TOURNEY STARTS prince pwpftf Dgfip pcto? ' 5 konday, November 29, 1948 " LEGION BILLIARD THIS AND THAT 0f i : RECESSED-EDGE (Mi STONPBORD f roneoord come together there'. w T len,Sw With a brodknife apply thelamo, T .cha?"eL then a strip ol re-enforcina tsn ( Stonebord joint filler, off with more iiUer Th result- ffted, then smooth invisible Joint jtrong, re-enforced Stonebord come end-bundled - two sheet t;m4 bce-to-face to keep them cWn 2.!ftf??ped BASKETBALL Savoy Wins Season's Most Thrilling Game Senior Savoy 57, Brownwoods 55 Intermediate Fashion Footwear 26, Morgan' 28 Ladies Hih School 23, Miller Bgy 5 Junior Kinsmen 17, Prince Kupert Hotel 15 The bad weather did not keep a good-sized crowd, from the most exciting basketball game of the season Saturday night a& Savoy defeated Brownwoods in a close Senior match which wasn't decided until afer two overtime periods had been ulaved.1 With all Feature .Game is Close Affair Between Goddard and Stewart Four games in the second handicap English billiard tournament were played at the Canadian Legion Hall over the week-end. The match between Wilfred potldard and D. C. Stewart was a particularly interesting one. It was anyone's game until the final shot was playec. Qoddard had a handicap of 10 points. D. C. Stewart fas at scratch. Goddard won by ' the narrow margin of two points, 150 to 148. " John Bulger plus 5) played a very steady game and defeated Bob Moxley, who was conced bord is smooth, hard and durable ,L . ?one- y-rfrf ! mi hhiw u ' - -A 4 W . , c,lern uypsum Products Ltd., Winnipeg ing him 20 points, by a score of 150 to (J7. lILIFOTir, EVUTT & CO. Ltd. the drama and excitement that the fans want the Vic Duncan (plus . 4(1) won Same went to hotel men wjlh a oyer W. A. Osborne (plus 35) by ,2-point victory. over. boQters af- 651 COAL LUMHER wopds the lead,. Savoy bounced back with ft. Holkestad"' and liUILWNG SUPPLIES a score of 150 to 118, while Bert Dayis scoring. The score was lljen 55 f,o 53 for Savoy. Gurvich again scored tp tie it up. Then Morgan, receiving 20 points, took trie lead pn his opponent, pave p wens (playing minus 25 1, itading at the finish 150-124 in spite of a well-played break of 23 by Owens. MILE FOR MeJ Holkestad spored a long two. ,x,l... J.L ...ftl ,. V yj.r -? ! , hander from way out for the 0. C. Football r BOWLS "Look dear a four-leaX cloyer Min's, Savoy Swingers vs. Tafi Si Odowes. Dec. 27 Variety vs. Taft Si Odowes, Scuby's vs. Orange, Westview vs. Manson's, De-Jong's vs. Annettes, G. & A. vs. Savoy Swingers. Jan. 3 Westview vs. Taft & Odowes, Orange vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Savoy Swingers. 'TROTTERS HERE j' ici i wo aeuon-par.Kea overtiii.e periods. The final score was 57-b5. ' The first half was even, th teams alternating with two point leads. The first quarter ended In a tie 1 all. The half-time score was 22 tp 20 foi' Savoy. In the closing minutes of the first quarter and at ths beginning of th,e .secqnd. Savoy netted ten consecutive foul shot! before Ciccone scored a field goal for them. In the third quarter Brownwoods outscored Savoy and managed to run up u S-point margin whiph Savoy cue down to 2 points as the quarter ended 27 to 35. Brownwoods RODENT. DAMAGE ' 1 '. The damage caused, by iill types of roderits in the United Scuiy's v. Annettes, Manson's, Westview Swingers. Orange vs Klowt'S, DeJong's vs. - Dt Jong's vs. Savoy final score and gave victory to Sayqy. , The game was packed with excitement that had the fens standing up and cheering for each team. The aggressive play--ing of all players caused many fouls, 20 being called. Many players' were outstanding. Davis hit his stride and was top scorer with 19 points. Arney came through with 13. Men-zies and Ciccone were tops on States 1? estinjated at 5un,ta Football Association Cup First Itoupd Barnet vs. Exeter City, postponed.. '.,"..'