PROVINCIAL LI3.i:,lY, 113 VICTORIA, 3. C. L.-.Y IHI onr.iES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published . .... . PHONE 81 ....v ivvpcri, ini fy ig ma ureoi nunpwssi VOI vvyiy Wrt v,. ahau, BU oo. ofl . PRINCE RUPERT , B . C , THURSn A v - "i,nfmL ia,iu rrii rive tanio Better W UJIUIIIUId ii n Teachers Short Coast Are Publisher Defences for by Ketchikan ed Ura lutions To Meet Situation Heard By Federation At Convention V. 1 A i IfOUVKK (CP) "Potential shortage" oi Importance Of Prince hers in British Columbia by rJ54 was prepay k-fore the. annual convention of the inmiiia Teachers' Federaion. Robert E. 'fij Rupert Is Emphasized Russians Move In Infiltration To Shanghai cur- i (omniiUee chairman, said: "we are lining fewer than 700 teachers a year. " offprert as solutions. irrrK Suffocated WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) William L. j Baker, publisher of the Ketchikan Chronicle, suggests that small defence projects are needed along ; the British Columbia and Alaskan coasts to bring ! them and the Pacific Northwest with 'added secur-. ity." Alaska's Annette Island, Baker says, should j ; . have the chief defence facility rtord of certificate, j I'ONG KONG -ffi Russians are streaming into " Shanghai, eighty-eight foreigners just r-! rived here from Communist j China, said today. . . ' I Thifi uae tlnm tiro. yrrwn nrmm1 k;iM, pensions and im- q llpajh . nn a. - ' - - - -amberlain of Ross- ji ....... nto v.av " U Hlic J Hto get out of Shanghai since the for a long, undefended coastline Imiucst Into Cabin Fire At First of Week elected president of ion. He succeeds H. Business And between Kodlak and Esquimau. START ROUND-THE-WORLD FLIGHT Robert and Dianna Blxby, husband and wife flying team, are shown in front of the converted Mosquito bomber in which they attempted to set a new ."round-the-world" speed record. Their route was to have taken them over 21,000 miles, at the end of which they had hoped to better the record set by the lae Bill Odom of 73 hours and five minutes. They failed in the first attempt after reaching Calcutta but will try again. Baker said in a letter to Sen Dee of Victoria. Death due to suffocation as a result, of a. flrn una tho vor. ator Warren G. Magnuson Lord of Vancouver lot Pleasure (Democrat - Washington that !Reds placed a ban on train ,'lravel by foreigners. , j? Best estimate of 'these for-jeigners Is that about 5000 Russians are now in Shanghai 'mostly civilian and political jworkers. Not one Russian was een In military uniform. iooI was selected for j dcl bv R g,x matl J(jry Wedncs. !or the outstanding day afternoon following an In So Says' Duke of Windsor of Visit to Alberta Ranch the important Canadian National Railways at Prince Rupert could be blocked and the Inside Passage to Alaska mined by enemy submarines. i to ertuiMUon m ;umbia during the Black Widow Bite BACON FOrt BRITAIN OTTAWA Canada is hitting the old snag again not enough oacon to fill I'niled Kingdom contract but it was questioned today in authoritative quarters whether lack of Canadian bacon was a real factor in scaling down British rations. Informants said that "Britain, in the first place, did not want to buy bacon from us at ail and bad tn be coaxed to do so. More Canadian Broadcasting Corpora-lo Britain in the first two months of this year than in all of 1919. NO CHANGE IN RADIO ; OTTAWA The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada told the Royal Commision on Arts and Sciences today that it did not want to see any change in the present Canadian Broadcasting Corpora Uon system. The Association of Canadian Clubs wanted non-commercial radio and extension of service into isolated areas. BIG RIOT IN qi'EBKC Annette Island should become AIR PASSENGERS ming a supply depot and operating base for submarines, , Baker added. PEKISKO, Alta., B Business, not pleasure, Is the purpose of 1 his trip, the Duke of Windsor i emphasized on his trip to his ranch in the Foothills 65 miles Irom Calgary. Nor Is the man who made news by falling off horses In his j Seen He reported that the Alaska U.S. Plane Got lesson' . Russia Charges United Slates With Concealing- Facts MOSCOW, ' '(fi Pravda declared today that the United State-i was trying to cover up the fact that a United States Navy patrol plane, reported missintr tn tim ' To Vancouver .today') Mrs. H. S. McTicr, J. H. Lannon, M. R. Roy, Mrs. R. Baxter, F. Brooks-bank. ' . To