Uncial PROVINCIAL L133A3I, 113 t VICIOUA, 5. C. SAT 3150 ORf.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strotegic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOLXXXIX, NO, 51. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS in w orkers Union EL OVERSEAS Rupert Boy Selected Members Went on Strike As Individuals. Judge Decides Good Rains Last Month T nV fir Krif,iin g I (Jul u' IVii Wilkinson, 1(5, I'rincu Rupert, is one' Hid, Columbia hoys among a group of 50 j WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) United Mine Workers of America Union was today found innocent of contempt of court in the soft coal strike. Federal Judge Richmond B. Keech, who heard the case without a jury, announced a verdict of "not guilty on, botli civil and criminal contempt of court charges." The judge found that the Union had done its best to get the men back to work but that rts of Canada who win visit ureat ismain as ituests of W. Garfield Weston, it was i!L!rc"ti,(lay Others from British Colum-Wallacr, M, Vancouver; Douglas Park, i; Donald kittle, 15, Armstrong. ..Ikiro-iin l)"rn -, j the members had -gone oil (Strike as individual;). Tiie judge said lie had considered t'ie government's petitioi' and had found "on tha record" Uiat Charges cf contempt in the February 11 tack to work order had net .been supported.' , The Union had contended that was in no way responsible for. the refusal of miners to re tun: w.,rg. Its defence was thai lhe 372,000 ccal diggers had eacl: quit work by individual declslor. r 1 and net by direction of the union and that officers of the Unior; had done all they could to enci the strike. . . . Christianity For Unions TRAVELLING PROPAGANDA DISPENSARY -Labor candidate in Britain's election, Dr. Edith Suninietskill, food advisor to all of Britain's housewives, hoped to speak to all of her constituents' In Fulham West. She travelled by trailer full of pamphlets telling of the accomplishments of the Labor government. Gunplay At Logging Camp f , 1 1 f SJ ft (V .lllffli (fp) V U W CLOVEIC LEAFS WIN TITLE VANCOUVER Vancouver it (loverleafs last night edged ut Vancouver Eagle Times to 47 to 42 in the fourth and deciding game for the city basketball title. MRS. GIHKON DIES' MOM HEAL Mrs. Uonald Gurdcn, wife oi the president of the Canadian National Railway ways, died yesterday at the age of 47. She had been under doctor's care for a week. Mrs. Gordon had been awarded the M. B. E. for wartime work with Canadian Red Cross. CHARGES DECEPTION VICTORIA C. C. F. OpDosi-i lien leader Harold Winch charged in legislature that i Finance Minister , Anscomb's 1 budget was- a masterpiece of derenlion, misinformation and confusion. Terrace talks About Radio TERRACE Radio mat ters were ' discussed last night at the rcgu- ler monthly meeting of ttic Ter- I ' ,ace and District Board of immediately set out for Prince Uilpcrt, reaching here nine hour later. , ;. '. ,.. , The incident is alleged to have murred while Dunlap was tak TORONTO A United Church minister said Unlay that Christian laymen should give leadership in union activity in order that labor-management relations keep in true community ot spirit . Rev. W. H. Henderson of Brlt-lannia Beach said that tension ("between factions within the I union and between deparlrcerats., . Twlthirrthc TomUai'.y involve th 'same moral problems and stem j from the same human feelings. Heads P.T.A. Mrs. Dominate New President Mrs. A. J. Di niinati. .as elected to the presklencv of the Vrr.irp Rupert Parent-Teacher C" : 1 1 i 1 at the Council's regular mont'ilv meeting held, in lhe Civi". Centre. succcediiiK Martin Stuart who recently itly lefl lefl the the cil.