v-'jVi rsidi'' i Snlrd tndrs will b rci"- Prince Rupert Dciiy New 3 Tuesday, Onober 24 1950 Ti.rouli rn years oi p.ay ;, i m n m on u t:a aj of i;B Mr Scuov hadn't received a feraer. iso. !t ttw purch-e at usiness'and - -.v;. K 'f-1hiiM-t tn lico X to Cut J.200.OUO 1 ." . ,v,i ' tJm. ot! HtmiocK Spruce r,d Clax. i good i luck o Bit record Vo has i, it .Jut tm M J ol u, Why No Lacrosse in Prince Rupert! Asks Bill Scuby, Vet of Net Wars Thinks It Should Be as Popular As BaketbaII Reminisces on Ow n Experiences as Star Xetminder CINNAMON BUNS w J 1 .M when an BO-rriues-per-nour soaa.A Miti r.- To Hul. north: rubber ball is coming at you. j uu: onliiro laiud, Own Car-( i ere"s more than luck needed, i1 Lnd District to stop It. -The thing you donD JJ " 1 do." warned Mr. Scuby. "is take ; further pvucuitn ot tb Chtri . . m. t . sw-., , - , THERE IS NOTH I No K 1 1 tJ J MORE APPETIZING THAN HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent 'WtTtog Beauty Culture In all 1U branch e ?04 4th Srxeet Phone &i5 OUR CINNAMON BUNS it beneath the nose or on tne Far-cur. vm-wi B c . r Dwtnct Prince Rupert is hiding some of the same blooi , Aaras apple, which, u the bail; bc ' land much of the same spirits that went into the Mann ??l 1 Tnv All SMI riVK TirV fe lUK -"o jrea - as happen-1 j Cup Canadian lacrosse championship recently played times K.o.d for u ! in the east. The "blood- is in William (Big Bill) Soibv, Dlaver in tiie -tao oeiow sea level, wwes. ( trick is to duck i continental point on earth RUPERT BAKERY LTD. th the ball with?- " ' !27. ' who played for eight years with New Westmin- enough to catch i Cot,Vwn;a Jn tvlrw f uhkh he aDDeared;tn CHIROPRACTOR JOES F. L HUGHES, D C. 21 -"22 Besner Block LEAVING PRINCE RUPERT ABOUT NOVTMBER 20 O-i,- REAL ESTATE INSURANCE , s - , ' -There Is a erear range oT i in Minn Cup Jma. Big lu, . , .shooting posiUoos in Ucrosse ! ranked as the best netmmder m trrtj finally Maple Laf Gardens, hijCicf7 wni In hockey ; ee west. j be has experienc and yoat.f ul puck must COIM u,e Ice. I When interviewed, Mr. Scuby; rieor to offer lacrosse in tfcii ia yon can get the kali ! felt that, with the enthusiastic city. from anywhere. explained Mr. ! youngsters that are in Prince' Upon asking Mr. Scuby why sc jby-But each player usuai-; Rupert, lacrosse could become the western team found it dlf- jy nas general styles of equaliv as popular as basketball, ficuli to win the Mann Cup in shooting: from down and tip is. He'beliered that soir.e cf tne the east, he said: The long f!om vPi down. After playing ex-players could give time to travel and the waiting between ! ,ith me or a jt' possible RENTALS . --Vf VT' . PHONE 66 7 colussi's music store Agent for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED atd Ttrccr-.iimcrrzD 210 4th St. Ph. Black sa SERVO L tJ Third w- each one organize nuciget ana aemor, games is a compieie cnar.ge iruiui to ten which way teams, "or perhaps teach the . the norma! way a person lives j shoots almost !" OVER BROADWAY CAFE Iuqs a lew wriniues u mey t wnue,ptaying curing inc icg-i Mr b-- western interested" lar season. Also out we lacr, goaltenoers having the highest Arsons some of the other ex- ;U played on wood Koors and nej averase sj. topped from 142 rriiij-,- Urrfiitf n'avers in thei players get used to a certain,, , tHr- twit war MARGA.'ET ! city are H. R. Sheardown. J. H.i bounce in the Gardens tr.e Big s 0r an his iBiid" Schurr.ar..