r Prince Rupert Dally Kiwi Monday, March 20. 1930 Western CanoJo Hockey is Tied ' TRAIL CP The '""ay night M rtr . mmmm I .' 5' f I 4 to Canada Junior quarter-final ser-'It is a best of tee. Nanaimo Is Eliminated EBY&SONS CITY BASKETBALL ENDS Co-ops, Fashion, Play-Off Winners Bo-Me-Hi Falls Apart At End yttvptx& i . , U good many Co-op. passes, be- .-i. u i ,i, ii c- i ; The curtam fell on City League basketball Satur-, sides KOfing e poin,s. u was a 1 : LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING i FOUNDATIONS t'Let us help, you plon that new home under m N.H.X ;Phar Green M Box 586 Kamloops Elks entered . the I finals of the British Columbia senior amateur hockey championships by defeating Nanaimo Clippers 6 to 2 Saturday night. Thc-y now meet the winner of the Trail-Kimberly series. I day night. CoOp made It two Straight to Win the ca.se of experience winning ov! Senior play. They won a 42 to ob victory over Ho-Me-; Hi. Fashion won the Intermediate title with ,uimkesMiTilklnl consecutive victories over Merchants. j7 S(.nP1fc e. Davis 19, Beynon, Co-op. win the Civic Centre - - : Arney 4, M Holkestad, Morgan. trouhy for their play-off vie- nas piaved a sterling gome nil Total 42. TRAIL WINS PUCK TITLE VERNON CPI Trail All-Stars won the British Columbia intermediate hockey ehampion- 11 0)eCDJIuin' i SINGER i i Vie repair all niaks Svrj"t Machines I WORK GUARANTEED Phone 804 ship and the Coy Cup here Sat-itory and also will hold the oun, season, and his ability to keep Bo-Me-Hi Carlson a, spnng nrriQv nlirht hv Hpfpit.inr Van-Life Cud. emblematic of the lea-1 smiling under all conditions waV 8. Scherk 5, Webster 2, McChes- pile championship. a big factor in hi winning the rev " 8, Bill 4, Ratchford, Krist- ..... i Oi!'. cauver Indians 0 to 5. HOCKEY SCORINO RECORD - Edmonton Flyers are leading contenders again this year for the Allan Cup they wan In 1947-48 season. One of the Flyers Is 21 -year-old Colin Kllburn who . . Fashion is the winner oi ine awara. maiison onurpc. Grotto Cup in the play-offs, joe D.ivts of Co-op. was the INTERMEDIATE ArtvertWHi lri! DafivNews! d George Cook trophy for ; winner of the most valuable; Fashion won a double-barrel- league leadership. i player award. This trophy was led title Saturday night by tak-' Centre Sewing Singer r SCOTCH WHISKY ISflUI. etfNDfO AND lOMlit fCOTl AND UNCI lit? I ine winners oi uie , won last year ty Antjus Macpf if e ing trie soconu sinngm B"'r I set a goal-scoring record In Houston Memorial Trophy for 0r the same team.- , over Merchants in the Inter- good sportsmanship and the, The awanis were maie by' mediate League by a 40 to 33 Forward Trophy awarded to the commius app(,jlUej by the j score. They are now the league , most valuable player was an- basketball executive for the pur- j ' champions the polder of the nounced to the spectators at the v-h ir.mniitt.HP concert Grottii Cup. As winners of the winning the point-getting1 title this season in the western Canada Senior Hockey League. The scrappy left winger In his second year In senior ranks col- conclusion of Uie games on Sat- internudiate playoff they ad-1 Pointing & Decorating !WALLPAPR HANGING ', . Gafl SPfNCE & MATUIK Pljone Blue 215 233 11th St ill i iiriir ii tha I'Vrt.'nl ivii urday evening. The good sports- bl of firi a aiul a sl)et.tator on the George Cook Trophy to their j lected 51 goals and 29 assists Kilburn who had a try-out last , s-ilver collection. mam-nip awam riu vj nuurn ,h,, M.nlh1,i1i,, fimlth. of. the North Star team. I It was a fairly dull game, most QitTiTnflTiTrcj) The winners of other league This is the first year that thc winner has been from a division .and VW-M awards were Peo- A til WW i 40 m. U UVf m. l,nUj L fall with Montreal-Canadlens of the National Hockey League was voted the league's most valuable player in a poll of sport writers. In the previous other than the senior of the action being In the third ; leriod. During the first