--. Mrs. R.E. Mortimc illi.'l i tiv.;i.i- w mi the vice-presi presidency i' succes- Rion to Mrs. s. D'iniinati. Tlie Pa rent-Tcarher .Joinu il , voted unanimously to follow up a suggestion submitted by J. S Wilson at thp January meeting that the Prince Rupert, Health Unit be rpouedted to carry out a survey of the rendition of lo::l children's teeth and to determine whether there are adequate facilities in the city for dental care for children. Results from such a survey arc hoped to be available to the Council by its March meet ing so that any necessary action ' can be initialed without delay. The Council voted to sen:l a I recommendation to the next meeting of the Prince Ruocrt I Hospital Board that a full timel pathologist be employed by the i hosnital to contribute toward' health of not only the ejtv's! children but to be of benefit, to ,. all. 1 Council has received a rcoucsl. from the Prinze Rupert Music' and Drama Festival An.' ociatisvn I to arange for billets again this year for out-of-town entries fe ttle Festival. The local P. T. As will be o?vtaid -tor this Ifct. and a drive for billets begih. King Edward P. T. A. extended tan invitation to all the citv's P. jT. A. members to attend Its While j Flcphant Sale and Teaion March r 17. Ottawa Talks Unemployment OTTAWA U Unemployment, dark shadow wn Canada's un- cmukrvm.'ent nicture in recent months, wias Injected into a duil Throne Speech debate in the House ft Ccmmons yesterday. As the Department of Labor tepoited spotty improvement in the employment situation, two British Colrmbia members of Parliament drew attention to jcblefs totals and proiKiscd incXiMxKs of righting the country's rconomii1. balance. Willknn Mat, Liberal number. lot New Wet;niln;.ter, urged in his maiden sp?celi tBat the federal sovcrnment revive its pre-war policy of making low-interc'.st leans to inuiiicipalitics for r&sriitlal work. H. W. Herridge, soft-iKiken CC.F. mrinbor for Kootcnay, H'lo came to Parliament in 1945 as an Indciendent C.C.F.'cr, felt Uiat the government ;JIiould embrace tuKinploymenl, ril.in-nh? methods v''posed tliroiigh th UnlhKl Natim. He pointed out that Australia had a. scarcity cf labor while Canada had serious unemployment today. Otherwise, the debate moved flowly yesterday. LOCAL TIDES Friday, March 3, 1950 High 0-57 12:49 211.5 feet l Low 6:48 fi.3 feet 19:17 2.0 lirt THE WEATHER Synopsis i Very chanaeable weatlier is be ing experienced lit all part u of the ; province due to the rapid move - : ineiit across British Columbia os shjrms from the Pacific Temperatures will remain mild In all re;;-Ions today and tomorrow and the , Prince Rupert area will continue to have strong southerly winds.: Some rain is expected uioag the J coast and frequent sunny periods in tlie interior. Forecast North Coast Region -Intermittent rain today jmd tomorrow. Remaining mild. Southeast winds t30 m.p.h.i reaching southeast gales (45) this afternoon and again tomorrow afternoon. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow at Port Hardy, Sandspit and Prince I Rupert, 35 and 45. January rraven, ,or Moisture Answered abundantly In February , Priii-c Rupeii prayed for rain In January and Rot it hi FebruT ary with &.tlUiai:lury abundanc. The blc.-yrd moisture, during the m-rnl niontli, fell to the amount of J0.87 Inchon Including a sub-utantbl nnanlity of snow, and brought, the ti)-month total s'i far In 1950 to 11.87 Inches which was a fereat deal less than tiir 1783 acreijale for the cor.or--piMidlni? poiird in 1949. But nobody is complaining about tha February pro-:lpllatlon bocausc it brought on fid to the i,wcr aiT1 wntrr scarcity. While Prince Rupert was cet- tin; Us welcome rainfall. It. of course, had to ao without sunshine of which there was a scant 17.5 hours In February, bringing the 1950 tot.il to 131.2 hours compared with. 95 hours In the opening two months of. 199. The wcaUier summary f;r February, as announced by the Do-rnlnl in meteorologist at Digby Island. wa as follows. Maximum teniKTluro, 44.2 on February 18. Minimum temperature. 25.4 on February 1. ' Mean temperature, 38.2. ' Maximum barometer, 30.34 on February. 1. Minimum barometer, 29.07 on February A. Precipitation.. 10.81 incjies 18.7 inches ndn, 27.4 inches snowl. Sunshine, 17.5. Maximum wind velocity. 