2 Prince Rupert Daily News Tne ir.-igntei Alaska huite ' Capt John Oarrick, ts in pjrt yesieraay on hei ieturn ;r n -outh from Taku Inlet with "ere nom fo!a.is-Taku mip. Ray Reflects and Reminisces Tuesday, Octooer 24, labO public miuk ui iisn. when :'.-; . J. oeuimeu-SnuUi, pu'j.ic one names this port. Study that relations repre.vritativ of Can-point and go on from there. But jadian National Railways In Lon-there would have to be roo.1 ,l5on, England, in th omnx- of a taste, wide variety, good cooking jtowr of Canada, will be a visi'or and general attractiveness. jln the city tomorrow He il! arrive from Vancouver on the In crder to hear the radio in Warner Prince Qeorge and pro-the comer cafe, a white haired ceed East by th. evening train, war veteran would slip in re i- j Supervisor of fisheries, G. S. You An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HOTTER, Managing Editor., H. G. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES , Oil See kBy ELMORE PHtLPOTT PROF TAKES Reade. Is In the Interior on departmental business. ui, , rci i cdi , a j v-ui i ici , rcr wtrr. w., rri ilh $8 00; By Mail, Per Month, 50c; British Parliament THE PLUNGE PEOPLE IN Western Canada must have been surprised, as well as pleased, to note tnat rro- credit the importance of Hud- fessor Harrv Caidv is to scns Bay because Prince Rupert lessor Harry vd.vMuy is u. i u entirely jce.free. Tenty ships, be a Candidate for the no matter where or rKJwload.-d.i5 leadership of the Liberal party! a good sized fleet. Some day, In Ontario j Prince Rupert wHl see her eleva-It is an' old story that east-j tor really working, but not bt erners move west and go Into; fore there Is a far heavier Ho politics. This time a native son; of grain, and the Far East, in-or B.C. goes east, makes good in j stead of unrest and wars, bt-one field, then jumps Into an- comes a consumer and builder, other which, at first glance, seems tef-me Rumrlsinelv surprisingly different mnerent. HARRY CASSIDY Is very! ancient and honorable institution of Parliament THE as exemplified throughout the British Commonwealth will celebrate its own strength with .the ceremonies attending the opening of the new Chamber for the House of Commons at old Westminster on Thursday of this week. Appropriately enough the Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, said when the foundation stone of the new building was being laid two and a half years ago that the House of Commons was not a building it was a living fellowship renewed throughout the centuries, changing in its membership but always in its essence the same. The Chamber might be scarred or ruined by war but in essential it was unchanged a place wherein free British men and women, freely elected, can speak freely and speak to serve the Commonwealth. The fact that 29 other Parliaments of the Commonwealth will be represented at the opening of the new British House is possibly the greatest testimonial to the validity of the constitutional form "and practice evolved at Westminster through 700 " or 00 years. much the professor almost hketKupet nas wn oeen laaeyuia; the Hollywood Idea of a pro- itself a "fish town." Yet, it fessor in his mannerisms. He is Isn't. Take the halibut mv. I Use C'.ass.fleds for Results. asm tui to cot os But knew, horn -Vlcts .. V VapoRub . Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE SAILS POR VANCOUVER Ml Intrrmrdur.U Parts Each TKurtday at 11:13 r.m. For KETCHIKAN Wr.VNESD.4T MIDNIGHT For Resenrauons Write or C all cirv or uuur V OrFICE PRINCK RUPERT. B.C. fflfflm ' - T A i r. Can'l R tt 1 argah MENS SUi StJrJ 54-25 " j' J Per Cle, CwtJ TAXI 651 1 Now l iMfer Sw ii "KventuaBy Why THE ink m if Alwoys F( Nu auiUUr Rupert Re and Elect. so damn polite that-if you are really dumb-you might even mistake him for a sissy. J And If you did so mistake him brother, how wrong you woui'l mature, why exoloitation of sa-be! food could not be successfully For beneath that mild and po- developed in Prince Rupsrt. rTha lite exterior there is a toughness ; " larly and drink a cup of colt near rrs home in Vancouver. welfare man a quick thinker mentioned this to a friend w'tn small but good mantle radio. It j cnancea to oe an extra Ana evr since then, the old soldier. Instead cf dozing and dresmini;. hat be?n living. And as for T W M, it's be-n years since he U-lt so good. A state-sponsoied lottery In Bntain is said to be having the