Prince Rupert Doily News MARKETS Modern Etiquette Better Enslish B) I frrsh I rult Bananas, lb 1. What is wrong with this ADmes. cooking. 3 lOi. .3i sentence? There were less peo- ancv jviaCS. 3 IDS City ambulance responded tn ; two calls today ana Wednesday, j At U:30 a.m. yesterday, Mrs. ; John Wilkle, 940 Sixth Avenue i East, was taken to 6neral Hos- j pital. Today at' at 9:30 a.m.. j Frank Hoeft, 1072 Ninth Avenue I East, as taken to hospital. j Lemons. larae CaV'do.T .42 thew thaB 1 xpe-eaV v.'ai'CWUl J for 90 Yes -2 :! SlEflBBOIjg 2. What fc the correct oronun- Celerv. lb " Rhubarb. 2 ib'V.V.'.'.'.'.'.'." IV 25; clation of "debut"? . ' 1 3. Which one of these words is misspelled?' Anointment, anon-ompus, antagonistic..' 4. What does the word "penury" mean? 5. What Is a word hnrrinnlntr 10 Parsley bunch is a- Turnius Q. Should men on the golf course give way to sets which include women In driving from the first tee, or at other points? A. No. Women take their turn. Since most women play more slowly than men, they should give way to men's sets rather! than keep them waiting. At the first tee, everyone takes his tegu- ! lar turn. i Q. Is it correct to say "man ' and wife" when "husband and ! wife" Is meant? i A. The use of man in the sense of husband has been sanctioned since about the year 1300. Q. What is the meaning of "bon voage"? A. Good voyage, or prosperous voyage to you. OVER FOUR YEARS OLD Spring Sale is Still Going Strong Was Pioneer 01 Stewart STEWART - On Friday last K-sil McDonald, aed 79, succumbed to a . hemorrhage. His nei.-?hbor, Curly Dan McDonald, summoned the doctor and console afcaut noon. The doctor examined the body and pronounced life extinct. Examination of. deceased's effects revealed the fact that he was born on M.irch 10, 1875 at Pott Head, Nova Scotia He in survived by a brother, Alan J. McDonald, residing at New Waterlord, Nova Scotia, and a niece. Mm. Margaret Anderson, Dorchester, Ma.ssuchus.-ets. Deceased was one o. the verv old timers of the Portland Canal Di.Mt.-ict and was actively en-aa:red in prospecting and mining. He was owner of the Troy Group of Mineral Claims in the upper Salman River area He was a well liked and respected citizen of tills community. Mushrooms, lb Hi-ad Lettuce '., Cookinir Onions. 3 jSs'""" Cauliflower, lb. - -ggiwrni le that means "savasje i3 lI wildness"? 2j , Answers. , " 25 ' Say' '"rhere ,ere fewer peo u pie." 2. Pronounce da-Uu, a as "33-aa! ln day- u as In menu, accent sec- 47Ond syllable. 3. AnnnvmniK 4 Add any of these below listed articles to o ore'er you may take from our Regular Spring; Sale dodger and save on your week-end ordfi , lomaloes. Colif. lb . ICabbaue lb. ... Touiuioea. No. 1 ib Potatoes. l(j lb I Cucumbers, lb Vegetable Marrow, lb. "" ' Absence flf rounnrr.(iu. final it utirtn 07 2 Ibs m Candy oiiuuau. jo. ...... Canoed Veeiai,ieY "Chill penury weighs down the heart, itself; and though it sometimes be endured with rnlmnpss Bridge Type Orange and Black Lmit 2 lbs. J .65 '-'in ricKies, nnu Cut Green Beans. lev No a feus, fancy .... Mixed V-uetabl ... Diced Beets, uer tit J7 It Is but the calmness of despair." 125 Mr-x Jameson. J. Ferocity. max etuns. cnoice ... Q. How can I easily remove the .21 ffiSuTi($d carrots 2fort Breaking-Entering . u pnblltlid or dUpUy.4 fey ta L,uot oaatral n .... 