44 from the southeast on February 14. Capt. PouHon Kin Speaker Capt. W. C. Poulton of the Salvation Army, speaking to- the Kinsmen Club lasl evening, chase as his subject "The Story of the D,.nii.url " unit described the "I fnr DC rranaHinn " j concerned from "D "rn Day on The entire campaign was mar-vclously planned," said Capt. Poulton. "and the air cover was superb." He emphasized the ac- lion In the word3 of the German prisoners who often said to the Canadians: "How could we kill you boys? You travel too fast." .The Captain concluded with the Dlea that "war settles nothing and we have got to stop war." Other business of tlw Kins-I men's moot ing included the au-thori.hm of the rental of the iI.Hkel.se Uike Kiddles Camp land for the next five years Trum the province. Marcel Blah) and his committee of Bill Long and Bud Tim-inermci.ster were extondod a vote of thanks for their work on Founder's night. The recipient of the Kinsmen Soil, of the Month whs Chrl;; Possum of 212!) Bill West-New member accepted Into the Kinsmen Club was Howard Brown. And for not being present at last night's meeting Carson Wallace was given the Club Chicken "Henrietta"' to keep In good health for the next two weeks. February Building February building permits In Prince Rupert numbered eleven and amounted lu $4,720, considerably lower than January's $11.-700 total. I'Vllowhn; permits were issued: Bank of Commerce. Second Avenue, repairs, $1500; N. Wasing. 045 Bays Cove Avenue Kail, repairs end construction, $700: Jake Anton. 1009 Sixth Avenue East, rc-slding. $4M): H. Hamlan. 1345 Eighth Avenue EUist. rerouting. $400: W. W. Wrathall. 330 Fifth Avenue West, re-roofing. $358: Carl Olsks 225 West Filth Avenue, re-roofing $300: R. C. Wchbor, 147 Fifth Avenue West., re-roofing, $290 S. Cui rle, 1432 Atlin Avenue, re-rooting, $290: H. Stongbve. 103 Ninth Av-venue West, addition. $200: C. Dolphin. 228 Eighth Avenue East, re-roofing, $190; W. A. Jones 1435 Plaza, addition, $50. oi siauuiiig room oniy wnen , ., ... . Trade. Tlie radio committee of Great BrUaill.s new PaHiument 1 he Board, baffled in iUs at- j opens formally on Monday. How tempts to determine the cause to accomodate 625 members- in of local interference, is asking the House which seaUs only about that a government trouble-. 400 will pose a difficult problem shejtin? truck be sent here. Jfor experts in Parliamentary ar- Furthcr Information Is being rangemenU. - cju?ht from E. T. Applewhaite.i Space in parliament has been M.P f.ollowln? the recent an- at a premium ever since May 10, nouncement that the establish 11942, when the old House of Com-tnent of booster s.tations here 'mons Chamber was bombed by and at other central interior the Germans, points was being planned. , One Man in Hospital Anil Another in Jail Oscar Dunlap, logging operator at Crow Lake, near the mouth of Portland Canal, about 40 miles norm oi nerc, recciveu surgical trcatmcnL In. tij Prior- Knporl General llo.spit.al this mommy Ullli HI! l'llipiO,yi.-C HI lalllip, Mike Rosen, is br iiiK held by Brit- tsh Columbia police following ai. incident at the camp late last, night In which Rosen is alloRiii to have wounded Dunlap v.ith a shotgun. ' In spite of intense pain of his Injuries, Dunlap navigated . his own boat to port with Rosea bound and confined to the hold after the shooting. ' According to Dunlap, Rosen suddenly took a shotgun and spot him, the shell entering his shoulder. Dunlap ducked and Rosen then ran and jumped Into tlie water nearby. He was fished out by other employees and placed in the hold of the vessel which Customs Revenue In February Up j Customs collections for the month of February more than doubled the total of January. ( During last month, $38,340.54 was colloeU'd In cuslmns a.s compared with January's Uital of $14.(iG3..r9. In February of 1949 customs Col TOD A V i Courtesy 8. I 1. Vancouver ,,.,. ()n c-hrU-l.mfN jlkin-oii. Hi-mmKirv wlm l i'l Grades 1 t 1 Grade ' .Y '" in one year. II'' i t Rupert iiml en-; iO. He lias I k-rt and p;ul of 12 at , School, , ,s .m cilil 'i' !'l j Nrs, all In' cuul'l f, .ry (if a Mate-1 , uilil uf his uoixi j nut's Mveir I part of a pre .Tain :Iip Canadi.ni-boni ; j cultivate cr.