I Prince Rupert Daily News PRICES! j the season Not too many mem-1 ' bers have been out in their vessels. Dr. W. S. Kergin tooK !a jaunt to Mctlakutla und Tug-! well Island a week ago Sunday.' Monday, March 20, ly50 Ray Re flects . i v, . and Reminisce CAN'T BE Waterfront - - Whiffs An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ' Tiupert and northern and central British Columbia Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, MEN S DRESg I MEN S SOXp, MEN'S rmrso with organiaat ion' of the Parks The agility of a monkey is nec- British Columbia Board, and aeautifyina ot the, of the water- H. G. PERRY. Managing Director j ! British Columbia Steamships I freighter Alaska Prince, Capt. I Rupert tonight from Alice Arm '; southbound to Vancouver on a j voyage which had brought her j Tom Garret, is due In Prince I north last week via Queen Char- G. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor city. It's perluos U be regretted! DRESS P. v.. H Mmbf r of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily-Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES Dry Dock Busy on Uoat Overhauling Barney Kristmansson's New Boat of venerable ladders. . slippery spots, doubtful floats, and back nf All this a liffhtlnc svsiem that that, before the tov.nsi.te was cleared, some of the fine old trees still standing, had not- been Pants. Special pJiffl' MEN S WORK rAS7, By 0rJr, Per Week. 20c; . Per Month, 75c; Per Year, i Jfii . . . . ir.ii T-i r ii rn - .1- -. 'StjaTS1 has tne dimness of half an spared For no man can make;! w wu, oy Aiau, rcr muxun ouc; rer xear r.uu. 'vffc' kitte Islands and Port Edward. Approximately 50 vessels , are i being o ei hauled The vessel called at Cumshewa at the Prince Rupert Dry Dbck at the present time, unlet and swdegate on the is-The scene is busy with noise of workmen painting cr!lf"IatLeJ"I hour before dawn. The corn-munity Ratepayers, In giving a resounding shout for a new deal, earn public gratitude. Justice Rand of the Supreme Hand To Dr.Millikan and repairing hulls and overhauling engines, buper- for the united Missionary. At MEN S DRESS OXFi intendent Robert Cameron stated a large number of; Port Edward at the week-end, ! Court of Canada has beeh of-1 ! fering young lawyers a little fre advice. It deals chtefty- with. ' questioning of witnesses but- Hi i application could be general. , . t i it 1.,.... ueiuie llcauuiK lui mu.c ni lis poats nave oeen coming in aim ieang wuuuguum. BOYS' LONo rm) the Alaska Prince discharged cargo fur Nelson Bros. Ltd and British Columbia .has been hearing a lot about hospitals for the last few months. So has England where, in some cities, dally in boat the year and no slump ' Boiled down it means simpler ; wv"u' ana sizes Very special .. during i the Columbia Cellulose Co. was reported very good language, the wisdom of short. the Via o s-k l r si 1 menu cards are the early and middle of week. """uw '""" rrrtimrv hut SPEECH -WEARY newspapermen and perhaps some other polite people who frequent banquets andsuch gatherings and listen through report after. report, ''brief remarks" after "brief femarks," introductions often as lengthy as the lectures will, we think, give a hand to Dr. Robert A. Millikan, the famous American scientist. BOYS' WIXdbre J lessthan hallprict ! With a fair-sized lUt of pas-; ( repairing was evident, j The light house tender Alberni, 'Capt. J. Petersen has been un-i dergoing an annual overhaul for some time now and at the apt terma. Instead artificial, j formal the wards. At the top of each;nf stiltp1 words which do not put people oiiciura appear me worqs: uuuu jviuiii-ing." Not a bad idea! Makes the place seem less like a hospital. , at ease, or simplify understand- . .Ppk-end was near completion. CHILDREN'S OYER, sengers and a capacity cargo of At the Prince Rupert Yacht' freight. Union steamer Coqult-' Club, undsr a warm sun Thurs- I jam, Capt. John Boden, arrived day, J. Reld was engaged In jn port ot 2:45 yesterday after, minor repairs' to his halibut, noon from Vancouver and way-boat. '"JR." getting it ready for points and sailed at 11 p.m. for . . ' Port Simpson, Alice Arm and ' Stewart whence she will return udqv quality Per pair . . . i ing. More than young lawers in section three, the packer j could take the wise counsej to Fitzhugh, . rammed during the ! heart. . - . ( herring season by one of two . scows It was towing, is just be- A modern hotel is to go up, and a modern warehouse to come down. So what! . '. . i Prince Rupert remains the If ' some of the speakers who can't wait to get i ' started and never know when to quit or those who rise to face an audience already numbed by long and wcarijgme preliminaries only could realise how they j. could make themselves popular, they might do like here tomorrow southbound. At 6.4S last evening. Union steamer Chilcotln, Capt. Harry McLean, returned here from Maaaet Inlet points and sailed at 9 p.m. for Praise of British Columbia has been heard In the legislature'. Encouragement Is deserv- ing given its final treatment by workmen.' In section