iNow Blade (hanging's a Cinch with 4 TSTllJF Prince Rupert D FRANCOIS LAKER HOCKEY SCORES Thursday, March 2 L. THE NEW TO PRO BASEBALL mloff ' Afternoon Ton, , National Boston 5, Toronto 2 . Detroit 5, New York 2 Pacific Coast Seattle 4, New Westminster 4 Portland 2. Tacoma 2 Fresno 3, Los Angeles 3 San Diego 3. San Francisco 1 r 11 " ins BLADE DISPENSER jrienmy entertai ZP There's a new Gillette Blue Blade unwrapped and ready for your Gillette Razor. FRANCOIS LAKE Dorraine Kushton entertained a number of the younger folk at her home ' Sleepy Hollow on Saturday evening in honor of Beverley Reed on her birthday and Vic Wylito. Vic will shortly leave for the United States to take up professional baseball. The house was full of young folk having a grand lime playing games and dancing and singing:. After a delicious lunch, the party broke up at 2 o'clock. . , l.-'s business wise to advertise. I !'W B B ft F A w i ' N S 1 So, "W.'X vtw.tfj' BLUE ,tcj.' Ml Sunday Bowling League Schedule March 5 W.E.A.C. vs. Comm.; Orotto vs Savoy; Royal ts P. R. Plumbing; f9 Taxi vs. L.C.B. March 12 Bavoy vs P. R Plumbing; 99 Taxi vs W.E.A.C.; Royal Hotel vs Comm.; Orotto vi L.C.B. ; March 19 Royal Hotel vs Grotto; Comm. Hotel vs L.CB.; Savoy vs 09 Taxi; PH. Plumbin" vs W.E.A.C. March 2G-P.R. Plumblnr; vi Comm. Hotel; Orotto vs 99 Taxi; For tops m shaving satisfaction vm-gf fcj and to save monev as wpii-iisp rViiinttp s?i""?; rc i.J game. The opener will be an intermediate gome between Merchants and Fashion to break Basketball la the big topic of useussion m the local street eorners these days und trying to Til In Uie annuiU play-offti, th.e "Native tournament, juul Uk provincial semi-rl!il, as wll as ex-iiibiUou series wiUi Alaskan teams pretiu ti major proDlem ;to Bpr6 "MreeUir 'rd Calder-' JJlue Blades. They're sharp plenty sharp, and double-edged for double jeconomy and when you buy them in cthernodernGillette Dispenser you enjoy extra convenience at no extra cost. 'GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER ccnmffiitTij) lfl RlnHac - Oinu.Vu. U. ft 4-.:, .--. L.C.B. vs W.E.A.C; Savoy vs Royal Hotel April 2 L.C.B. vs Royal Hotel; W E AC. vs Savoy; Comm. Hotel vs Grotto; 99 Taxi vs P R. n I 7k I It . i 20 BUides 40 Siaving Edges $ 1 .00 Iff- ' fj I 1 I HI 1 their first place tie. As there are trophies for the- league champions as well i.s the play-off win-' ners this year, this is another ' t"ital battle for the league champ- 1 ionshlp. j : Tuesday night will see one of I t wo alternatives lh the , Senior ' League. If Brownwoods win on : 'at urea-, the remaining league j ga nes v.iil Iiave to be played to' oeelare a second place U'am i.i ; the senior division. If Brownwoods lose their Saturday game, the play-offs in all divisions will get under way on Tuesday night. ' IN KluUlAR rAlKA&t i (or iic r i 1 1 n i k i m mm I I I Ci I I I CI 1 I ILULIkZj' one tnd League nereUiry Dcii 'Forward of tbt Civic CtaWe. New IMetlakatla. Alaska, 1ms iurlher complicated things by wuieelling their proposed Monday and Tuesday series with the Jets because (f player injuries which tnak-M a 'revision necessuj-y in the Senior League sejMKiule. I Wht U bails lown to now is that there will be no Senior I TU1 dvrUment 1 nut lulUhd or alM)karea ay uh wiwr Baant or ky th OntniiMU f vtitlm Columbia. tonight, s a pieliminary to the Rotary-Gyro extravaganza. Instead a Junior exhibition name TOUGHEST ROUGHEST GAME EVER ALL STAR BASKETBALL Of course to complicate matters a little more, the Basketball Association, has invited the AH Alaska Tournament winners. Ketchikan All-Stars, to play here Monday and Tuesday but as the Invitation just went in Uxlay, it is doubtful if the game can be arranged on such short notice ij Gyro Giant-Killers vs Rotary Giants only a matter of hours now be-; ore the Rotary meet their Waterloo. However, Fighting Manugor .loin ("Hut Stuff") Christie of the Rotary is still very confident of a victory for big crew. The line-up for the Rotary Giants is as follows: Trainer "Snowball" Woods-Johnson, Earl "Three Alarm" Becker, Jimmy "Triple Torso" Greer, Lou t 'Whiilwnd"! Felsenthal, Ed ' Killer" Coughlln, Bob (Broad Beam") Brett, Ode "Catalogue" Odegarde, Trev 'The j Mouse" Hill, Jim "Rough House" Rogerson, Bill ("Bear Hide") Scuby, and three other players that manager "Hot Stuff" is saving as a big surplrse for the opposition. The Shrine Club Band will be present to provide musical entertainment and the Rotary Choir will provide vocai interludes. 