Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, March 2, 1950 uted to improvement in the recreation field. The premises, Mr. Forward felt, were exceptionally well fitted for the training of bo(.rs, old and young. He felt the establishment, in co-operation with the Civic Centre, would con J a HUNDRED HOME USES Lnfoge of These Bargain Prices r!euSn'ia!l,L,8lon Auxiliary ncuiar monthiv ri J Meet Lii' r.r inhi n....i,4..- ay, March 2, at 8.00 p.m "si, 'Glue U . 4 oiivcm. ac 24" x 78" sheets 80c Howard Hill for I I ln rvJ I - Opening 01 New Resort With a steady flow of visitors during the evening to inspect the attractive new resort, official opening of Russ Catzke's and John Gurvich's Northern Sports and Health Springs. in the Exchange Block, featuring modern sleam baths : and gymnasium equipment, was officially opened last night. 1 The opening was conducted by :Don Forward, Civic Centre director, who expressed his pleasure at Dartlrinafinn o u i I""4 ' 1 All" V fifl" chnntii IC In cay on the PrincT Rurt yes! terdav aft, "lnyes- ,hnaid Doors, "4 . " "--" v ll j Q " V TO" . I,l.. no ,""" irom a brief 1,1, . trip to Vancouver. 111 A lb OllCtVO 91.6V mUfully grained panels 516", 48" x 90" sheets v SS.lso tribute to the development of & flourishing boxing sport. He congratulated the owners on their j enterprise. I Among visitors to the resort at jits opening was Harold Blanton, i well known . sports promoter of i Ketchikan . . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mansell, who have been on a two months' vacation trip as far south as California, returned to the city on ,the Prince Rupert yesterday 'afternoon.' 8.O.N. Whist and Dance, Fit March 3. Whta I...' Friday, March 3rd, at 8 p m. Initiation, Silver March, Birthday movies, Bingo and Officers Cakewalk. (52, William Strachan of the local fisheries office returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yester-. day afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Harold Blanton of Ketchikan, who has been spending the winter in Seattle and elsewhere In the south, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon returning north. & McCAFFERY LTD. sweet joss miiyH- .. No creming. no eKK-bealini one ty mixing thj, Keliogg-quick way! Everything for Die Builder" PHONE 116 wjuvnjy WClCOme. (52) School accounts for February amounting to $17,264.90 and for January totalling $1,507,1 were SiSWVur paymcn- at last night's school board meeting. Delnvrv! augural of anything that contrib- Mim - tvp millt I ' H4 four ' tpt. Ming 'l It. l.H 2 Ihtpt. tfl hvrtoninf ' rbi pi. mIH4 utter 1 tbipt. Ww sugar 9 cIimI runi r Vic Giraud, fisheries "Mienes inspector inspector , i 1 ice 110ns at. Jas- i . per, tonight's train fmm iv, . at Terrace. arrived in u, n 'A, up .yw prMotl, piNtd I Sport & Casual will arive at 2:35 a.m. Scheduled . thc princR R"P''rt yesterday af-to arrive here at 10:15 p.m. It ls;!Prnoon Terrace, where he four hours and twenty minutes has btcn takln! a course, and late. Prceeded to the interior by the evening train. . Mark Oormely, district forester ' and M. O. Cullanrler n.ciini 1 G. P. Tinker im-tvcrl in h , I L Sift tomthcr flour, bakin)f powder. alt; add to anaked bran with aucar or (olden aymp, egg, ahortenina. Btir only until combined. L In aach (rraaed muffin oup place . ,i tap. mlled butler. 