- C. G. tChuckt j hard composition Coor speeus j up. M a parUman- but , MaundrelL Clifford Abercrombie; the baU. . mor.beille teamroater, -B.ackie" Ballerina $395 Black Suede Casual FAMILY SHOE STORE A. P.' GARDNER 8. CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNT ATTS 11 14 MrlvUie Street VANCOUTSR. ac. stosi ac and Ted Arr.ey. "Stm. its a great game, raster 1 B.ack boasts of 152 stitches in Mr Scust pointed out that. I toan hockey, more exciung than his head. nee most coatai ana uuenor i uc-", r - . However, properly coacnea am cities brae established lacrosse.; no nmrawn xire uja f-i;wiU the lacross material in this Irucx of pUfini accommodiation! of players be has seen a '(ctty. Mr Scuby cant se why S shouldn't keep Canada 's nation- Pas- "ln,ai' hu.rtgI7 thL"ues s Prin Rupert couldn't prepare i c-.t. ruit tif th. norths i they played as if they were . mthingr aefird- to brine LTD. Charlie Roberts PhMf X5? Box CIS Lacrosse circles link -B- BX',r Jood" Tl;e3 Kt;' Canada's manJest game back ,ubv wfh superlative netmind-' n on a team meant a Job and faere w tay RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNT ANTS AUDITORS Besner Block 'Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 .!P o""k?! "Wiethe people today it's the xtrip as the youngest Pyer -n., o e more tie iCiite- ! interested cow in w-tiikey-feeds I Being raised in New Westmin-, , y, w:tng miles to To Gel in Shape . i 7. The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 cproxrr: home of champion. -..tm. fm.(d-or snorts ster. the C;:;te end the tum of the' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL "CONTRACTORS cft.ct e . I ia So 5 Keep in Shape century, Bill Scuby was brought -w-hen hard times come, you up in a net. After playing in' pe-sons take better Interest '.sand-pits, back yards, streets sporj Then they will walk mes to pay 50 cents lor a have a Steam Bath Often Building and Repairs f all kinds ROOPS-CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Te5a Sn X game, said Mr. ixruoy- "Lacrosse wouldn't earn my ! bread and butter," replied Mr. j Scuby in answer to the question : why he left the sport. He ac-! knowledges his own -interest In I the doUar." In the peak of his i karosse career, he retired from S sports at 24. to wwrk In the busa-t rMt fi'ri ??r a Deriod in the GORDON D. OH E--T-VX2 PHONES Black 334 Red 8 P. O. Box 1670 Sew wick tr p.t r sFp:-i-A trr and stcTfS wrtr I services he moved here from JlaasiTd Advertising Is payable In ad ranee. Kease refrain from telephoning. CassiTtecs, 7-c pe j VancouTer 47. t d per toAcrtxn, minimum charge 50c Birth Katicea 50c Cards of Thanks. Death Notices, Fun f &r.aia hasnt much to cf- eral notices, Marriaze and Er.gazement Announcements. S2J0O. fer her athletes. There are more OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFTERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHERN SPORTS AND HEALTH SPRINGS . Phone 658 v rcr.dltttr.ii rvrt' feet saifi-'-OB MATTSON'S UPHOLS-rESINO Phone Blue ll. PO. Box 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, BC. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE , j than a few sport burns to be . 1 t.niTirt if nittv touzh to eet SfT. T33 5th West FOE SALE vTATTTrrj TOR SALE i a meal after you are over 31 1 I said Mr. Scubj. For FOR PAI F Jr. F-s. V-."fr t"rr cut icjjs rt a Att . years Old. Ujfn: C-jirjs concern caocera. pitn Pi-ir.e Rle S14 aiter 1 ..!----. this reason he believes' that serviee acaon. ceffee sr-p.i 6 pa' Cp I vyr I cu J COc-jt. unity sports and the kca S-- iicjy ..-'t,. v,..- Toang rr-v.nt;y Civic Centre are doin. much to ADVEKTISLNO IN THE DAILY K-WS EHI535 Ei niit v vmt3 rT s.Tnrn nvR'TII---T E?- , , -. Ka.bt and :rt:.ine boat, 4o 'FOR SALE im Ford deluxe ionjr.. 11 ft. beaaa. 