-v r j tKtWrC'll till' tWO; twan l.'sl yeari Id Canada for 50 j A similar gtou' Canada again thisj i.m buys will sail ! July 12. aboard the They will .Mcii(i i touring Circa l arriving back in u.st n. '.(. m retire J from ase ol connnons us buTiios.s inter- nrod his plans 1) us between Great wind. - Th? yin U;n-a:c DriUsh Ciiiada rich year, r I M conditions per-' I u Anct i ait to Canada I'.iuny friends for "said R. A. Rob-ent of George ''d. ' As a result, 'faded to broaden ' include trips to lor Canadian boys. Jig selected from now by a special to Y M C A. which i 'ith other bovs'. i YMCA committee I Hurst, principal of aooi, stating the j necessary, and i trcommend a boy. ! l Senior School ' wk over th; ta.sk j Mirations of the wpils here to see c recommended. 't a month :,,, nwn was recom- "'commendation ' bV the Central I'rim-e Kupcrt, Is havlni. representa- ;')itr. il(lie boys .seleeled e lection, emphasis ,l'li I'liaiMcleriKtics ' rests, eo-oiiecntlon 1 r"f Kroiiu nctiv. "Il"1"' surname 'IMi tlie bovs as b'; I" Y.M.C.A. "'"'laries. Arraiij-e-'""are being mMi(t ";!' Council or tin; ""' ''stern C)rRan- '" "''"'IV while In 1 lll be in,, n... N II.,. W'i l .... "..iioiiai as- ' ' s Wul and the '""alum ti,n. ''r 'lodiivi ... w """S. Norn,:.,,' fVJl; i, ....... ..,.. """'II v) W, n- n- May. N BAND PNCERT Qrc3, 8:15 IC Ccntro students 3r More Cars This Year Substantial Increase Shown in Til:il of 800 Vehicles Have Hern Taken Out Approximately 100 more pa.s- oiuer .ar licenses this year than in I94U. Figure; rclc issrt yc nlay indicated that 500 pa .son,er car owners registered' l r licenses, a substantial increase over last year. Cummcr-J.ii lit-cnscs t-iul 3(K). ' 1 he license office ot Uic court h .usc levt.iled that Jumc of the Columbia Cellulcso employees will be Included "In the "late arrivals" lint, due to lack of money rai: ed by the long .shutdown this winter. Figures from Ter race have not as yet arrived at the offiee. Complete figures lor ch commercial and passenger registration will be announced at a lalcr date. 1 he deadline for taking out of 1950 licenses expired with the ind cf February. SENDING BILL TO , POWER COMPANY A bill rn.:n Cirant and Newton, clectrlenl contraciors. - for tlic In; iallalion of an auxiliary ixjwer-unit In the King Edward School lor four days in February, will be mailed Ho the Northern B.C. Power Company, It ! was decided at a meeting of the Prince Rupeii Public School Board la.' nlLht. The power ! plant wa-, pur,:h:.cd frcm Atlin Fisheries and in-tallcd at hc f cliool last month during the pewer curtailment. , Modern Mill For Terrace ' I I Minneapiilv. Concern to Establish Dirscl-Elerlric Lumber Plant. j TERRACE -Tt rrave Board of Trade was advl ecl at I Us regular iiK.nililv dinner meeting la.st ni.,ht of the intention of Krick-tn Bro'., Minneapolis luml)cr manufacturers, to establish a modern dii'sel-eleclric. operated lun,.: r mill In Ttrrarc. Di tails of site and caiiivcity were not Im-m Jiately available, DcrisUn to cstnbll. h Terrace was made f.jlluwliiu' a visit here Uuit fall of one of the brothers. Four Dead In Montreal Fire MONTREAL (f - Four ktsods were killed and at least twenty were lnjurrd rally today in u threc-alaiin fin' In Montreal's Chinatown section. A block cafe and spars was ."wept by hy; tin- oiifhurali'in. Throe of t in dead were trapped. Another died in Jumping from an upstairs window. . Two Alarms At Same Time TERRACE -Two fires at Uic same time lequirod the attention of the local fire depart-'nient at ' 2.30 - yesterday at tor -mjon but no serious damage was c: me in eilhcr case. An outside wall at the home cf Fred Mc-Kony.ie on LakrLsc Lake Avenue had token lire but the blaze was under control by the time the department arrived. While at this fire there was a call from the railway station Where an oil burner got out of control for a time. Eight of Family Burned to Death I KENOSHA. Wisconsin ih Fin ' MONSON, Maine 1 A fierce wiped out a family of five in t dwelling houjc fire' wiped out small frame cabin In a trailer 01 eight members of a Monsou fam- the edge of the city early today ily and Injured a ninth seriously The blaze occurred hi five belov. early today. zero weather. El wood Smith, a teamster, his Dead are v Edward Maxwell mother and six children were about 28 years of age, his wife burned to death. The children Betty, and their three children-ranged from a baby to a ten-year Jimmy, aged 4, Steve, two, am old girl. .