Pnrtc Ruparr Doily Newt Monday, March 20, 1950 HOTEL. ARRIVALS Mrs. Sara Sell was a. passtnj er aboard the Coqultlam last evening going through to Stewart to resume residence after having been in Vancouver for the past couple of months following the For . . oppcoronce t , . . long life . . low cost Prince Kapcrt - Leslie Odlohe E. Harrison, Port ... i ueain nere of her husband. "..u. . ., . . Mrs. J T. Fowlc and child left' . Edward; Mr. and Mrs. L. Audet, Anirus MacPhco lelt on Saturdays plane for a trip to Marzocco, 11. B. Drake, E. Mac-DonaW, Mike Sekora and W. S. Lythgoe, Vancouver; R. R. Howlett, Port Simpson; F. C. Penny, Dlgby Island; A. W. Priest, Sand-spit; D. Graham, Butedale; Mrs. J. Bergman, Oona River, J. Mc-Arthur. Port Edward. P ASPHALT SHINGLES on Saturday's plane for a trip Aucr m'-S- Iter daughter ACK. Mr. ana Mrs. w. u to Vancouver Kand son-in-law. here, Mrs. E. McAtee, Watson Island; Mrs. R. ' j Roberts returned- to her home at R Howlett and - children, Port, Canadian Legion Card Party t Wcslvlcw alard the Prince.Ru- Simpson; E. L. Itenders, Olenn Spring . SPORTSWEAR Meeting of Music and Drama festival - Committee Civic Ccn- inursaay. Her son-in-law 1 uaricy, e. jonnsion, v. Auenoy, Bulls Shades: red, green, green blend , ,rwn blend delivered per square $10.75 f?0rven per square $10.00 Ion shades: red and green .... per square $ 9.00 '"ay'. Marcn 20. at 8 postponed till further notice p.m. ' ' 60 'owing to moving to new bulld- Is fireman Don Lkwillyn. V- C Qucsncl, . Walsh, Mr, and Mrs. A. Wennerstrom, E. F. Bell, Vancouver; A." J. Bonk, T. Wilson, oordon Daniels returns! t,. m, 1 "ig. (67) city aboard the ChXcotin I Sunday . after a round trip to MasTt on L M.r Mr a"d MrS' Moc AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today it. Overgaard, Mrs. M. McLaren, C. F. Flodin, Misi- Christine Stoncy, U. Quesnel, U. Solar, E. F. Beil, Mrs. B. A. Telford. returned foT & McCAFFERY LTD. mil v Legion Vomen's Annual Banquet I city; . A. Johnson, T. Sandhals, ;Porcher Island; Mr.' and Mrs R. ,'L. Muller, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ray, New Hazcltori; Mr. and lo the city on the Coqultlam terday afternoon from a trip to PHONE 116 juiueiai Dusiness. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Rcid re. turned to the city on the Co-tiuitlam yesterday afternoon Vancouver. -TK. -V-: , y i.v,,-u. O. iih i .unanio t . i Ant . a. tit . . j, , . w t- i.wlin igion m:khu women's vvuiiien s 1 rvrvr. . Poft forr. i mnTS ? : ip Pyper, Clements; Oeorge Leith, A. Piper. . rongaw Masset. passed Auxiliary heifl thelr':,n,,fli rC.. n.LIl r , .J ,r' ".'... .....,.. auet last. ii ot'th. t i .. i . . . . . - - . vr.p io Vancouver. through Prince Rupert; aboard ' Organizational meeting of a the CnUcotln Sunday evening cn-Women's Auxiliary to yie Prince routc tor a vislt to Vancouver. RuDert Oenorol u.i.... . . I - ' -v wip.muauway fu. nen, Kjemtu; ii. J. Ayres, v. . tianey. ; caie. Some ninety ..members at- Chancellor, David McKenzIe, Ed- I From Sandsnit (Saturday E. tended. The hall was beautiful! mr. I l I vmwt , hiiu 1111 ill ALU -uvrfQ .wun. sPrm(r flowers, Iquette! Mafcet: Mr Ahd Mrs. A. For morninq freshness DRINK DELICIOUS fm- been called',;; V0"0 30 will be held at the Civic Centre. ZTZZ thC dt!Wcnu, of theVgion"" Moen, Campbell River; C. Syl- MU - I v. .v. jmnv uuwil LI H" Roy Watson, after a bush, "n the Coquitlam veterdav af- 1 . , u"qUe.'