provincial to W Vf ARY M PROVINCIAL LI3HArW, 113 ORUES DQI1GS VICTORIA, 2. C. . Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 08. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. MONDAY. MARfiH 5n lain . " pown ittve rvKTSi - 8 Gives n-u o dTo Dentin Dim Interior Vi ence Tell Court of few 5 Sholg"" Attack or the v's session Mike waring of .... ..ii,,, Would Make Road Repair 'Hopes Are Raised - i Landing On Local Pioneer Dies Suddenly Lpd Willi aiK'"l'"- Kispiox Tragedy Native Town Has Tragedy John Eklund, 77 year old Community Ratepayers Discuss Various .Mailer al Meeting Mainland lft Oscar uumap March 1 ,t how on ,u.y 4:30 p.m. lie, gayjclUT and Ern-dll)!C( outside the jindrowcil towards fxt y . if y & - X -f J : ) i '- TJ V !f" ' f V 3 BUDGET NEXT WEEK pioneer of ' this district as found dead in his cabin at the Fisherman's Floats east of the Residents of Rushbrook Heights A two year old ..native 5 p. m boy was burned to uea.n Charles TTVirlav in a fi dry dock shortly after Sunday by his friend are to be canvassed to sign a pe- . TAIPEI 9 Capture of 'the tition regarding the road situa- mainland tow.i of Sungmeh. tion in that area, It was decided 209 mi.Ics 8011111 of Shanghai, in at a meeting of the Community a commando-type' operation has hcre Mike I!o.i" tne raised Nationalist hopes' for . I thi. " OTTAWA Finance Minister Douglas Abbott announced today that be expects to bring down his ' budget al 8 p.m.' (Eastern Standard Time) Tuesday, March 28. The finance minister said that, barring unforeseen events, lie will ask for unanimous consent of members to start the speech al that time. Ratepayers' Association in Civic Centre last week. EaitKaen ana two cumpanions , . , , . tv- i Prior to 5 o'clock, Ericksen had completely destroyed; hlH been visiting tha deceased and home at the Ki.SpioX In thought thai he was dying. He dj reserve near Hazd- lmmediately ljft the dwelling in .. . , rearch of Bart HJdslrom. anoth- ton, B.C. police reported The lime. Mr. and Mr. on the Communist coast. 'y, :. ( petition request repairs to roads Mr. and Mis. J;,t- ait then usual er friend. N'Jt being able to lo- Saturday, be carried out by Uic city or priv- K 'T 01 ounemen wcones-ate not rcpresent thc eUb-. contractors at the Associa-' ?,a f lnvaSlott beach-, lion's expense. The petition had " j been held up for the past four rt L raIV; w'L thJ alor engage in a tau; masirom, nc coiuaziea two All witnesses, ln- tcstificd that normal self. No Hiuuiuo uuv nas iinaiiv uiuuuiu . Mil ,mo lt capital that the ill feeimgs pene- landing party was prepared to withdraw any time superior forces showed. - ' . . . mal acting group. v'- ' 'v VJ 4 Daughter of Mrs. CJiiiiitiiia Green, she and her mother shared the dwelling with . the Magnus Johnson family, Police at Hav.elton report that- on two previous occasions, Johnson's '13-year old daugiitcr Lillian had attempted to set fire to tlie dwelling - - . On Friday she was left in Wh house with the youngster. . V-' other persons. Upon arrival at the cabin, Mr: iilund was found dead. Police and Coroner M. M. Stephens were notified and an inquiry was held at the Sheriff's office this afternoon. Cause oi death was found natural and due to coronary thrombosis, the coroner reported. I Mr. Eklund had lived in this ceased al approxi- m into the light at the meeting, meeting. R. D. Clcland, member of the I .T.A., attended the meeting and requested support by the Association in establishment of a kindcr-'garten program. Mr. , Clcland had not sufliclcnt Information with him but would compile all p.m.. the witncssi Ving Tip Of itr, who hud been 'X? v2.i , ' BELGIANS STRIKE BRUSSELS Belgians, opposed to the return of King Leopold III to the throne, began a round of work stoppages today, calling out 30,000 mr.