1 1 : i , . , i lomauies. zu-oz. ea. 48-oz. CHOICE TOMATOES, 28 OZ. TINS IN STOCK-AGAIN AT "SPRING SALE" ADVERTISED PRICES soup 4 25c Canada First Brand ' w Three Varieties Limit 12 tins Asparagus, Pea, Mushroom Consome , .IK .:i riciiiiuiary iicuruiijs uiuj uiree .33 charges of breaklnf; and entering J 25 of city premises over the Christ- j3 mas week-end laid against George McKnifiht and Stewart Ouart Pint .. Cjl ,.11. - rv y UUlL Frra Premier Lad In Stewart Hospital STEWART - William Hornell. .'on of Mr. and Mrs. Otto HorwU i f Pr. mit r, was brought Vj town lat w ck to the .Stewart General Il:.-:pital to undergo medical licliiient. Hi- n.ade a wpteily K ,-ovcry .unl has rcaurned liuiuu. skin of tomatoes? I A. Prick holes in the bottom of a tomato with a large fork, and it can be peeled readily, without ! waiting for water to boil. I Q. How can I clean candles? A. Decorative candles thai have become soiled can be cleaned to look as nice as when new by sponging with a piece of absorbent cotton dauiencd with alcohol. ' Q. Mow can I soften .shoe pol- ish? j A. The can of shoe polish that luis become hard can be renewed by moistening it with a' few drops of kerosene. Thompson, were again adjourned l Lar-e Giade A 58-6(1 48-5(1 MiKnipht and Thompson will come up afain Frltlay. MONTREAL, March 2nd Show me tU , iviKuiuiii taiions . Pull;ts. cartons uuticr First Grade, lo. Mamariud. lb Cheese Canadian Cheese lb. . AiirriK Mih'ihi.rn TriimH fru u Malkins Velvet .33 COFFEE lb. 69c .53 .hostess who wouldn t like to know the secret tot making a really delicious cakel There' 'nothing like a wonderful cake to 'estublinU woman's reputation as a Rood cook . . and there's nothing liU SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR to assure the success of a last week by Magistrate W. D. , Vance, of making nitroglycerin! for unlawful purposes was also remanded for sentence until MilK tvanoraled MIIk ia-oz. tms. i lor Case .7 Mnur Monday morning. COD CAPE Cranberries 2 lbs 29ci Stewart Lerion iWhisf and Dance .60 Newspape advertising pays off Pastry Flour. 1 ibs Flour, it. No. 1 hard 4 that Swans Down makes consistently finer, .cukes you'll enjoy serving to your friends! real pleasure from vmkitig cakes with Swans r, when you use Swans Down, you're playing -ing flour milled by epecialists in making enka .it's made from the choicest of poft wheat ami "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" Wheat 3C0 Flour. 24's 'Ira and (Joflce Magic Baking Powder J 2 oz.lin25d l annrd rrulla Pineapple, crushed ...... Pieces, 20-oz Anrlrols 9H-HJ. Coffee lb. 6282 Tea DeLuxe auantitv in ...10b Cherries, ancy, 2(Voz. il .33 .41 ; Ml, .38 .24; Malkins a c over again 'til it' 27 times as fine aa ordinary Jnurt Blended Graoiliuit Tomatoes. 20-oz. ea . 28-oz trallon PuddingPowders 12 pkt 59c! .33 .19 .18 .24 ,5V w TwjwTIo mora biavwart Qie borne are the beau I.oeanoerries. 