. Wa? formally op- yester, Ottawa.' 7 Prime Rupert : F. O .BrewfK W. M. Oreig, A PAINS CAN BE RELIEVED! ;- :"- ' - " TaWnl thoiM.ndi ho h found AnnounceiTtfnt mATHtnm nw 0f Anhrin. nrprl2EHR,upfrt;,KKii?an "f M iTcCs Draaia Festival,. March r;,22, 23 w .tor.. dou;in m and 24 1. '", . oint io thrnai'.ni. Thfomt trip Id Queen Charlotte poin ternoon. . T . frw forward v. passed throiiPh jh ... u J I with a to Uie King STchS ! SuflJ y. 1 ' 1,1 lhe C1,y 10 vlslt daugh- and singing of -o Canada," The enrou to Vanco " ta encral 18 th- '"Joyed a fine ver I I Anderson, who arrived Sunday '"rkpy dinner. . A handsome W. B.. Crane, businessman of aboard the CTiUcotln from Mas- birlhday cake was cut by the Port dements, passed through president, Mrs. W. Rothwellwho Prince Rupert tiandav ' then made a snort but Inter-the aboard c. , t . Chllcotln enroute io Vancou-1 , t I Z T ChcU' AiD slcech- ' " ' ' u ver on business. . I ' ho B a school board . A bouquet of floors wcvpre- acting at Port ClemenU - over sentcd . to pasl prcsid(!nt MK Norman Nelson, president of 1 tnc week-end. returned to the cl- j. s maru .v AT BEDTIME Sport Jackets in tweeds -and polo cloth materials Priced from $25.00 to $38.50 ; , Gabardine Slacks , ... . . . Blues, G r e y Greens, Brow n s," Fawn and maroon Priced from $12.25 to $20.00' Green River casual .shirts ... . a fine wool gabardine, i n - g r e y, ( brown and fawn. Priced at I.... $7.50 D u n I e i g h Sport Shirts in Maroon,!' Grey, Green and. Brown, full zipper -, $6.50 Button $6.95 ; . Tartan Sport Shirts in a fine rayon and wotel ' jjuu.n'ii. irit auu I1U1I1C prompt. ut bolll of IH)I,('1M CoukhYg; March 25. TabletB todJJ. 100 UMrtt for 2.3- Z0 W for 3.S lao TailaM in bottln Vardcn Wd" Limitc Toront" Singers' Concert', Wed- March1 295 15 p.rA. ' ', ' f '.- Card TCmnvarjicnl, Catholic JfwwwvvwzAwwM Nelson Bros. Fisheries at Vancou.y ' aboartl Chilcotin Sunday. 'Ccs as president and also read hnn!!!"!,1!''.'! l0 C Cl.ty aftr a R' D- CItlalld returned to the 'an artlcl iUble to the oc-baMness visit at Masset over the cltv aboard thrhM,!., c,,,, easion. . Hall, Thursday, March 30.- : Prince Rupert Syrnptiooy Oreh- :Z,?:- NClSn had ar1a,-a round trip to Port Clem- Presentation '.ot corsages to all - ..h Vancouver cany last enu on Teachers FedrmMon Pa5t 1st executives executives bv by Mrs Mrs. W. W. ftmh- Roth- esira concert, Frrday, March 31, - - wcek. Kllcl nnco '.bins is payaoie in advance. Please refrain frUui r. ell, president, , and Mrs.' , J. S lassiiii'on. ii- wuiu jjci uist-1 injnimuin ! ffiack bast i Mr. and Mrs. Orenbertr re- S ,nl. W' ril10016 M ih Nutiecs 50c Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, Mrnapp and Engagement Announcement!: $2. turned to Butedale on ih rn- wr . "la,- W BW.Wnflpi. IN THE HUPKEME COlir.T OP lirtlTIHH COLUMBIA SPECIAL IJiai'LAY. DOUBLE PRICE ' Hear anrl see artlst.-pvarm-plish ... io. . nmorusK, Mrs. w. ,uar- , , jqulUam yesterday after spend-, Mrs!. A. Hardy, .Mrs. D. Kerr ;mg the winter In Vancouver. Mrs a .t r,w'u t.. Rev. H- O Jorenson. First Bao-' i '! tist Church. March 24 - April 2.' 