-i to underscore determined Socialist opposition to pro-Leopold forces. Tramway and foundry workers walked off their jobs j In widely scattered parts of the country but the hardest hit city was Antwerp where 128 ships were immobilized. Then entire administrative staff of the port, Including 126 pilots, joined with time before, pro- B-36 Sighted! ; is wife and Musto cabin on an ad- Musto rowed Mrs. VANCOUVER A Royal Cana-I . the dwelling while IMPOSES ON MAMA'S OOOD NATURE Pride of the London zoo is the newly arrived polar bear cub. "Brumas." A lively little fellow and apple of his mother's eye, Brumas spends a good part of his time annoying Mama Ivy by nipping at her hide. Mama doesn't get her customary afternoon nape, but she doesn't seem to care. dian Air Force plane and a sal- ' i The coroner at Hazelton i. n contact with the Attorney-Ore- eral in Victoria to obtain permission for an inquest. The body of the Infant has not been located. district since 1914, the most of the time spent, in this city. A logger by trade, he was also employed as a rock man by the city i during the early days-of con aiong a connecting blankets. vage launch are .searchUlg off , the northern . tip of Vancouver Island following : report ; of . al ' freighter that an alrplalie wing t.Vb had Wn a!cKt1 9fY ml!at jie trio foruot. two struction. He also worked in Al necessary data. He stated that during last year, 180 childrew were eligible for the pre-scliool ' classes and more will be available this year. Ratepayers were of the opinion that a kindergarten 'operated by the school board would be better than the present set-up. They believed regular school teachers were favorable, j Aid. Wilfrid McLean, representing city council, took an act 11,000 dock a.)! shipyard workers in a 24-hour strike. Queen Mary Chapter- aska, j , Bom in northern Sweden, he came to Canada in 1908 and later journeyed to the west coast An old age pensioner, he had been retired since 1941. For the :, where alien piace. Iherc-.roeerded to follow 1 stepped outside, in on me," said north of Cape Scott in Queen Charlotte Sound. It might have been from the B38" bomber Applewhaite On Warehouse Deal SusHcsts Chamber of Commerce Sec Madsen Regarding Future Use Furnishing Adjudicator Is Talented Drama adjudicator at this week's Music and Dnuna Fcstl-i al will be James McGralh. According to word received by dittlied February 13, -off;-,th.e British Columbia coasi... twelve I men parachuting safely to earth. Hew Ward ( past two years, nc had been a Dunlap said ' Don't ive part In discussions and presented valuable information to member of the Valhalla Lodge. The victim said a "TARZAN" CREATOR DIES ENCINO, Cal.- Edgar Rice Burroughs, aged 74, creator of the fictional Tarzan, died at his home yesterday. His death resulted from a heart attack. Proline writer of "Tarzan of the Apes,' he was rated as a multi-millionaire of royalties including the moving pictures. and five others still being miss-1 He was single. . I Queen Mary Chapter. Imperial lamp from the ingr. Inquiries instituted by wire members.. Funeral arranetemcnts. under1 Odrer, Daughters of the Empire, dow radiated the ; Canon Basil S. Procktcr, prcsl- late last week by the Prince Ru- : In rceard to the city's nre.wnt Ro 'ili'S rrawvill Sl.s&u;uuiuil, couid sec pert Chamber of Commerce in buildine building bviaw. bylaw, he he explained a the direction of B. C. Under-jis now concentrating all its takers, will De announced later, forts on the fuunishinsr of a , private ward In the Prince. R'J- v."' r""Miu,.M"' V :.--.vw.