Trine Rupert Daily Miwi Thursday, March 2, 1050 a 3 ipn M a Dp Radio Dial I J240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) :tk H School Board To Visit Sunnyside Information tluit the site of the lTOllan School at Sunnyside would be a favorabe location for a now public school was contained in a letter from Sunny ere : wee Cr..rG.r,orn6sU,c..,ng,0m,nc.! I gore ! j 4 Yes folks! Only 2 more days for you to take advantage of Rupert Mens and Boys Store bargain making Clearance Sale. Don't miss this record making Sale of men's and boys' wear bargains. janetIEIGH fcJil'oLr WHM CALSWQinHT-S "THE Km " ! Plar.s fur the observing of Education Week March 5 to 11 in Pi nice Rupert have been finalized by the Education Week committee of the Prince Rupert and District Teachers' Association, committee chairman, P. Adlem reported after Monday night's meeting in Booth School. Theme for the week is 'EducationEverybody's Busincs" and in this connection co-sponsoring organizations have been allocated various jobs to do. Among the local organizations taking part are the city council, the Parent-Teacheis' Association, the Board of School Trustees, the Canadian Legion Women s Auxiliary, Wvi Chambers of Commerce, the Rotary Club, the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada and the Prince Rupert Ministerial side read to members of the Prince Rupert Public School! Board last night. I Previous information obtained! by members of the board had Indicated the site would riot bej favorable, terrain being poor. I In Tact, not many locations! could be found that would prove satisfactory as a new school site. The present school, a for- i mer churcth, is in poor shape! and Is situated on undesirable j property. It felt. The board decided the only! method by which a decision could be- reached would be by visiting the site at some future dale. In the meantime, the secretary was Instructed to ac-i knov.'ledgv the letter. j TioTelTakhTva 11 m a ! ADDED SPECIALS. LAST 2 DAYS Men's All Wool Work Socks Orchestra under the direction of F. Uuber will make its first public, appearance. I Articles of interest by a cross-section of citizenry will be published daily throughout the week in the Daily News and speakers Vvili be heard eveiy evening, Monthly through Friday over CFPR. Saturday night. CFPR will broadcast a panel discussion. Members of the panel will be J. S. Wilson, moderator; G. R. S. Blackaby; A. M. Hurst; H. S. Harrison; and H. Thorn. Gordon & Anderson are giving the use of one of their display windows over to Education Week and suitable publicity is being ai rang! d by Miss J. McDougall and Miss Isobel Rogers of the Booth High School staff. T. G. Bateman, speaking on be- j half of the Parent-Teachers' As-! sedation, will address the Rotary Club at their regular weekly luncheon in the Broadway Cafe1 Thursday and the Junior Chamber of Commerce will interview a member of the Education Week commit tee over then progiam on CFPR 1 i.esday evening. j Open House will be observed at Hniieii Street and King Edward Schools on Wednesday afternoon while at Conrad Street, Booth Memorial and Annunciation Schools open house will be on the Thursday afternoon. This will give all parents a chance to see the .schools in operation on a normal school day. 'I he teachers are holding a dinner for Dr. 