- J Patricia, two months. Smith's wife escaped but is re-', The sheriff said ail were trap ing a blanket to the cabin of an- ,,u,cr omulnvoo '--"fa Iar iW f!lfi -Wy learned, Uic'i-e ,1ul ,.,, MO cliffcrcnccs prkr to lin.- shooting Mrs. "Dunlap Is said : to have witnessed the whole affair. .: Mis. Dunlap accompanied her husband but neither she or the t wo employees, Ernest Musto and Ray Jctter, knew their way : to Prince Rupert. Dunlap suffered Intense puin as he piloted the vessel, and lost a great amount of blood. . . .; Dr. W. S. Kergln, attending physician, operated on Dunlap shortly before 11:30 a.m. today. He reported his condition -as satislactory. Rosen is being held by B. C. Police here on a charge of attempted murder and will appear in court this afternoon. . Flying Boat Down In Atlantic Games MAN JUAN. Puerto Rico A United Slates Navy flying boat, se-king an "Invasion fleet" hi wide-scale manoeuvres, ditched in (he Atlantic Ocean early today. All ten men aboard were rescued from life rafts a short time later but none were injured. STOCKS Joluiituu Co Ltd.) Bi-vcourt .30' i Bobjo . .18 Vi Buffalo Canadian .09' Consol. Smelters ... l0.00 Con west 1.09 Donald ' -se',2 EHIona .34 East. Sullivan 5.15 Giant Ycllowknife 6.15 God's Lake .30 Harrlrock ..; .35 Ilanlcana .05 Hcva .00 1 Tosco .08 'i Jacknifi; .073,, Jolici. Quebec .07 'i. Lake Rowan .00 '4 Lapiioka .04'2 Little Long Lac .53 Lynx .18 Madsen Red Lake .' 2.99 McKonzie Red Luke .53 Mcl.cod Cockshult .. 3.10 Mot iota .30 Negus 1.50 Noranda 70.00 Louvic.ourt .20 Pickle Crow 1.D0 Rcgcourt .04 San Antonio- 3.55 Senator Rouyn .27 Shcrrit Gordon 2.32 Steep Rock 2.34 Sturgeon River -. 21 'i Silver Miller ,632 Upper Canada 3.35 Parliament Is Crowded UNDON ? -! will be .a wise .Trailer Fire i Fatal to Five Cellulose Comuanv. Ltt now a member of the Technic:7 Council. BASKETBALL SATURDAY . 6:45- Fashion vs Merchants 7: 15 - Kinsmen vs Hih School 8:45 Brown woods vs BoMcHl J (Jr. semi-finals) I NO LEAGl'E GAMES TONIGHT poned dying in hospital. 'ped In their beds. , . 1 - - 1 ' 1 Celahese Mill Chief Appointed The manager of Prince Rupert celanese mill ha Iu-pu named. Columbia l0(lay anilouuced the appointment of W. C. R. Jone as mill manager of its dissolving pulp plant at Watsoi Island. The manager, who will assume his duties o May 1, has a background of 20 years in the pulp am paper niuusiry in inis country aim aurouu. yx Jones' early exiifvieneo was with the Gatincau Mills of Biiyoune o:i ij Bralorne mo i B. It. Con , . 02 j B. It, X 07 Cariboo Quarts! 1.4'J Congress- Now 21 " . Hodloy Mascot . 3 Pacific Eastern ,o: ! I'll nror 3.;, j' Premier Border 03', I'rlviileer 131 1 Reno 03 , Sheep Creek 1.10 ! Sllbak Premier 37 j 'l'aku River '. 12 'x Vanuiul.i , .12 I Salmon Gold ... 00 Nuud Valley IK) Oils Anglo Canadian 3 .90 A. P. Con 22 '.i ! Atlantic 1.38 I Calnionl 45 C. & E G.95 Central I.educ 107 Home Oil 11.00 Mercury 101-2 Okalta 1.85 Pacific. Pete 4.30 Princess 32 Royal Canadian 00 Royalilc 9.30 Toronto Athona 08 1 Aumaque 12t2 Beattic 61 Ir tenia tional Paper Company and with the Wayagatnack Division of ' the Consolidated j P;ver Corporation. In 1937 he went to Australia to a.ssist in I lie design and Initial operations of the firs t chemical wood pulp mill in that country located at Maryv'i'e, Glppsluiul. In 1940 ho ri 'i-i ned to Canada and joined the Howard SntiWi Paper Mills oi ionization. He has been assistant manager of the Bcau-ivarnols Division I Unai company for the lad, seven years. Mr. Jones ifor many years has been active In the technical Fection of the Canadian Pulp ' and Paper Association and Is -5ri