcs aic told. He once wagered he could stand at a certain corner for a given number of hours and within that time, collect a cer tain number of short news' stories. Later, others tried the1 same but Robertson's record re mained unequalled. The telegraph office in Daw son has been closed down after half a century of service to be succeeded by a signal system. What a story if one could read the gist of all messages filed and received and their impli cations ever since the com mencement of "the days of '98." Arthur Budarick. Polish-Gr- man immigrant who, 20 years ago, cut a hillside far mout of the Ontario bush, has been crowned world potato king at the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. The humble spud, indispensable at least once a day, and the unknown toiler from an alien land, gain peaks of re nown. A fine accomplishment, L-rccut. where credit is due. MADAME CHIANG IS COMING OVER ' NANKING Madame Chiang Kai-Shek left here Sunday for the United States. She travelled in a plane provided as a courtesy by the United States government and is due in Wash ington on Wednesday. Her mis sion is to make an appeal for United States aid to the Nationalist government in its war with communists. Classified advertising always brings results. FOR outside orders Phone 133 pected to begin before the early part of January when Installation of equipment will be complete, according to latest word from the new Mining Corporation of Canada property. . Northwest Construction . Co which is now completing con- struction work on bunkhouscs, a dam and mine buildings total ling more than $150,000, will be relatively inactive at the mine until next spring when further work opens up. In the meantime, final preparations for putting electric power generators, crusher, mill! and Other muchinerv into xrr-l , - vice arc being made and pro- By w.j. d An old Spanish proverb says: 'T hnre two doctors, my left Ic; and my right." It's only another way of saying that, If people would do more walking and less riding, they would feel better. Not unwise advice, but for the present, . thank you, we enjoy excellent health. .11 took years for it to become known that a highway had been actually built down the Skeena River and into Prince Rupert. The city and central B.C. knew but It was astonishing to realize how little, or imperfectly, the facts were understood elsewhere. It almost seemed as If the public did not wish- to believe. A great point in correcting the impression was made whrn the Celanese Corporation decided to build. Money talks. Certainly $25,000,000 docs. That there is a road is now common knowledge and, because of this, many are planning to use it in 1949. But it would be a sorry surprise to discover lack of maintenance. That would Indeed be remembered. TA telephone pole never hits an automobile except in self .defence. John Ross Robertson, founder of the Toronto Telegram, recently sold for millions, was "different." He had a way rith him. He never lacked original-.Jty. disliked "yes men" and Joved WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Develnnine. Printing Enlarging . QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Sannlit present THE if DM F0RE5II AUTOMATO COMBlNATld ColM.t'l I'lll" SjMak'T 12-R"':i,ri A jl.o:iia'.ic C Automatic "Shut-Off High Fidelity Rrpnxluc Record SMmkc Space Improved i tis;i! iiy Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kilocycles taubject to Change) MONUAI -FJvL 4:15 Stock Quotations and lot 4:30 Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:00 Musical Program 5:30 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Pacific Recital 7:45 On Mike Tonight 8:00 Piona Recital 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 Radio Forum 9:30 Pacific Showcase 10:00 CBC New 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. n : 00 Weather and Sign-Off TUfcSDAl A.M. 7 :00-Musical Clock 8 :00 CBC News ' 8 :15 Morning Song . . ' 8 : 30 Music for Moderns 8 45 Little Concert 9 :00 BBC News and Coiuty 9 :15 Morning Devotion 9 30 Morning Concert 9 59 Time Signal . 10 .00 -Ellen Harris 10: 15 Morning Melodies 10 30 Roundup Time 10: 45 Scandinavian Melodies :00 Musical Varieties : 15 Songs or Today ' -:30 Weather Forecast :31 Message Period :33 Recorded Interlude 11: 45 Let's Waltz V., . 12 :00 Mid-Day Melodies 12 : 15 CBC News 12 :25 Program Resume 12 :30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12 :55 Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Concert Hour 1; :30 Bernic Braden Tells a Story , 45 DaDke Perry Coiuty 00 B.C. School Bdc. v. :30 Musical Program 45 Western Five, Ottawa ouciion is expected to start in For Alaska six weeks or two months. I Wednesday-ss Prince George When in full service, the mine midnight will employ about 190 men work-1 December 4 and 15-ss. Prilling three shifts daily. Produc- CCSJS Norah a m. p.m. Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. Nov. 28 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. December 8 and 19 ss. Prin cess Norah. from Vancouver Sunday ss. Cardcna, p.m. Wednesday ss Prince George, 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquiilani, I p.m. December 4 and 15 s. Prin- cess Norah, For Alice Arm and Port Simps6n Sunday ss. Cardcna, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Port Simpson Tuesday ss Cardcna, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss Prince Oeorge 10 a.m I-or Ocean F.-.r Tlnir:rlriv cc Oriimn ... r:,,....,.., , oiuiuuMj I 1 1 1 l t V ( 11:15 p.m. From Alaska Thursday-ss. Prlllce George. m NovemtK.r 28BS. Pr jce, December 8 and 19 ss. Prin- cess, Norah, p.m. MODERN EQUIPMENT . Modem battleships each require more than 1,;00 electronic tubes. . .it"! iai mm X2S y v wharf y y y SHOI'PINd y y y y y y . . y y y y WINTER COATS New y y coats with emphasis w iUjH?ndabihty and VISIT INTERIOR On a Librral organizational tour,' E. T. Applcwhaile, party candidate In the next federal election lor Skecna riding, leave,; on this evening's train for Haz-elton where he will meet C. P. Busslnger with whom . he will drive to the eastern boundary of the riding- Meetings are to be held in Hazclton, Smlthers, Telkwa and Houston. WHIST PARTY BY SONS OF NORWAY Sons of Norway Lodge held the second of their winter card parties at the lodge hall, Fifth Avenue, Friday night, providing a diverting evening for seven tables of whist players. Mrs. Aired Uenriksen was convener. Whist winners were: Ladies, Mrs. Arnold Brclmu, Mrs. Alf Jensen. Men, Hans Petersen, A. Neil-sen. " Th ecommittee consisted of Knut SlatU In charge of the door; Ncls Gunderson, master of ceremonies, and Mrs, Alfred Henriksen, Mrs. Frank Schroe-der, Mrs. Raider Johnsen, and Mrs. Alf Jensen. j ONLY FOlIt BAYS AWAY! THE Navy Dance THE NAVY DRILL'IIALL FRIDAY. DEC. 3 Dancing 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. SHE LI RES I'lUK'OLATESI ho doesn't . . . and we hae a large awiortmrnt of ianry i Boed Swrrtt Just wailing tw he fifU. HE LIKES A FIFE' At least many smoker do . . . and we have the best ftplrrtion of Imported Briers we hae had in years. GROTTO CIGAR STORE WHOLESALE ANI RETAIL TOBACCONIST Annette's trom 11 to 11. SATOV The Sweetest Gift Famous Name Chocolates and Candy for Christmas MOIRS CHOCOLATES H 99 and fl.59 LOWNEY'S CHOCOLATES 11-50 and 93.99 PHARMACY II - (Term:; Available Columbia Hit of Hit' Week U 116 "liul Inns and 11-hh" Dina Shore "Daddy-O" Dashers WITH PUMI C0N1 Hollywood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Prince Rupert Open from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. MADE THE BY NEWS FROM CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTK We specialize In Chinese Dishes "AGAIN IN STOCK" ONLY $149.50 SEE cuop D y-.-- clloWMini j I s shipment of beautiful on style, craftmanship, dewjm. At moderate prices. All newest shades. Sizes from 10 to HOUSE COATS I The Northern B.C. Power Phone 20!) O LIMITED O l'1"11 K - -j I, nummn,, lm,, , w .w.y.. i TriliHWi miiiTTLT ii T .."""'''''''''''"''' ' " " ' ' tfWBu II I I " ' " " L niMIII 1 v viriutVJ Ul U- A caded satin, eylot satin, quilted satin, jer- i seys, plaids and plain wool all colors in- won win ue in excess or 300 tons of silver-lead ore daily. Plans for next summer call for construction of a number of homes for mine employees. TKAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday. Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 10:45 p.m. SHEATHING FOR SHIPS An alloy of CO percent Con ner and 40 per cqnt zinc is used tor sheathing the bottoms of wwxlen ships to prevent decay and rot. 3:00--Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight On a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30 Divertimento 3:45-BBC News y 3:55 U.N. Report y y -4:00 Al. Hatvey y y y SHIPS'and y y y y V y y WATERFRONT y y v 7. y Lights on Red curt Point in y y Graham Reach and Sunny Island y y in Fi.sher Channel are reported y not burning. A Department y y of Transport notice to y y mariners says they will be attended to as soon as possible. i . i I i i ; . i . Vour.Ikst Lafhig Place i: FILL COITKSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. i Banquet Hall for Luncheons, Dinners i and Parties Chinese Dishes BROADWAY ; 4c f ALL wiuunij; oiacK. mzcs "Do your stopping for quality and service i amies a n;ny special iuik;aii - Xmas shopping wlicre are supreme" ANNETTE MANSELL'S Diamond Engagement Rini with two Kmalirr diamondH on each side pcrfetUJ A with a five stone Diamond Wedding Kins- TKi. 1.. .. . . . i.rivlillJl" i.i an cxri-piionai purchase lor our u DRESS 523 Third Avenue West ftv . . iYe II 1 VIRGINIA LJ I CIGARETTES j i 'riiii.niimmj I I SMILES and CHUCKLES Chocolates 91.19 to 92.73 SELECT NOW WHILE STOCK IS COMPLETE McCUTCHEON I IMITl Third Avenue and Sixth St. ' ' Phone 79 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 EARLY ADVEBTtSINO COPY WILL BE