2U-o Peaches, choice uara . Pure. lb. .: Shorteniiui Soap Soao, face, bar . ; yt-i&M i 1 VACUUM ne : PACKED ;f-la! PACIFIC ii 4r .,f.,ici ! -hys in the Btoros these litjt. My ' m brrLSfware are a hudsome brum K t bowl filled with iry. I'm psrtiru- 14 Laundrv. cake .10 .2i .38 2 tor i 1 ...i l : i, ..), 71 is STEWART- Stewart branch of t'he Canadian Legion held a whifct drive and old time dunce on Saturday in Hie Iion Hall liiere was a gojd turnout for bolla the vihi t and the dance. Mis. W R. Toolh won ladies' first prize and the sweep with Mrs. M vVtlkin-::)) and Mr s J. Bouiek tieing far ihe consola-ion prize. Mrs. Wi!lini(n be-in; ti4a winner on I lie cut of the cards. Geuso Bunn, veteran troubadur, won the men's fir-st -ie and I.saic Soderlov received, i!ie coji-.i;.aion prize. f .m Kiikr:!riek and George Punn- fiiuplied old time music wliilr Jack Bouzek was Uie jockey fur the nther mtinix-rs. h tin way the dark green ivy leave h gbw of the braaa. Yea, bramrare cf bonotir in everyone's home I it it, it adds such glurioos riiluiMS) Lipton Soup 2 pkt 23c 2 in 1 Black Shoe Polish . .- tin Se L it till kwp its beauty far a UeUms rjlurlj Willi BRASSO the polish made e.iccially News of Francois Lake i " hit nst0jmitryfu I W.J . - i " SJish FowE .45 .45 .3D .45 .:; .38 .2o .45 .31 .35 .42 .55 4! ' ..B Soao Powders, larse ... (ium ' ri i ' Clurries, V2 U. pkt. Coconut. Ib Almond Pnnie. lb. Krua Ca Mix, Ib . Dates, lancv lb. r kt Kerdless Kuisins. 2 lbs. deeded Kamins. 2 ibs Shelhd Walnuts. ' lb. , Hiielled Almonds. B oz. .Slielled Biulls. 6 07. .. S Shelled Brazils. W. II). Jam - lire i Strawberry. 24 -oa 3a' neiry. 24 ov. j Blackberry. 4-lb. ...... . Cheiiv. 24-n ' fei.i-n. 4 (h I Aii'i.-ot. 4-lb I . Urau ' Turl-.ev ... Uoustins Chiekeiu lb. The only canned milk ln Canada that Is vacuum packed, that's. Pacific Milk. Try Pac-' ific and see for yourself what top flavour is . . . and it's irradiated for extra health. Good in all your favorite recipes . Seven members were present at tent with finhJ This it a "first" thing to re-iwmtxT ,a. for , We have received another large shipment for nat tiirrt are not u tapj to Saturday sales only. Quality M Piqvtrte, and I the Pa:trv.-Te lorrer Association jmcetln-r la t Wfdnesdny even-'lir.y In Mr. and Mrs. John Harrl-l''n'! hmp. President. Abe Peters, was u iable to attend so . 'le vice-pie 1 lent,-Mrs. Harrl- ian ta ik tlie chair. It was a busy rtnetini! and several were PACIFIC MILK 8 GuorQnteedper pund Chis.stfi'-d aiU tr'nt? rsults Here's Prompf Relief Beyond Belief From The Pains Of - -your will want Lit ol that Ungy Sun- HmJ will tcD you Ii'adiated and Vacuum Packed WE WELCOME "ALL" TO SHOP FOR OUR 1 ..5-70i' .85. in fi-b th-y wfra aiu Q.jpr- i and r UleU. I.b, .yjicq yxatcn will, need the eo BARGAINS, WHETHER YOU ARE' A REGULAR CUSTOMER OR NOT iihorv I acon. Mue. mere . ' .'.). y.ion of ;ht u'Av.-r im md fish ia every YouH But Compliment Color on your tair when vou uf wim dertnl KltKML SUAMl'OOl Vou ape, it's alok-n a niurh on olhor ahampous by addins a "mirui k ingrJmut oallnd ""i olisun" tlmt Jfivw-s your hwr fairly sinirini? iilU. ilfnlim! Ami Kreoil Mu.iniMik iuw a aurai oil baoe . iVdrt dry. out your hair aa ahariiu. IjumvI od a detciKint fpnttuln, t isj to lo. So bera'n good nel- SOe bul Ami Shamturn. can m your for jmu 10c I Simply write to mo Karijara Bit nt, 1411 Criwrnt St., Moniriid. I'.t'. enrhuig too, and l it Kemi you a rcfiulur 3Uc boltie oi h.nuj Shampoo 1 It Ls liip!d to have a Forestry' Liver Sausage, lb. , . . . ... . rp'h ('rlc IMin. lb flvw how many a be mrule pyri NKIST CAI.I-!...Simpr UraBront, 1411 iljairej. P.Q.