4 Al !.t ENGACiKMKNT IN ' l'Bf1lTK Always Prduipt and Courteous ...... Y.Vj,u. jjruo , Him I , ,. ..... . . . I Mr. Genberg operate a logging ley; Mrs W..'Murdorki a in- camp near Butedale.' - j Andfr.W. Mrs. W, Rothweli, We're Here to Serve YOU A M m uch, fiillv t Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hamilton i W THE MvrTFft. of rm -adm . "Mission Band Explorers' pro-! g ram : ica,' Presbyterian, : Pall. 1,1 1'iaier. seat wi,s to announce the encace-1 WTaATlON ACT" uiiuranee and March 4. 1950. of their eldest nd Community siiiging wasr en Adam Piper, hotel uronrietor at. material $6.50 . ;. oox i"'u. mem. winch took nlace on tk mattsr of thk estate Cafe April . . , , ; 1 y ' Canadiap" Legion Easter ' Sale April 6th. . ' ' fp kamitkl BKLL. nw raskii Port Clements, arrived in Prinr. loycd, during the evening, with " " I dauii iter. He en Ik-ltv. 1.1 Rtm rt Anltpr HrillrPKj-irl Tho uri. Talt nutlce that hv ..rrlnr nf H' r... r- ,.. ... .. Mrs Prank Pllinr. no n, tr-' Kuk. 0' m w take ot7e on Mrch ' Honor j,mSr. w. 6.' FUiton."locl uay aooara me unu- . S "Hospitality "and qbod Food' inckurnund 31. at St. Paul's Lutheran " 'wibo of tint supreme court of cotin and returned to the Islands v fniuii-Qcr 01 me even-' Jobs DaushUers Tea and Sale nih w. l-ntine church. It ry""bk. 1 w on tb 3rd bv Diane tndnv nftr hrtf h... .'"Br.- .was ..spent piaylr.e court rf hnnmm. " Anrii a ah (65) Phone fi 'for Send-Out Orders 3rd Ave- David Chow, Mgr. , u ui MMrrn, u. iHjiu, Rnnninira . .. - . , , r. -;' "r . .. home of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth FOt:M . Artmiuihtrator with the win umrsm ness visit. , iwf mi, reacney. Mrs. Ave. west, in. hoit Venus ' - -- - i of tho -rxuto of KamUnl Brti. tate. . A. J. Croxford andMrs. E. Good- :irvl(T. r ' n.r M.1V m.,v he DC FOUND Gold article, at Civic of 8tc.n. British ho s. C. Thomnson. war wimn Wil tvnW (.-. - ' - WrWWWWAV VAAV.' c'm.rp Frif av ntnlit. . F'iTirir cimi on ihn Mth iiv nf nifniiwr i 1 - Queen .Mary I.OD.E. Tea.j mav have same bv idcnttfvliv t c Prince i Rupert, , liriuai ancl oI(J timer of Prince Rupert, 1 The commili-oe ih- charge of Aorll 10 .ijii's shiuvartis 73U. 00 'am Chev (liillll) ' TYim I . ; ; . ; ' ' ' - - i : rr I Classified ads b.'lng results i Lirt-s new HU'cl 1 rauie lire miuircd to iv the umuuut lalcr n the season. He expects to ; J. Keays, Mrs. A. Murray; Mrs. I ' ' - . of tuir indebutinrw i0 mc forth- leave some time in midsummer D. Oomez. Mrs! F 'EllUon Mrs st- Peters-Spring Sule April ",a" claims . 'T . ' J.- . 9fl i A. A J J rrrnvfrurt Croxford. ir. Mrs r C. .inv, . v.. . j, ; .. ' , . t- 1 h..Kt f'.tr! SlMKl . iim.j., ..... r-iT tttfnl.tri - .i . with ilh and an A all nil .aw. l.n..l.... w aaiivi- mill Will ii -viniiNw aiio in-aunc persons " -"y"" """i having , travellinir raVpii!,, , . w i . '5 e.o vst ii,. tbr Juite i- - ...... travelling bv by air. air. e v m o- Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 ? said are required Micho-loff, Mrs. M. 'Gilchrist. 