favorable consideration of thi povernment. Even should y.;u fail to be a prize winner, the j system will man lower taxs. The sweecstake. although ba?i- ned in Canada, has Ion? bee 1 : supported in principle, by the Canadian public. Take a fling sti anyway In as well as outside j Canada. You can reckon the, cash is going somewhere. scorf Iukhcbor women. Preferring to take their on time v,l. ,,Tn Wonderful "onaerTUI New neW liilflllStHMMlNI .l'! ROYAL f-l DRY YEAST and a firmness as strong as steel. about dressing, have gene from British Columbia to Kingston Ont.i penitentiary. Weather car turn quite cool in the eastern provinces. And there is always some uncertainty as to the heat-inn facilities and creature comforts of an old Jail SATIN - GLO Semi Gloss & High Gloss 'n mony beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRvfNG THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. raST Faft KlSllig Diti.n r- Dry V..ii TeaSf! (IMIIAMOII BUNS f"llIe into !a IE. liikfararm water, jrr:inn-latcd sngar; tir nni! tw;:ir i FWiM-hmann't kmal Kat K'iny liry Wast f .ft 't:ir! 10 mm , THKN ttr ScW 1 c uik and tur m Vt t. (raui!air4 tntr. I '4, tmtn. lt,it. h.tr .; o-j o, hifcrwarm. A.M to yrut tmx-wr mnt iw ia 2 writ hritn em m C- oar-tff1 Wad rt.r; krat ttniit immK Wark m i e. mm Bocr nltni bread -mr. Knea4 tmiil mnnih and etatir; ptar tit trt-ard b.wl; brwth top wilt! tnetreij biittrr or hurtenn. Corrr aud art ia arm piacr. tree dranuht. ! r n mil. I kitM m bulk. Whit dough tt riiti, combine IVa c. brown uaar fairath. rrretf dwnt, ) (auad ctmumon, 1 c. washed and dried fteedlei rauini. I'urK-h d.wa Vaiali and doale into 2 r.raat tr-lnm; B into unoaili lutls. U,4l e. h piere into an otiliig V" ihuk ud Ik lun; la.ara drnuih. Ilrn.h with melted Ullter or BuirKaruic. Srmklc with rattm mixture. Hritia, mug at a Umu eitKe.,rull up each pee l.iel, hke a )eHr n.lt Cut into 1" ilicea. I'lace )ut tnachiii: eae other, a cut-fttde ut, in Kreaed ?" round layer catr pani (or oiher ahal-tow parut. (,reae ti. Oter and let nvt until doubled in bulk. Hake in moderate oven, Jio. 20 2) minutea. Serve but, or reheated. No more ukio chances with pwiahaW yrmt fit that have loit lhfc lv(ring power! New Fleuchmano'i Fa DRY Veast kep full ttrengih and active right till rhc rounieru you ute ir. Need NO Krfrieraii.m keeps aafely m your cuphuard. Try rt marvellouf reiln ia your next bakina. And In private, when the Pro- Mackenzie King himself, fessor gets really mad as he it must have seemed fantastic ; did at the time of Munich i, he to Dr. Cassidy at first. But after abandons his classroom remem-1 au wr,o should know better ber-the-ladies manner. He lets than Mr. King what are the; go with a blast of powerful possibilities for achievement cf! language that he must have a professor-torned-politician? He picked, up in the army or as a himself not only established a; whistle punk, or something like world's record for success in i that in his youthful days in this field; but one ol the rea- B.C. logging camps. (sons WHY he was able to do so oOo j vaS because he surrounded him- DR. CASSIDY 13 In fact onejgejf wjth top civil servants .with 01 tne woria s greaisi outiai te game social-scientist Dat&-work scientists In this field he ground. has a career full of achievement, Mr King Is best known to the behind him both in Canada and general public as a psat master the U.SA. When the United at winning elections. But to ser- Natkins was asked by Egypt to send them an- expert to advbe on a thorough overhaul of their social welfare et-up, the j picked Professor Cassidy. Anyone who knows much about social work in North America knows about Dr. Cassidy. The surprising thing is that at his age 'just pa.st 50i he she ' be willing to leave the security of a top position in the acad- emic world for an arena as tur bulent as Ontariq provincial pol- Itics. ' ..: ON DECCA Per Year, $5.00. r U ' Car 4 i 8 J 9 Ruhherc ' m f jln i - REAL DEFENCE m QUPPOSE that the evil avalanche of Commun-; O ism slithers over all of Asia and Europe, as Z Churchill says it can unless the free nations work the miracle of unity. Suppose that the free nations created chaos in Europe and Asia by the destruction of industrial production from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Arctic to the Mediterranean and the In-; dian Ocean. Suppose that production was crippled in the Americas by considerable destruction and by