2- sate taara mnn r.'1 R arr i of naut eear. fuwer iiu man. permanency employed, married. 1 chtid. crrr. t!y re;-ires ur.farr.ished apart ent or home. Lt-cal references. Apply Bax 813 Daily NV- s or phone message at 743. Chrys-er. Bjat and machine in first class sr.aoe. J Jinnaon. phone Green P.O Bux 70. 253? ;TOR S-ALE Oil ranee in good c:nc;ion aune with two 45-j ea!. oil cr tims and connections. Pnone BLaex 4W. t if 1 : OUT-DOOR JACKETS W. F.AStones M r r X r r WORK WANTED I- Ijai lit IDS 2m pic loh 1 ( FOR SALE Electric radiator as RELIABLE WOMAN to care for WANTED 2 or 3 room furnish- 7? ed or ur.fumi.5hed suite. Phone ; 6 mos. eirl during we days. new. CaJ 441 7th E. 247p Good remuneration. Box 814. i251p Dailv News "OR SALE Lovely chesterfloid Uo'.t 5 x 15". S1500. Lady's WANTED HELP Finger-lip All-weather JackJ tw? site tz$e - la :jred suit. med. blue, size 15. 15C0 .44 Winchester rif.e. BOOKKEEPER-CLERK to fill Blue 433 cavs or B.ack 1 253p j WORKING LKS desires house-1 keeoine room or use of faciii-j ties Auplv Dailv News Box, 816. 243p WANTED TO BUY Used type-; ooenmc created ov onice ex- . lirst offer, lite new. Mans - waterproof suit, half pr.ee. Windows wita frames. Double hotplate, eood condition. Phoiit Rtd 73S. 1353 Freaerick - 6i. 251p parnon. CaJ A.oert St an-Cafferv. t250c) FOR RENT writer, port a Die preierrea ; t252p j Phone Red 738. FOR RENT Room and board for one man. Red 600. Uf NATIONALLY KNOWN NAME3 Linr-oeit Speeder Knovels: il i Crars- LT-2.;r.- WANTED TOP MARKET ; PRICES PAID lor scran Iron j s-eel. brass, cooper, lead, etc I Honest eradir. Prom at pv- ment mitie. Atlas Iroti & Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific! Y.'&t Grace r-a.ine: Adams FOR RENT 2 room suit. 621 -r'- Littieiora Bro. ,,'.,. (25int H P.tad Maintenance . LE E.c Too J 4 s " L- rir ": -rr" V"y A 9 4STYUS uwm 0,9051 tji'orrier.t: Oten Camsheii Pxtets ar.3 Rot GraoDles; T !.. Smith Concrete M-xers: Clark Fork.ft Tre: Ne.son feu -ret Ii .er for StorEaiie SLEEPING ROOMS for rent Double or sme.e livine room priviieees. 00 week. Phone Green 422. i251p 357. (tt) ANNE. AGED 8 Tonv. 4. with Mummy and Daddy, ardently reauire and will respect furnished accommodation. Anyone wiliin? to help please write L. T. Fuller. Columbia Ceiiulose. Box 1000. Prince Rupert. t252p) .WANTED fccraa cast. bra coooer. batteries and radi Cs.rZZ PuaiT: N TOR RpT-Room for quiet, ty.l Uraelir. Erasx-n and ' n-ian in aewao.e apartmenV B ttxe-u: Saticnai A!'. Steel Applv Box 812. DaAy News. Gasoline Koits: National ttfac) R .tart 5r-r-r ard Corsveyw FOR RENT 41 U Drive. When Fiii ir 1 jrrnatwn i:om Na- fnencs come, snow them tne tsona: Machinery Co. Limited. city with a 41 U Dnve Phcr.e 01I1L 1 1 1 1 m Vantou.c-r. B.C. tfl. 41 Grer,ie Court, Fraser St. I 2pi ; atom. Phone 543. Call 629 fiti west tl JSCS BRITISH eaior P.emir.z- t..r. ar.d Wisciester P-I4 bo.t rOR RENT Larze rsnpiit PERSONAL mo room. Also rooixa for rent. Green 4il. . 247pi THE YOUNG PFOPLE of the EEAL ESTATE -..i'jri tt-m'A. toortinx ttit.es. Ex'Te.-er. w.itksm includihg . r.K-eiv fr.Uhi. walr..t stocu. Fa-re or..r t275i. FnEE with ech nfle a oox of arnrriUri:-U.n arrf a cjcaninz rd. If not iatfi-d. retarn nf.e at oar ex-.-s- f.