'uiB 1031 Has-, or call 61!!). Sixth Ave West. H "f,, n.'5Ti?!!r jItr'- w. x. . i Lciourneuu ana eons. tu;.v " mm. . rruese were i ( ' . ' . I Women of the Moose Novelty 1 Spring Tea, April 19, in the netf , Moose-Templcr'""' -" ioa ui be' mi iviu rnwrd only ncre yesterday aboard.. thc.C- .rTTTTt Medicine For Your; . Radio . t iinmiti". nea t- fO KK.NT to such fWmi of .which i snail have ouitlam returning, after a trim Try a Classlturfl id Jor.ResulU .ui tin i.iu.ii.! tvM ut-urr ti..., .i t.v . , For Friendly Service And Advice in Your PresbyteYIah"; Sp'rinf " S a I e April 27.... - . ,. . .. io Vancouver, to Alice Ann l Yon saw it'iii-Tne News. where Mr. Frocse is foreman of f niiw ir'iil. 1 iliiii i aim kmmi v iiuniicu. k i i k 1 room. Phone ttlack 600. tf, 'oo t rrince titinert.' B.C. tins : - .?rl Dhv of March. 1M50. I i' i.... ,'t ,i c ," VOn HENT-Sulte or five of-, ooimjon r'iMHEn pmkbes. ' "'V'-iiii lu es. Modern in every res- mure n.iiK-rt, nc. uie ia.MM M.l- itrct. Available March 1. A'InilnHtratnr nii tho will an-1 BuifrJina. Insulation and '-'-OrajigC SprlMg Sale and -Tea, the Torbrit mine. IS A TRIP TO . - a k a Decoration Problems, ', 'U Ji'weilris i ui,i,a R7 II P Tinker and Oil May 3.-; ', .... "United Churdi Mothers'. Day Sale, May " , . I72'i Ltd. . (tf) KEN'S " nr-xrd of th Eatate of batnuci ,r"s- -"uiti uorcjon. wno lias Ucii. deceased.- i been visiting for the past, fhrrc (0f) week's nf. Southbank on Francois - - - - - Lake with her son-in-law and ShK - ISLAND CITY : Gyro KJondJ-ke JishMay 5. i FOR RENT Sinalc sleeping i room for ouiet man. Close to; BjOv Crilj.s. Un-ibli-.s and chests. "' electric irons CHANDLER'S : ' PORTRAIT TDplO -Film Finishing Enliirrin liash riioto liken a Mom. Phone Qrcen 383 18 4tlT6 ; PKINCS. RlPPBT, B.C.. town. " 221 FUtn vc. -i. uui BUILDERS' SUPPLIES fin-Hie hciiU'r.: IN ri'f wMnif : rt)imT OP CKlTlaH. COLUMBIA Eastern S t-a ? ; Tea. May 1 8'.' ' , Sdn'ja'Tea'iMay. 13. A , -rs.o;N.,Badminton Pahce every ... vli ni v. - Call. Blue 092 ; 00 Day Guarantee , For Satisfactory Service General Builders' Supplies ; daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. An-1 1 ilia, returned to the city on Sun-iday morning's train.! 1 i l diIht ;irllcli'.s. j WANTKI) !i tile B.C.' ace - - - -- - - tf WANTED TO RFNT 4 - room I rm-illtiifl ninrlmnl. ttr fllT- r,0!i Il Bride St. Blue ll-'O i IN choimti; i 1 - J I 1 L 'iJ' 'JT'r Saturday; night. ; ,s j A. W. Priest,, who is in charge ! iiriirv. ciiuiir. nishe'd luiusc bv a superln- U ,.,.. , lt . '. 711 2nd'Ae. W. - Blue 992 "Artinlnlstratiofi ""Illlll n HI V I I, .ii. I, .1,1 Ilia allr. !UH1 I VCar - I .l r..ll-- n...:n. fa or Uuuert -ri OW ui SlV , . UX i v V 079 7a nVllv -' Mrws.i ... 1,1 . ami - '...:-... - -r .." ui ' wiu vrt,mum" ullHUlllII ' -acme Air I UI Ua"r jv-y. ! T-WZX ur,... nit quarters at Safiri-Glo IIM.I' WANTV.H TRke iioik-i' ihfit iy ortiiir nf m tana.s)rt, ,ieii oy tiaturaaysi Honor Jud! w. v, YvMmi.- local plane on his return U the Queen I Krtash Columbia, i. wa on the nth Charlotte Islands after a brief, iy of Miircii. a d. him. pKiinicu business visit to the city. He is Adnilnltratir of t!v rsiHtc of An- ! ule 01 f w w- prl(1.t rriCSl. formoriv lormeriy i drrw Hans-t-n. ltn of Prince Itu)crt, HriiiRh Colombia, who died on the of the Daily News typographical 8lh day of December. 