1 tap. hrowa ar, 1 piece fruit, cut aide down. I. Add dounh'to (ill cupa H full. B.ika in mod hni ,tVAn fillAOL -I . .... returned to the city on the Prince on tlle P'icc Rupert yesterday i ing Is payaDie In advance. Please refrain fruii .iilieds. 2c per word per insertion, minimum ;i Notices 5()c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. f..,.iitt0 and Fncftuement Annnnncemnnfa- to m& iv.iji.ti, yesterday afternoon from ""-"10'i irom Naramata on SHIRTS EClAi. DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE minutca. Yield 9 medium muflins. . LOaT Ml iMiminfr Wick mr Canada's mil lamaua natural atlva carta!-ar altota af In-aufnclant aulk try a aawllul Try This Grand LOST-Sunshine Tricycle from I 345 Fifth Eait on Mundav black 804. (53 uip 10 ocean Falls on official 1 jnaKun Lak0- where he now business. j makes his home, and will be here r'" the 1R'Xt weck or 50 on b"sf- Mr un.l M,. . ' ftir. and Mrs. Duncan K. Kerr ness. who have been In Vancouver for1 several weeks while Kerr' Mrs. INTERN ATI OKI A I was receiving special treatment. 1 fp arrived hi the city on the Prince 1 5TRIP p m ,N NORTH Rupert yesterday and proceeded ! . AK,,nnir to their home "ORAGE-Sntakinn 0 here Ui Terrace iho lcrrdcc on on u,c evening train , recently, c. M. Lample, director of I i he federal airfields in Ala.skn. W. R. May. nf ntuo'ir,. l' staled that a:i nirnnrL.1w.1r 1.1 ip Ury ranee with Plea; a I'lione Blue 500. Reward (521 WANTED Pure Wool Tartan SpOrl'.' Shirts MacKenzie . .". V LUNCH or SUPPER TREAT! Buchanen .... Dress .... ANCAKII O lUCKWHIHII WANTED Hi-rao cast, brass. Gordon .... Wallace fiHar tiim r Ik. KONOMT lag uauenes. raniaiors. I'lione 543. call 013 Sixth Wcs . (55) All in deep rich shades that and development for Canadian Ala! border known Smnmy w if WANTED are procurable only in au4 thentic tartans. facinc Air Lines, is a visitor in as Ule Alcan Fncht Strip which thc city on business In connec-jwi" he an international customs tion with the projected Tugwell j clp:,rinK P"rt is one of the pro-Island air strlo. lie arrivrrl mi Jecls under 'the develonnient nro- minimi, i-i""' (a3) ,i'ndniii baby ililwn. $2:.l(). (53) Fjrd Panel ',? Ut.CS. PIlOllC ;D D in. Black f. W.est 34 trio ramette, oven. $40.0(1. (50) Eastlioiw rn- ll condition. Black 24(1. (53i Frd Custom hr.ilfr. etc i Contestants for "Miss Rupert", 'contest bctweee ages of 17 to 231 A. II. Is nlnn yesterday's plane and left. tn. I Rram of the C A 1 Fine Wool Gabardine Cas-" ual Shirts with regular- - ... . ....j ... 1 , ned to have both Canadian and uay on ins remrn south. J. M. Buchanan, managing dl- collar .... practical and Alaskan customs operate from i' at the same time. smart in shades of grey, i tan and brown. lec.ior 01 is. u. Packers, came north from Vancouver to Namu! 011 the Prince Rupert this week. I The Prince Ruprrt stopped off al at Namu Mm..! while ..kit. .... . Announcements WANTED Small second hand cook . xtove. I'lione Black (()! afternoons. 