Sandspit (toaayj J. Fen- Road Commission's proposed quest In B. C. Udcrtakers Chapel into the death of John (Jock I Harris. The 75 ear-old pensioner died in his flaming cabin on Wan-tac Road about 6 a. m. Tuesday. I With Coroner M M. Stephens presiding, the Jury heard Fireman Robert Parks describe the rwrt played by members of the fire department In the tragedy. He explained that one of the firemen, called to a similar Maze in 1948. remembered the location of the bed. A hole was made by chopping through the Mother Taves Her Boy's Life VICTORIA tf) Prompt action on the part of a worried mother was credited today wifh Saving the life of her nine-year old son who had been bitten last Saturday by a deadly black widow 00. Colorado- Lloyd younger days considering doing Harold Tanner, busl- car ferry from Prince Rupert to Haines, Alaska, should be started at once. It could be an alternative route from Seattle if the road to Seattle were blocked any riding this week. Lf Southern Colorado, Good-naturedly but firmly the Windsors summoned press pho tile returning from w Mexico, they were atrangc flying obit speed. They re- ton. ' . , "'- From Vancouver (Wednesday) F. Brooksbank, C. E. McKenzie, C. Giske,, A. Asplnnall, A. Hill-lard. E. P. Fagoij. . . j j From Sandspit (Wednesday) ' t. Foster, A. Fletcher, E. McKay, Mrs. Bodge. ' " . ,. ' . lograpners, reporters and news reel cameramen for pictures and interviews on the proviso that Baltic, Is the same one that the jspider at ncalby Mount TolnUe' Applevtfhaite In Jl it a "flying suu- The stricken boy, Dayld Hill, Russians say flew over Latvia bedroom wslII son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hill, had declined to talk perience, wishing to Booster Talk they would otherwise, be allowed ' privacy. . i '", V'Aftet all', this is private property." said the Duke smiling. ule But whatever - Warning that everyone from British Columbia is a chronic The former King did not elab Looking in,' Uiey noticed the 8aturday-body on the floor. U Is believed Pravda said that "the .spies" the deceased was slecpinT on a In the plane "got a proper lesson," bunk attached to the wall and. The United States plane rx-wlien firemen chopped at the changed fire with a Soviet plane frame, the bunk collapsed. . and Pravda added that it had The body was pulled through engaged In pursuit with the the enlarged hole. knowledee that it was over Soviet , THE WEATHER GALE WARNING orate on the "business" angle. booster, E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. is too fast for a bird ill for a plane, were returning from New Mexico, travcl-Jfty miles an hour. :r, at the (wheel complained of a bite on the left arm which was at first thought to be the sting of a bee. Later the-symptoms became much more severe Including stiffening of lmbs. , Six black widow spiders were, however, found in a iiest at the scene of the biting. ; , ., The boy was Immediately taken to lK;.pit:il and may be released today. i Waters continuous Charlotte Islands).' to Queen Southeast SHAWINIGAN FALLS, Quebec Violence erupted today when 1500 men, women and children stormed a meeting ot the Christian Brethren sect here. They made a shambles of the meeting place while 27 Christian Brethren huddled in terror upstairs. The mob was too largre for them to handle, the police said. for Prince Rupert portrayed the beauties, riches and potentialities of the West , Coast province to the Ayliiier Rotary CJub. Mr. Applewhaite said Sk?eua uds. 25 miles per -hour this : first. They sun)pedi.'Cruncr 8tepbenmarke0- territory." - ... He mentioned that the ranch had now been stocked with some purebred sheep and cattle, j The Duke and Duchess, having .arrived here earlier ' In the day, left Wednesday night for the ranch. 'hat most evidence was circunv afternoon, increasing to 40 to Meantime, a German steam-' t : n t.i a 1 T f la hr I tr vaH t h f i rm . 