-r-v-w the Department of Education I trigger. He said he eccived the pellets oulder. was unable to send Mrs John-1 tt w upuai ui me Amen- person can construct, any type of son anain this year and arrani-1 can-built warehouse on the local building in the city without much ' Dert General Hot, -1. TIj- Kfl.l.S TWIN KIKTFJl , - , FRESNO, CalU-A li-Vear-oiilT' Shoots Vife, Child, Self jCh1rpj'l V!!riS- ' " " -I ing lasC week- at ...... Mrs. D. Orchard Meiwi. L e t . f Apartment, with the recent Mrs. J. Stewart, in M chai. girl, yielding to long-smoulder- j , wile tolled oil the imped but slipped a by the le-.s. He i d fur Mr. McOratb to replace1 'roni,, oemoiiuon or winch opposition. Further discussions in l.(r. ' ' ' -'l wa to be commenced today by its' reference " tb-ronlng " and 'tha Mr. MoGrath is a former pro-1 purchaser, Soren Mudscn of Ed- building bylaw will take place fcsslonal actor and director, nionton, have brought a reply at the next general meeting After many years on thcstage from E. T. Applewhaitc, M P. for Meanwhile more information Will in England and India he camo 'Skecna, to the effect that, when be gathered. . to Canada with the McLeod not owning the land, War Assets H was decided that the harbor Rt"ixrtory Players and contin- procedure is always to sell out- facilities committee .should ap-ued with the company until; riht on restoration of site basis proach owners of property on the RODNEY. Out. P Lewis Su-. The- chanter deckfwf 'to lak'r ing hatred, calmly killed her .sleeping twin sister yesterday. Sally Richard was killed by a 12-calbre rifle slug into the brain as siie iay sleeping about 3 a.m. ' She defiantly confessed to an assistant district so jumped over-led that Rozin had onto the edge ol" Ectiy at him. , negi, tobacco farmer, shot andjemt membership in ihc Pnm a jkilied his wife and son on theiri Rupert Mtisjc and Diana Ff.ti-: farm today and then drove to' Vr1 and Mrs. J. Stewart was up town where he shot and killed noin ted rcoreenta!ivc. :-t "Jy- wr the head with Mrs' D. Orchard Mcio was appointed representative tt tut? Women's Co-ordination. Council. himself in front of the Town Hall. Sunegi's farm is about one mile from this community, about 35 miles west of St. Dunlap. as only the owner of the land; waterfront and ask them to pro-can make further agreements for' vide proper ladders and lighting its uxc. along; the, docks. Present ladders (Canadian National Railways arc old and dangerous, members arc the owners of the laiid in this agreed, and repairs or newer fac- warn for about 30 ie float where he t and taken to the their return to England several years later. Mr. MoGrath both sings and recites and the Festival committee hopes that there will be opportunities to make use of his talents during the Festival sessions. Stanley Bligh, music and drama editor of the Vancouver Pun is here to act as adjudicator for all music classes. Mr. L.Ht'h is no stranger here for ho Arrangements were toucjudpU for the annual Daffodil Tea to be held on Easier Monday More food parcels are to Iij sent overseas and the chapter has decided to adopt tuiothei family. Mrs. J. A. Teng was appointed delegate to the provincial annual meeting to be held in Van- llltles arc required. The committee consists of chairman Aid. McLean, Secretary Herman Thor-sl.elnson and B. J. Eyolfson. The matter of civic employees using gasoline which was discussed at a meeting of city coun- casc. Mr. Applcwhaitc's message to tho Chamber odds:"You all knjw of my cflorts to preserve these buildings for use and my promise to Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe not to raise forther objections to the Thomas. SASKATCHEWAN FIRE KINISTO, Sask. Two persons, a former girl employee of the hotel and a book salesman from Rcgina, were bunted to death in a fire which destroyed a hotel here-at the week-end. FIRE AT GOM)ltKII)(;E GOLDBRIDGE A J.'JO.BOO fire early , today destroyed a general store and cafe here and badly damaged the post office and telegraph office. WO OWN I tO AO WORK COWICHAN BAY Sixty residents of Cowichan . village tumid out today lo repair the main road running through the town and said they would deduct the cost