Prince Rupert Daily .News I 1 Vhaf To Do VViih $400? Thursday, March 2, 19M j Manager Named Prince Rupert's 'Friendliness There is an air of friendliness and mutual benevolence as well as frankness which the people who have lived here for a kr? time may not realize. Dr. L. M. Satin-GIo ' PRODUCTS for Walls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. G A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. K. G. PERRY. Managing Director Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations . Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, bw $8.00; By Mail, Per Month 50c; Per Year $5.00. 'rtiitr' ZiDners a . . lA! now M Reg. $1.45 Si i The Prince Rupert I Public i School Board, at a meeting lasr i night, handed the problem of the i newly acquired Conrad Street I St-hooi playground-to the grounds j committee, following reading of ,' a letter from City Clerk H. D.J Train, informing the board that1 the four lots adjacent to the ( Greeirj wld .he Prince Rupert - $3.25. Now S' BOYS' TFF u,n ji 4 Gyro C ivu at lui, i.t -L v. y: urfcy Vf ' i'l an autobiogr.;:iic:.l talk in a- 1 is cup. as a new member. A Anhlher Rate Increase It Pays to Advertise! 5SSttR MEN S PANTs Tt j anu V ! to $7.50. b ' ; N'fiw t i jfirr..;'l who ad- school were being leased to the j nuts thai he w. not ro ecu- board. tinted a.iy more i.i th- East. or Discussion arose concerning a :i. .ue iareer ciii'.i ul the south. . , . Ir. Grctne, ToicrU-born. told f1"1"8, waH approximately highlights of his career. He 5(f. , P feet high giaduated in medicine from Uni- wh'rfh "t wu? be necessary to tersity c""f: This wall would be aj of Toronto, obtained his F R.CS. in Edinburgh. He prac- afeuard ae?lMt slides. The, b0!,rd as set aside only $400' used at McBrtde. Smithers and fowell River before coding to tromte J?"1"1', a"dl Frince Rupert, tot year to locate :vas (hnuf;nt doubtful that level-, iHimaiieiuly g- grading and construction . EmU Blain! Pi'iace Rupert-burn of a ':e!iittnel wa" could ac" ' murchAT-t, also told hie story Plh with that sum of Mll ill MEN'S DRESS tl t NOW EBY & SONS Contractors BKPAIKS - KFMODKl.l.INO FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A Phnnr C.rrtn DM Hox 5H MEN'S nr.,... "T HI$ FURTHER INCREASE of 7.4 percent in I rAlhvay freight rates is net going to ride very well ueh increases never are. Forty-one percent increase over wartime freight rates, which the latest of the Succession of boosts means, is a lot of increase. It is aerious added burden for business and industry which has to pay- Whether or not it is going to solve the problem of railway financing, in view of the Jutreasing operating costs including the hoists in wages which have been made or may be pending, is a question. The public, it may be expected, is going to seek means of transportation other than railway freight. The railways may lose out that way. An; increase in railway freight rates hits everybody and the consumer pays with the rest because speciaI0:51 MKN'S CAB.1,D: Enslish mate Rfa eaj NOW w.iich included education here, j '. . , i' enlwuuent in the Royal Carud- I 11 was mTd that the Bounds ; ian Naval VWuutset Reserve her com"ittee obtain figures on what j and lung service in the Na v " bl done with $400 and also , MEN'S DltESS Sllii' niau inc tuy ue approacnea xor turoughout World War II. the title to the four loU. j up log I W from . RUSSIANS ARE SPECTATORS AT SKI MEET Watching the men's giant slalom event at the 1950 world Alpine Utiing championships of the Federation Internationale Ue Slii at Aspen, Colorado, are, left to right: George Pokrovsky. of the Russian embassy in Washington; Viktor Andreev, of Moscow, chairman of Wje