general, he finds himself an In- j Peine Rupert Daily Miwi Monday, March 20, 1950 10.45 Ftr;onil Album 11:00 Air Kinocnartui ll:15-Koundup Ti-ne 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Per.od m it teicsted spectator oj a seconu ' romance between his American yrand niece and the nephew of his old fiancee At the crucial moment, he steps in to' keep the iair . from suffering the same Insurance On Civic Centre ThRRACS Twelve ratcpy rs turned out at Wednesday night's meeting of the Civic Centre As JTwo Romances !&re Depicted ! A romantic theme extending from one generation to another is the unusual and appealing Radio Diol CFPR.5 1240 Kilocycles SubJect to Change frustration that he did i Niven and Miss Wright are the I '11:35 Recorded Interlude 11 :43 Scandinavian Melodies P.M. i 12:00-.viid-Uay Melodie ; 12:15 CliC New; i 12:23 Program xtesume sociation which was held in tiif MONDAY P.M. jha.-os of tiie story of the picture principals ot tne nrst episoae ana ir,,,ntm.,i ,.,.,.. ... Granger and Miss Kcyes, the sec- the screen of the Capitol Theatre , onc' 0:00 National Farm Radio Forum 9:3C Producer's Workshop 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Collector's Items 11 :0O Weather and Sign OH TUHEu.-i a A! 7:3 Musical CIock, 8:00 CBC News 8:10- Hue's Bill Gooa 8:15 Iteming Song 8:30 ivlusle. for Modems 8 ;45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Commen here this Monday and Tuesday lecture room of the fire hall, free use of which had been offered by the fire department. H. SlnUh presided. The renewal of the $10,000 insurance policy on the Civic Centre building was the main business of the meeting. The mcet- David Niven, Teresa Wright, -Cemetery Body I Evelyn Keycs and Farley Grange jarc the featured players Is in Session TODAY and TUESDAY 7 vm. - 9 p.m. ine went, on rrcojfl ns f;ivniinj I U: 15 Stock Quotations and Int "iiSO-Magic Advcrtures 4:4a Young Man With a Sung J:55 CBC News : 5:00 Solo For Orchestra ' 5:30 Album Leaf . ' -6:00 Supper Serenade -3:15 Martial Airs -$:3Q Musical Varieties 4:45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm1 J: 00 CBC News 5:15 CBC News Roundup 1:30 George Calangia Slumps Talk . J:00 Alberta Ranch llousc. :30 Guy Lombardo Show 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Aflerivi Kin Concert 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story l:45-Cointy A Grant 2:00 -B. C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2;45 Let's Read About It 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:30 Int. Commentary 3 :40 Divertimento 4:00 Meet isele Newspape.- adveriLsint: pays off Classified a'ds bring results. the commKsio'.ers paying the policy which- was to expire at noon Saturday. Business v,. Two love atfairs half a century apart -both take place in 1 1 lie same sittinga gracious and stately old London home. ! A young British subaltern and his father's putty ward are the principals in the earlier romance , vh'ch never culminates because of family jealousy. But, by lh" time the young officer has become a retired and embittered tary. 9:15 Morning Devotion 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" REAL a INSUuJ A. M. Smith of the transport' department of CelanesC Corpor-J ation of America, after a visit here on business In connection with the making of transport arrangements for the company between here and the pulp mill construction M Watson Island, left by Saturday's plane on his return to his headquarters in New York. INCOME RETUR!.S pt .........., ........ i ,AE-M0ir Commissioners Ilauglaid, Lit-tie, and Kirkaldy met hi the municipal office on Thirsday afternoon to discuss the renewal of. the Civic Centre insurance policy Ben Dodds. president of the ( Civic Centre Association, and Mrs. Newhouser, secretary, and also representing the Ratepayers' Association, were present. The commUiioners decided io renew the policy on tin expectation that the Civic C".iirc v i'.l reimburse them over a period of three years. In this way the Civic Centre would not brcon a liability on the municipality 2nd Ave. , RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ' ' We re Proud To Offer You J Aw, TERRACE The community is , showing very little Interest in the , upkeep of the Kalum Cemetery. I This was made apparent at j Thursday night's public meeting , in the credit union hall when ( only the cemetery