'Lord on Monday evening at the Civic Centre. Other guests will include Inspector Joseph Chell, and Mrs. Chell and Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large. Member., of the Grade 13 Teachers' Club at Booth High School will also be present at the dinner. This is a club of Senior Maine Students interested in taking up teaching as a profession. Dr. Lord will give a short address at the dinner meeting on matters of interest to the teaching profession. Members of the Education Week Committee, besides Chairman P. Adlem, are F. R. Wright, H. A. Pluym, Mrs. Stone, Miss A. Rogers and Mrs. Gray. A practical money sav ; Iiigiilhihtint; the week's aetivi-j ties will bo a public meeting at 'the Civic Centre Auditorium ! Monday evening. Dr. A R. Lord, 'principal of the Vancouver Nor- 4J)cj ing bargain. CANADIAN ni5KJ THUR3UAT TM. 4:00 Dance Serenade 4:15 Stock Quotations it Int. 4:30 -Captain Dick 4:45 Young Man With a Song 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 Record Album 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Citizen's Forum 8:02 Citizen's Forum 8:40 Ctlzens' Forum News 8:45 Talk 9:00 Winnipeg Dram? 9:30 CBC Van. Concert Orch in ut CBC New 10:10 -CBC News 10:15 -Focus 10:30- Dance With CBS 11:00 -Weather and Sipi Olf . FRIDAY-AM :00 -Musical Clr. a U0--CBC New 8:10- Here's BUI Gooa 3:15-Mornlnu Soiijj 8:30-Music lor Modeiu 8:45 - Littlt U'ltie;' ' 9:00- BBC News and Com fy H:i5- Morning Devotion 0:30 - Morning Concert 9:0!) -Time Signal ' 10.00 - Ellen, Harris' 10:15 Carson lioblson 10:30 -Melody Time 10:45 Rita Martin Musical Kitchen 11:00 -Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Rjxirt 11:31 .. Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal Album 12:00-Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC Kcws 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30-B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1:30 Bernie Bradcn Tells a Storv 1:45 Mr. Prime Minister 2:00 National School Brdcst. 2:30 - Records at Random 2:45 CBR Presents 3:00 The Music Box SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT ! Prince Rupert ' ' W. R. May, B. Blair. O J. Mos- crip, C. Wcatherill. C. Van Nor- j man, O. Naylor, J. Ward. J. Ads-head, A.-'J. Bell. A. P. McClure, Dr. O. F. Kincade, Vancouver; F. ' Barclay, Smithers; E. Druce, Vic- jtoria; W. Moss, Edmonton; A. K. ; J Windaf.t."Vinriipcg; J. T. Jacob- ; I son, Watson Island; J G. Hum- ; phries. , Hollyburn; Mrs. E. II.' Simpson, Massett. V v.A , . 1 f j mat School and one time inspee I tor in this area, will be the B 1 speaker. Preceding Dr. Lord s Z ! address an entertainment pm-H i gram consisting of items from pleach school in the city will be presented. The BoolJi liig'a 'School Song Flute group and BABY'S COLDS "J HelpTfature To Fight ThemOtf I Mrtlical Sricncc tU-TUffl there is arty Ruch OtinK as s curt for only Nature pj I hcTM-if ran dn it. So vthvn Watty's anilU.-H, 1 fr ptufTy brfathittc: warn you 'if a ctltt'a im'sepcc ciMUKTatc nt oncit with Nut'irc. ' tw-e Otat baby is kept warm. KtiU plenty PJ ' of ck-en and ttike extra cure that the ! Imwrls are OtortjutErily clearttl of harmful vastus. To do tlti8 without upHcttinif buoy 'a , whole BvU;m and further weakening it, 0 Iry Iliiby a Own Tablets. Mild, yet aet H jiromptiy in Br-tlintr rid of the irritating materials that make baby restless and fe- B 1 veriah. Mrs. (.eortfe Mcliriile of Scarlmro say: "My baby of 2f months caught m nSK-Veld so 1 tried Baby's Own Tablets ' end t,he threw tl.ia cold off quickqr than ' H ever before. 1 certainly aun for Haby's Own Tablets from now on." Effective also in teetbinK tniubles. connt ipaliua and other ' simple baby ailucnu. Jd'jfc. New Wage Agreement . In future any janitor en-: inper entering the employ of j the Prince- Rupert Public St'.luxil j Board "V.U.1 be required to only ! rcmaiii six months on a proba- tionary wt?e scale. Following, J )lSTIl,l.i:i) J.N Aln iili;.mii;i ( ASM,, "on i,i;d i (;AN(, ' i ' r J"r CANADIANS WHO APPRECIATE THE FINEST CMIW f mwoiii wsTiutes icamoai iic $3 MENS" WHITE DRESS SHIRTS SJ.JI0 Sanforized Shrunk SIZES 15' 2 16,. lGVi ONLY . ; ' If you wear these sizes, here's a super dupcr value !n a real high class shirt. that hrflf yearly period, the em-! playw will bo