. Bradford City vs. . Doncaster Rovers, postponed. Colchester United vs. Reading, abandoned before hall-time when score was 1-1. Halifax Town vs. Scunthorpe United, postponed. JANUARY 21.22 Harlem Plobetrotters, the topflight professional basketball team which is currently touring western Canada and the United States, will visit Prince Rupert on Friday, January 21 and pop annually. . , Orange vs. G. it A., vs. Tart Si Odowes,, ECYPT'S POPULATION vs Variety, Scuby's ys. The population pf ' Egypt fis about 16,000,000 persows; i Saturdav. Janimrv 22 Plvie the guard line. The Holkestad Ipswich Town vs. AldershotJ -Westview vs. Scubx's, Centre Manaeer Don Dn Forward immediately regained their 5- brothers ""r , , . ?0ardlnoint their edEe 40 to 35 but then played usual good Ketchikan Hopp Team Is Coming Coach Ed. Hollister and his Ketchikan High,' School Polar Bears are coming to Prince Rupert ' for a series of basketball games this Thursday and Friday with Prince Rupert's Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers, it will be ' the first appearance of out-of-town basketball competition in the city this season and already much Interest is being manifested in the series. .'There will be a return series at Ketchikan with the Rainmakers journeying north on December 17 and 18. ; Savoy Swingers, Var i-Jong's, Manson's vs. abandoned when score was 1-Q. Southend United vs. Swansea Town, postponed. Crewe-Alexanclra 5, Billing- 'The ' tefm "will arrive and Savy bouced ck with a 7-,anM;- Guryh led Brownwoods , ' ? . tbp!closely lollowed by Thompsor. v. , noint snr-e tb at cave them eave by plane after playing JJt flUnd BhierrFormBn- &..eJS a-elect?d 7ZtXZlet ! began to show signs of playing Tuft & Odowes vs. -Variety vs. G. & A., vs, Annettes, Scuby's Scuby's vs. G. & A., Manson's! Vs. DeJong's. j Jan. 10 Westview vs. De-Jung's, Scuby's vs. Savoy Swing-! ers, Annettes vs. G. & A., Man-' son's vs. Taft & Odowes,' Variety vs. Orange. LADIES' "B" TIMETABLE Nov. 30 Rosa Lees vs. Toilers. Boosters vs. Belmonts, Stars vs. Noble Si Wick, Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees, Big Sisters vs. Miller Bay. Dec. 7- Brownwoods vs." Stars. Big Sisters vs. Eosa Lees, Boosters vs. Busy Bees, Toilers vs. Belmonts, Miller Bay vs. Nobis Si Wick. Dec. 14 Miller Bay vs. Boos which .; has been absent from. l.U)Jlb HjUaU. CtUUi- " linn , t.A ar.. n..lcome from behind. Brownwoods this season. It was un- v... mU c'vuuij gaiuea, nic thpm tonm Vine orenrf i.. - c went out in front 47 to 46 with w pajr a o- , . . rionhtprllv nn r,f f.h, hct oo. r..s, urange vs. Man- less man nan a minute to war. : urday afternoon game for chil- "GOVERNMENT I.Kjl OH ACT" " '' Section 28) ' Nnttf of Aplratln For Consent to Transfer of Bwr I. twm-i' NOTICE IS HEREBY "GIVEN that on 'the 23th dny of.: .November next, tbe undersigned lptends to apply to the UqiDli Control' Board for consent to trsnsf vr of peer licence No. 7821, " issued . IrtC respect of premises being' .part of a building known ns Cledumsv Hotel, situate at Front Street. Port Esslngton, British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lot 2 rinds' 2. Block 1. Townslte erf Port Easing': ton. Map 531. prince Rupert Lac Registration District, In . the Prov lnce of ' British Columbia," f rtttrt, Alfred Henry Perkins, Licensee, Jta Janet Ross Brown, of Port Esslngton. British.' Columbia, the trans this year from the sUndpoin of fan interest. dren, according to Charles Joe Davis came through with a Jones, their Vancouver agent, j Penalty shot to send the game Known as one of th best into overtime. ham Recreation 0. Hull City 3, Accrington Stanley 1. Mansfield Tpyn 4, Gloucesetr City 0. Millwall 1. Tooting and Mitch-am 0, Newport County 3, Brighton unci Hove Albion 1. Notts County 2, Port Vale 1. Walsall 2. Bristol" Rovers 1. Wrexham O, pidham 3. Savoy scored 19 field goals CHRISTMAS teams on the continent, the The play slowed down in the from 103 shots. Brownwoods Glob Trotters are so good that first overtime period with both scored 22 field goals frprn 91 they regularly include clown ! teams playing it safe. Davis pt shots. Savoy scored 19 foul shots acts in their play, no matter ! Savoy ahead with two baskets from ' 36 tries- tied la year's record tif It penalty shot what type of competition they with only a penalty shot return And, usually, they made by po-qp, vvho to.ok 29 tries. encounter, win. from Brownwoods. Owens, up from Merchants of the Inter- ters, Toilers vs. Stars, Rosa Lets ' ' " feree. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 27th day of October, 1948. JANET ROBB BROWN, r Applicant and Transferee. - . ,.,...