1MB, at vu- staff ad now located at Nelson. I couver. British Culiimbin. i All iiersons Indebled to llu; said estale are required to pay the amount Moosehiart Alumnae commit- j UPtkT CEMENT PRODUCTS. LIMITED . . ' " , ' : 1 -. :, - r ; . ' Ready-Mix Concrete - belirered to thi ob . FEMALE HELP WANTED Callable conk for lunch riiiuiter: nlso waitress. Phone Dluck 889. (07 WANTED-SiiiL'lo eirl with cood sewlnif exoerience for ner- nianent domIIiiii. Auolv Slnser ftcwliui Machine Co. ()6 HEAL KSTATK PRODUCTS V ; for: ;;. . Walls, Woodwork, Floors ond Furniture ' Thompson Hardware' Co. Ltd. KNHWN names : I''ii-r .Slmvels; I llni" A (I ;i tn s Lit i le f irtt Kids, l Miinteiianre , Own Clamshell R'H'k GraitDlivs; 1 1 "iicri'li' Mixers; 1 Trucks-. Nelson rs fur vStocknlle -"v;il: Rico IVirt-,;'l Piiinus: Nu-I S'-rmiers and ; '"'IihI All Steel I isls: Nalionali ;ill.s; National! '-iiHl Cimvevoi's. of their indebtedness to me forth-, tee of the local Women of the. with and all persons hartrm clalnu; BKHlns.t the hn Id Kstnte are required to file them with me proiH-rly veri Moose met Friday night at th? j home of Mrs. Percy Bond "and, j alter a brief business session, en- j ioyed playing cards. Delicious fied on or before the ISUi day of April. IHftO. falling which distribution will be made hiivliiK rcuard WHY PAY KENT TO OTHERS . Choice lots aiv still availitble here so plan vour future home on the lot vim choose now. Consult us for new NHA recu-latlons: plans, ideas, -.uid the nronertv most .suitable for vour famllv. Chooose your liomeslie und build later. Ki-n Allml Acnlsl Piin" lit Arm- irum Na-'.".p Co. Uiniled. (- UP "ml u-emrtifi'-Id 1 S""" rcfrcshmcntfi were served by the timwmnE; ' .. I.imshcr 2" x s " X Ill 's. Used Call fil'.'J ttr i Dated at Prince Rupert ii c. tius Hostess. I'rescnt were Mrs. James 7U' "'rrJJhAB rom.. I'ri'onip.son. Mrs. J. Kasper. Mrs,! rnoce iui'-t. b.c.iS. Hauau. Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. Administrator of the estate of A''-, Terry Bond and Mrs. If. Muncev, drew IIiiii.-jTII, deceased. (ui) i , . r7 .. , .senior rctjent. .stronc Au-enelos. Phone 342 or Cireen 2!(7 (Eves.) (73 ) '; ntlCKS: Include llarex the fifth Ingredient in Concrete Four, Sacks Cement to Yard $16-00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard $".50 per yard S ix Sacks. Cement to Yard $18.95 per yard t No Orders Accepted for less than two yards ( KqVlPMENT FOB HKNT: . :r f Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete busies OSc per day ; ' '' -' Seven cubic feet capacity I " ' Single wheeled concrete barrows 50c yvr day OltlM.ltS TO ISli IN ONE DAY PRIOR TO IIFXIVKRY ' riioncs: Office GO; Plant 51 i'i---' Even for double the price you can't buy anything better than llllllvM-lllid ulvl,. - - " suriim. 'i:i4!ii FOR OUK!K SAt 2 acres laiui, BHiueii, iKiii.M' iu ui '- mile ironi Terruee. $231W citsh. Box C73 Pally News, tf l (Hi I in 7 eiinvertililr "r. Plion,. TO4 ev(-iiiiij.s. IN THK SUI'KUMi: COVHT OP nnniaii colvmbia mm UOHKHT K MONTAIKHl LTD. a I.ANP Itfc'tilSTKY ACT f!e; Ccriintutc of Title ho. 4IH!-I to; Ut I'lplit Kundrcd ant) Hlty-fvn "A" IB65AI. Rajige Hvc 451. ' stt lltstrlct, nald to contain One Him-1, dred and fixtj (ltltll acres, morn lt:ivi Ki'viMilcrn 17 Seventeen' in I'lioiivii; "n,('liev. Diimn Houses for vou to choose Irura. unit .., ... .... i- n. . I. a -. " ion. r-iionc wne oi vneso mav uc uie nuu.