-.r I uii re!ur.d. Irn-nitj oe.ivery. Write !or our catal'ue CANADA'S MAIL OH Dirt HOUSE. Box ti2 OTTAWA. ONT. ll Lar?e four wartime Just off various churches are conauei-ine a canvass for funds lor the Bibie Society thU week This wcrthy cause is dependent lareelv on oxxritions to carry on the work of translating and orintin" the scriptures in over 1000 languages tXm fail to do your bit t 248c Bomber Jackets Showerp -4 Yl ttn E riear osw; earden; part b --3vr.t ; tm dis-trvt "lor swiali cruldren. Only t2&Xt. reaaoiiable terrrji. Fotir rrm home, very close to Cor. fid Jk-rxjoi; mmedi-at oecutancy: near bus. $( 00 wn. oalanee as rent. 5ta West juit off MtBride. is the site of our best 5 room . house: part basement, elapsed porch 2 lots 2-car Ji ROBEFrT ARCHIBALD Col(i-houn. If vu will call at Room 4 Besner Block 1 above Northern BC Power Company t. vou will be 1 v e n information which will be useful to vou. Satin ltnlshed we-UiTtl Btmb-r JacXeU vMb -W" cuffs, fur eolUr. Upper front and tab button week. T pockU with hP ad ,U"T Kitln quiltd tat oudw Fort SALE- Smart lookinx ctial and Wfjod store 2 v-irs oil. 1132 7th Last Black 822. 24i. FOR SALE Electric sea) coat.-&iz 12 very Koud c.-ndrts'n. 511 E. 8th Are. t24Spi FOR SALE Eler trolux. 1 t . model Green 279. uf FOR SALk. 14-toot row tKat. 5 hp. Johnson motor. Both in A-l condition. Phone Green -v 703. 248pi ACCOUNTANTS A small Uitional supply of this famous Canadian Rye Whisky has reached the mature perfection for which this brand has traditionally been noted ... a perfection recognized by the people of B.C ho sp- ni s.nntta Color are 8"T, Iswn. Siart 38 to 46. earave. Rental unit in rear. Moderate terms Immediate occupancy. For inspection call Armstrong Aeen-Ci. 3oi 3rd W. Phone 342 249' PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Inborn fix stxr 1:1 list. S tl. Furk Stone Buiklina. Red 5&3 2ftm' 18.75 wf ft 2 REPAIRS FOR SALE Household furnl-1 253p i ture. B.xk 33& preeUte the full-bodied flavour and mell 4-ROOM HOUSE on 6th Ave. West, close to school, with WATCH -Kenans DromDt effl winter coat, Ufi FOR. SALE Biue size 16. Red 471. cint serrW Georee Cool Jeweller Satisfaction electric ranee and oil heater. Available for only $1500.00 richness of B.C Double Distilled. down. The STROLLER by Croft Sportsweor Canada's Outstanding FOR. SALE. New chesterfield ;- ,ur . beds: beds com tweie: un aini- r.r ,7 .ttVu.r. ton aciue- which Kives you a OTT. BURNER FPECIALIST-Rtnvi Service & ReDairs. G D Rmon Rlnrk SO? Ui ed chest of draaers: sewing: Jackal full cement basement, extra insulation, audilionai eieciri-cal outlets, cement walks, redecorated inside. Minted out y -r-t' - v. 1 .1 - BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS side, remodelled kitchen and tr,,D.:;7 bathroom, and includes oil .VMl,y pockets wit- " 'r !!"- 1 " tje waiii j Sizes 35 tJ - and Hentlnc - Me.al work. Tar am. rar.p with fan nnH Rpnriit onrfi Gravel Roofine. Call 629 6tt We.t Phone 543. Letourneat . , washer. lYuly a home for the man who wants a home com- BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. irJ maz-hine: kitchen sVives: heat- ers: hardware; coffee fables.; t-end tables: bedroom suites; 1 m scores of other useful furni-' ture at lowest prices. See BC. 1 Furniture. Black 324. tf FOR SALE Lot of about five' squares wartime house ahin-j tries $1710 for the lot. as is, where is. Phone Green 92S or; .cail 111 8th Ave. E. (2-0p J FOrTsaLE Enterprise kitchen ranee with sleeve oil burner,' carburetor, water coil, complete. Blue 983. 248p pleted. Available at $2000.00 .,A?Wv, ' r,...i William F. Stone .. 1 DKitirKt'01 NEW WESTOSTER, B.C. Sr,rKdrSiS atinT Soenoe and KUtuTk i Of $50 which Includes rinci-! phnn. Rlack IXS pvenines " or 1 KXZSJ'Z, Th'SrS; SS?n hour P.O.Box Tl 1L tl tion or Insoection of these or; others, call Robert E Monta-1 COMPLETE builders supplies Ulotne. o' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lienor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, aor Ud. oci fast service. Island City Build- iiii Suculies. Blue 820 (18m) 1