froril their taxes. Their spokesman, Don Peck, said they had failed to gel action from the provincial department of public works after repeated requests. Jetter and Musto, the shot and not-e ater. In the. 7 changed his ''! him to a bed it arrangements to -e Rupert. " Dunlap, "ycd with liiin lor " "ley had known 25 years. Up to the sale If the administration build- ell Monday, was also brought up. ing Is held up long enough to en- Aid. McLean was loath to discuss able us to get it into use. (The the matter feeling that It should , was in the city in a similar capacity last year. He arrived lrom Vancouver on the Princes. Noraii this morning. couver on April 24, 25 and 2fj. VETERAN STAFF monthly raffle was, won BEDFORD, England (CP) Six by Mrs. J. Carr. workmen witii a combine service The next meeting will be lieU of nearly 260 years are retiring 'at the home of Mrs. J. Carr from a Bedford firm. Borden Street, on April 11th. administration building has been first be dealt with by city council, t since purchased by Frank Kaf- Members agreed that the cm- tel of Toronto who is having It ployces, especially the Fire Chief, ARTIST - PREACHER rjr . Well known throughout Wcsleru Canada and the Northwetern States, Rev. H. O. Jorgcnson will shortly conduct a series of on-the-spot Illustrated lectures at First Baptist Church hcre. Mr. Jorgcnson, who comes from Fosston, Minnesota,, has been engaged in missionary and evangelistic work In the four western provinces for nearly seven years. His work is under the Baptist Union of Western Canada and the Norwegian Baptist Conference of America. Commencing Friday evening of this week, he will be here for '1"B. nu.iii was Winter Ending, l,cr in the logging I converted into an apartment should be able' to use reasonable house). ' amounts of fuel for their own Mr. Madscil. who was inter- vehicles. It was much cheaper "I'd that Ro,in had Xfin flfl flPflirK viewed soon after he arrived, in than buying an automobile, they Spring Begins r " "71 "nine, for lw. !,.! Tmt" 3 "3 lt-l ,nelr h,il h hu Ihn : hinmlit. THE WEATHER Asked by defense winter ends and spring begins ' Daily News and the Chamber o! A town planning program was MacLeod if Roznin . 2 -u; a m tomorrow Of course. I Commerce, said that "the door Is to be presented by Allan Arm- & Dunlap stated this is just the official change of open," as far as he was concerned, strong but Mr Armstrong was Synopsis Tlie sun way shining brightly over much of the interior of Bri "M a few drinks vV . the season.' Actually, Prince Ru- to any negotiations witn a view w aoseni, so me maucr win r-pert has been enjoying typical use of the building but, unless brought up at next month's laP had brought a aid eac'n 01 the ,rir'k. Dunlhn also ten days with meetings each evening except Saturday, and Sunday. He will take part In church services on Sunday. Mr, meeting. snrinE weather for the last few other arrangements were niauc, tish Columbia and the lower mainland this morning bui, tin-settled weather is expected to herald th.3 arrival of spring on ii would be demolished although In the chair was President R. did nut relish the Ferguson. not hurriedly. f1 tirmklng the west coa&t. ' I "r "'I what he will Jorgcnson's procedure Is to transform what he Is saying Into a large picture before-the ' audience, the picture being usually given to the person who has brought the most visitors. ""Bii the lo; King Another active centre appears to be developing off the w-st coast of Vancouver Island and rain associated with this rUs- 11 aid not, imply weeks.