clashed at a max-, Imum basis. Tilts move resulted following a rpcclal meetlns prior' to a regular meeting la ft ni;ht, of the fchool board with repre-; sentatlves of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Presldct Llpyd Stevens and Re-cordlnj Scarclary S. L. Peachcy. The Janitors' wage schedule was; set by the board laat year, This advertisemt-nt is not published or d,-; Licjuor Control Board or by the of British Columbia ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY 'NEW? fuRK 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 International Comment. 3:40 Divertimento RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE '.TV 'WW AT- k..W ,L i '--4. 4 -Zz - r '? l - I , . t f tf JrU... Candidate Of Smithers JXs WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ! ; 'THEMI;B?(CDOiINC C0NTROlsy - SiKitii, rtfnl mlo'p evert niclit Tor niof ynm ' - x" lliiin ever he fore hmhIIn you in every lteinnre v I' l-x4-lalur iiiHtlr-HH. I hrse iiinUreMr mutiol heroine thin or lumpy . run not tijiu, hut ulway $ti oii thnl nliiiinu ret of a new uialtrCMi lor yeurs miii years. SMITHERS- Misf Anna Emerson, lovely brunette Uoughtr of , Mr. and' .Mrs. Percy TEmerson of Smithers, has been 'nsiniod i y the Smithers Chamber' of"' Commerce as their candidate In the "Miss Smithers" beauty contest being sponsored by the Junior Cham- j bcr of Commerce oT Smithers on j March 17 in conjunction with a St. Patricks Day dance. I Miss Emerson, an employee of 1 the Royal Bank of Smithers .Is a i Hei-o-lrtlnrn nre finiif-wire unit flit in ml I ft the nprintiH I lit- ' inir.iele (ihlinu con I rol. I'rovc lliein for yourself. M RESTMORE MAKUFACTURIXG Co. Ltd. PARKER .nd GEPGE SIS. VANCOUVER - WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S WEAR i Sale How On At Wallace's : .MMiiiii popular member of the young set ol Smithers and was a candidate lor the Ski Quern title this year. Five beautiful plrls will contest, for the title "Miss Smithers" on March 17. The chosen beauty will represent Smithers in the "Miss Northern O. C." beauty contest to be held In Smithers on May 4 and 5 of this year in conjunction with the Junior Chamber nf Commerce's Spring Frolic which Is billed as the meatcst entertainment feat of the Bulkley Valley. QcSaCan of Salmon -a Tfejfty VI eal for 1 I Y - ' 1 ' o mny in-. -rcirij wayi 10 ctve tinned Salmon. In pintni hoi lmt w I I 3 2 lf dishei. Canned Stlmon combine! wondctlully wi:h' l aiic foods lo you ttit i ' ' ' - Iviiy'. ' 'i9- Foi emple: t-'Iafllicr aus r.'.i :.'.!'.'- 'Aft NT- . oring results. ' f Unr ii:ilil, e(,i,e llmor, full unlirtrun hlrcn'Ih , . . il 1,-ikrn nil' Hirer to nir m.ii "en o.i if nhotiltl r." Htiy iNaltoli hikI on're sure of nil llirre iiunlil r in iir ilrli.i,,,,. hlrn.l. It"s nli,il f,,r coinplrle tea alifiicli(,ii. fdspYjfurr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Dishes a Specially CHOP SUEY ' CHOW MEIN TV (J i. iwj H lit-("annwl Sjilmon, flaU-l 2 t:,.,..,ms, ,:lir,... PiSiii, ,'N? t-)mj) fairly larsc i-,UUira A hltle h.jt nilik It&'i S ll'MPlIlff I - ii i 55 '-"'vfeiike "I Snlt an,i ,",,r i i-iiiiin jui.t. f j T rTTTE - ' fJCirl abtepoon miiKwI itarslcy 1 tin xni-n bitin-. fiWl 1 I 5 l 1 I I I il ,-V njrftfeLa '!fk"lu,'n,ililcr.ili in half ami w,,, Wli.l fPi f 13 l-WSAJM IRexCafie kf 2nd Ave. Op. Rupert Hotel I '. " ' . . ""Tm -iif"i jutre nf Ifmon nvr MirMl Kalman ml u i n... "lui-WVl4-'3'. t I I i u" ' l iMiK I ''""T' Salmon lnl" mixturf. Keplarein talu kins. sprinkle "'wWWr7"l I I " I , J I "pr'k m h anl V! pouiloet under bruilei for a iiwinwit. V.WV I I 7:00 a m. lo 3:30 a.m. ! ! Phono 173 for Outside Orders 1 " - : S : r- . "" """ """ ' " '" Jl" "L 1 1 "' MlH I I -I! ft - , , . , . i ., i I,,, .. . TTl ': . I .in i. ' M NEW SPRINGS W (WM J3 ' 0 at I 11 I I I i i i i rw