-it 0 urn (07 1 vou are liaiklni! for. or lew Hh " matter of tho' c in.itu.n tn.- ."- . - ti,m Act" and i IKimlnlou Telei;r)li l.lne. liavlivi a We have houses in every section of town. We hnvrv liimses fullv fur- In the matter of the estate of Ileul- nald Herbert Johnson, Deceased, i intestate. width of our Hundred (100) ieet. ; which may lie within the boundaries of these lands und exception! ni.shrri . I - liev in mxiri1 ro-ster. soul! $J--) 00. Bluelt ' 107) !!.ll,!-..!at Laura I Take notice that by order of His ' We have houses with small i ENGLISH BONE CHINA CITS and SAUCERS . 1J?: '1 'K", l " the 8n,,re,c Court of Decimal Two Six (l) 'J6) acres, c ... 79c Nine j IMItihh Columbia. I was on the 8th' more or less. nine 4i:i , I ff(Qw a . . . down oavnients. Let us know what VOU1 arc Uaikiiv: for Muvbe v,c can iielo vou. , , r Uemember when vou think of houses think of MONTADOU i . . i s 1-1(14. j;mahlv ri(;(,(1 1 vour friendly nirenl a 'tier. Phimii r.o nnni?nw i iirtwriivo 1TT1 . tGf.) ; . (GO) ;hhV.,1- .'"iieiiine.iFOTl RAI.E-Iheiintif ul home in WIIKI Ka itW-rtor, pnnil r of loss ' A( 1I)11lNt,Bl)ir f t,lc r of the alaivr Cert .flcaie . il T It ' 1Wl,tnuM U(.rbl.rl JuhnF(). ,uln f Oeo ie II ' ' " ' n the nn.e o f iwnr Tost. British Columbia, who been filed in II Is olflee. ""I' . , ,llra Im thp dnv orr. hereby given that I shii t th e ex- Colum-, plralton of one month f.-nm tnc u.ue . . i of the first P"WJJ.-t'l"i All mid' persons Indcbtev to the Provisional Ccrtl " ! k ,?f; estate aro required to pay the lieu of sa d il'uQlBm,mt of their Indebtedness to mc the meantime valid objection bo made fl)rUwitu Knd ft pW80Is ,lmvlni. to me in writiiit c)ulnls ilst tl) w Rstaw are Dale nee I niiprrt. at V,0 RC- t,,V thb -r.IrS Olh dv day of of' required i to file them with me pro-r lebruaiy, im. a ii. T10MpsoN riny of April. 1H50, falllnK which dls- rC,.i iT,.,.Kirur HcuLstrar of of Titles, litlca. tributlon will be made liavini? reward ,74) . Deputy , "tSt illUr 51 Keetiini 9. u-itl-i view TWO 1 09 1 I bedrooms.' stoin flrewiace. oil furnace, etc. Situated on corner lot. Good Kurauc. Phone Kcd 813 for further parlicu lars. 168) i,!7lSUU,1 ;iitiuc rtxiin war- vear old' Miier SALE -"Four" Us a n i ,i m-1 tlme 1st over look. AdpIV have been notified. ' (1 I ,,U,SII Join fhe Gyro Contest SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 1424 PlHcot Place. 108) 1(, -" unnts tusii 3;i0 FOP Sit IT Wlnnliw couch CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS '70) and nuiltiess likn new. Phone acllcs Dated at I'rlnco Ruiiert, B.C. this 9Ui Day of March, 19&0. EHNEHT EAHL AI.I.KN, AdinlnlstriUor of tho Fstnto of Reginald Herbert Johnson, deceased. Co Brown & Harvey, Prince Rupert, B.C. (09) Red ItUCl 961. W)l. .It lWVu 1,1.... XTMir Tr, Q,trln,r JT.V. MANSON'S CHINA SHOP Lirccn 900 Across from Liquor Store size u,u - .- . iitni iuvc. y COURTESY OF FASHION FOOTWEAR 3rd Arena t5mme " 'lnA SALE Lleht dellvcrv an inauons vv..w m. . r one ri,00,? ness 2 cars eoina concern.1 School. 301 Endeiton Bleu Blue 145. Phone 678 or Red 735 after 0 , Winnipeg. Man. (hi 1 (6T D.m E-BOPS For For Style Comfort 4.95 ;' 8.50 FASHION FOOTWEAR