- Gardeners have been bestirring themselves and there has 'wen the urge to clean up and improve. Civic beautificatlon nnd town planning ideas have taken new birth. For those who may be Interested in the technical determination of where winter ends and spring begins, it may be explained that It becomes spring at the vernal equinox when the earth's axis is perpendicular to the plane of the Communists, Police Fight SAIGON. Indo-China 9 Communist - led Indoi - China rioters battled with police for ItlllS turbance will spread over mos tof ereetlv ;mri Basement Fire Caught In Time A fire which had evidently bean smouldering for several hours around an old stump at the rear of the former Hyde Prisoner's box. antt well manner- the Island by mid-day and Into the lower mainland and the lower Frascr Valley this afternoon. Increased cloudiness and International .Hockey Canada And Britain Tied y jg ?fMKtZ' . mr , . t n four hours yesterday in protest scattered showers will extend in-I to the interior by this evening, i Outlook for Tuesday is very lit fe orbit, of the earth around the Mm is ;i( t-lnhl lmirlnu f.n flip di- LONDON ff The Edmonton tle bstter as another storm ar- jj ;recUon of the sun and the length Pas"!pears to be developing about COO Mercury's today coasted KTr,nt. 11 1 r I.U lllOb , . . j miles off the coast. From now on day become longer than iiitilil. in the northern heml- 'orccasl 'inads of poll- Transfer and bottling works at Americans backing Vict Nam., building at 171 Third Ave. East, the new pro-French govcrn-rcsultcd in a call at 5.30 Satur-' ment. day inomlng for the services of Students and laborers, waving the fire department. By that the gold-starred flag of Moscow-time a patcli under the buildUi;? Uallied Ho Cnl Minn's guerrillas, was afire and smoking protuse- buUd. burned ft block of market lv The alarm was turned in Pioneer ings before French police dls-Rooms. from, the adjoining Soon after Mr. and persed them with tear gas and Mrs. Russ Gatske, who occupy , volleys fired into tile air. Montri-nTc ..I ..i,i il. - ...lllnn room iinais oi me worm s amateur hockey tournament. I Edmonton Mercury's thtfov North Region --Cloudy today and Tuesday. ScatLrcrl showers toduy and intermittent 1 1: unwi Hie suilllliwi auiaiiv.. a'Ul 3:10 n Ju"e 21 When Uie NOrUl POl Wresbd ' ' start tilting away instead of "ll have been toward the sun and the days a lour-goal third period splurge ! ra" beginning Tuesday af lcr- at the United States Saturday ni.vht f.r n S in a vMnrv anrt woo", time cuangc in tempcr- shKv"!ng liriimr ' Btart shortening again. ""Miments e.turc. Winds southeast, 23 miles per hour, in the exposed moved closer to the world's amateur hockey championship. 1 , The, victory left Mcrcurv'a at'axeas and light elsewhere '; bottles or be(T r" 0nc Place where the upper floor of the building, were aroused by smoke. No damage was done to the property which Is ownd by Oscar Havroy I I LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, March 21, 1950 that time tied with Britain for! day. becoming - southeast vmy was uiiiier It is estimated that eighty rioters were Injured but no deaths are listed. 1 George L. Rorio and S. B. Laird are leaving on tonight's train for a week's business tj-lp to Snilthers and Hazelton. UP IN THE A1K With such jumps as this Suzanne Mono, shapely Toronto miss who holds the Canadian senior women's figure skating title, is attracting the attention of the judges in the world figure-skating competitions in London, Eng. As the world event entered its final day. Suzanne was 35 points behind the present champion, Alena Vrzanova, for the title. C. P. Photo) High fen men r.f first place with four points each'm"es per houj over the entire but Canada's goals for and area Tuesday morning. Lows lo-agalnst recorc ;s rar superior, f night and highs Tuesday At All .other teams have been de-jPart Hardy, Sandspit and Prlnce( Kated once or more. ". ' Rupert, 35 and 45. u' uie nr- 21.0 feet 19.2 feet 3.9 feet 5.8 feet Plumbers were reported iu have been working on water pipes under the building ou Sauiriay. . 2:40 15:08 ,9:06 21:03 carmg Wonv. s I Low