Z lack of world trade. What would free nations do then? Would we attempt to occupy and control Eu- rope and Asia? The occupation of part of Europe Z hm crippled us. Occupation in our humanitarian-Z ism means rescue from starvation and disease and Z restoration of production. - If two thirds of the population of the world floundered helplessly about in chaotic conditions and the one third in the free nations could not sus- tain democracy with a sufficient degree of civili- zation, what would we do then? ; ; Only the blazing sun of spiritual strength and 5 enormous physical barriers of moral defense can stop an evil avalanche. The free peoples of the world must stop the . avalanche now or spend generations in restoring ' civilization around the fringes of its destruction. 3 phon( Ta Jullendar quintuplets, now winsome looking young ladies. smiled and sang their way into Mew York's good graces at a big dinner last week. It was their A Tirst visit and hundreds were present.' It would have bee 1 a a pleasing sight, also, for their first acquaintance old Dr. Dafoe. Twenty vessels carrying 5.523,-CO'J Q bushels of wheat sailed from Port Churchill this season ar.d thpre is. tin lutint. in Lrvinp tr, H . I .it. lor Chiefly because such huse quantities of halibut have been I shipped through tvere. Prince , and what wculd there be? Jus; the usual saimon season iiKe anvwhere else But ther- Is no real reason unless a little pre- he is doing on the advice of no j ; less an authority than the late i ious students of government as. a science he will be better re membered as the man respon-j .sible for making Canada's top level public service the most ef-j ficiently manned of any coun-; ' try in the world. oOo I OF COURSE IT WAS one thing for Mr. King to handpiekj Probably not even a member ofj the Liberal party jnade a cabinet minister. "iris another thing i str Cassidy has brains. Now they, know he's got guts too. He must have or he'd never take THIS p!un;e. ' IV 1. ir-VV Pf NEW LIQUOR STORE PHONE . 79 The Liberal party In the on- one to advise even Dr. Cissidy tario field is at a near-all-time to run for the leadership of a low and that is really saying party in opposition in Tory On-something In view of past slumps tario. in prestige and power. ' Everybody knew that Profes- III ts&eM 0O0 THE KEY TO THE riddle is that Professor Cassidy was advised, even urged, to do what Oreer a months sty Itlallacr Pjanuary a y eaui r'-i idtr. .2? v-it ix " Ir?n'.A'COI kJ.AtUkl HOURS Weekdays , 9 cm. to 9 fM Sundoyi - - 12 Noon fo 2 p m 7 p.m. to 9 p m TOUIt COMMUCE BRANCH KeysUine of Main ' Street IT PAYS TO PAY PROMPTLY Credit Is a Kmit convwiUrice, thla privilege will be yours If you pay your arcourit promptly a agreed. "A 81 credit record Is your greatest asset." CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT ''isjXTH'STRT An4 THIRD j wWPmmm i.t'V:1 ' hU ra,yirv r?ri I J'ttiiiJi tin; 1MB ' "vL.& mhl wtj'i WET 0 " C The towns of Canada are great places. Our town was a fur trading outpost in the early days now it is part of a great forest industry. And serving that industry and us is the bank . . . a branch of The Commerce. Our manager is yout friend he knows how to give the type of service that comes with long acquaintance. Ltnu H. Bimchird, A.K.CA Yes, our Canadian towns are great places . . . and the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Timc to Safeguard! Yes, be prepared with good-looking - SERVING THE B.C. COAST QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM PRINCE Rl'PW TO: MASSET PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA CI" .lTY QUEFN CHARLOTTE ALUPOBD BA? cumsiiewa LEAVF: PHTNCE RUPERT , 'Except Thursday and Suiioaj FROM PRINCE RI'PI TO: ALICE ARM sure-protection YOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE ETKWART JO form Rnnk. , LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THUKaw" t9 LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS " and Galoshes. 7-1 ANNOUNCEMENT ff We j.wlu,t .aKing any clea .itig or presbtng at present r We si Kill 'at tend to efficient service on "foilofing1, Alterations,. and Re- pairing 5V New Fait Samples f ive just an ived. OrtJcr now for better choice LI KG THE TAILOR Box 286 220 - 6th Sr. Phone 649 ATMN - E!"n Tlt'KETS - INFORM -...-p.H?rfi.47.,n.ii.fii liUtcN CHARLOIIt AiKU"'i See our handsome group today! FASHION FOOTDEAR TAXI i;ii.XChristoph'M STAND NEXT TO Atr rri