1 will be played. The next league games -will be on Satuday night with Brownwoods meeting Bo-Me-Hl in a do-or-die senior fixture which Brownwoods must win to stay in the running. In the second game of the evening Kinsmen will play High School in the final of their two games for the Junior semi-finals, with Kinsmen carrying a big lead into the nomeTown Mds" 'World Circling Stars" " CIVIC CENTRE, TONIGHT .,? '. TICKETS ON SALE AT . Ormes Drugs, Bill Stone, Civic Centre - --Watts & Niekerson's, Bill Seuby Furs 1 ? Always Prompt nd Courteous r fjt "il'.lhi I ! fi, : WW fa w- 1 I - ' 5 We're Here to Serve YOU J" Tnight is the big basketball night for Prince Rupert with the feud between the. Rotary Giants and the Gyro Giant Killers squaring off in what should prove to be the battle of the mid-century. According to Bill ("Drop Dead"! Lambie, manager of the Gyro team, everything is set in the Giant Killers Camp and it's ilommodore Cafe, "Hospitality and Good Food jl'lione 17 rur Send-Out Orders ISnl Ave. David Chow.- Mirr. i l llnlllll II TZZP Z 1 iBusiness and Professiona GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Audi 'is Income Tux Returns compiled' G. L. RORrE, A A E. S. B LAIRD. B. Comm. R'-sner Pir . Phone 387 - SIDNEY GONICK 7" .MnMKTRlf-'T Complete Visual Analy-ii. ' -)FFfck HOURS S a.m to 5 p.m 23 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment ROYAL NAVY DEMERARA MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMFTKIR'P K.xun JU i C'NK B U I U I N O ) This dvrtiscrrient ij not published or dispWl-' justed MmUyMim III ) - first Tim. i ( M ! ZickrfR . A lk Liquof Cencrcl I said by lk CortitMit I III! " ill II II !- ;j New & Better. Service ! I P'" ''i--'. , 1 ij t-amous Famous .(J I 1 A A C ssk -V,V' Dodrd r by the (jovtrnment ol mm 1 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK , PlKine 705 P. O. Box 1101 For the Best in PHONE HLUE 5 P.O. BOX 1184 ' Watch Rcpai SEE- . GEORGE COOK, JEWELLfl Bi1188 You'll be Satisfied m m til mm mm mm mm in i I 1 - - - ... ' -' 1 1 1 1 I I HI lu mm m in t iiiinii .1 iui 1 1 111 ' QUALITY KKPAirtto ' fw Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC .. SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS NIGHT & DAY CAIVERT DISTILLERS (CANADA) LIMITED, AMHERSTBURG, ONT Browcr Research Orthopedic Shoes and Boots B, C and E Widths '. BROWNWOODS CLOTHES For Outdoor ( 123 UNITED CABS 13; Stand: Cow. Bay Tbi Jver(isemeiit ii not puhlislifl ot ilisplav.1 by die LUiuur Cimtrul Board at bf die Govenuient of Drilith Culumbia. ,, ' . Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts YYOiKing nan W NEOPRENE WEAR IN EVERY SIZE JOHN H. BULGER PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1070 CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT- STUDIO Mini Finishlne EnlarRln Flash Niotiw Taken at Horn Phone Green 389 2l8 4th -i 1 hlNCE RUPERT, B.C. "fill The Right for Your Radio Simplex Gas Engines h p. ; 1R5 hp.. Cummins-' Dependable Diesel). 65 h p. 550 h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service OPTOMETRIST RUBBER CLOTHS OF ' , EVERY DESCRIPTION OIL SKINS FOR ALL WEATHER FULL STOCK OF RUBBER BOOTS 'IIIIHWIIHIl'IIIIIIIIll!!!:!! iUK'UHMIPIIIIillllHIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII U H Iui II A Complete Overhaul B & W TRANSFER Dry Kindling Wood 5()c per sack Random Length Fir WIONE RED 182 , I SEE Til EM NOW AT John Bulger LH. Third Avenue At PRINCE RUPERT ; - Acme Clothi KEN'S RADIO CLINIC SAILS FOR A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. L. BELL, C.A., Prince Rupert Hotel PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Mow Here! HEW 1950 CHRYSLER Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 Vancouver and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West 'Prince Rupert Realty Co ) Phones: Green fi(i7-Days New Residence Phone Number Red 904 You ol h C,nrA Thinas first IW Prince Rupert, Terraoe District Until Aprjl 301 h. Rupert Bakery Ltd. FOR KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 0 p.m Chilc.otin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 3 and 17 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUFEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss Chilcotin Feb. 24, Mar. 10 and 24, 10 prn. FRANK J SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 For Chrysler Corporation 1 9 High Compression Engines 0 ' Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE TRINCE RUPERT B.C. DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Butte 7, Smith Block Phone 52.5 P.O. Box 1210 9 Automatic Over Drive Transn KK IfUUtt ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL IU UK 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Cakes Pies O Bread, etc THE HOME OF FINE BAKERY PRODUCTS O Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts Um your local Chrvsler Ply"1" 51!) 3rfl Ave. Pbone 643 RUPERT MOTORS U . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Remit y Culture in all its branch 204 4th Street Phone 055 MATTSON'S UlHOI.KTKRINCi Phone Blue 818 PO Box S''t 330 Second Avenue Pr'.nc Rupert, B.C. i A 131 VI 66 Q3ltil C) 3 A VH