50 miles tonight, decreasing to 30 miles per hour early Friday. ; watch, It. 1 t beuan to circle car, goin t a tre-etd. Both men de district is one of the richest Synopsis ls dark, flat and The bl,vk widow type of spider, particularly venomous, is seldom mineral bearing areas in Canada and although it is largely undeveloped he predicted it would experience a mining and indus-I trial boom with the harnessing ;of hydro electric power. feet in diameter, sipped" around the loggers To seen in Victoria. Stamps Knock Out Kamloops ut live minutes, fin- 'iP reported today at Stockhotu, was caaved by a tove In the that 11 nad ,Mt kitchen. The body was not bad- Bund!,y ly mutilated. The victim's long nal appeared to be airplane Baltic Sea. Thi agc " underwear was burned off his jy , could be a new clue to the fate Const. Fred Gibson testified ot a Unlted 8l8ls Navy P1"" that Ihe arrived on the scene which has been missing in the with Const. J. Horncll shortly Baltic region since last Saturday after the firemen. They aided night. The debris was described firemen In making an entrance as aa 'airplane cabin." The plane into the building and pulling carried a ten-man crew, out the body. Const. Gibson said ter it was officially an- faring. Unsettled weather persists over the entire, province. Skies cleared briefly in most regions during the hlgltt-but there were scattered showers at many points. A new.'. -storm is developing about 700 miles west of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Rain "and He urged Canadians to travel In Mexicu Eternal mangle CITY-Rcports con- pe received here from 350 miles to the nortn mcers being .sighted. CHILLIWACK Daniel Sil- strong southeast winds are ex-bernacel. aeed 17. of Chilliwack. ' Pected on the north coast 'to- EDMONTON Calgary within their own country where Stampeders last night defeated they would find vacatioa spots Kamloops Elks 6 to 3 to win the unexceled ln scemc beautVi flsh best of Western Canada seven and game ,n abundance and at Allan semi-final four Cup the game Ume t tQ know lhojr games to one and advance to fc,ow Canadlans. the western final. The Stamps t scored five goals in the last "ln ths wav we will; know period to beat down a 2 to 1 and understand something of Kamloops edge. The Elks won this vast land of which we sing, be explained. One Get Together VANCOUVER (P British Columbia's 36.000 loggers are pulling ranks together fur wage negotiations which are to open Saturday. Former officials of the big International Woodworkers of America who led a breakaway from the Union in 1948 are making peace offers. The loggers will ask for wage Increases of 17c an hour and a union shop. height of 35.000 feet. thc only entrance to the building was through the kitchen door. No windows existed In the bedroom. When the body was noticed, he said, no flames were around It but the heat was Wt Inspector at uounccd that this was. another false alarm. i United States authorities believed that the missing plane, which was unarmed, fell into the. sea without trace. ! Martinez Soto, watch- tody which moved in night. The storm will spread to the south , coast by tomorrow morning. Forecast North Coast Region Cloudy with showers today. Overcast to- was remanded yesterday for eight days when he appeared hi police court charged with attempted murder following what police termed a love triangle. Silbernagel was charged following the shooting of Sapper Al line from southwest only Hie first game. His Instruments he body changed al- The flames were mostly concentrated In the kitchen, he added. Const. Jack White carried on 11-2 degrees in three our heritage, cur love," he concluded. ' John M. Roney introduced the speaker and thanks were expressed by George Cote. President Pierre Mondou was in th chair. M believed it to be visitor of some sort. "LOOKS BETTER" THl'MAN the Investigation that followed! Way. 21-year-old member of the night and Friday with rain com- Royal Canadian Engineers who mencing this evening. Little was wounded when accompany- change In temperature. Winds ing 19-yearoId Winnie St. Den- south (20 miles per hourjf in-j nis home from a movie. creasing to southeast (30) this Trygve Lie To Moscow WORLD FLIGHT IS COMPLETED i SAN FRANCISCO The Fly-, Ing Blxbys completed their globe-girdling flight today ten days behind schedule. They had hoped to shatter the late BUI Odom's world circling record of 73 hour, Ottawa Journal. WASHINGTON The International situation looks better lured and conducted examination or witnesses during the Inquest. Tile .Jury consisted of: foreman George Cook, Robert McLean Fields, Hugh Wallace, William Bremner, Jack Mussal-lem and Wallace Dell. Police said that accused had evening. Lows tonight and highs ' today than It did in 1946 which been going with Miss St. Dennis tomorrow at Port Hardy, 40 was the worst he could remem-before Way returned after a and 46; Sandspit and Prince Ru- ber outside of actual war, Presi- LOCAL TIDES I'niled Nations Secretary (,ener:l Tryinn To Settle five minutes and eleven seconds but hl!f. engine priflnp ..0.... trouble t.rnilhln . - npnr near f;Qlpilt.t.n Calcutta v.WUUwW ! i , i rr, n n,e p,n- UVirlov Anvil 14 lQr.n Sd year's absence. pert, 38 and 46. ' me I dent Aiuuittu tuiti a. v,. ...uuj, - ference today. There had been smashed the dream. They may High 11:56 18.8 feet ' gradual Improvement in the last make another attempt if they Low 5.54 5.9 feet four years, the President folt. can ret financial backing. 