hiJf the I, score was close with Fashion ; having a slight edge at the! 20-19, Merchants held a 17-Jo! rlY4Tl Smith ttu iouh me nixilM'll 'Trophy emblematic of the I Ladies ' League championship. This advertim'ment is hot published or rinli year he won the circuit's award JJquor t'onlrnl Board or by the gwvrntj lead In the early part of thej a4 the ouLsUnding rookie I p.nd the Civic Centre Trophy for their play-off victory. la the Junior Division Rupert Hotel or liritlKh Uilumbia ! second but could not Keep it ior j iCP PhotoJ long. In the third. Fashion CHIROPRACTOR Jehn F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C j 21-22 Besner Block j Photic BLUE 442 lor Appointment i 10.30 a mt V ia JO p.m. and r to p.m. J IVUMMW Mtt4&V and -truUf. 7.30 p.m. for those unable to come durin? the da.J!ECEPT10NUST In Eue leauers out lost out in me ; ' 1 the , final . frame , Merchants v. riHurses'Home "(the edge but it was too late. play-offs to Kinsmen, who, trounced them two straight to This advertisement is not : published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the govern-: I ment of British Colum' i bia. Young Derek Letourneau, Pt ivntK j drafted by Merchants from ospfjurr . QoodFood For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes Specially CHOP SUEY 1 Under Way c.....j..' v... (Junior Division, was the hi1 T. ... .scorer for the game with a- -..i,, repetition of - the first ame ofi .. . . Contractor Mitchell and Cur- - v ' I i-.n p,ri n em 1 1 Mini a 1r flfli . .. .. . LLL i the plav-offs between Bo-Me-i Vw T rle, no that the cold weatner is Hi and Co-ops. With four minu-v ith Intmla- lih iover, have made a'rtartr, the Ites left to play High School had ' were fhign fashion. Fouls of addfqpnV tte few 10 on Fash ion and on i a four point lead and looked ; gide o tJw Nurge Home of i like the winners. Then they' fhanU. Referees were S'.atta prlnce Generai Hoy. co) II BtUsiress and Professiona ' c repeated their performance of . 1 ; pital for whUh iiiey were award- Tueiday night eoina all to pieces i . . ' , ed the contract a few months Fashion Bob Gill U, Barry ago. Excavation having been Hill Jim Intermela 9, Watson, nil 6, u, iiit iiui iiLtrits. tr, n ulouu, el1 mpleted . . , form, . t for Hougan 6, Drake 2, Brew 4. Total 3g j the concrete rouiuiations are CHOW MEIN RexCalte 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders and letting Co-op pour in tea straight points 'which gave Co-op. the game, 42 - 36. and the play-off series in two coasecu-tive wins. Joe Davis played one of his best games of the season to jpark his team to victory with his sterling defense. SIDNEY GONICK now being put in. m. vv. wnu of the firms of McCarter and Merchants Dumas 6, 4. Currle. Christoff 1. Bytown Machine Work Bales Service and Parta Simplex Gas Engines i h p. X85 h p. architects, visited the ' OPTOMETRIST Davidson 4, Walsh 4, Letourneau Nairne work this we.-k 12, Boulter 2. Total 33. He scored a big 19 points. For ' Bo - Me - Hi. everyone played KAMLOOPS Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS ! 9 a m. td 5 p .m. LEADS Cummins Dependable Dleseli oi tneir best, with McCHesnev rwro NANAIMO 65 b p. 550 b.p. Inquire about our long term 23 & 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 KAMLOOPS CPi Kamloops leads - Nanaimo two games to : one now in '.he Okanagan Main ' Line hockey rhiai series as a re Warranty and Service j Krenlngs by Appointment i sult of a 5 to 2 victory over Nan-: j aimo Friday night. DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUTDING ' 1 SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK p!hone 765 P. O. Box 140) PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Few people c an kill il j QUALITY REPAIRS i For Downtrodden Heels tnd Worn Soles ; MAC I SHOE.?HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. it si-?f. SI singlchamled! HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS I FOR SALE FTrst Class