two, two ' Columbia Cellulese barges are high and dry awaiting overhauling "' For the past two weeks, tf.M.C.S. Chatham's patrol vessel has been undergoing repairs, j Also In diydock Is the Indian f DepaV ment vessel Naskeena ! home of quite .i few rails y Vet-lerans practically all of whom lean spin yarns of incidents and ! experiences. i'L an entertaining collection Many, at least for . a i while, have woked In regions far distant from Skeena. One night, a train from Florida, was ap (Ttrragso QlffiTTUTiTTTtj) Vancouver and wojpoints ' ' i ' : ed antl come none too oon. A .The noted doctor i. had i been out-talked by those ' province such as this gives went before in snite of the fact hp was hillo -ju- less opportunities ' for studies. i if Falnting scenes of beauty is 'hever a waste of time, as some Whipping and c, Cartas and St, Complete Reliable i preaching Kentucky. It was lone ; past bedtime hour. In a sleep-. , ' ina coach, a veil cut the compo- Barney Kristmanson has been sure. More followed. A few. mix-! WUenng around the harbor in ed with proianitv. came frora lent Service, also J might indirectly suggest. Few lives have been more crowded than Churchill's, with Immense responsibilities. Yet he found time to excel with brush and Canadian Liquid Ai: the fjrincipal speaker so he met the situation thus: j A4 this hour, I fear the mind is too weary to listen to the speech I have prepared. I had intended to discuss one of the chapters in my new book, "The Road to Peace." Any of you who are interested may read the book. Then he sat down. Just right ! Exactly what thousands have longed to hear,; exactly what other thousands have longed to doT " . ' hi new craft Lady Luck I. which men. Women shrieked, . and for Oxygen. Amyy was - recently completed at I canvas Wahl's. shipyard on Digby I welding supplies. Lindsay's Ct Ci i. land. The vessel is powered by , . ' , -i. :,'nrf not w ,Z: This advertisement is oiorage jLimT j Coming down to private affairs, we know hardly anything about j saucers flying or stationary. jThe dish remembered best was the saucer we had a habit of fill Cor. Jnd and Pari Est. 1910 rW published or displayed by the. Liquor Control Board or by the govern-ment of British gowned figures began to appear from behind rows of curtains.' A j passenger had among her pos-1 sessions a medium sired box to which she had been giving per- sonal care. Fellow travellers never suspected what it contained. , It consisted of merely a couple of baby alligoters, In some way ; they had managed to free themselves and go crawling over the sleeping forma around them. "Bv Jineo" observed the old rail-1 roader" how those : "w m n engine and travels at a real clip. The boat Is 34 feet in length with nine feet four inches beam. Barney-was working on the vessel during a bright sunny Friday ' afternoon His first Jaunt in the vessel was on Thursday. . Nelson Brothers at Port Edward are to engage ten beam JOHN H ing with scalding hot tea and blowing on. But by .that time, sharp reproach from, the head of the house was on- the way for such an outrageous example of table propriety. NEW -ANGLE ON DEMOCRACY Tftf'BELGIAN people have voted on whether they want to have King Leopold back and by a smallmajority the answer was affirmative. Now Plient is to confirm the matter and, if they cafttfcfofl, Leopuld says he will return. BULG OPTOMm t 71 of all fires are in residential properties I Dwelling Fire Insurance it inexpensive ARE YOU INSURED TO PRESENT-DAY VALUES? Prince Rupert Realty Co. p. II. MNZEV Green 067 screeched" j trawlers for sole and scrap fish ?4 in the near future. Three com 1. Possibly the general . election has something to do with It? At any rate, word from Britain says-there is a decline In the demand for spectacles, wigs, medical at-tentlon and the Lord knows what else, which Is little short of ; amazing. Jrln B uf get pany craft are out at present. These include the Twinkle, Capt. John , Johanson, which was mpored at the Imperial Oil dock Thursday afternoon and the. Smith Sound. Capt. A. Brown. The Twinkle and Car- LETTERBOX VISfON NEllDEO Editor, Dally .News:, . Third Aw Can, you rmaginv . "bt WIN ollna Maria recently lauded a fred Laurier" looking at a rhapW load of flatfish at B. C. Packers. Canada, especially of British Cot- AH vessels are presently en- MANUFACTURERS' AGENT CALIFORNIA CASUALS 3" Wedge in Grey Suetle . All of which is a new angle on democracy voting, on a King! What would some of the old time regal despots, who made all decisions, much less consulting with the people whether or not they should occupy the throne, have thought of such, a .,thjri as, this? 1. " , TAt'least, the head that wears or Avould wear a crown rests more easily howadavs. But there are still despots around. They don't happen to wear crowns and they need not dress so fijneily, but are just as powerful and just as cruel, it!se;erns as some of our late lamented rulers of ages pasfc-buld Have been at their worst. And maybe it's harder to get their heads into a basket. Wholesale Warehouse tarrying a rf presentatiw si I - Senator Eaton of Montana sug-' get that, as a substitute for statehood, Alaska might be con-I tent to become a northern out-I post of the State of Montana, j Wonder if he's ever been as far (west as British Columbia. Or would it be passible Alaska might prompt service to the trade nmnvRB Tire & RUBBER CO. Tires, tubes, I $6-95 t AT . hose, belting, accessories. CANADIAN WEST1NQHOUSE CO.