1 18:04 5.1 feet !ln llrr l r... TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8 D. .Inhnaton Co Ltd. I h"lotle tamp Ambulance Xept Busy Impasse LAKE SUCCESS ( A trip to Moscow by Trygve Lie, Secre-tury General of the United N:i-, Hons, may be his next move in attempts to settle the United Nations deadlock which has been brought on by the Impasse In China. ' old l(,R?,,r emoycd 4 s ''WVl Cainn mi a Umber y "r . l I W1,h"1 ? SPCC f thrCe,d "U rai..,,.,..i t.i.. ! """""-u ins five calls. Four took place on :,c brought tl,h weanenaay ana me oim-r u.. Vancouver 'Bayonne 04 Biiilotne 900 B. R. Con 01 Vj Cariboo Quartz 1.31 Congress 33V2 Hod ley Mascot .22 ratine Eastern" ' 04 Pond Oreille 5.50 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 03'a Privateer 13 -v iuiv tii'rru- .... pn Chariot: P Ai,-ii,. Roy shocman. resident, oi lcr- race, was taken to hospital irom wnation tiV i t ' Toronto V Athoua - H !i Aumaque .44 ' ' Beattie 68 Bevcourt - . .35V4 Bobjo . .14'z Buffalo Canadian .17 Consul. Smelters 96.75 Conwest 125 Donalda 57 Eldona .30 East Sullivan 7.10 Giant Yellowknlfe ...... 7.10 God's Lake 41 Hardrock 33 Harrlcana .07 Heva 09 116 Eigth Avenue West. Mrs. "'a Mir. Lie plans to leave for Europe April 22. ' j Pointing up to the possibility that he may go ta the Russian capital H the fact that he will take along to Europe the top Russian national in the United Nations secretariat, Konstantin E. Zinchenko. Lie said that, If he goes to Moscow, he will talk over the Vner.ii situation in the United Nations." I ,Ver "tlii.v fur ; ttompanleri hv : K R.N .04:! Reno Foril"(lstal.orii,, stnecl possible n- - Pinal cord result- Angus of Klncollth was taken to General Hospital from Armour Salvage at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Shortly after at 10:30, Mrs. A. Greenwood 1152 Seventh Avenue East was, admitted to hospital. Ambulance, at 6:15 p.m., met the Queen Charlotte Airlines aircraft piloted by Roy Berryman who discharged an Injured logger,' Bill Dayne. Employed at Morgan's Logging Camp at Cum- itwife'luo,- ,ast0havn , Westminster hntat.h..'Tc lhw.. V" L'u"iJ' ! tot Prince Rupert, Makes pks. hosco ui va Joliet Quebec ' 80 Lake Rowan .15 Lapaska 05 Mi Little Long Lac 52 Lynx .28 Madsen Red Lake 2.99 McLeod Cockshutt 4.03 Negus 1.59 Noranda 68.50 Sheep Creek 1 08 Silbak Premier 39 Taku River 12 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold .06 Va Spud Valley 08 Silver Standard 83 Oils An;;lo Canadian 5.20 A. P. Con 34 Atlantic 2.00 Calmont 44 C. & E 8.45 Central Leduc 143 Home Oil '. 14.25 Ok alta 1-92 Mercury 10 Pacific Pete 615 ' Princess .'. 48 Royal Canadian 06 V3 shewa Inlet, Dayne was a stretcher case. Final call Wednesday was from 1511 Graham Avenue when Mrs. N. Armstrong was taken to Gen- Ch .ement suie- NEW ' WESTMINSTER f New Westminster Royals last night edged out Vancouver Canucks 3 to 2 in overtime to take M i &t1 -Sri. T .mi g-'ri iyy-.Ti 'r J Louvlcourt ,26V ' l" pen r-j.. read,, PaUable .t 1 emnt the deciding game ln the best oi seven final for the northern division Pacific Coast Hockey League play-offs. The Royals earned the right to go up against Monarchs in the Los Angeles final. THEY BEAT THE SEA These six Nova Scotia fl shermen survived when their trawler plunged to the bottom of Halifax Harbor. Eleven other ere wmen drowned after the Gertrude de Costa collided with the freighter Island Connector. The survivors, left to right, are: George Hartson,-Queensland; Eaden, Neil Sullivan, Robe rt Parker.Wllllam Crewe, all of Canso: and Edwin C. P. Photo) Tanner, Lunenburg. , ... San Antonio 3.55 Sherrlt Gordon 2.60 Steep Rock 3.20 Sliver Miller 78 Upper Canada 3.85 DEAN FINLAYSON RETIRES, VANCOUVER Dean Fln-layson of the Department of Applied Science at University of British Columbia is J get rf " CJ1Pecu.-t Wsta 8tateti HfWay- M"vr this morn-