board members were in attendance. It was Ihe annual meeting and thry voted iliemsrlves back into officr. Harry King has fulfilled the office of chairman for the past twenty years. R. Corey is secretary. Others on the board are W. Warner. J. B. McKay, J. T. McKay. W. Donald and J. Nor-jiiandeau. Much of the business was postponed until the next meet'ng which will be held at the cemetery at the end of April. The board has a bank balance of $230 which will not cover the plans they have for this year. Donations of lumber are needed to make a tool building which Is needed at the cemetery. A plan of the location of the graves is also needed. At the next meeting the board will try to comply with a request to have sections of the cemetery allocated to churches and lodges. 4,y We Bend Over Backwards To please our customera with tr.kc out orders of "CHICKEN IN THE HOI CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Reservations & Take Out riionc 81,1 fROM ST. JOHN'S TO VANCOUVER H'J CORONATION ACROSS THE NATI0 ' Misses', Women's and Holf Sizes! tV' PANAC3A- SPISfJS , -M Every Dress Guaranteed Washable j. t WW'iJtiiiUiiiiJlut For the Best in T.S.S. Watch Repaid PRINCE RUPERT is ' SEE GEORGE COOK, JEWELLER Bos 1188 Youll be Satisfied C hrftmrtldtl SAILS FOR Vancouver j Intermediate PurU II am m COLOURS:;- Eoch Thursday at 11:13 p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations DESIGNS: Striped Geometries and Dots! SIZES: 12 to 20. 38 to 44. and 10'.. 24' 2 i STYLES. Shirtmakcr. full-skirted and slim skirted styles! Modern Dancing Taught Quickly and Easily Expert Instruction in Foxtrot, Walt Jittrrhu;, Itlninilia and Tango ' Blue1 - Grey.; Grecft. Red,', Tan and ; " Whrte 'f Grounds! V Vv Write or Call CITY OK DfTOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. New styles, new designs . . . yes, they're the famous Panama Spuns you want o wear now and on through .''.;Ever-sd4ernininely styled ever-so-wonderful to launder. rriate Lessons Hours: 4:31 i.m. to 10:00 p.m. For apiminlmenl.s' " Plione tirwn 491 Mary MacDonalU Dirrctor Tills advnrtiHPment is t.ot nub- ; . nslii'd or disolaved bv tne Liouor Control Board or bv the Gov ernment of Briti1! Columbia. mmt svmxi Ladies Sill Jersey Prince Rupert School of D New & Better Service V Prince Rupert Florists ) I Flowers for All Oirasioiw 100 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tel. 77'( . :ltmb I M Ik Hell L-Jl MLi sii y ij i rL v l IskJ 123 ' i,w'--. REGULAR ,75c TO $1.35 EACH H you have a hi-: rAmuUi tiKANUb: HAKVbY W UUUi, HULtPKUOr, tIC. PHOTO FRAMES Fromc Type Mounts See our fine selection of ylass and mrtal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing NIGHT & DAY l!3 I'MTEI) CAI5S 113 Stand: Cow Bay Lvri ... i i cm 1 MITCHELL i Assorted styled. All Famous Name brands. ALL SIZES-SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE. Just in time for spring and summer. First quality only. for DOWN WITH SHAVING WT PEOPLES STO HEH! IMPROV JOIN THE GYRO BEARD GROWING CONTEST TODAY Truly a Treat The wide variety of delicious CAKES wi'.l amaze and please you at FINE: CRAFTSMANSHIP : Sheet Metol Work ond Welding ' CALL BLACK 884 Thorn Sheet Metal Works Open to Everyone Enter Today Contestants must be clean Shaven when entering riUZICS F.MCK NOW AT 1st. $ri0.00 JKKKY'K ISAHISMt SHOP , 2nd. $20 00 CAPITOL HAUI'.lll SHOP 3rd. $10.00 No Entry charge CONTEST CLOSES MAY 5TH GYRO KLONDIKE N!TE A Reol freer for the Fol PACKERS L PRODUCT OF CANADA j . RUPERT BAKERY LTD. ,r-? Ii Venetian Blinds 3r!!-. i FEEL LIKE L0AFIN'!!! er fitcel or Aluininuin Slats in a niei: variety of pastel colour, with it tapes of matching or contraM- -rnArT0R5 The R.C.M.P.'s May Take Over The B.C. Police BUT You Can't Beat MILLIE'S FOR HAMBURGERS IDn 6.95 & 7.95 BUILDERS and- cursi - WE DO ALL TYPES OF I ing shades. - Phone and have our t'sUmaior v :J call and give you a price. Wp ; .neasure your windw arxl U-t stall the blinds. REMODELLING Plain or Double Strapped Kitchen Cupbs Floor Sanumy Full Course Meals served Rubber BUILDING Re-Roofing Concrete and Foundation Work i Storm Windows Call at 213 1st Avenue Mist 5-7 p.m. - MILL1E'8 Asohcilt oik TilcLayina OPEN it .m. to 1 a.m. DAILY , JL4 I'liuiir I Just off Third Avenue 1 McBridc St. Phone 311 U 6th St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 1 FKEIi ESTIMATK3 Paymeuts May be ArraiiR'-u