- (280) ! medate League, came through INTERMEDIATE York City 2, Runcorn 1. Crystal Palace 0, Bristol City 0. Extra time being played i. Gainsborough Trinity 1, Wit-ton Albion 0. a'hiua AFRICA'1 1 wi-h wiin his nis only oniy basket Dasgei and and then' tnen1 . The ine Intermediate mtrmeaiate or bouiti game put Cecil John Rhodes, empire- Mel Thompson sank a foul shot Morgan's in a three-way tie for vs. Brownwoods, Big Sisters vs.. Noble & Wick, Belmontsvs, Busy Bees. Dec. 21 Belmont vs. Noble & Wick, Stars vs. Busy Bees, Miller JIOCREY SCQRES SUNDAY, " National League Boston 6, Toronto 2. Detroit 9, Chicago ti. Pacific Coast League . San Diego 3, pakiand 2. - New 'Westminster 5, Seattle 4 Tacoma-Portiand, .' postponed. SATURDAY National League Boston 2, Montreal 0. New York 0, Toronto 3. Chicago 5, Detroit 3. Pacific Coast League New Westminster jj, Vancouver Tacoma 6, Seattle 3. Oakland 2; Los Angeles 1. San Francisco 7, Fresno ' to send .the game into its sec-j first place with Merchants and ond overtime. Menzies scored Fashion as they defeated trie Duiider and statesman, went from "England to South Africa Xor his health. K SHIRTS with a foul shot and then Gurvich sank a long set shot ! jive him a tom- ,U.a.siii-q ACverusing Pays! from from the the side side to to give give Brown- Brown- Bay vs. Toilers, Brownwoods vs. Big Sisters. Rosa Lees vs. Boosters. Dec. 28 Stars vs. Miller Bay. Toilers vs. Noble & Wick, Boo sters vs Brownwoods. Rosa l.ees Gateshead 3, Netherfield 0. Hartlepool United 1, Chester 3. Leytonston vs. Watford, abandoned, score 1-1. New Br'if.hton 1, Carlisle United 0. . Northampton Town 2 Dulwich McLe5dEnif? (Successors to Marine Division "' of McLeod-Lumsden ; Mdturs) ; CHRYSLER MARINE antj INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ' " ' '. i Complete Stock of Chrysler. Parts and Accessories ' f 1221 WHARF ST., Empire 1911 r, veil-dressed air ar 'round. Acme res three plus Artvogrue Sport in (iahardine. Five vs. Busy Bees, Big Sisters I, s. Bel niiins colors for his monts. M. Jan. 4 Brownwoods vs. Noble & Wick, Stars vs. Rosa Lees. Big Sisters vs. Busy Bees, Boosters TRY CLAbSlFIZX! AD' applaud and boast Bold patterns or lied monotones, we latter with a hard-fought 27 to 26 victory. The game started out slowly but ended up in fast aggressive playing. No team hil the edge in the play in the fut quarter which ended in ,a lie -to 2. Morgan's started to 'hit the basket in the second and built up a 14 to 8 lead at hail' time. Fashion started the second half determined to cut down Morgan's lead They clored it to 3 points as the quarter endec 19 to 1C for Morgan's. The fina; quarter was packed with enough excitement for a whole gamt. I ashion tied it up at 20-20 when Slatta scored ironi the key. Morgan's came right back with tnree foul shots by Eidsvik and Lier. and a beautiful lay-up by Jones. Slatta and Gill scored to put fashion right back in the game. Brew widened the gap to 3 points with a long onei-handsr from the side. Fashion -then scored two (Continued on Page Four) them in a variety of vs. Toilers, Miller Bay vs. Belmonts. Jan. 11 Boosters vs. Big Sisters, Brownwoods vs. Miller Bay, Stars vs. Belmonts, Busy Bees vs. Toilers, Rosa Lees v?. Nobl .1 Si Wick. T.iye Me a Quart of That 4Nq Freeze', Son and Never Mind the Phaser!" , t materials. psapfc Tsr' 11 11 yf fc-wa, ;ff o i; S Mr4 KS- Hamlet 1. Norwich City 1, Wellington Town 0. Peterborough United 0, Torquay United 1. Rochdale 1, Barrow 1 (extra time being played I. Tranmere Rovers 1. Darlington 3. Walthamstow Avenue 3. Cam-cridi.e Town 2. Yeovil Town 4, Romford 0. Dartford 2, Leyton Orient 3. Sutithport 2, Horden Colliery 1. Weymouth 2, Chelmsford City 1. Workington 0. Stockport County 3. Kidderminster 0, Hereford United 3. 'm-j- TR7 A CLASiiilED AD1 We sure will, mister! And we are ROing to "mind"- the chaser. Anti-Freeze is just one important phase of getting your car ready for winter. Proper lubrication and attention to . the battery are an stand the test of 1 approval. .Our as-nt ir. fine wools in- Diamond Patterns, rJlj FROM MISERIES OFj rrs others. . .''.,.;','?'; ?" U;; Jki Ifwelry of distinction. ' him with Hickok. Why not come in for one ,-.