Garden Dirt $2.50 yard Rock & Din Fillings $2 yard KAIEN. TRANSFER Phnliie 9P.1 84l This is thf Tit-Okf Ribo. ' Jle UMially uppean just wlien you're deriding l do Miineliii t!a dwiiWH Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS without di-luy, lii-u tf tries to talk yu oul of il, . W hen you're iUnning s trip, he'll trll yoH not lo hoilier niki retrrfiH GEORGE RORIE & CO.1, when juu have kliglit ioottu he, he Jl yt "ftm t wor.)1, pl " " " r PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 Me Calvert ,;wi i 4 .o I T ; r:: ' I "I CAfVERT DISTItlERS (CANADA) UMITED, AMHERSTBURG. ONT ' : I Iteiiilea, you re too lmy lo go In tlx- uYiilut Unlay t" fHi, lie's a sly one, this Pul-Off Ilir.l ! And m.Ii trouble-maker tltt lie fj get fathers lo neglect their family's final ial MM iirity.' Hut fortniwlely ' of lliie hird often appears at sik Ii critM'nl iiiomenls and stetlheiiay. Public Accountants and Audi- torh. Income Tax Returns . t . compiled G. L. RORIE, AA E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 i I ' - I Sw tiquw Cabl tMid m Wt m CntrMHiS ? Tkut sdvertiieaitat i not pabliihed ac displayed by the Liquot Contxol Buud or by the Ciorernmett bl Bntnh OilumbU. Thin enemy of the bird - and friend of fathers - is the Ufa inmrnnrt ttf Aiming fow r.,.l:.i :.. f..i. .i ti. r-..iire Ii kill i' 'I''"''! '- - " wnnin n fll S IID filial llir V fltfl .!.-!. l. i , -i l ,.lit tll B & W TRANSFER Dry Kindling Wood 50c per-sack Random Length Fir PHONE RED 182 tinirui, me i imiii. in uanrroui propaganua u siienrru. nnn realize why lie thould ad lo protect his family immediately. Thus the life intiiram-e representative lielpi revent eoiinllets people fn to depend on rharity or re-lativei for tlieir suttnorl in yesrt to rouie. I :r l j. ... . . . ' m ... r.ined tnin"1)1' A.P.GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants I A. L. BELL, C.A., 9 Rupert Hotel frlnce Terr.ve March 10-Aprll 1st Prince Rupert ArJril 1st - April 15th i.nr uiiiif-rwrnrra iirip prnpir in pnfr'OV, low. " jj fu.l rolutoil In fj.,,:!,' t..l.,.. 'tl.n l.nihl lllliul life lllUrU ' MARCIIAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKIIIS LTD. - ..... .. .v ..' , W , U , K . . , . , t " .. ....I..- T. ill re I thoae need exnctly., r . j - :. , j iiiH Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Oreen 667 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 064 More than million Canadian families niYt i.ene filed Ly llie rrtifM' ern life underwriter. And lie's Iwfya Isd te help you BOX 71 PHONE 174 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chllcotln A riAlnfiil IlirrAtl !n VOUf COXt.' w . '' ... ; 1I vnil S P'i Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m., Coqultiam DR. GARNET E. H. i w nen a lite inaurance represeniaim: . ji REXAIR MONTGOMERY 1 NOW HERE S-in-1 Mechan f 4 i . v vr help to improve your community, ror a i-6" r insuranet dollr is put io work ihrougll D'tVtlBT FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 17 and 31 Suite' t.fjmith Block hools, liridges, highwsys, industrial iai. .,j that make for better mm j projects create J jobs and i.J- : !U, ibroush th fUl e 525 f P.O. Box 1218 I Pliin ical Housemaid 4 IT DUSTS IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES t IT SHAMPOOS RUGS IT SWEEPS IT PURIFIES IT CLEANS IT DF.ODORI7.es IT HUMIDIFIES O IT SCRUISS helpful fellow-cittsen-tiie lfe underwriter! HELEN'S rfiflS .'.. jj nl C.nna LIFE INSURANCE 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ps. Chilcotin March 24, 10 p.m. and 24, 10 pm. FRANK I. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 VACUUM CLEANER Thone Today for Free Demonstration MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52t 830 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. BEAUTY SHOP permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street PhonsW iaCsw A meitait from A mpr than pity Lift lnmranct CompM" 140 ftlh E. Ci. A. Ciustafson Black 990