ail-, union department of skiing in the Soviet Union; Peter Sobolev, Russian ski technician. The Russians are attending the meet as It's business wise to advertise. President A. J. Domhiato was in the chair and there was another large attendance of nii;ui-ors. Next witk the club will he in regular monthly business session with an executive luncheon on Monday. muchjsf the freight increase just goes On the price observers jio Russian teams being entered in the championship. NOW AVA'!. ARLF. oi consumer goods. We know that here in Prince Rupert where high prices on some commodities at least are blamed on the freights. For Friendly Service And Advice in Your . Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems aw. ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 105 MrKride St. lilue Ka Ray Reflects . , TORONTO DUCKS . FREEZE TO DEATH TORONTO - About 208 wild ciuik were caught napping by r; and Ueminiscea . . . i;e,t controls THfi SUPREME COURT of Canada, in its I wisdom, has upheld the validity of federal rent control and the government at Ottawa has intimated Shipping aD( crta?e and Si. t'otnplete Rtliabie lent Service, also : Canadian Liquid A: for Oxygen. Acetyl, welding supplies. . " f cold snap. Tn birds v. e:'e f rosea The opinion can be safely ven- Inmates of the penitentiaries U death iu tli ice iiuide Syiiny- tured that in view of recent bus- of Canada number between four side's breakwater, iness developments it will not be s,nd five thousand and the great - - Prince Ruperts fault if the in- n:ity sre thy on education, creasing number of bathin? Aor'Tr araui.stnt for weU paid that' the controls will ba retained for another year, LOOK FOR llif. NEW RED AND Lindsay CarJ The fact that the. power of control remains in beauties docs not give an adied tethers. , , r kest to the charm of h.e m the Storage IJrrJ WHITE 60LD SEAL LABEl j 'or. ?ricl ari(j p1!t Rk- 1910 PIuhh, The last cf 1,750,000 cases of aisles riven bv the government rr B. C. to Great Britain will ! t "hor'.lv be on the way overseas. : Yet it is -douotful if one a day ; , will keop another election away. ' ine leuerai government means that the levels of the 'northern metropolis. controls can be revised,, relaxed, or adjusted as the j ,ovej:nment authorities see fit. So there is still.' March came in quite gently . i Wednesday dawn was soft and recourse tor those who feel they are not donfe right Utm. Hewever. there was no ref-bv be they rentors or renters. 1 eie!lce oncern,n8 resemblance to ' a lamb. One would have felt Controls or no controls, there are already signs sheepish, saying so. I b V - .J 1 S ; HOLLYWOOD cafe VJS w Mr T i JC 1 MOST IJIVT()-1ATK CAKK IN THE ...Eric Druce of the public rela-; tions department of the Forest; : Brand; arrived in the city on the j Prince George yesterday from i OPEN FKOM J:30 P.M t S:39 A.M. that rent structures, in some cases, particularly in the higher clesses, are reaching a point of natural levelling; off. . A delegation of Japanese, the United States to observe Victoria. He h here to conduct ! democracy 'at work, found a weh examinations for forest rangers Thl advMtl'eiiieJit is not pnUib.t or Alr-jIiyeA j tli Llqnsr Control BoiirA or jt OnT-nrt. miit of BrlUKh ColuulA. i come, at Washington but did not; ana win piocecu on hi Boston. The city declined evening's train to Terrace. I receive the visitors. But Boston -- ('IM)I SUKV -('HOW MKIN UTO Pen Inmates Had Little Schooling Classlfii r-df. pdns result. j did not miss a million dollars af ter they had left. ..,.,.,. ..rlrr ONf 133 -'il ISTWC!S OF suave MANUFACTURERS' AGENT i OTI AW A Eighty-two per cent of the inmates oi Canndian peni-i tentiaries