-s of " our - . eOMPLETp bivt jJ economical winterizing ser-vice jobs and be safe. . " - i MBV 1 IMiih (Knoll o IJ lUI ! ACME i m Sport Shots CLOTHING, r LET'ER GO!! 7- tt-- -y niinrnr ijiniiiir nrnni ention Please! IVUfLIM I' I Mill ML IVLMLI I j ? (f CLAUSEN & SON) i BBNCS RELIEF WITH 4 EVERY BREATH , rJ: RURAL ELECTRIFICATION IN NEW BRUNSWICK, More power to you, says Lord Beaverbrook (centre) as Hon. J. G. Boucher, chairman of the New Brunswick Power Commission (left) ..throws the master switch or the 12,500 K.W. turbo generator in the new steam-coal electric plant opened at Chatham, N.B. Hon. John B. McNair, K.C., premier of New Brunswick (right), nods silent approval as he witnesses the fruition of his long -cherished plan to extend rural electrification in the province. The new steam-coal unit will serve towns of Chatham and Newcastle and the rural distribution system of the Miramichi valley. A steel tower line connects the Chatham plant" with eastern New Brunswick's main transmission system at Monc-ton. A similar steel tower line from Chatham to Bathurst is now under construction. lAMtTON FI.AVFRS ' '""f Kacquet Needs ,w STRINGS Phone B. HODGES 'h Pacific Cannery ;,h'P your racquets tp 'NtNESS P.O., B.C. S4. $4.50, $5.00, $G.OO you know what effective reiki you pet when you rub on . . . right for a strike! Hit or miss, you'll enjoy bowling with your friends on our alleys. Rex Bowling Aljey Open fo general public Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings. Monday Tuesday and Thursday evenings after 9 o'clock. We Take Listings of . - $OAT FpH 5ALE OR CHABTtR BROKERS IN fOATS, ftfARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENf '" " ' ' . 'i TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS f . (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box5 Phone f.reel 975 VKKS VUPUKUU! Now . . . when you have a nagging, raspy cough due to a cold, here's n spur ia way to use Vicks VapoRub. It's VapuRul SI turn ond it, briiigs grand relief i a hurry! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling waler or vaporizer. Then . . ; Inhale the soothing VapoRub Steam. The medicated vapors penetrate direct to cold -con-Rested upper bronchial tubes wanted If Toronlonians never knew the west before they are at least a little better informed today. It happened last Saturday. The Stampedets from Cal-1 gary won the Dominion football final. The Stampeders had brought more than football and football lingo to correct the conventional Toronto. They brought along real cowboys, ten-gallon pari), mustangs, a chuck wagon, Indians and all the other trimmings of the great plains. L,et it be said Toronto was delighted. The mayor rode the mustang and in front of th city hall ate a dish of flapjacks prepared for him right in the street. He consumed it with his fingers. All in all, a pleasant time was had. Much is heard, today, of th; need for Canadian unity. Tr.f Stampders have already performed a valuable service. They threw, right, into Toronto's lap something of the spirit Of the West-something that will be remembered and talked about. This get-together and know each other objective requires encouragement. For what does B.C. and Alberta know ot the Martimes, Quebec and Ontario? Or for that matter, th other way around? FISHiRMIN 0 and bring relief ( with every sniule IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WTH breath! try it! VapoRu . Rbr, THAOF MARK Empty er Bottles Y TRANSFER COLLECT THEM AT tQlR DOOR HEW ROYAL HOTEL Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINES js-r ' specialty.' ye have the latest br iAodem na- chinery and speciajly TRAINED MECHANICS; , to handle this class of work. Let us have ur engine nowi dQ not wait until the Ia? minute;fojr I that overhaul. If you are thinking' pf an gver- ( haul, we will be glad to look your motor-flyer and make our recommendation. PHONE lis pr 1 better still DROP IN and talk KjbVer wit our , Shop Foreman. . RUPIRT PHONE 566 t i Cigarette Tobacco PONED OR,M E pAV CASH A Home Away From Home . ' B0 Room, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 291 ' P.O. Box 198 'HONE 950 MILD, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA (281)