- Lamps only, fli and Incandescent. 6 to 230 volts. gaged in dragging for flatfish The Morris H. landed some fih at the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative last week and at Atlin Fisheries. Flat fish were brought in by the Skeena Maid and Hero No. 1. Most of the fishing is concentrated in Hecate Straits and arpund Butterworth Rocks. The jatter is approximately 25 miles ,out of Prince Rupert. Weather FAMILY SHOE , nave a lew remarks to make on ' the subject. . .. OFNERAL BATTERY. CO. of CANADA Radio t umbla and putting a TransCan-acla Highway through the Big Bend and on to Vancouver at the extreme southwest eorner of our country? Wonid we everhav had the CNR. with this kincfof ' 1- .vision? ; I They already have a good high way to Vancouver and the resources of southern B. C, , are pretty well developed, while from Jasper to. Prlnee Rupert lies a vast empire, capabls of supporting at least two million people, a country rich In timber, minerals STORE LTD. Charlie Roberts flashlights, ignition batteries. O. H. WOOD Si CO. Industrial sanitation, paper t deodorizers. DUSTBANE CO. of B. C Dustbane, Sisal, Janifcv hotel and restaurant supplies, IMPERIAL WIPINO RAO CO. and others Phone 35' Box 638 j A leopard, escaping from a zoo n Oklahoma, ate a chunk of 'meat in which" poison had been i placed and died. - He had been pursued by several thousand cit-lizens. Neither the' dope nor the : To Advertisers bo insure puollcation of display or classified advertising :opy for same must be in the office of the Daily News b" 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements o the mechanical department make this rule necessary. ; chase could be called good sports PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY manship. Sinces then, another wat,r po'"1. 'lsh. lame, and a 112 Si-cnnd Ave I 1 BOB PARKER LTD. District Agents For Ford Cars "Fifty Ways New for '50" Monarch Cars "More Beautiful than Ever" English Ford Cars "Be Thrifty In Fifty" . Ford Trucks "Bonus Built" Ford English Trucks "High Value, Low Cost" Ford Tractors and Implements Where You Get a Liberal Trade-in Allowance j For Old Car or Truck great agricultural area Just waiting for good ' transportation, to ' lure not only settlers but tourists y the thousands to, UH -this and of Golden Twilight and the scenic beauties of the Canadian Alps" from Smlthers to Prince leopard, this time In New Zealand and loathing 4 life sentence as much as the other one. was killed whll seeking .liberty. N$ one, by any chance, has, noticed any cougar tracks out around Shawatlans or on the mountain f LAST STRAWS by Stevens . Rupert: -.- 1 - ! back of the cty, has he? , - i Here, there Is no high pass and progress 1 winter closed highway but great More power to more ijmjMk SERVICE BY " V LICENSED PLUMBERS K Pianeer Drugs'? PRESCRIPTION SERi Daily Delivery Service Hollywood c CAFE valleys through the f ente of our country from; Which feeder' h'lgM ways can tap the "Peace" River, Northern B C. and Alaskdl, sin'd to the south, .the Thornpspn. ,nt? Fraser Valleys, the great in(ericA' Lakes district and1. TweedsmitfT fark. From this great country, even Vancouver would reap; great, rewards. , ; '. ' ' ": ''. " Surely n intelligent study pf, the map coupled .with' unselfish ' vision would . convince any .fair ' minded peraoa pi the, great advantage of this route. Let us forget about votes "and polftics. and think, of ihe future of our. country. Phone 81 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE Cm When you call you may be sure of expert repairs by top-notch men. .Try us! , ' : : PHONE 108 ' , OPEN FROM S:30 P.M to J:30 A.M. We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY -CIIOW MEIN For Outside Order PIIONE 1SS POPULAR PENS by Prince Rupert -Plumbing & Keating BUD 8CHUMAN (Old Post Offlce"Bldg.) ' 8. f. CAMPBELL. Terrflrp - . : I i ALUMINUM WARE I i J gvtt Tvt kt thos osfwi gel a HtlU ahtad of ma" Utensils Heat with oil and rid yourself of troublesome furnace cart, the worries of uncertain heat ... An Imperial Oil contract, with the Imperial Weather-controlled delivery service, gives you comfort, convenience, cleanliness automatically . . . The Esso Oil Burner has fuel-saving features no other burner can offer . . . Ask about the PACKER WATERMANS EVERSHARP SHEAFFER RUPERT-MOTORS LIMITED Used Gars and Trucks $435 Down buys 1 947 1 V? Ton CM C. $445 Down buys 1 948 Vi Ton Chev Panel j with station wagon seating . "v': SPECIAL ' -1939 1 -ton International ' $300 totel price '. I it i a You'll Find Every Item For Your Kitchen ' ot - f l r...l. l All Dene: from I ... convenient Deferred Payment Plan. 5' WW mm mm il.V.?En!AL OIL LIMITED usso) l r iVVZi J