5i) WANTED Furnished Ant bv counle. no children. Kcieren-ces. Box 022 Daily News. (54) URGENT Wanted to rent four room aiartnient in downtown area Immediately. Aunlv to Bcrnle- Lane at Overwaitea. Third Ave. (54) WANTED 7o" KENT Furnished suite or ant. for vouiif! married couple. Box 058 Daily News. 52) WANTED To Kent, o" home Willi at least three bedrooms. Tills residence is required he-fore Julv. Please call Red 287. (56) Offer good Thursday, Friday and Saturday This Week Only ' FLANESTA Sports Shirts S.O.N. Badminton Dance every a small boat to COMPETE FOK TITLE or "Miss Northern B.C." in SMITHERS, MAY 4 & 5 Semi Finals at Junior Chamber's St. Patrick's Dance I Saturday. -by Sun Valley. Mar-,-, came out to take him ashore Card touihitmcnt Catholic Trade In m there ; oon, grey and beige . . ;a.. Hall. March 2. Sacrifice $(oll nr Green fri. (70. ( 50 Radio, seven uds. mantel. I53i livery trucks. tine, soft English material. particularly suitable f..o f SME3 sports and outdoor wear. 4. l-tm Fari:o Dr. G. F. Kinkade, provincial ! Shrine Band Concert, Civic chest specialist, arrived In the Centre Auditorium, Friday March city on the prince Rupert yester- 3rd at 8:15 p.m. Tickets from clay from Vancouver oil business members cH.,r-h.t,hnhW,lK tLaV'",ni St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home 2JXZ -t-S . Catho-timiiriit. tonight rm on i,iu his roi,., return to ir Vnnrnu ! Uc Hall March 18. .Mar. 17 Civic Centre (Not Including Children's Shoes) PERSONAL Entry Forms at Capitol Theatre or Civic Centre 1 ' I i PI.1IMB1NG and Heatlnir - i ver as will the clinic nurse MUs oniTi, Meiai work. I'lione 543 or call 02J. Sixth Ave West. II Cecil Colllcan P.H.N. .it 1944. Valine Red 272. It Piano, used Iravinc Uiwil. i lvNfs. (ill1 Puiitlae Sedan, r. Phone Ked 54p fathoms of tails covered, j 1 anchors. 2 1 mm. $li(Ki. I 154) i 12.00 per pair Will Be Allowed Rupert Florists , ; Lctourneau and Sons. (tf;l IIEI P WANTED I HELP WANTED One sheet' Flowers- for All Occasions . A Prin rince Flowi j 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. Hl(f King Edward School P-T.A. Tea. Home Cooking and White Elephant Sale, Friday, -March 17. Prince-Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Friday, March 31, 8.15 p.m.. White Elephant Sale Tea and Home Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. Conrad St. School. , Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th.- Spring Tea and SaJo , Home Cooking, April . . - Helen Marchildon' Shower Honoree In honor of 'Mrs. Helen Marchildon. whose m.'irrl:ir.e I nmtai WYrker $1.70 Der liour.l One oombbvutlon weldor $1.50. nerliour. None but first class I mrtrhanle. need anolv. Thorn! Slieet Metal. Black 884. (5!) ! HELP WANTED Flrut rlftit' ! I REMODEL your coolci i . . . . . . THE FLEETS IN " and They Love to Eat at MILLIE'S HAMBURGERS Better and Better ' '' AND ' Full Course Meals served j for better eating On any pair of wearable old Shoes. These will be donated to the Salvation Army for charitable ' ;; purposes tn rawe. ixit earrliii;e. swn. (Jim iiitist. (53i Dennini will take place March 18 at West PointGrey1 United Church in! Vancouver. Mrs Wil frid Taylor and Mre. Alan Hale! Chov Pick-up. Citv. (53i Only In NOUS'S WARE can row b.ain lh eavanlagesel (Tl RK CO. c irl t '5-7 p.m. . MILLIE'S lit, Queen Mary I.O.D.El. Tea, (April 10. Cathedral Sale .April 13. St. Pctcri , Spring Sale April 20. . . , ; , Women or the Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19, in the new Moose Temple. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 27. Orange Spring Sale and Tea, May 3. Sonja Tea May 13. Family Shoe Store Ltd KHiesman wanted in Eratle men's clothlna storefc Must have exnerience in talt-ini measurements for matle- lo-nieasuro clothinu.. Phone 359. , tf I WANTED Efficient Reliable Machinist Mechanic with at 1 least . five experience. ! preference will be clven to internal eombu.stlon encine and marine exnerience. Full time cmnlovnient for right iwrtv. State aualiflcations and salarv rxuected. N o bluffers nlesuse. By town I Mai-lilne Works. P.O. Box 563 ! Prince Ruoert. B.C. tf I I OR KENT OPEN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAffs ( VAPOH StAl. ' aiir cleaning STAINIESS STEEl and Ivw THERMIC RAY COPRtR OllOMS Just off Third Avenue were joint hostesses nt'a delight ful mlscrlliineous shower Tuesday night at thc home of the former, 601 Fifth Avenue East. Many useful gifts were suspended from the celling In a decorated umbrella and were lowered and presented to thc bride in the course of thc evening. r Games were played and prizewinners were Mrs. II. M Ilnle Charlie Roberts '"(1 U.-ed Fur-nare at lmv-w. Slight lv hk machines, heaters. nre.s.s frs. unnalnled 'crs . sleeoinu iU floor eiiv- '318 6lh St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 Box 638 Phone 357 ' useful hiiiisp. f'-'C B.C. I'urnt- 1. '7 .. 'iL Mrs. A. Wyatt and the guest of FOR RENT Housekeeping f hr ShoveL; ' CHIROPRACTOP John F. L. Hughes, n.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Phone BIXE 44? for Appointment mil km 10.30 a.m. to I2.SU p in. und 2 to 5 p.m. a a a m s ';tU Word Bros. f aoini wtir ..;r.i uimruancc Htl '!.. 1...H i honor. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. William Wain, mother of the brlde-eleet. Mrs. Elsa Llndstrom, Mrs. W. E. Denning, mother of the bride-groom-elect, , Mrs. H. M. Hale, Mrs. Taylor sr., Mrs. Wilfrid a v -I.UHM1VII I f fk Oramiles; room for quiet couple or business girl. 801 Borden St. tf FOR RENT Sleeping room, Close In. Plume Green 937. 52 FOR RENT-Suite or five offices. Modern in everv res-neet. Available March 1. Plinnn R7 fl P Tinker unci Co ' Mixers; i ,lrfks: NeLnml 'r htoekollel jar Rice p,,n. KYKMMIN Monday and Friday. 7.30 p in. for those unable to come during the ' day. RECEPTIONIST in attend- auce afternoons. X j tall McBride St. Phone 311 'niniDs; Na- Sfrilriro n,l I ' ' 1Aj itf i 1 Taylor, Mrs. A. Wyatt, Mrs. L. Georue. Mrs. W. Russell. Miss ''al All suel r "S; N;ll.l..iuil i Jean Faught, and Master George Marchildon. FOR RENT Housekeeuln room suitable for counle. Box 663 Daily News. (51 d Conveyors m fmm v.. ' 7 Co. Limited. REAL KSTATF (tf Shrine Club Band. Concert . PI1'ITNIT1ES JNTKt) Ever- f I 11 ...UI..I. "lien drouixtl : "n wi an ex-1 mm : V Uie fit v i l. Dun tj iiul 'Ml sal FRIDAY NIGHT CIVIC CENTRE Adults 75c Students 35c NOTICE. Noli'v H brrrby mvrn that (lie Annual Oeiiernl Mootini? of tlic TrU.ce Itupert (Jrnrral flosplfil As-kiitIiiIIoii lrl be lirld til the Civic Cetitre. Common Lounge rtH.iii, on l ricluy, March 3rd, IdftO, at 8 00 p.m. To receive rreslcleut's report To receive Auditor's reort and BlllBUCC Bheet for 104H. To elect Hve members of thu Hoard uf Munnsieuient. To appoint an auditor. Membership fee ts 1 00 per annum which ni"V be paid at the hospital or left Hi Ormes Drugs prior to Wed-irMliiv. March 1st at 5 p.m. on which ciiito the membership list will close. U. C. S'lKVUNSON. 