are persons who did not get beyond elementary school. All told there are 4 300 ' prisoners. Fortv percent are nn-; der 25 years ar.d twenty parcent : are twenty or under. Average school experience was between grades 5 and 6. Catarrh Wholesale Warehouse tarrying a represe til:itirrul American coal consumers ,cati, go a long way toward telling John L. Lewis and his miners to chase themselves. And right now they are-in th? humor to dn it. Ability jivsettle strike troubles that wilKstay settled seems tm-poisible p find and 140 mllli'.v penpje are' sour. It miah , bein'ade plain, some day. that to obtain heat e.nd power it's not necessary to order coil. , Put a few drops of Vicka Va-tro-nol in each no:tril. It flushes out mucus and makes breathing easier. Try it. prompt servieq to the trade GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. Tires, tubes. hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WESTINOHOUSE CO. LamiS only, L; und incandescent, 6 to 230 volts. GENERAL BATTERY, CO. of CANADA - Radto flashliRhts, ignition batteries. vtms va -TRO-noi G. H. WOOD & CO. Industrial sanitation, paper ' Common Stocks Earning Income Of 4 to io ;, A number of Common Stocks of sound Canadian Corporations can now be purchased at prices which, at current dividends, yield from A d to 10',V or even liijjhtr on the investment. We shall be lad to send you a list of thcin on request. We do not suggest putting "all your eggs in one basket", but by diversifying: your investment in these .stocks, it should earn you an average of about 5 or even more. Write now for this interesting list. James Richardson & Sons ESTABLISHED tll')7 deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Du.stbaue, Bisal. ianli hotel and restaurant supplies. IMPERIAL WIPINO RAO CO. . and others PRIMCF RUPERT SUPPIYKO PO. Box 772 '12 .Second Ave. ColJ and La Grippe broken overnight while you sleep! A long recognized cold remedy of exceptional merit. Reid's CRIP FIX capsules are available at all drug stores and counters. Pacific Coast Offices! OR Ml VICTORIA VANCOUVER overnight La Grippe in 48 nours , m DRUG DRUGS i i - V II . I I M mm) PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS ilOKfc HOURS -WEEK DAYS, V A M. f0 ' fl TP U SUNDAYS AND HOI.JDAYH 12 NX)N T P M TO t P M : S WINTEST $30.00 in Prizes. HATCH THIS AD Contest Winners Will Be Announced Shortly SPECIALS TO MARCH 4TH CRISCO 1 lb. tin '. ; SL'NRIPE APPLE JUICE 48 ozs e GIANT RI.VSO x. .'. oilc PACIFIC MILK per case $.,-, JOHNSON'S GROCERY 1048 Hays Cove Avenue BmerniTi'-J to from 7 pn- and 8un Dally .-mi ilellvery wrvtce from m till p.m facte M poirVer of to(( I SAVE on MAGAZINE Subscrip SPECIAL OFFERS NOW IK If pkh'' CORONET: 7 months for '. CHATELAINE: 75 issues (six years and 3 months) for N EWSWEE K : Spec ia I 4Q weeks for D FA HFD'C riire-r. u tlc fnr - Sf? 1 m tit aw v.'x f-r 'Embassy Napkins At last lovely, dinner-.ized, paper napkins j is IVJt. J I . It M lUI'H i iJ U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT: 39 LED BEFORE ITS TIME three thicknesses of sort cellulose. x (9 months) for v " PARENTS' MAGAZINE: 6monthstor LIFE: 78 weeks for TIME: 78 weeks for They cling to your lap like fine linen! 40 to package each one a laundry laving. vt, Hill j 'amj t ii Grand breakfast Wrinkled fenders little rips and tears In the body, make a car old before its time. Our body experts can keep It young.' Rapid service low cost. Drive up today! EDUCATION Everybody's U X,' J IB ax ZL main dish! Here's tb "power" of corn. Tautes powerfully good! Crisp, IN 4 SO UmjMk WUM sweet, tresW Your baritain in goodness Kellogg' Com Flakes. MOTHER KNOWS BHSII Ms toAil i .iff. iYinrv? m 'Sag'' v