- Ti .6 ,(i8 .; .Hj !) .70 .4.r .48 .Sb .50 roiK tiiims. lo. bleaK. ' T-aone. lb . Pork Tenderloin, lb. Ham. ten. It). ' lo. Welners tiarlic Sausaue. lb. . Buau). pkt?. 2 lb RHEUAWnJAI Try prwwfpt-Mtine, ey-to-taJc" DOr.CIN TwMrts . ". . now fivatltile in thrnr rttn-vt-niftit uHf bUiA, ui i4-HhrtnnMu mst, at )l llrujt Rtort. Aciirtimiil by rt-tievt-fi uf-ft-rn vvrrywhvit, y.tu ran n ly on this f ffift i v prodiK't txt r lif-ve tht uj?uny nf Ai tJiriiis. RhtHimalJ.Hiri and S'-tatira, JJ I,t'N y prnmpt and him no uril-Hsant tifu-r-ftTrtn. (it t a Mrlt ttf jrvnuint IHiM'IN Tablt-ts and 1ft ih-m fe- le you find nt-w, riHiirrHir rt'lttf . . . tinlnr; 1 (Kt tal)lt-(a Sfkiu latum FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK. Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street i ntEEi Froslie locker presents for your LENTEN SEASON oltirial cc:ne t) the school and ,'neak i liie childrtii. As it Ls f.anu." time since the t.iiiidivn have been to the dent-i it i,f heped to be a!jle to take thrm in to Burns Ltike for denial care very sjarw.- Realizing what a ureal help vit.u.U Aid wjiikl be ta the children at school, it is hoped to hire a projector fiotn tlio Uni-ei.,:ty of BiRi.ii Columbia and ret films for the children. M nitreeable to the Farmers' blustery U It BUmt that March wind . orK tsausaee. -id Steak, round, lb. . 80 (There mav be variations in nrices. in vui ious stores deoend-im " on ' whether soecial ot standard ai'alll m. are listed.) ftr t2,:t -dim tabh-tn for ;t.9.r. al.-o avail-Hhlf in bttl'Sof f0 UtMt-ta. JiolHn Limited, Toronto 10, Ontario. s wont Iw ia the kasi drying to your skin if you give your complexion the Ix-autv-rare of WOODHURY DRY SKIK SRQADVAY CAFE I Choico S:ilmon Fillets, lb. . . Fresli Frown RuU Spring Salmon Steak, lb. Fresh Frozen Ked SpriiiR Salmon Steak, lb Halibut chunks, lb Ilallliui by the piece, Ib Institute plans will be started for Lie May 24 celebration for i i. i 4 - ""onrnntj bit lallDut Steaks, lb ! ol (tra-y . . . "'n'lwmwr.ntly;in6 'ID handy I lis ", mwe ataina oa "lye fahrirj for it contains ;t!". Jurt follow SP0t. llin 40c, 45c i 45 i 15c : 35c ; 50c i .Wo ; 35c 340 ' S'.lc 32c ! 14C I 3i)c i 43c 3HC 43C 35C 95c 32c . 15c i rinest Cooking CREAM! Ire discovered that just ton minutes . a day with litis cream can transform dry akin to vr lvct-Miftnc "t That's because Woodlmry Pry fkin Croain, with the new pent" trating PKNATEN, gc.a iWppr into pore openings gives nu, extra beauty-dividend of lunolml Ami this fine cream cocU only lUo to 95c t Muke a doily beauty habit of .Woodbury Dry Skin Cream for a complexion as soft and fresh Acadia Salt Cod, 11) LUih CoU Fillets, lb Hcu Cod Fillets, lb Si ile Fillets, lb. . Kipiwred Herring, lb Fresh Frozen Herring, lb Smoked White Spring Salmon, lb. Knstern Finnan Haddie, lb. . . Smoked Black Cod by piece, lb. Eastern Smoked Cod Fillets, lb. Pickled Herring. 16 oz. Jar Shrimp Meat V, lb Fraser River Sinelts. 11) Smoked Red Spring Salmon, lb. the children when it is hoped that mnypole- d-uiciiii and the ci.A'iiiii of tlte May Queen can be Instituted and curried on every year. Plans were made for a whist drive to the held at the Neive home at Hi-; landin; on the evening of March 4, to ' rai.,3 funds. ' ' ' . 