62) Adminlstnitor. Everlxst! le with chiiu-1 in I, REVENUE APARTMENT Bl.M-k.l Showing eood return. Reason-' able terms. 6-Room House i fullv furni.'-lH-d basement, close I In We have a irootl selection I of homes and builclinir lots at! nrefcnt. For details see Arm-! slromr Auencics. Phone 3 2 or Green 297 (evesi. (55ii FOR SALE - General Store w lllv enod livinn (luarters. Aimlv; V. Bvman. IVrow. B.C. (58m FOR SALE-Modern house for sale (n waterfront lot at: Dudiio Cove, with work .shed, eillnet float, steam bath, in-' side runnlnu water, partly; cleared lot.. Ideal for fisher-1 man. Vacant in Anril. Inouire1 T SneHni;in I)ii(l"f Cove.i auvuuil , ' "I iricoii r.... ! ' THIS SPACE COURTESY OF income, i,luh' ., Merlasl, s' ,ilrpc.t basis-! pi mmm 1 ''s'eni cities Mi Vliiiiim ..r lv'. in Prince There is a CHZISTe BISCUIT for every lasfe C 350 Dlsrbv Island. (53i rV'ed most i,n 1 ,5V'J- fun! 3E .' 'wrl to t-.u-rv w I nor- in r ID) 1" V Illlfl rt . r .. " ioniiito. (. HAVE BUYEK for well-built 5-riHim house, nreferablv with basement, located near Mc-BritJe Street or in Section Two. Armsl rout; Agencies, I'lione 342. lives. Green 297. (52) 1'Olt SALE REAL ESTATE Two 4-riMiin Wartime Houses In itood hx'.utions - both available for onlv $1000 down. Tw:i 2-bedrooin houses in Sec-tion 2. Two anil Three-bedroom houses in central locations. We have been instructed bv the executor of an estate to sell the two lni-sre houses at the (53) i'S' WeUliii!, BUILDERS CONTRACTORS WE DO ALL TYPES OF BE THRIFTY! WITH DOMESTIC A Purely Vegetable Shortening ' USE ONE-QUARTER LESS THAN REGULAR SHORTENING Ask your grocer I.ANO REGISTRY ACT He: (vrtiriciili- of Title No. 4:.WI-T to I.t Ktu-lit Hnudn-d and HlUy-rtvr "A" (HiiaAl, nance Five fi. Const ntslrict. said to contain One Hundred mid WMV 1 1001 acres, more or les:;; eveptl.e: thereout any porlloli of the Itli;lil-ot-Wuy or the Dominion Telcpniph Line, havlin; width of one Hundred (liKil feet, which innv He within the of these lands and cxcepllm; also the HUht-of-Way of the Clrand Trunk Tiiciflc Hallway. rontulnln Nine Heclmul Two Sin (U.liU) acres, more or less. WHKHEAS siitlsfnetory prixif of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Ocoa-c llHmbly has been filed In this office, notice Ls hereby Riven tliat I ahull at thc expiration of one inuii til from the date ot the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional CerllflraU- of Tit-lo lieu of said lost Cerlltlcatu. unless in the mcaiulme val.d oL)jcuou U u.uui. to me .n . Dated at the Land Registry Oilico. Prince Kupcrt. B.C., this 20ih day ol February, I9.i0. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. (74) Deputy Registrar of. Titles. "un;. Box ;,7 ( r:i i BUILDING REMODELLING Kitchen Cupboards Floor Sanding Asphalt and Rubber Tile Laying ' Re-Roofing Concrete and Foundation Work btorm Windows ill lu' cash. I I 1M ! corner of Fifth Ave. East and; Green Street. An excellent oonortunitv . for the rishlj i"rtv. ! For information or hisneclion' of these or oilier listings see, RuBfcUT K. MONTADOK. Lta.l ! PROreRTY-i"OR8ALE. 4-1 cabins, two rooms each. On1 Park Ave. Aunlv 1021 Third l Ave. West. 156) !haltH! Call at 215 1st Si. We A Product of Canada Packers Ltd. Phone Black 367 FREE ESTIMATES Payments Slay be Arranged f Pll1e, Phone