1 The hope was expressed that a picnic can be arnuvid ln the Miin.ner to take till ihe school children for a picnic to Lake and a. visit) lo the Lookout. At the close of, the nieetins Mrs.' -"l;ut lcavina loull never 1 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m j For Take-Home OrdefS Phone 200 - ves bother; V" u huie as rM''T' - 1' .v " ,aa Spring 1 m on. o.i. . j: if . tlT ovenaK dcliciouii KRAFT DINNER, tl ,7t Ja?m'w mcroi)i-iind-clieee combiuaiiou it . "i10 t"1 Iwhtness in only 7 miuutcsl Y, ft-- novsy -OPWP"" . . . aud it's won.loi fully onomiral! One pa-Ure of "Kraft, Dinner" runtnins ouli (or maia diii fir four . . . t jnt a few L? a frvuiRl You'U lind (rveral helpful sukk'. uons (or mum dl.M, on lbs "Kraft Dinner" pii. Uite MARCIIANI) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS j IRON FIREMAN STOKERS ! i IMumliinjj & Heating Alterations HuiiTfcou served a delicious lunch. It was decided- in future ta hold meetings alter school in the afternoon so that mure members can attend the meetings. . Locker Plant 230 Second Ave ) 175) A ll rnn,- ( i Tour irrn,. V w-i;kiu . . . u oi uiem money- M !Si?"'orrow fc' iiJV Dwaer" , . . it's ideal " ' ' The Farmt'r.s' Institute held a special niecUinr last Wednesday K?,C"rt. like SMITH & ELKIIIS LTD. J PHONE 174 BOX 211 eveniii'?, in the hall in connection with tlie purchasing of t.ed grain, etc. for the nieni- f, ( A l l E rooos 'fij fc3Z! teiu The question of getling 'nicr Hubbard. Ure cup! boar'i heB un- J;P ml Thanks yon can "MNZ MAIN-,,J;S Waitinor nn electricity brought out was dis Fishermen ! cussed and the secretary will take the matter up. and see what PHONE 79 PHONE 79 can be done. FINE PRINTING at "i m ueh ;me7: "Uk o the 57 WHEN IN PRINCE REGAL PRINTERS Orvnl Ocrley o the Forestry at Soutlibank returned on Sunday after s,vndinsi a week's j hoiiday with relatives at Tel-j kwa. RUPERT TELL 'YOUR J Mmtk Kra Comfort at SO little cotl II you Bailor from riieumsticra or niuralnia or if you're tie occasional victim of Rprains or bruises . . . SLOAN'S LIMMENT is the answer to your dimomfort. Its soothing. penetit- heat not riniit to Uio 'lieait ol Uio hurt! Just pat it oa it acta wondarfully quickly! No woiw dr so aiiuiy thouiianiia of Canadian, aiotiicrs anrre that Sloan's is a madieiBa cabinet "iiiUBl"! Ami It's pricrd as low as 40o a'boula . I Ml, I.. ..m . .. ! ........ I ,. r., t PHONE 24 222 Second Av Kenny Holnies spent the weekend at the Landin;? with Peter Neave. Ihitrutnni 'if Esveral went ln to watch tlie basketball, games In Burns Lake on Sunday afternoon. rli1 . IT'S YOURS for put r,c and lOo to 59? 2 m&,',n' H' the Uaiiduat kiu l.en con-;Lni I ve ma for ouit dim lima . . . TROUBLES TO THOM THE SHOP THAT UNDERSTANDS . MARINE SHEET METAL . CALL BLACK 884 THOM SHEET METAL LTD. PHONE 363 For Estimate nnd Supplies Ml-nrflufi tV,1"!'m! Container that's unbrt-akalile'' v"tiuu r 0hl8 five 'P of lpft-over juices and-14l CWnf"3, tontmner-mnd me .HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to, 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE ""' r Bo..-. nl- """"treai. J-.q REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED i TOO ii . punut,) Rni j .a warm for C!1,clAnd h. t?r itaooa.h,., Ciirrie Lid. litchell & , "PWite fiiu" " 5"?u" Voud Health, MORTIMER Ave. (Near CFPR1 I R. E, I'M 2nd ,tai ir.j now pi 'suio Builders and Contractors 1 sate appti(.